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Thursday, April 27, 2023

Amparo Puts "Güero" Palma Close to Freedom

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Hector "El Güero" Palma Salazar

Magistrates of a Collegiate Court in Criminal Matters unanimously confirmed the granting of an injunction filed by the alleged drug trafficker Jesús Héctor Palma Salazar "El Güero Palma", which puts him on the verge of a possible favorable ruling that could return his freedom in the next few days.

The confirmation of the amparo is so that the reinstatement of the procedure dictated in the second instance, as well as the order to locate the protected witnesses who testified against the Sinaloan in order to present evidence offered by him, will be without effect.

The resolution orders the lower court to definitively resolve the appeal filed by the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office against the acquittal issued in favor of Palma Salazar, which should occur in the next few days or weeks.

The collegiate courts thus resolved the appeal for review filed by the Federal Attorney General's Office (FGR) and which had been pending since April of last year, before the ruling was issued, the matter was referred to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), which a few months ago refused to take jurisdiction over the case.

On February 18, 2022, the Third Unitary Court in Jalisco (an authority that no longer exists), granted the injunction to "Güero Palma" against the second instance sentence of another Unitary Court that in July 2021 ordered the reinstatement of the procedure and decreed the re-incarceration of the plaintiff.

Jesús Héctor was already leaving the Altiplano prison, after he had already been acquitted by a District Judge of Federal Criminal Proceedings in the State of Jalisco and had to be reentered to the Federal Center of Social Readaptation number 1 "Altiplano", in Almoloya de Juárez, State of Mexico on July 13, 2021 at the request of the Attorney General's Office of the Republic.

The revoked acquittal and the reinstatement of proceedings ordered by the Unitary Court was issued for the purpose of searching and locating the protected witnesses or collaborators Javier Burgueño Urías, code name "César", as well as Marcelo Peña García, code name "Julio", who testified against Héctor Palma during the preliminary investigation stage.

Both the unitary magistrate who granted the amparo to Palma, as well as the magistrates who now confirm the protection of federal justice to the plaintiff, consider that the fact that the evidence offered by the defendant himself (to locate the witnesses) had not been located and presented did not influence the sentence that was favorable to him and in no way harmed his procedural guarantees.

Now the Court of Appeals hearing the case has to resolve the merits of the charge of organized crime, and it is very likely that it will decide to confirm the acquittal, which if it does, would return the freedom to the man from the municipality of Mocorito, Sinaloa, almost 28 years after his arrest and his pilgrimage through prisons in Mexico and the United States.

"El Guero Palma", 63 years old, was in the news again recently on February 9, 2023, when he was transferred from the "Altiplano" prison to the Adolfo López Mateos General Hospital in the city of Toluca, in a scheduled appointment for a medical check-up authorized by judicial control. After 40 minutes in the hospital, he was returned to prison in the midst of a very robust security operation by federal authorities.


  1. I remember I was driving from Zapopan to San Blas when his plane went down. There was a mess of checkpoints all over that highway and once we hit the Sierra driving down to San Blas. I think this guy has served his time quietly and deserves to get out.

    1. He’s a sociopathic killer. No he deserves to rot in jail.

    2. do you know that about him...where you you know him u live in Mexico or U.S.A

    3. What's the difference between him and the other crazy clowns beheading people?

    4. Maybe he'll bring back some morals back to the job like the old days when it was all business low profile and women and children were off limits.

    5. El guero Palma.

  2. He no longer has power in Sinaloa cartel

    1. How do you know? Did they call you and tell you?

    2. 10:50 yes, his friend Pedro and I just happened to be eating at the taco cart when he casually mentioned he brother El Guero had no more power in the cartel

  3. This guy got the worst of the drug situation.
    His wife cheated on him and got with his partner in crime, later to kill his kids and his wife.
    Then he gets locked up most of his life

    1. Palma, too, is a kid-killer, is he not?
      Fuck him..

    2. 7:54 give your head a shake your probably one of those simpletons with your CDS pom poms

    3. 9:09 he wrong but damn Top he lived a hard life. Wish the same the life back...

    4. They know when they get into this life that this is how it works

  4. I was living in GDL when his plane went down. The next day on my way to my girlfriends house for dinner, I passed the Judicial Police compound on Avenida Americas the military had the place surrounded with Hummers. I think they arrested like 39 Judiciales then later released most them. Back then Guadalajara was a pretty nice place. Not so much anymore:(

  5. To be clear, I don't feel sorry for any of these guys, but this guy seemed to have it WAY worse than just about any other cartel boss.

    1. Worse than having guys go balls deep in you while being recorded, then having your stomach cut open to have your guts pulled out?

    2. 10:39 That video a couple weeks back called”you will regret your surrender “ with those sicarios like hyenas and that guy with the stomach cut open and having that guy pinning him down while he rips his guts etc. out was probably one of the worst ways to go. On the other hand Palma had a lot of mental torture over a long period to deal with. It all depends where you are weakest and what you can’t stand.

  6. Guero Palma choose his fate, if he would had choose to come to the United States and work hard like thousands of immigrants have done it maybe he wouldn't lose his children the way he did.

    1. Not like that bud. 90% of people i know 4hr daily commute hate their life. Wife works. Kids are doing bad. Entitled, disrespectful. The way economy getting is worst. Poor parenting, dating scumbag, drug problems. Parents do not spend time with kids, buy them latest phone or attire to look lime their idol celebrity. Muscle cars. In debt. Bot looking good here bud. End of day kids ungrateful

    2. I'm pretty sure that if he could go back and make a choice he will not take the way he went no Sean idiotas get the point now

  7. Tragic life, that’s for sure.

  8. I hear he has no true power as he came out of favor of Chapo but his son is an associate of Ivan and has los gueritos in Navolato

  9. God bless the time he did and the hurt behind it.

  10. I would say this guy deserves to be free after 28 years in prison but at the age of 63, he will almost certainly get back in the drug game till he's arrested again or killed.

  11. He should rot till he dies. How many murders tortures rapes kidnappings of not just fellow poison peddlers but many innocents. Fuck this scumbag!

  12. I feel sorry for his kid but not for him.

    1. His wife and kids were murdered.

  13. Political prisoner of a bygone era and policies as far as am concerned. Never ratted anyone out. Took it like a real Mexican G. Palma, Chapo and Mochomo are cut from the same old school mafiosi cloth and never tater taled openly in court about their business.

    1. You know chapo cried to the DEA when he was in puente grande giving up all sorts of info on the Arellano Felix.

    2. Ratting on your bitter enemies ain’t snitching in my book .. it’s a dog-eat-dog business so why not tell on your rivals for your own benefit.. to me a snitch is he who turns in their own people to save their ass, that there is breaking your loyalty … telling on your competition is to be expected .. I mean Come On !

    3. @7:34 AM, has a point. From experience your competition or as we refer to them as haters , will run their mouths about you telling people all about your personal business just to get you in some of shit. Dudes in the streets act like hoes when things don’t go their way. Narcos are the same.

    4. @7:34 lol snitching on your bitter enemies is still fucking ratting. You new generations with the is ok to snitch shit. Like that black bitch megan the rat. She got shot she went to court and snitched and ppl act like she didnt do shit wrong. Fuck that.

  14. Wether he stole that load of coke or betrayed that piece of shit felix gallardo. This man has been thru a lot. He more than paid for his crimes. Life has given him a beating. He shld be freed to make some money before he croaks. Plus it wld be interesting to see if he goes back to the street life and what his role wld be with what cartel. He was an original cds boss along with chapo and mayo and Adrian Gomez Gonzales.

  15. 6:23 he has received what he has done to others. México doesn't need another criminal Sinaloense trying to make money since we all know he will start trafficking his poison once again.
    6:02 he was extradited to the USA with OCG, my opinion is he benefitted from the agreement CDS had with ABC...

  16. General Noriega of Panama thought he had completed his sentence, but got backstabbed, the feds turned him over to France to cool his heels in the Bastille for another few years..
    I'm seeing Güero Palma's name start to pop up in the mainstream u.s. press, an ominous sign that he's the sacrificial lamb, a convenient scapegoat to get re-arrested upon release..
    Leading up to the coming invasion, er, I mean intervention, each 48 hour news cycle will feature a new boogieman, a brown villain of-the-week, so to speak, and this cat's got the pedigree to be America's Most Wanted..

  17. dejen que salga y escuche a su sobrino cantar. se va querer encerrar devuelta. el guero es tio de peso pluma.

  18. Amparo aka Mexican corruption


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