Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, April 21, 2023

AMLO Tells U.S. Government That Mexico Doesn’t Want, Nor Does It Need, Help Against Organized Crime

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

During the 109th anniversary of the defense of the port of Veracruz - which commemorates the resistance of the Mexican Armed Forces to the second US invasion of Mexican territory in 1914 - President Andrés Manuel López Obrador told the US government on April 21, 2023, that Mexico "does not want or need help" to fight organized crime.

"Also, from here, from the port of Veracruz, we tell them, and let it be heard well and far away: we do not accept any intervention, we have sufficient capacity to confront organized crime, we do not want interventionism, we do not want help, in quotation marks, from anyone'", expressed the national president.

"The greatest lesson [of the historical event] is that we are free, we are independent and we, Mexicans, have to settle our differences without the intervention of any country, of any power, of any hegemony. We are free and we are sovereign," said the politician from Tabasco.

"There is talk in the United States of intervening and confronting organized crime and drug traffickers, treating them as terrorists and for that reason they are going to come to help us, to support us in confronting organized crime. It has cost us a lot to assert our sovereignty and, although these are, I repeat, good intentions, they are matters that only correspond to us Mexicans", emphasized López Obrador.

"They are going to want to see us divided. We have been closing ranks for quite some time now and our only purpose is to protect our people, with convictions, with mysticism. We will not be divided. We are united and we are strong to confront the mafias of power, both in Mexico and the mafias of power abroad", he insisted.

"All of us together, that is the priority, the security of our people and also to help, to cooperate with the United States government to face together the problem of drug consumption, especially the pandemic of fentanyl use, cooperation not subordination," he said.

"First, public security in the country, with all the efforts, all the will to guarantee peace and security in Mexico and, secondly, cooperation in confront drug trafficking and to prevent drugs from reaching the United States, so that they’re not affected by those drugs, above all, which cause death, as is happening, of thousands of young people," he added.

"In the event that it becomes necessary to defend the territory, to defend our sovereignty, we must not forget that Mexico has a lot of moral authority, it has the support of most of the nations of the world and it has the strength of reason and the strength of the people, the strength of public opinion. No foreign government would dare to set foot in our territory. In any case, if they did, they are not going to defend Mexico, that job belongs only to the marines or the soldiers, we are going to defend Mexico, all Mexicans", he concluded.

During his speech, Admiral José Rafael Ojeda Durán, head of the Secretariat of the Navy (SEMAR), assured that the institution under his command "endorses absolute respect for the decisions of our people, endorses a desire to build and establish a country of peace, security and well-being. As you have said, Mr. President, Mexico is to be respected! Mexico is a free, independent and sovereign country, here the people of Mexico rule, in memory of the heroes of April 21, 1914.

"The Secretariat of the Mexican Navy endorses an absolute respect for the decisions of our people. It endorses a legitimate desire to build a country of peace, security and well-being, it endorses our dedication to the service of the homeland," added the head of SEMAR.


On April 20, 2023, the White House refused to take a position on the accusations of espionage made by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador against the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Pentagon of the U.S. Department of Justice, but described as a "step in the right direction" the actions and sanctions announced by the U.S. against the Sinaloa Cartel.

"I am not going to talk about President López Obrador's comments," declared Admiral John Kirby, spokesman for the White House National Security Council, in a press conference, when questioned by journalists regarding the constant accusations of espionage launched by the Mexican president against DEA agents and the Pentagon in Mexico.

Kirby noted that during the recent 10th North American Leaders Summit in Mexico City, Presidents Joseph Biden, Lopez Obrador and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had positive conversations regarding trilateral cooperation to combat drug trafficking.

The spokesperson for the White House National Security Council was asked if the actions and sanctions announced by the US Justice Department against at least 28 leaders and members of the Sinaloa Cartel could be considered espionage.

"What you see here with the actions of the Justice Department is a step in the right direction by this government and we will continue to do it because it is important for the security of the American people," the admiral stressed.

Kirby, who previously served as Pentagon spokesman, said that US cooperation and counter-narcotics collaboration with the government headed by López Obrador should continue on good terms, because he assured that this was also convenient for Mexico's security interests.

"And we're going to continue to have these conversations with our counterparts, particularly with Mexico, which also suffers from cartel activities in some cases," the White House National Security Council spokesman concluded.

Zeta Tijuana

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  1. In some cases? AMLO is still stuck in the past, for the country to move forward drug trafficking needs to go underground again. Elect new leaders who arent motivated by greed and conduct massive financial audits to every politician and charge them/disable them when it doesnt add up. Sell the Resources to update infrastructure creating millions of jobs. Mexico doesnt need drug money to survive

    1. Their are massive financial audits, why do you think Emilio Lozoya, got caught up in the Pemex scandal? Javier Duarte, former governor of Veracruz is doing prison time, why do you think Francisco Cabeza de Vaca left the country through the back door? Where is Ruben Anaya, in "Self exile" according to him. AMLO is pushing the country forward, the resources are being used to benefit the country. I think you're not well informed.

    2. Tanto CDV cómo Anaya tomaron la mejor decisión, se complica más la situación estando detenido. Xq no se le a detenido a CDV? Antes d las elecciones pasadas no hasta "lo buscaba la Interpol, con ficha roja" y no sé cuántas ordenes de aprehensión? Solo fueron estrategias politicas. Ahorita queriendose poner a las patadas con Sansón, va a ser una muy mala decisión.

  2. okay this dude a clown there is a difference between wanting help this guy legit said Mexico is safe and look at everything that is happening and that's why we don't need help but yet look at all the murder and disappearances. like i get not wanting help and want this fix this on your own but to say its safe when most of Mexico is literally in war is a JOKE.

    1. Taking help from the fbi and the sea isn’t help lol

    2. I agree. The problem is that he's a compulsive liar. Now that he knows that he could take a dump during a mañanera and half the country would applaud him for it, he just says even dumber shit.

    3. 1042 more than 50% of the population in Mexico support AMLO. It's actually in the 60 percentile. So what does that mean? That the population is stupid according to you? Maybe they have experienced something you haven't, or maybe they're aware of something you're not, given by the fact that THEY ACTUALLY LIVE IN MEXICO.

    4. 10:12 often in countries the population is blinded as to what its government is doing due to propaganda. Mexico is full of it. So is the us. Happened after 9/11 with the spying on the citizens then lying about it

  3. I don’t think he understands yet lol they take and do what they want when they want too!! no seas pendejo amlo te van a machucar 🤦‍♂️ 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 pero puro Michoacán valí

  4. ELMO is out of touch with reality.

  5. Talk about rose colored glasses

  6. Amlo is doing a juggling act for his domestic audience

  7. As reported by CBS News, nearly half of all murders go completely unsolved (and unpunished). Inspector Closeau needs to step up his game in his own country!

  8. How can La Sheinbaum put up with this guy ?

  9. In some respects AMLO is right. They don't want or need help....but they lack the initiative or desire to do it themselves and to rid their government of corruption (which means AMLO would need to get rid of himself as well).

  10. For that bright bulb talking about 'you people'.

    Don't even bother clown.

  11. He doesn’t want help because he’s not going to used it 🤣


    Here's the link to that actual press conference.
    Reading these comments is funny. "AMLO is doing a juggling act for his domestic audience " and what do you think the U.S does? LOL do you really think they're going to force their military into Mexico while mexicans oppose any type of intervention? That's just scratching the surface, if you really want to keep it real, do you really believe them rich politicians in Washington give a shit about bums and drug addicts overdosing on fentanyl? War is profit, and all they see is dollar signs. 40billion sent to a Ukrainian border while Bidens administration is neglecting the southern boarder.

    1. You Sir, are absolutely right.

  13. AMLO is with Cartel de Sinaloa through & through

    1. That's a negative chief AMLO is obviously with CJNG

    2. That's a double negative chiefs. He rolls solo. Just ask Ovidio, Menchos brother, El 85, La Vaca, El Marro and El Cazador.

    3. ALMO is being puppetized in what to say to USA, we all know his country is running crazy, with Cartels wanting to rule many states.
      Connor is right 👍, Sinaloa is on the radar more than CJNG, drug labs busted of Sinaloa, but hardly do you hear any busted from CJNG. Bribes keep coming in, which makes the corrupt government officials happy.
      Got to ask yourself who is pulling ALMOs ears, to say this outrageous speeches.???

    4. Lol that's a.negative chief mwncho son wemt down way before Elmo took office .. 85 was given up or turned himself in and la Vaca was a cjng defector who mencho probably had caught

    5. 1058 I never mentioned his son, i said Menchos brother. Lol, Now tell me about menchos wife?

    6. 1144 ok chief tell about how Amlo just caught a close associate of mayo from los rusos yesterday .. the numerous dawn helicopter operations in sinaloa .. the major operation in an attempt to catch guano guzman.. the recent capture of high level international guy Anastacia Soto in Austria .. ovidio double raid ..all the recent press and spotlight on fentanyl sinaloa all the mega labs in sinaloa took down

    7. 1144 so it's obvious they are elmo and the 3 letters up north in the US are targeting sinaloa

    8. Exactly 1245, and besides targeting Sinaloa there has also been operations and seizures against CJNG. The difference is CDS was infiltrated so the Government needs to act fast before that information goes stale. AMLO doesn't cheerlead for Sinaloa or Jalisco as you do. Especially when you consider the operations against Menchos daughter Laquisha, El Apa, El RR and the operations in Villa Purificacion and Mazamitla a few months back. But whatever you say chief, if you want to close a blind eye to one cartel and ignore the operations against the other, then you keep believing what you want.

    9. I never mentioned a blind eye towards any 1 group chief the point elmo is not with sinaloa they are getting hit harder though in my opinion señor 1:33

    10. CDS brought that heat to themselves. After that cgapo trial THE SNITCHALOAS went all out and even snitched on the gringos and the Mexican presidents for receiving brives.
      You think they are going to just let that slide??
      Nope. That's the reason they are going down. Mainly chapitos faction..
      MAYO is still king rat with special privileges 🐀 👑

    11. Yo estoy de acuerdo con Connor, los chilangos de la nueva son los que tienen comprado al gobierno de AMLO.

    12. Conny, What do you mean you never let a blind eye to anyone. Read your first comment, you said AMLO was on Jalisco side. 133 had to point out where CJNG has been getting hit for you to retract your statement. AMLO hits both, but Sinaloa fucked up cause they were infiltrated, so now they're getting hit more. Don't worry tho, every dog has his day. Menchos next.

  14. No need to worry. ELMO has the situation under control.

  15. Todo se solo Iona con besos y abrazos….🤣🤣😂😅

  16. Meanwhile, their cartels are INTERVENING in the drug trade lmao


    The real cartel.

  18. It will only get worse. Poll the citizens see what they have to say. They are the ones dealing with cartel day to day.

  19. Elmo like the cartel billetes flowing into his Swiss bank account, with no disturbances from the gringos

  20. There it is , “it ( Mexico ) has the support of most of the nations in the world ”, these are facts . Mexicos strength isn’t in its military; it’s in its Allies and natural resources . The US doesn’t want Mexico as an enemy it’s a bad idea . It’s back to the drawing board for republicans .

  21. In AMLOs defense, I wouldn’t expect him to say anything different at such an event. It was for his domestic audience and it made sense to do so considering the prickly US-Mexico history. However, what he actually does may be different -maybe SEDENA and SEMAR will engage more with the US but just keep it low key (not publicize it).


  23. The US want to "help" Mexico with the war againt cartels? Has anyone stop to think that the US has not been able to put a dent on drug abuse in the US even though the US declared the "war against drugs" with Ronald Regan? In 40 years the US has not been able to slow down drug abuse. If you want to put an end to the mexican cartels it's as easy as putting an end to drug abuse in the US. The US declared war on the Colombian cartels in the late 80s and pretty much disappeared them from Colombia. Did that stop drug abuse in the USA? All it did was move the drugs being brought in to the US from Colombia to Mexico. Lert's not play mind games with ourselves.

    1. It's because it's a big show, the flow of drugs is not ment to stop.
      Funny you mentioned Ronald Reagan, I was watching the Spanish channel and the president from Peru was shaking hands with Reagan on how they planned to expand the cocaine fields.
      I swear you can't make this up 😂
      US loves to playvthe victim but is actually creating all this drug pandemic all overvthe America's

    2. So fucking true. Finally someone reasonable. Tired of the delusions in these threads sometimes. 🫠

    3. 1:19 it was actually in bolivia and reagan met evo morales.

  24. Of course you don’t buddy. Will force help down your throat and continue with the smoke and mirror show.

  25. AMLO is scared. Discretely bend right now or publicly be disgraced in the not too distant future? He'll save his skin first and betray those in Badiraguato.
    Where's M Gordo? How and why did he legally stay in USA? MIZG not being squeezed easily knowing the politricks...


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