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Thursday, April 20, 2023

Arellano Félix Cartel Operative Julio César Soto Meza Is Killed

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Mexico City's Secretary of Citizen Security identified the man who was murdered Thursday afternoon in a cafeteria inside Plaza Carso.

He is Julio César Soto Meza, 42 years old, who was a member of the Arellanos Félix Cartel, with operations in the Los Pinos neighborhood in Tijuana.

This was confirmed by the head of the Secretary of Security, Omar García Harfuch. According to the victim's inquiries, he has had a criminal record since 2013, he was arrested for crimes against health and in 2015 he was investigated as allegedly responsible for homicide and crimes against health.

In 2020 he was arrested in Venezuela for trafficking illicit substances, and in 2022 he was linked to the murder of Víctor Hugo Mejía López aka El Griego,  a member of the Sinaloa Cartel.

He also has an arrest warrant in Oklahoma for trafficking illegal substances.

The shooting occurred at a Starbucks coffee shop inside Plaza Carso, when a subject fired shots directly at him.

Informe Oriente  Borderland Beat Archives  Gpo


  1. Good news for his victims.

  2. Desde Grecia Sinaloa La Venganza De los Griegos Llego
    D.E.P EL GRIEGO 🇬🇷🍅

    1. Calmate wey! You foos be acting like you know these mfs!

    2. 9:21 interesting the Greek history Sinaloa has , Valle de Los Griegos. I had a classmate in J.H. .. his name is Thanos. And i remember him being from Sinaloa. His fam spoke greek but he was straight paisa chicano. Saludos .

    3. 10:18 yeah the Greek history in Sinaloa... Just like everywhere else in the world kid please

    4. 4:38 did you know about Sephardic Jews in Jerez Zac? Explains why so many of them girls look so beautiful. We learn alot with technology nowadays. Didnt have that info back in 80s.

    5. 7:15 so let me get this straight Sinaloa is full of people from Greece and also Germany..... Ok

    6. Yes. A lot of people escaped ww2. Rumor is that Hitler went to Mexico. Met a guy says his grandpa was Gary Evans Foster and sure looks like Hitler earned a Medal of Honor.

    7. Just as in common sense history 👉👉👉👉 mess around with the cartels long enough eventually the hammer is gonna be dropped on u

  3. Pero por ahi anda un vato diciendo que CAF es el cartel mas poderozo en todo mejico 😂😂😂😂😂

  4. But the Arellanos have TJ on lock?

  5. Another L for the Felix

  6. You live by the gun you die by the gun. Arriba el Chapo Guzmán.

    1. Arriba del queso, La Rata Guzman, y porque no también arriba El Ratón Guzman…..🤣

  7. Someone was just talking on here that CAF was far from over and never talked about.. lol 🦉

  8. So one dude that worked for CAF gets killed and all the keyboard warriors come out, but half of the sinaloas top dogs get killed or captured and they testify and I don’t see y’all on the comments 😂😂😂 You wont ever see them acting hard on the streets or in jail since they all PC up anyway

    1. I am glad ya ,all today is Friday How de duddie, I get to wash my car, it somehow got poop from the birds.

  9. Play your part hasta al fin

  10. So where is the part where they catch person who did it. People are like ants in the capital, I'm sure some one seen something.

  11. Era un mugroso muerto de hambre. Gran favor le hacen diciendo que operaba para los Arellano Felix.

  12. Something don’t sit right with me about this dude!

  13. I know this guy he’s ok he’s always been involved in that lifestyle he’s a relative of Melvin the one who was arrested by military at his home he’s soon to get out it suck’s cause he was always cool with me and my brother

    1. Was going to say he looks a lot like Melvin. but hadn't quite made that connection, something was familiar, he's from Logan? I thought he might be related to El Tachas, who has that Meza surname

      He's been in for 10 already


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