Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Jalisco Gunmen Conduct Close Quarters Battle Training

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The image shown is for illustration purposes

Assassins from the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) find themselves conducting Close Quarters Battle (CQB) training inside a structure. Bad Bunny's hit single Tití Me Preguntó is playing in the background.

The sweep through every room is fast-paced and decisive. Each man is committed to their primary sector of fire inside the building. 

In CQB, the technique works best with 4 individuals. For this broadcast, that number is actually seen here among this armed criminal cell. 

Although their drill may not seem as professional looking in appearance. That doesn't take away from the fact that through enough trial and error, they will go on to be an effective fighting force once they put those skills to use. 

Joker Peñaloza

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  1. This works when u already know the layout of the building like these losers do.. id like to see them try to clear a house with people defending it. Lmao

    1. 10:27AM
      Have you ever been in the military?

    2. Then how do military units do training like this? Surley there’s some guidelines and tactics to help you adapt quickly to layouts you don’t know or how to move properly despite the layout.

    3. 11:50am I don't know about 10:27 but I was and as BB states " their drill may not seem as professional looking in appearance". One high, one low as you breach entry and although after hours of hours of doing this sleep deprived, hungry, and not knowing if they've slept 5 mins or 5 hours - doing this over and over with the correct instructors can turn these novices into an effective building clearing unit.
      We trained for weeks and then regularly each month so that when it's action time everything is muscle memory regardless of your lack of sleep and/or planning when it comes to clearing buildings as we did hundreds of homes and buildings in Afghanistan.

    4. Was hoping someone else was thinking muscle memory!!!People underestimate how valuable just that is!If they keep up the training They have done it and their enemies havent.huuuuuge advantage

    5. All the experts

  2. And yet the CJNG gunmen who are caught always look like dirty unwashed overweight tweakers. Maybe they hired some film extras and a good film director to shoot this. I wonder how many takes to get the film looking vaguely good

    1. This came out of the CJNG creative director and marketing departments budget

  3. Animo Sicarios!
    This video has to be a joke what a bunch of amatuers.
    tacuaches.Puro tecatos.
    Gente Nueva Special Forces Tier 1 Operators train in a Close Quarters Battle by an ex Colonel of the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment–Delta (1st SFOD-D). They have the best
    room-clearing tactics.
    They enter a dark room wearing night vision googles with infrared scopes on the specially modified HK silenced MP5 . We always play my favorite corrido "el jefe de la sierra " on the FBI/Secret Service style earpiece while perfecting the CQB skils.

    1. That's a negative chief .. El alucinado del 006 ya callese alv

    2. I remember the days when you used to say that your uncanny X-men forces were at the service of Don Mencho.. lmao

    3. Anytime I read Sic006 comments I fell like I am watching an action movie .

    4. All this big talk sicario006 why is el chapo still locked up i am sure you have the man power/skills to free him from the usa 😂

    5. 1:00:
      Sicario 006 is on the side of truth, justice and the American way.

  4. Clowns with rifles. It's apparent that they didn't go through basic training before they shot the video.

  5. Can’t make it too far wearing polo shirts and absolutely no protection, right? Lol

  6. Even though this clowns wont last long its better to do a little training than paying for a fake corridos where they say they are superman and they can stop earth from spinning

  7. Las niñas de Jalisco lol

  8. I wonder what CJNG’s numbers are looking like at this point.

  9. Mmmmmm.... thinking....

  10. This IS the training. If you believe Joker Penaloza.

  11. This is why they train u stupidas-es to improve on their craft so they can get better .... U don't train to go backwards so all u people talking shi- need to pull ur heads out of ur as-es

  12. Reason they been getting dropped in the battle field dudes do one low level training and get sent to battle no timee to prepared grupo flechas is on them like hungry lions

  13. This fucking guys showing off their limited skills they still get their asses kicked all over.

  14. Sicario006 you need write a book of these spec ops 🤣

  15. DAMN Sol
    You sure fooled me when I clicked to read the article. Thought that the guys doing CQB where the ones in the first picture till I clicked on the video 😆 lol hahahaha fuckin Sol good one you got me ese!


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