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Thursday, April 20, 2023

Arizona “Border Brothers” Gang Leader Charged With Trafficking Drugs While in Massachusetts Prison

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Two brothers are charged with allegedly conspiring to traffic large quantities of methamphetamine and fentanyl, one of whom is serving a life sentence in a Massachusetts prison.

According to the Justice Department in Boston, 48-year-old Noel Haro is serving a life sentence in prison in Shirley, Massachusetts, and his brother 38-year-old Marcos Haro of Sacramento, California were indicted on the following charges:

* Conspiracy to distribute and to possess with intent to distribute 50 grams or more of methamphetamine and 40 grams or more of fentanyl

* Distribution of and possession with intent to distribute 50 grams or more of methamphetamine; (2 counts) aiding and abetting

* Distribution of and possession with intent to distribute 40 grams or more of fentanyl; aiding and abetting.

Who is Noel Haro?

Noel Haro is a member and influential leader of the “Border Brothers” gang – a large-scale international gang known to be heavily involved in drug, weapon and human trafficking in Southern Arizona with a presence in Nogales, Mexico and the Arizona prison system, according to the charging documents.

He is at the Massachusetts Department of Correction facility in Shirley serving a life sentence in connection with convictions in Arizona for drug distribution, conspiracy, and money laundering. Haro was serving his sentence in Arizona however, he was transferred to Massachusetts due to a security concern, his alleged influence over other inmates and repeated introduction of cell phones and narcotics into Arizona facilities.

Investigation Timeline

April 2019: Investigation began into Noel Haro’s alleged attempts to facilitate the trafficking of narcotics to Massachusetts during his inmate phone calls. He allegedly attempted to solicit friends and family members to transport narcotics from Arizona to Massachusetts on his behalf.

April 2022: Noel Haro allegedly worked with his brother, Marcos Haro, to arrange drug deals outside of prison that were indicated on recorded inmate calls.

June 2022: Marcos Haro agreed to supply an individual with samples of multiple narcotics – including fentanyl and methamphetamine. Marcos Haro allegedly mailed the narcotics to an individual concealed in a purple teddy bear inside a postal package.

July 13, 2022: The package was retrieved and found to contain suspected powdered fentanyl, five fentanyl pills, methamphetamine and approximately 3.1 grams of suspected heroin.

July 25, 2022: During a recorded inmate call, Noel Haro and Marcos Haro allegedly discussed selling one pound of methamphetamine to the same individual and agreed on a sale price of $5,000.

July 27, 2022: A package allegedly sent from Marcos Haro was retrieved and found to contain approximately 446.6 grams of 99% pure methamphetamine.

August 10, 2022: During a recorded inmate call Noel Haro allegedly directed Marcos Haro to arrange the sale of five pounds of methamphetamine to the individual.

September 12, 2022: Two packages allegedly sent from Marcos Haro were retrieved and each was found to contain approximately 892.3 grams of 86% pure methamphetamine and approximately 1,320.2 grams of 95% pure methamphetamine.

October 2022: The individual communicated with Marcos Haro to arrange the purchase of 2,000 fentanyl pills.

October 16, 2022: Noel and Marcos Haro allegedly discussed the deal and pricing of the fentanyl pills during recorded inmate calls.

November 17, 2022: Marcos sent the individual a photograph of a United States Postal Service shipping box and label, and a photograph of a shipping receipt.

November 20, 2022: A package allegedly sent by Marcos Haro to the individual was seized and found to contain approximately 2,000 blue pills which tested positive for approximately 215.3 grams of fentanyl.

Who is Marcos Haro?

Marcos Haro has a criminal history that includes a 2016 conviction for possession of a controlled substance while armed and illegal possession of an assault weapon with a large-capacity magazine. He was sentenced to seven years in prison.

On April 2, 2023, Marcos Haro was arrested in Sacramento, California after a motor vehicle stop. Police seized a 9mm handgun with eight live rounds in the magazine and approximately 2.9 grams of suspected fentanyl that field tested positive for the presence of opiates.

“Law enforcement listens to calls made from correctional facilities. Despite this known fact, we allege these brothers conspired together to distribute alarmingly significant amounts of fentanyl and methamphetamine in our Commonwealth. 

Both of these defendants are very much aware of the risks and harm involved with selling drugs, with Marcos having spent seven years in prison for possessing a controlled substance while armed with an assault weapon and Noel engaging in this conduct while incarcerated and serving a life sentence for drug distribution, conspiracy and money laundering,” said United States Attorney Rachael S. Rollins. “This brazen behavior will be met with the full force of federal government resources and prosecution.”

“Despite being locked up behind bars, Noel Haro is still an influential leader in a large-scale international gang that is heavily involved in drug, weapons, and human trafficking, and now stands accused of conspiring with his brother, Marcos, to traffic large amounts of deadly fentanyl and methamphetamine into Massachusetts,” said Joseph R. Bonavolonta, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Boston Division. 

“These latest arrests in connection with ‘Operation Raising Arizona’ are a significant blow to this drug trafficking organization that has thrived on peddling poison, resulting in pain, violence, and destruction in our communities.”

“Partnerships with public safety agencies play an important part of the Department’s mission and are crucial in protecting our communities,” said the Department of Correction’s Commissioner Carol Mici. “The Massachusetts Department of Correction is extremely proud of its investigators from the Office of Investigative Services and their role in this investigation.”



  1. Replies
    1. Might be time for a trip to ADX for Marco and Noel

    2. And they will still manage to do their thang prison is only a way to make connections

  2. Oakland to la frontera compa puro silverado levantada

    1. Same group you think? Or a different and actual prison gang using the same name? 🦉

    2. I was thinking the same. The brothers from Sacramento, so might be the Oakland border brothers but wasn't mentioned in the article.

    3. Grow up little boy act like an adult; que es

  3. These clowns are smart talking on jail phones lol. And they are obviously not that influential or they would have a fucking burner. Have fun being maxed out clowns

    1. Unless they’re speaking in code, they have to be dumbasses to not think every call is screened AND recorded… 🦉

    2. @1:02am Don't these prison gangs learn to speak Nahuatl?

  4. Sheesh these guys just can’t stop moving work lol

  5. dang 95 % pure
    reminds me of breaking bad with the percentages

  6. A package allegedly sent from Marcos Haro was retrieved and found to contain approximately 446.6 grams of 99% pure methamphetamine. A pound of pure meth that’s not easy to do in these backwoods clandestine labs they’re operating out of or at least the pictures I’ve seen here on BB. I would think at the very least they are conducting their reactions in a vacuum and using condensers and distillation to keep the precursor reactions and the results free of contaminates


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