Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Loreto, Zacatecas: Women Are Taking More Roles Within Organized Crime

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

In Zacatecas, security authorities have identified an increase of women in organized crime activities and positions.

Video translation is as follows:

Azucena Uresti: In Zacatecas, authorities have detected a greater participation and presence of women in positions within criminal organizations. This is a phenomenon that had not been recorded before. These women have been captured on film in their role as assassins and leaders of these groups.

Omar Hernández: Inhabitants of Loreto, Zacatecas recorded the moment in which two women with large caliber rifles and plate carriers took away the motorcycles of residents of the town. While they stand guard a man arranges the ATVs on top of an all-terrain truck.

This happened on Monday between the communities of San Marcos and La Luz where an armed criminal cell attempted to ambush a convoy of State Police who were patrolling the area for the funeral procession of the policeman killed on Friday.

Zacatecas security sources told the 'Azucena a las 10' news hour that although there is no official figure, the participation of women in organized crime has increased in recent months. It’s known that at least two deadly attacks in Jerez, including the one at El Venadito bar, had among their ranks female leaders of criminal organizations.

This Tuesday the presence of the Army, National Guard, and State Police was reinforced in the town of Loreto. After the shooting, citizens reported the presence of heavily armed men and women in all-terrain vehicles driving through the streets.

Azucena Uresti  Borderland Beat Archives

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  1. Ya se imaginan como han de estar pistoleandose entre ellas mismas 😂

  2. I better start teaching my love, how to fire an AR -15 target practice. Times getting tough.

  3. They look cool with their combat gear but when they are captured and being interrogated by headed gunman with dull knife. Then it wouldn’t so cool after all. Stay away from cartel games kids.

  4. Dont lose them guns girls,fuckin rats robbing motorbikes off the people?I know it wont happen,but wouldnt you think someone in gob would get pissed off with these and obliterate them.

  5. There not as hard when townspeople have guns are they?Look what the ADs of Michoacan did to them,fucked them off in months,till gob fucked it up

  6. There were some pics floating around 2 years ago. Can't remember which cartel she belonged to, it was here on BB.
    The lady about 22-25 years was holding an AK-47, tactical vest on smiling at the camera, she had put it on social media, face book.
    Somehow the opposing rival Cartel found her, cut her up, put the head and arm into XOXO ice chest, the tattoo that was in the picture , was seen on the cut up arm.

    1. Joselyn Nino pretty girl when dressed normally, the Narco banner said she was killed by Metro 65 aka Nico the only problem was she died in April 2015 and he died in March 2015 so I'm not sure how he killed her when he was already dead.

    2. She was also only 19.

    3. That's her she also has a page on Find a grave with some of her normal photos.

    4. Been happening for 15 years.

    5. 1:02 , 1:03 and 1:05 Sol, you guys are fast.
      I searched online for Joselyn Nino and I got Joselyn Alejandra Nino aka La Flaca.
      Those pictures are embedded on my brain when the story was fresh in 2015.
      What a surprise the same City and State, that the recent Fiasco happened, with the 4 kidnapped Americans.

  7. Viejas fondongas deberían de ponerse a tortear y trapear en vez de andar en la quema.

    1. Tienes toda la razón. Ahorita cualquier perra con una arma se cree la gran mierda. Yo soy hembra pero a mi me gusta trabajar honradamente!

    2. 5:56 PM
      Common sense girl right here

  8. Lo del mapa está mal! Loreto zacatecas esta rodeado de ojocaliente,Villa hidalgo,pinos,villa garcia la plaza más importante en el sur este de zacatecas. Asta hora la tiene los mayos. Encargado el Justin alias el comino. Apoyo del 40 en sicariato y del zorro 🦊 de durango. De Hai avanzan para pinos y Villa hidalgo contra los talibanes(villa hidalgo) y los jaliscos(límites de pinos con slp) saludos del zairo de zacatecas!

  9. Criminal activity is no different from any other gig in the modern age: definitely "equal opportunity."


    1. Great,why our societies are truly fucked

    2. @11.32. Cos equality (or equality of opportunity as you revisionists like to call it) is always what fucks societies, right?

    3. Ohh shit chalk one up for the feminists
      "i dont need a man" like a man doesn't need a woman,right?Another man hater

    4. "as you revisionists like to call it"
      Fuck outta here with your meally mouth shit its old as you

  10. Oh ladies, what a disappointment and let down. Seriously, are you maternal in any part of your DNA?

    1. LASTRAW
      You say things like that you might have crazed feminists on your case?You have a good weekend seriously

  11. The gordas definitely have more rolls.

    1. 7:48 Me hiciste reír sin querer!

  12. Wow some of us have been with BB for a long time. As soon as I read the name I remembered her young little face.



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