Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, April 24, 2023

8.5 Tons of Liquid Methamphetamine Hidden in Tequila Bottles Seized from Manzanillo Port

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

A K9 sniffer dog alerted inspectors to a load of over 11,500 bottles of tequila bound for export. Those bottles contained approximately 8,640 kilograms (about 19,000 pounds) of liquid meth. The discovery was made over the weekend at the Pacific coast seaport of Manzanillo, the Mexican Navy said. 

Don Chicho Tequila Bottles Used

In photos released by SEMAR and the Government of Mexico, the tequila bottle labels are blurred out. However, the open boxes in the background display Don Chicho Tequila logos. The bottles shown are their Tequila Reposado, which retails for around $80 in the US for the 750-mL bottle. Reposado is a type of tequila that is aged for up to 1 year and matches the golden color of the liquid in the bottles.

It is possible the tequila company is not involved either directly or indirectly in the trafficking attempt. Reposado, Anejo, and Silver tequilas from Don Chicho are available on a few online retailer sites. The website states "WEBSITE COMING SOON!!!" and was registered via GoDaddy in 2018.  A US trademark for the brand was filed in 2012 and registered in 2016.

A Don Chicho Tequila business is listed in North Hollywood, California. Its Google Business profile was updated recently to show it as “Temporarily Closed.”

Destiladora Juanacatlan in Jalisco, Mexico.

The bottling company for Don Chicho tequila based in Mexico is Destiladora Juanacatlan. On their company information page on their website, they state that they do the packaging of some American brands linked to the company. As well as their Carreta de Oro brand tequila.

"It began with the Carreta de Oro brand as an institutional symbol of being on the move, carrying something of value with you. With the representations of Tequila Blanco, Reposado and Añejo, along with the packaging of some American brands linked to the company, Destiladora Juanacatlán began to share a high-quality product with the world."

Mexico is the world's only producer of authentic tequila. There have not been any reported instances of such bottles reaching consumers. Mexico has become a major producer of meth, and drug smugglers frequently are stopped at the border with liquid meth in their windshield washer fluid or other containers in their cars. The liquid meth is usually recovered by smugglers and taken to specialized facilities where the water is extracted and the drug is then returned to its crystal form. During this year, the Secretary of the Navy, through the Mexican Navy, seized and destroyed approximately 114.3 tons of methamphetamine.

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  1. pinche mexicans, please dont fuck up tequila, using it as a front to launder money OK but dont fuck it up.
    Btw, there is no 7leguas reposado available all over jalisco
    La Rana

    1. Tequila sucks @ss! Vodka waaaay better

    2. Tequila does suck makes dudes feminine puro whiskey y rum !

    3. Mescal is better than both vomitvoka and tequila.

    4. Dude it was cheap tequila that no one should be drinking in the first place. Not like it was going to reach shelves anyways… You think cartels don’t care about tequila too?

    5. 11:32 Anything is better than vodka. Literally brandy, gin, tequila, scotch.. Anything.

    6. 8:21 hell no! Grey goose NEVER EVER gives me a hangover no matter how much i drink. All the other stuff you mentioned sick @ss hangovers after.

    7. 11:07 Premium tequila is like the least hangover-ridden spirit. Either way though the type of drunkness vodka gives is just boring.

  2. They know what going on most of these companies are owned by Drug Barons Sinaloa and Jalisco are the biggest money laundering for the Sinaloa regime and it's associates they own everything in those states

  3. Finally alcohol being used the right way. Imma order a bottle and if there no meth I'm dumping that trash out.

    1. LOL! Meth-mezcal is the new methamphetamine

    2. Call it methcal

    3. Lol! one tequila shot of methquila and up for a week!

  4. Imagine if someone mistakenly took a shot from one of those bottles. Scary!

    1. They'd be h asf.

    2. Death. I remember several stories on here from Mexicali where people drank glass bottled soda which killed them.

    3. In Deutschland ist dies schon passiert aber da waren es Champagnerflaschen

    4. 3:32 you talking about the Kinahans?

    5. Moet und Chandon waren mit Ecstasy voll...Kinahans ist doch Whisky 😏Die Flaschen waren in verschiedenen Restaurants und manche Gäste hatten leider eine Vergiftung oder sind tot

  5. Going in or coming out? What was the destination?

    1. 11:35 It has happened, where have you been?
      A young Latino mule crossing from Tijuana to USA, was found with such bottle, this came out on 20/20.
      They couldn't prove what was in it, the Border patrol inspectors, male and female told him to drink some, he started sweating after 10 minutes, then he was shaking on the ground, he was dead in 35 minutes.

    2. meant the load in manzanillo

      know that story though, pretty horrific

  6. Socalj or somebody on BB knows what their tequila brands by sight😆😅

  7. Bartender! A shot of meth and a six pack of fent please

    1. A common order when you visit “The Tent Saloon”

  8. Just imagine your on vacation first day Mexico grab a bottle take a smash ohh no its liquid Meth!!!!

  9. Bout to get me a tequila sunrise
    Hope it's not from a liquid meth bottle they forgot!!


  11. Teresita eres tu?

  12. I’m only slightly more dignified here with my dexedrine-laced ale.


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