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Wednesday, March 8, 2023

US Officials Reissue 'Do Not Travel' Warning to Parts of Mexico After 4 Americans Kidnapped, 2 Killed

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The U.S. State Department is renewing their warnings to avoid traveling to Mexico, just days before Spring Break. This comes after four Americans were kidnaped in Matamoros last week and two of them killed.

Fox 26 Houston


  1. Wasn’t Tamaulipas already designated as such? 😶

    1. Lol it’s been designated since the Zetas split from CDG; with Matamoros being exceptionally noted for it’s dangerousness…

      P.S. the news just broke that there was in fact a 5th person with them

  2. These kidnappings just go to show how stupid some cartel members are today ... They should realize it's gonna bring heat to their cartel more so from the US for doin that to us citizens ....but if u think about it they are so brazen cause of how corrupt everybody is in Mexico, so they think they are above the law and nothing will happen ... Now though their cartel will be taken down .... So all the top dogs in this cartel guess what all those dummies that did that just started the beginning of the end for u guys. ....

    1. If you Google it, over 300 Americans go missing in Mexico every year. Just not a lot of coverage like this case

    2. Thank you! That’s what I’ve been saying as well. No doubt the cartel leader probably killed his own cartel guys involved in this because it has brought extreme amount of attention to them.

    3. It happens all the time to mexican americans but nobody cares

    4. I did google it and you are incorrect. Over 300 Americans have gone missing in Mexico since 2006. Not 300 Americans go missing every year in Mexico.

    5. Do i here drone?

    6. @1:13 you are 💯% on point. Whoever decided to green light that has just brought down the whole organization he belongs to. You kill tourist or visitors your whole thing comes to an end. But the illusion of power is dangerous but eventually you will see who is really in power.

    7. @301 — whatever you hear, you definitely didn’t see spellcheck

  3. I did google it and you are incorrect. Over 300 Americans have been missing in Mexico from 2006. Not 300 Americans go missing every year in Mexico.

    1. To Republicans, yes. Especially when it has to do with Mexico.

    2. The 300 Americans missing are the ones we know about. Many Mexican-Americans go missing in Mexico and aren't reported by their families. I don't believe that it is 300 per year but 40 or 50 per year would be a pretty close guess.

    3. What ? What is it about Mexican-American families that makes you think that they wouldn’t report a family member missing if they suddenly disappeared in Mexico ?

  4. The state labelled Jalisco is Zacatecas

    1. All right it's labelled Zacatecas but the arrow to Jalisco isn't clear

  5. The US State Department should reissue its warning by stating " Do Not travel to Mexico to buy drugs"

    1. So you’re still gonna spew that lies huh? You really are the bottom of the barrel human being aren’t you?

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Make America Streets Safe Again

    2. Make Earth Great Again
      M.E.G.A. that won't happen though too much bitch mades and rampant sells outs for money world can change for good real fast the securities just got to off there masters.

  7. its insane how you guys place the blame on America whenever anything bad happens in Mexico. Pathetic

  8. We on our way to Mexico for spring break!!! Can’t wait to speed drive drunk smoke drugs and get some girls!! Mexico 🇲🇽 we’re you really are free to do as you please..get caught that’s fine just give them some dollars no big deal..Mexico has that real freedom Americans wished they had!!

    1. Did you have a fucking seizure while typing that out?

    2. 7:14
      Let them do what they want, are you mother Teresa?

    3. 7:14 haha I remember those good ol days.
      I'm sobe now that I've gotten older but Mexico can be lots of fun

    4. And that was the last we ever heard of Anonymous@7:14…

      Shine on you crazy diamond, may they hopefully kill you before the dismemberment…

  9. Curious as to how the southern eastern gulf has no warnings… especially after this recent uptick in Oaxaca…

    Something tells me the chart is outdated.

    1. 8:16 Because Oaxaca is still considered very safe overall

    2. What about Cancun (Quintana Roo)??

      I realize there are still tons of tourists, but shouldn’t they still flag it as dangerous?

  10. Why is Sonora only “reconsider travel” lol

    1. Like I said in my other comment; their map is grossly outdated… take note of how it says they “reposted” it.

  11. I don't see how these guys can sit down and eat a normal dinner everyday and how they could do some of the things they do to people .... U can't call urself a human being ... More like a deranged delusional devil creature that don't belong in any society ....

  12. I have driven all over Jalisco. It's a calm road but always take the cuotas and not libres. 2 years ago I was all over Michoacán. From Patzcuaro to Uruapan to Tierra Caliente. Tierra had a lot of military presence and theres also a lot of Guardia Nacional. I won't lie the state of my adrenaline was higher there but it was fine


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