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Friday, March 10, 2023

Reynosa, Tamaulipas: Ernesto Sanchez Rivera aka "La Mierda" Cousin Of Chiricuas M-85 Apprehended

"Ivan" and  "Itzli" for Borderland Beat

"Agents of the Tamaulipas State Guard Special Group arrested Ernesto Sanchez Rivera, alleged commander of the Gulf Cartel known as "Metro-22" or "La Mierda", according to the National Registry of Arrests of the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection." -REFORMA


Also known as “M-1”. Brother of Héctor “La Mimi” Sánchez Rivera. Criminal career started in 2012 and has been imprisoned three times (Source). Member of Los Metros. According to a 2016 rumor, was part of Roberto Saavedra Santana Delgado, alias “El Chiricuas”, 35s, which were given code names M1-M22. Rumored to have been arrested April 25, 2015 during an operation to arrest “El Chiricuas” and described as commander of halcones (Source). Sometime in 2016 he was imprisoned in Reynosa state prison for auto theft with the use of violence (Source). July 2019 reported that he was jefe de “estacas” and involved in migrant smuggling (Source). On January 10, 2020 rumored that “El Mono” did not trust him and “La Mimi” (along with Nabor/M-21 and Roque) and “that in any moment he could betray them like Chiricuas” (Source). Listed among 10 cartel members in joint Texas/Tamaulipas list January 27, 2021 (Source). September 2021 rumored that “El Primito” has promised “El Contador” to eliminate various Metros to seal peace, including him (Source). Part of the Anti-Primito alliance of 2021 (Source). -Itzli 

"Also, important to note that La Mierda and his brother (TWINS) Hector Sanchez Rivera "La Mimi" or code M-1 are cousins of Commander or  Comandante Chiricuas M-85 who controlled the Aquiles Serdan sector, downtown Reynosa. In 2015, on orders by Gafe M-64, Chiricuas and his subordinates took over the Miguel Aleman plaza.  The Aquiles Serdan Sector, downtown sectors of Reynosa, were assigned to Chiricuas by the late and high ranking gulf cartel member Samuel Flores Borrego alias Comandante Metro 3 or Sr. 3. 

Chiricuas M-85 is believed to have retired at some point in 2018 and left his crime business to his cousins La Mierda and La Mimi. After the death of Toro M-42, a close lieutenant of his who kept on winning Toro's confidence for being a very astute businessman, and gifting Toro with gold platted hand pistols took over the Gulf Cartel Reynosa faction, his name: Cesar Morfin Morfin. Many are interested in Primito's background, the truth is he always waved the Toro M-42 flag from the beginning don't get it twisted. 

Both La Mimi and La Mierda started having disagreements with the current Los Metros of Reynosa faction boss Cesar Morfin Morfin and were ordered to give up the Aquiles Serdan sector and downtown areas of Reynosa. El Roque took over the sectors that La Mimi and La Mierda left behind.  

The capture of La Mierda has no effect on the daily operation's of Primito, in fact it just removes another thorn in his side. Primito has targeted anyone that he views as a threat, his leadership has lasted longer than many have thought. Primo lets you operate as if everything is cool, checks all your movements, and when you least expected goes after you the proof of this is Yessi, Choco M-90, Salinas M-32, and Pezon; all have been killed by Primito.

Another rumor I want to break is that yes both Primito and CJNG have agreements but the latter do not operate in Reynosa or other areas controlled Los Metros of Reynosa faction. 

In Nuevo Leon the Gulf cartel operates by factions Primito has cells operating, Matamoros has cells operating there, and those that don't trust Primito, commanders from Reynosa operate from Nuevo Leon out of fear in being targeted by Primo if they operate from Reynosa." -Ivan or Char 


  1. Still trying to find any info on Metro 65, is he still alive? free? real name other alias etc

    1. Metro 65 was Nico killed alongside Tachas

    2. Thank you that helps a lot.

    3. Char wasn't Güero Yessi killed after Panilo was captured when he was trying to become the public leader of Los Metros? The one who it was said was decapitated and his family also killed. Or was that the other Güero Jessy?
      The online chatter I've read is that Primito bought out the Reynosa Plaza/Metro Comandantes that had the most power and started to get back to business. The ones who have been killed are los que se quisieron pasar de listos...

    4. Yea Nico was killed tachas too...they wr still active with his brother El simple zetasssss

    5. Can anyone remember Joselyn Nino she was killed in April 2015 apparently by M65 aka NIco but people are saying he was killed in March 2015. Who really killed her then? she was found in a ice cooler box with a narco banner claiming M65 did it,.

    6. Nico was killed with Tachas once again. Yes I also remember that there was somebody using the code 65 in Rio Bravo but not sure if 65 was meant to be Miguelito M-56 but just wrote 65 instead.

    7. Thank you Ivan.

    8. Ivan what is the status of M56 is he alive? In prison or still free?

  2. 10años ahora....k mataron al gringo en Reynosa

    1. Ese vato era una vrggaaaaa perrooooo

    2. Ese Nico le prti su Madre junto con tachas nomas por ke simple se pelo la imagen 😂😂

    3. Se oye que hay gente del Gringo jalando en Reynosa. Parese que dice que El Primito viene de la escuela del Comandante Gringo

  3. Name fits him perfectly

    1. Totally… the dude looks like shit

    2. Because he was the shit.

  4. Is this Primito the one they called "El Primito de Camargo" when CDG and Los Zetas went to war?

  5. This article reminds me of the good old BB Forum days

    1. I was thinking the same. Great read and post

    2. The Forum needs to come back… lotta good info, pics, & topics…

      -Holden D. Cash

  6. Heard his bro got killed same day too

  7. Anyone who is independent is smart. No one owes you

    1. Except they all depend on some cartel to provide their product…

  8. ¿No le dieron un levantón al Roque hace unos años en la carretera de Reynosa - Matamoros?

    1. Era una version otra version decia que era El jefe de plaza de Rio Bravo escoltado por la Guardia Nacional. 🦂💀

  9. Chiricuas was a bad mf, man was well respected in CDG that he was allowed to retire in peace..

    1. He was arrested in Querétaro and extradited in November

    2. Sounds like retirement is going good…

      -Holden D. Cash

  10. 111 -21 del dogor galleta aki 18

  11. La Mierda looks like he could use some
    Toilet tissue, double ply!

  12. Primito consolidating more power in Reynosa by eliminating his own people just like Comandante Pezon and Metro 90 in addition to receiving support by Jaliskas. People complain about snitchaloas pero estos estan peor, cartel de las traicones, Mata-amigos.

    1. Esos difuntos no eran sus amigos, el que paga manda les guste o no les guste.

  13. This primito must be doing something right to keep all his rats on board,they must be getting paid regular

  14. Its a good job these guys have shooters on them,no need to fight,weapons all day no fists,fuck that fist shit


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