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Wednesday, March 8, 2023

We, the Matamorenses, Feel Abandoned, Offended, Aggrieved...

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The municipal leader of Movimiento Ciudadano businessman Roberto Lee raises his voice for the citizens who are fed up with insecurity and the atrocious government of the Morena political party. 

Video translation is as follows:

The last few weeks have been international news spectacles because of regrettable events. From the extortion of merchants, the death of innocent civilians, and even the kidnappings of foreign citizens. 

The lack of response and the silence of our government makes us think that they are either incompetent or colluded. We, the Matamorenses, feel abandoned, offended, and aggrieved because it seems that we need to be citizens of another country for our government to care about us. 

Those of us who live here have to start thinking about what we are going to do. What or who we are going to change and start demanding the government to do its job. Because today we realized one thing. That the government can give results. But it is not delivering them for Matamoros.

Gildo Garza  Roberto Lee


  1. Ngl he does have a point, Matamoros is lawless but not in a violent way like Laredo, there the mafia already controls the local economy. My cousin there got hit by a drunk guy and the police showed up, guy said he worked for the mob and they let him go.

  2. The mayor and governor need to step it up.

    1. Don't expect much from América Villarreal. He's been sucking that Cartel del Noreste dick for some time now.

    2. He's aligned firmly with CDG. Took money from both but CDG played a big part getting him elected.


  4. Is this guy's life in real danger now?
    He talked the truth....but very risky

  5. It's a sad shame that even the president tried to excuse the crime as a mistaken identity case. Meaning Mexicans/ Haitians are fair game but not Americans. For all we know the kidnappers were probably on the phone with him during his morning briefing.

  6. I suggest that we burn down the city of Matamoros. Kill them all. Viva El Donald Trump. Send the USA military down there.

    1. Kill them all? Real "meaningful".

    2. Another Republican fraud,out of touch with reality Sure, Jan 6 was a tourist gathering .

  7. Tamaulipas has been lost even since the split of z and cdg. They killed off all the “good leaders” and left the dummies..

  8. Whatever happened to grupo Hercules??

  9. ELMO will give the people of Matamoros a hug and they will all feel better. He'll also up the level of Prozac in the city drinking water. That always helps.

  10. Make mexico city american again

    1. 'Make mexico city american again'
      Fuck that bring the border up a few miles and abandon it to mexico and start again lmao

  11. We Latinos so melodramatic ah, abandoned, offended and aggrieved, what are we a scorned mistress?


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