Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Matamoros, Tamaulipas: There Is Absolutely No Drug Connection Whatsoever

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Americans traveling into the city of Matamoros for cosmetic surgery is an actual thing that frequently happens. US citizens with disposable incomes have a known history of scheduling visits in order to get cosmetic procedures done because of how inexpensive this is south of the border. 

Local doctors Joel Maldonado and Rafael Ramirez are well known and respected professionals who offer a wide range of aesthetic surgery services. Their reputation is such that even members from the African American community have crossed the US-Mexico border to stop by and see the Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeons. 

With that being said this just disproved all of those negative remarks and questions many readers have made here out of pure ignorance. Americans Latavia Washington McGee, Shaeed Woodard, Eric James Williams, and Zindell Brown were not in Matamoros for anything other than cosmetic surgery. 

Thus far no drug connections have been made. 

jr aesthetic surgery  jr surgery

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  1. People jumping to outrageous theories, even Elmo said on Monday, they were here to buy medicine.

    1. FFS — did you even read the damn article??!

  2. Stay anonymous haters. The world ain't ready to see you ignorant bitches out and about in public. 🤣

    1. How do I make an account? I want one so people would get to know my personality. Sometimes I think my comments might be taken out of context because others have already made the atmosphere hostile with derogatory discourse and crude rhetoric that puts everyone on edge. But sometimes my comments get removed I believe for this reason and I need to elaborate more or make sure to be more concise and articulate when conveying my thoughts with more descriptive and informative semantics so my context is understand. Probably adding an lol when I'm joking is crucial.

    2. Thank you Sol. You are not the Clown i thought you were.

    3. OMG... Do you internet much, shorty?

      So, by your comment (tempered by a ROTFL to play a little of both sides of the argument, I guess), am I to understand that you think that BB commenters (anon by your website's design) in a NARCO Gang Wars blog should have two sources for every disparaging thing we pull out of our butts? Between freinds you and me, man, you might be a bit sophomoric, brah. YOU didn't know any better than any of us. Had this gone the other way, would you be sitting here telling us loudmouth commenters how smart we are and that our intellect is only exceeded by how dope our guaraches are? I bet not...

      Slowww your self-righteous roll, pumpkin....

  3. Una de vaqueros y te creo

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. What the going rate for you to their business

  6. Sol thanks for clearing these people's names. I don't know them but I appreciate this gesture because African-Americans are too often accused of nefarious intent. Not by all other people but too many think this way.

    1. Yeah, I see what you are talking about. It sucks because then someone might say something with good intentions but it gets misconstrued because of the vile atmosphere they bring here. But I would have the same questions about this regardless of their race. I don't understand how they were ambushed so quickly upon arrival. Like they knew they were coming almost. Also I here conflicting stories. The media in the us said last night that they were tied to human trafficking but then didn't elaborate or address it again. But I will say that (and this by no means is saying I'm right or making accusations) but everyone except the driver had convictions for drugs and guns among others. Flew to Texas and got a rental which is something mules do a lot (rental/clean driver) and then there's the shoot out thing. Why the shootout if they were unarmed? Just seems weird but I could be completely wrong. Can't wait for more details to come out.

    2. Its Absolutely Not a "shoot out" if you dont have a gun..That was a ambush.. Also a drug conviction doesnt mean everything you do,and everywhere you go is for the purpose of selling drugs.

  7. Sol you do great work Homie! Much appreciated but in all honesty the facts aren't all out yet! If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck thennn.... Who flies to Texas, rents a car and drives to of all places to Matamoros with 3 men for plastic surgery? Or was it medicine? Border towns are a well known "no go!" The story is yet to completely unfold!

    1. The no go border is crossed every day day by innocent so called ducks by the thousands!!your just another person who is not familiar with the border!!

    2. Thanks to Sol and Mica 90%, of the facts are already established.
      Who said they flew into Texas?
      They drove all the way from their home.
      You need to zoom in the van, check the plates, they sure not Texas.
      Tummy Tuck Surgery are a bargain in Mexico.

  8. Many of these idiots never been in Mexico or close to the frontera similar to Biden and Camela

    1. How’d that wall work out that Trump promised you? Lmfao

  9. This case is starting to get weird.... If there is a big political agenda behind it, I wouldn't be surprised if this was planned by "nefarious forces".....

  10. I think this is embarrassing for AMLOs administration after the security promises during the Biden/Trudeau meeting and the abysmal results of the "hugs not bullets" policy. But I also think it's short sighted. First they were there to purchase medication, then for cosmetic surgery. But this looks worse IMHO because it makes it appear like mexico is so dangerous that crossing the border for legitimate purposes could result in American citizens being killed immediately upon crossing the border. The media in the US is already claiming they had ties to human smugglers and I feel that admitting they they were involved in nefarious activity put blame on them and takes blame away from Mexico as they chose to get themselves involved in criminal activity knowing the risks. Just my two cents, take em or leave em as I'm no expert.

    1. 11:48
      You should read the updated articles.
      Yes Mexico is dangerous to travel.
      They did not go to buy medicine.
      They went for the scheduled appointment for Tummy Tuck, for the lady, nothing else and nothing less, they barely had the chance, to breathe in the atmosphere, the aroma of Tacos , roasted roasted corn, when all of the sudden it became, the wild wild West, a real shootout, real bullets flying, a flying bullet hits an Innocent female bystander.
      Well you know the rest by now.

    2. Yeah, that's the official narrative for now. I've also heard conflicting reports that they were armed as well. And it's not like they are going to say they went down there for something nefarious. That would be a good cover story to have preplanned in case of an interdiction with law enforcement. But some of them had previous drug and weapons convictions. I know the girl didn't but runners always use a driver with a clean record for the same reason and they flew in to Texas where they picked up a rental car. Now this is all speculation I know, but to me something smells fishy. The cartels I would imagine aren't in favor of murdering US citizens as it would be bad for business and I also find it intriguing that they knew exactly when and where they crossed in which vehicle and at what time, like they were waiting. It also has good spin for the US government in particular with the whole "innocent Americans were brutalized by cartel savages unprovoked " and " through our unwaivering resolve and hard work our agency was able to unrelentingly use our skills and expertise to leave no stone unturned quickly locating the victims and assure their safe return ". " We are working with our partners at the southern border to make sure justice is brought to the perpetrators in the most timely fashion possible and bring safety and security to both countries working together on this". Jmho could be way off and wrong on literally everything, but that's what it seems like to me.

  11. I think we can all confidently disregard ANYTHING the media pushes. Black people, in general, don't do personally risky things they are not familiar with.
    I don't think getting their girlfriend a discount on bigger boobs would motivate them to navigate into the ugliness of Matamoros. Nobody goes there to fuck around.

  12. People in general suffer from "not me" and this time it was.Statisticaly it was bound to happen,does anyone have the numbers on how many Americans(not of Mexican descent)cross on a daily basis?I bet alot of people would be suprised.

  13. I read somewhere that Haitians in Matamoros have pissed off the locals for one reason or another. Here in TJ, Haitians have been killed for criminal the infractions of not paying piso or for invading another's corner, so the idea that this is a case of mistaken identity because they are gunning for Haitians is possible. I don't think so, but it's possible.

    1. 2:41 Migrantes roban luz del alumbrado Público

    2. Migrants are pissing off the locals they don’t behave and follow rules , something is boiling up

    3. Empresarios: migrantes aumentan 30% el robo hormiga en la frontera de Tamaulipas

    4. @7:59PM following who's rules, the cartels?

  14. someting is fishy!!

  15. One thing that could really stem from this is “racial” tension between black and Latinos in the U.S.

  16. Just a case of mistaken identity

  17. I have to disagree. I do believe these people were there for nefarious reasons. Take a look at their criminal backgrounds. The girl that survived was married to a guy that just got sent to prison for drug trafficking. Herself was sentenced child endangerment after her young children tested positive for various drugs.


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