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Wednesday, March 8, 2023

You’re Not Supposed To Question What’s Plainly Visible

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Republican Congressman Dan Crenshaw asks President AMLO why he protects cartels and calls on him to help fight narcos.

President AMLO can no longer hide from the facts that are sinking his government.

His known protection of drug cartels is now known worldwide and the time has come to decide who he is with.

Republican Congressman Dan Crenshaw once again sent another strong and direct message to the Mexican president for his opacity in the face of the organized crime that plagues both countries.

Why are you protecting the cartels and not helping them, asks the Texan legislator in a brief video in Spanish, addressed to the Mexican President.

It is the same question everyone is asking and it is obvious to answer.

In a previous tweet, the legislator had already given a well-deserved beating to the whippersnapper Senator Ricardo Monreal for defending the cartels from the U.S. onslaught.

Did the cartel leaders write this tweet for you?

Crenshaw proposes that the Mexican government allow itself to be helped to fight the common enemy that is the narcos.

"I hope you will consider it," the Republican ends.

Eliminating the drug cartels is in both America and Mexico's interests.


  1. I don't support Republicans much......but after listening
    to this guy he makes sense.....getting rid of the cartels
    is in the best interest of both Mexico and USA...the cartels are too brazen ....dont care at all about any kind of restrain.....before ...they would not kill children, women, families its anything goes

    1. The problem is how do u do this with out the violence getting way worse then it is the Pueblo projects most of the cartels so how are they going to fix it this would be way worse that Afghanistan and usu lost that war

    2. Fix Americas problems first then u can fix other countries problems all u fake ass republicans fix your own house first

    3. So, let's think about this for one second. The American rightwing is now advocating for some sort of invasion of Mexico more persistently. Ann Coulter who thinks immigrants are more dangerous than ISIS wants some US boots on the ground. Can you name one major American invasion that hasn't produced mass refugees? So, not only does US and international law say these people have a right to asylum but you are directly responsible for their displacement. What does the US government do when half of Michoacan shows up at the border with reasonable claims that the situation is unlivable due to intervention and a humanitarian crisis like we have never seen unfolds on the border? If you can name one invasion that hasn't caused refugee's in the 100,000's, I would listen. This guy is about as self important as they come "Hey AMLO, its time to cut out helping drug dealers, got it bud?" damn why did nobody else think of that? He also rails on and on about free speech and SJW snowflake culture and then he forced a groveling apology out of Pete Davidson for making fun of his eye patch. " Here's a great tweet from the free speech warrior, "Good rule in life: I try hard not to offend; I try harder not to be offended. That being said, "I hope @nbcsnl recognizes that vets don’t deserve to see their wounds used as punchlines for bad jokes." He made a joke about you looking like a porn star not that you are so dumb that you still frame the Iraq war as fighting for our freedom and not multinational oil corporate interests....No worries all the free speech warriors that follow Crenshaw were sure to call in death threats until the comedian's mom told him to apologize so he doesn't get shot in the face.

    4. 8:24 I'm really glad to hear you say that you are surprised that you were agreed with a different party, not that party has anything to do with it but somebody different sides have valid points, it's amazing 10years ago I would have considered myself a firm Democrat, but I have really forced myself to get out of my once usual sources of news (which just reinforced what I thought was correct) a few yrs back, but I am fortunate right now (for a brief temporary 2 years)where I have time to peruse news and listen to a variety of opinions and different sources and I have to say it's been quite enlightning, as it has really opened up my eyes to what I once viewed as "the other team/side/guys etc" a decade ago. Also forces me to SEMI think for myself, (bias is in all of us etc plus we are essentially clueless of the REAL TRUTH,going off what little information we have, or what watered-down version of the truth is being doled out to the masses). I have learned to avoid the horribly bias and unreliable CNN which is
      equivalent to FOX. Both of which cater to people who need their ideology spoon fed to them. I say that as somebody who always watched CNN up until 10 years ago , so I can admit it. I too got news from Fox as well when I was trying to open my eyes/ears. Both suck IMO.
      Saying that I have been fortunate to have the time and option to do this versus somebody who is working 60 hours a week raising five children etc.

    5. I should add that I did not watch the video, I'm not even sure if I will but it was just cool that 8:24 could appreciate whatever it is he said even though Crenshaw is seen as being on the other side of the side he normally sits on. It's amazing when it opposing Viewpoint or somebody from the opposing team makes sense, it opens up your eyes

    6. Eliminating drug cartels will not stop the flow of drugs and violence. EVERYONE knows this, fucking retarded answer

    7. Anyone who says they have the answer to this problem, I view with great skepticism and anyone who says it's just due to this or just eliminate that,nope, nope. Too complex and the plaza concept goes back a century, it's ingrained, if it's not the big bad wolf of the cartels it will be something else. Granted saying that, obviously it would be a start, a beautiful glorious start but, it's such a hot mess.

    8. Actually the United States could stop drug trafficking coming from Mexico. You don’t see people running up in crowded plays blowing themselves up anymore so you ? You can thank good ole USA for that. You people sound dumb. If the US decided to go and occupy Mexico like it did Afghanistan I can guarantee you not a gram would get trafficked.

    9. Democrats or republicans are the same SHIT..
      I don't know why people are so consumed over that BS 😂
      They both are run by congress and both are set up by the same system.
      Did you guys know ALL presidents are related by blood except for maybe two?
      It's no coincidence

    10. Crenshaw is a RIno,
      He’s a Globalist,
      He’s funded by the WEF.
      He’s a member.

    11. I was a Latino democrat, raised in the hood, now a conservative in Orange county, send in the war machine.

    12. Anonymous 10:53, do you have anything of substance or factuality to counter with, or just the usual Leftwing screeching about “free speech bad, self-defense bad, criminals and terrorists good”?

    13. 9:28 you included in that "war machine" right?

    14. exactly cartels are pigs.

  2. The only thing these Mexican officials need to reconsider, is their approach towards stopping this cancer (cartels) that just keeps eating everything in its path. I do firmly believe that a good amount of people high up in the chain of command on both sides of the border do not care enough about the subject. Let’s just do a little role play and just act like were doing our jobs lol. As long as im getting my weekly check im good. Bunch of bologna

  3. First they have to get rid of the corrupt ass govt in Mexico then go after the Cartels. Whats the point of giving resources to a country where the govt works hand in hand with the cartels. Sadly Mexico is not going to change in the foreseeable future.

    1. First of all the USA has to do something to stop the illegal flow of firearms into Mexico that are destined to strengthen cartels. Second, USA has to do something to reduce the demand for drugs. Demand reduction = Supply reduction! No firearms = no cartels power!

  4. Dan Crenshaw is ex Navy Seal. Part of seal team 3. Harvard graduate. Now congressman. This the type of person people should be looking up to. Not some fukn drug cartel pos like chapo mencho or mayo. Dan Crenshaw should be a figure that kids look up to. A real American Patriot. Sacrificed his life for our freedom and now is serving the public by being a congressman. All you alucines take note. This the type of people yall should look up to.

    1. Fuck him! You can’t trust these people in politics they ALWAYS have another agenda. Get your head out your ass!

      Semper Fi

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. jajaja you write semper fi and are a pretender... crenshaw is real deal cupcake

    4. @10:15
      I definitely served in the USMC and been in the sandbox. I don’t need to prove squat to you buttercup. Now get off your knees and stop believing these assholes in politics!

      Semper Fi

    5. @10:15 yup 👍🪖👌🏽💯💚

    6. Mexicans always have the hate agenda soft twat

  5. Dr Evil is jealous because his hand isn't in this cookie jar

    1. 100 percent agree !

    2. His job is the cookie jar idiot. Not everyone will sell there soul for a few pesos. I understand that’s what your country has become a shithole and it’s a fire sale every day in your country. Your security and we’ll being is sold to the highest bidder.

    3. His job is spitting propaganda

  6. The tone of the article is very different to the tone of Dan Crenshaws video.... Also, why does this guy's spanish accent sound like the Narcos character who plays Pablo Escobar.

  7. Mis paisanos have a very dogmatic and anti-intellectual culture. I'll give him that.

  8. The war-hawks have spoken.

    1. Calm down bet you haven’t even registered with Selective Services. If the shtf you’ll be a draft dodger or say you have some medical condition that prevents you from joining.

      Semper Fi

    2. LoL. Fuck yes I would. I'm not fighting for some chicken hawk politician who wouldn't send his own son. I don't have to join the military to prove I'm Macho, straighten out or find my path in life.

    3. @semper Fi

      What type of drugs are you on Bru? Mexican or pharmaceutical?

    4. Fuckin people believe that anyone that serves in the armed forces is a complete Patriot and never questions those that were in charge hahaha.
      Real self thinkers like Semper Fi here know that those above in authority are full of shit!

    5. And the Cartel puppets have shrieked back their response.

    6. Take note . Anyone that has been in the military is quick to proclaim that bc they are proud of it. And if they were not promoted to their liking the military of course is political….
      Whining and complaining

  9. Getting rid of the cartel is a non starter in non academic terms

    and a misnomer in more literary ones

    there's no way to "get rid" of any drug cartels in Mexico

    This talk of terrorists and military is all just a show, it's an impossibility.

    1. Finally someone who makes sense.

    2. Except it’s a senseless statement. They continue to exist only because our own intelligence agencies ensure their continuation.

    3. Cartels can be wiped out and put in check if necessary but the powers that be won't allow any peace no problems no profits and no control that's how the world works simply put.

  10. Aquí en matamoros está prohibido tocar un gringo, comerciantes u gente que viene a comprar carros, se paga con la muerte...........estos afroamericanos vinieron a comprar droga a un punto y pidieron mucha mercancía y se le hizo fácil pelarse pensando que en 5 minutos estarían en el puente americano ......sin saber que está lleno de mañosos........ vergüenza les va a dar cuando sepan que vinieron a robar droga.

    1. Dejate de mamadas. En matamoros desaperecen a cualquiera por que el pinche cartel no vale verga. Antes cuando si habian capos habia diciplina. Ahora es puro pendejo que lo que saben es matar y chingar al pueblo. Mira a los cardenas entre ellos mismos se matan los pendejos.

    2. Facepalm. You don't have to drive 100s of miles and cross the border to buy cartel drugs. This is an utterly stupid comment. Why would anyone in their right mind risk all those highway miles with drugs and a border crossing when you can simply buy cartel drugs locally.

  11. I'm telling you guys. This cartel buis is going to get Hot. Because the World cup is coming soon. You really think any sort of shit like this will be tolerated when tourists black n white asian are going to be all over Mexico... Bad attention.. only the cartel that is low key will survive the storm

  12. Cartel,the military\police and gov't officials makes money.They will never give that up for some congressmen.Keep on dreaming.Amlo can curb some of it.
    But how about the millions of American addicts who demand drugs,he has nothing to say?Another Republican whose head is buried in the sand.Its only the Mexicans who are at fault.
    Mexicans pay for the wall.Sure.

  13. U.S government- the greatest threat to civil and foreign liberties.

    1. Nah.Its dictatorships and corrupt regimes.

    2. Only if you’re a terrorist or cartel killer.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Vilify the victims that’s what we do. You sound like a nazi sympathizer, but instead a cartel cock guzzler. You gotta be the lowest form of human to look for the bad in someone to justify someone kidnapping and murder ing someone. That’s like saying your mom deserves to get raped and abused all because she’s had sex before. 👍👍👍👍👍 Awesome logic.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. 11:56
      And because they had a rap sheet, it was ok, for them to get slaughtered like dogs in Mexico?
      Next your going to say, they were carrying UZI'S in Mexico, and the lady that was going to get a Tummy tuck, was carrying a Bosooka.

    4. Guys keep in mind that we got lots of ignorant people commenting anonymously. But they are slowly being removed.

    5. Lol @ the surgery story. The media repeated it like 1000xs now that's the official narrative 😂 and everyone's repeating it also.

  15. To keep it real president amlo is doing what no other president has done for mexico. economy, helping citizens but when it comes to crime he's not doing a very good job.

    1. Hum big!
      "Helping citizens" oh yes when approximately 35,000 homicides occured in 2022. Mostly innocents.
      Amlo is actually helping CJNG grow, they already occupy 28 Mexican States, bribes from cartels is what fuels the corruption in Mexican government.

    2. 7:54:
      Be careful what you post or ELMO might just give you a hug.

  16. Let's remember in the year 2022 in SOUTH Chicago, not even entire Chicago, South Chicago in the course of 10 months from January 1st to September 22nd over 460 people were murdered. Four hundred sixty in 10 months, we can't even solve our own situations much less get involved with this to any great extent. Our backyard is a hot mess. As of 3 days ago Jan 1 - March 6th 2023-83 murders in Chicago. This is not shootings, the number would be far higher this is murders. Surely eliminating cartels would bring the murders down in the states in the overdoses for the short-term but something else would take its place, drugs will be present. I'm not saying America can't do anything but it's far more complex than sending in the military-

    1. Wow Ms H, i never thaught i would hear from you something that makes sence, clap clap clap to you

    2. Ms H
      You only come in here once a month, but I see why 60 hours working and have to raise 5 kids. What happened to the husband?

    3. Send in military?Fuck mexico let them sort it out themselves,you get no love anyway fuck em

  17. Why does he blame mexico blame china thats where fetty comes from scumbag Mexicondoes not want help look what happen to the sw smh

    1. 5:51
      Simple answer, the produced Fentanyl comes in illegally from Mexico.
      Precursor chemicals to make Fentynal, come from China and India to the ports of Mexico.
      True Mexico doesn't want help, in the issue of Cartels, that is deeply out of hand. It's predictable, that ALMOs speech writer, will have ALMO read and use the magic words "Mexico is a sovereign Country, no outside help from other countries is needed".
      The cancer continues...

  18. He should have promised that Mexico would pay for US intervention. That would have shot him to the top of the GOP.

  19. Before we send more US troops ( I’ll bet we already have hundreds undercover) All vehicles US to Mex checked/ scanned for weapons, cash, valuables. Then the Guat Mex border.

  20. You cannot expect peace with fighting. How can you fight the enemy within? They should be forced to do yoga and meditation. Read the bhagvat Gita, because the Abrahamic religious are always failing and at war.

  21. I must know what Spanish word translates to whippersnapper.

    1. Thats easy, cabron… it’s cabron!

    2. 'Thats easy, cabron… it’s cabron!'
      C,mon it means nobhead,ye kno,you

    3. Gramps is doing the skeleton dance in his coffin knowing his favorite word is alive and well.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Leave mexico to itself,they hate the U.S and gringos they cry if no help they cry if help arrives.

  24. Watch comments here,enough said

  25. At least hes showing some balls and asking questions that mexicans want to ask,difference is he is the hated 'gringo'

  26. 'You’re Not Supposed To Question What’s Plainly Visible'
    This applies to so many issues now..the herd is EASY to manipulate

  27. maybe Mexico should put troops in the United States to stop the drug consumers and racial hate crimes committed by the racist police and KKK rednecks who are protected by Trump administration. so in other words you put your troops here and we put our troops over there. its a win win for both countries... don't offer to put troops in another country if you are not willing to allow other countries to put their troops in yours.

    1. 10:04 you don't see the fuken point.
      Apparently Mexico is going to piece's, government is letting the cancer grow, looks like it needs to get the core of it, in order to stop the flow of drugs.

    2. 10:04:
      Trump is no longer president.

    3. All this is caused by USA, its the cause and effect syndrome, ( fast and Furious) US supplies the guns to cartels, Clinton administration C.I.A found guilty of importing drugs to the USA. the USA found Guilty for Buying illegal oil from corrupt PT party and Zetas during Calderon administration USA paid a fine for 34 million pesos. you caused it.

    4. 1004
      What a bellend.KKK/Trump?Fuck are you chongin on,that Tranq shit

    5. "( fast and Furious) US supplies the guns to cartels," 1.200-FnF guns supplied the cartels you simple twat ?1.200 guns to supply mexicos cartels?Educate yourself you prick

    6. Child conman cheater Trump is a Traitor.Only the gaslighters and Confederates support him.

  28. Come and arrest obrador he’s the cause of all of this

  29. Obrador has Mexico in chaos with inmigrants pouring in from the south and no control

  30. Military moves only evades the central problem.Why do Millions of Americans like putting things in their noses,mouth and veins, get some kind of headache and hallucinate.

  31. Mr. Crenshaw is not the man that his words would have you
    think. He is a human yoyo playing on "both sides" of the incredibly usless UNI-PARTY.

  32. Jaja every lib is scared of trump. Still saying his name and he ain’t in office. What did he do to make y’all so afraid??? Did he tell you the truth and did it hurt??

    1. No Trump is discussed because of the moronic idiotic criminal things he has done.The moron child conman Trump should be in jail already.But gaslighting Republicans won't know this.A lot of them they do not care because all they want is the Confederacy,blinded by it.

    2. Its crazy how trump has done so many criminal things according to people and still not in jail lol

  33. Please do take out the cartels. I can’t wait until the police force is 25% of the size it is now. No more drug money, no more seizures, no more filling up prisons with small time dealers! No judges, prisons shut down. Sounds heavenly!

  34. Funny thing is most comments are from people living in U.S. a lot of ignorance spewing from people that in simple terms just don’t get it. It’s all about corruption, why not let U.S. come in there in there and take care of business, people of Mexico deserve it. Before you sound off what have you done?


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