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Thursday, April 20, 2023

Army Acknowledges The Theft of Its FX-05 Rifles

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Sedena informed that there are reports of 19 "Serpientes de fuego" taken from its facilities and 13 rifles lost. No military personnel have died as a result of firing this weapon.

Sedena acknowledges the theft of its FX-05 rifles

The Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) admitted that since it created the FX-05 assault rifle, designed to give its soldiers a lethal arsenal against organized crime, 19 of these high-powered weapons have been officially reported stolen from the Mexican military.

This Wednesday, MILENIO published a report in which it warned that the famous "Fire Serpent," made in the government's military industry and which became the pride of the National Defense, now appears with increasing frequency in ambushes by organized crime against the country's security forces.

In this regard, the Sedena acknowledged that, in addition to the 19 stolen FX-05s, they have reports of 13 missing FX-05 rifles.

These weapons are capable of firing up to 750 bullets per minute at a speed of 920 meters per second, that is, even at a distance of one kilometer they are capable of mortally wounding an adult man. In addition, they are designed to include bayonets for close combat and grenade launchers.

According to the information sent by the National Defense, 11 of the stolen and lost rifles have been secured and there are no reports of soldiers who have lost their lives due to projectiles from these weapons.

Rifles in networks

A search carried out by this newspaper on social networks to find out how many FX-05 are presumed to be in the hands of organized crime suggests that there are more than 100, taking into account photographs and videos in local news, blogs related to organized crime and forums for the sale and purchase of firearms.

These "Sedena-made" rifles were found in the hands of gunmen from the Sinaloa Cartel, Jalisco New Generation, Gulf, Santa Rosa de Lima, Zetas Old School and Familia Michoacana.

In other words, the weapon created by the Mexican Army to fight the cartels is now used by gunmen to attack municipal and state police, members of the National Guard and the Armed Forces. A creation of the military industry at the service of the war that is now used by drug cartels.



  1. Stolen? Missing? Or sold by the corrupt piggies lol

  2. The military in Mexico were trained bye the keystone cops. How they gonna get there own shit jacked. Damn. It's hilarious amd scary at the same time. 🤣🤣😱😱

  3. That's a nice rifle. Wish I could get my hands on one of those.

    1. 2:58:
      The Fx-05 is a piece of shit that's not made to military specs. It was only made so they could have an assault rifle that was "designed and made in Mexico". It doesn't use 440 steel in the barrel, so the barrel doesn't last. The rest of the rifle is made of low grade materials. There is nothing original about the ammunition. It's uses the old NATO round. Most sporting rifles in the U.S. are better quality. Both the old AK-47 and M-16's are far better rifles. The narcos actually have better weapons than SEDENA. These rifles are more for someone who likes something that looks "cool" rather than have an effective weapon. That's probably why so few are missing.

    2. Your words reminds of the german G36, many politicians started bitching around for not being accurate, but at the end it is good weapon but was miss used by the army because politicians refused to provide light machine guns to the soldiers fighting their wars. I liked the G36 during my service.

    3. 7:48 Detroit you got anything besides words to backup what you write? Link any information to substantiate your opinion.
      My opinion is SEDENA would rather "lose" $5 than $20.

    4. 748 I take it you've shot one? Maybe one of the 19 is in your possession.

    5. 8:38:
      This isn't the words of a politician. The FX-05 is not made to military specs. The G-36 is a good weapon made of quality parts. The FX-05 is actually a knock off of the appearance of the G-36 which was Mexico's choice for a rifle. The FX-05 is made of low quality parts. This is reflected in it's cost which is about 1/4 the cost of a G-36.

    6. Damn. Even with supposedly better weapons, the narcos still get their asses handed to them by the military in practically almost every gunfight. That just goes to show you how little threat these narcos actually are. I swear American media makes the cartels look way scarier than what they actually are.


      This youtube video seems to give it a decent review.

    8. When it comes to good assault rifles Israel. Switzerland. Russia. Germany. France. And Austria. Are the best you can get. The only reason cartels buy the AR15 and M16 is because those are the cheapest and easiest weapons to get.

    9. Detroit Mexico doesn’t use the M16 because is a piece of shit. They use the good weapons from Germany. Belgium and Israel. Those are the good rifles to use. Those are the ones they buy.

    10. Detroit, the price of a weapon does not automatically reflect the quality of the weapon at all. The FX-05 is cheaper to make than the G36 not because it’s a worse gun or because the material used is low quality, but because you don’t need to have materials or spare parts imported from foreign countries. All the material and spare parts you need to build the FX-05 can be found right in Mexico. Opening up domestic arm factories and reducing your military’s reliance on foreign industries is something countries are always keen to do. It simplifies logistics and lowers the chances that a nation’s primary arms supply will dry up in the event of a war.

    11. Don't mind Detroit, he's an older gentleman and we've all seen some of the things Joe and Andy come up with when they speak. He's the type who always sees the glass half empty rather than half full 🤭🤫. Anyhow, I've noticed Detroit along with a handful of others on here, never have anything nice to say about Mexico. Sure Mexico has problems like any other country, but, if it weren't for Mexico or mexicans rather, your houses wouldn't be built, your cars wouldn't be fixed, your groceries picked, your Chinese food cooked, your cars washed, toilets cleaned, or your lawns maintained. You would have less cheap vacation destinations because regardless of the cartel violence people are still visiting Mexico. Just some food for thought.

    12. Detroit has a lot of common knowledge on many issues 😜, transpiring in Mexico, it's not like he makes them.
      There are every now and then ALMO paid influencers, that come in and apply a smoke screen and try there best, to bring down the truth.
      With all the rampant crime, impunity, Curuption, articles getting exposed of Mexico, you expect us to comment something good????
      Mexico is a great 👍 country, but currently 30% are ruining it, for the rest of the country.

    13. As you can see by the comments here, ELMO is now paying his chayoteros in seized product. The jamon got too expensive.

    14. Detroit Mexico and Germany weapons manufacturers went to court over the gun and Germany admitted it was not a copy of their weapon. There are many weapons that look alike but that doesn’t mean they are the same or a copy. Austria, Fance and Israel have one rifle that look alike. USA and Belgium have a rifle that look the same. Germany, Russia Belgium and Israel have a rifle that looks alike. And there’s many many more. Just because they look alike doesn’t make it a copy.

    15. Detroit, have you ever shot one? Judging by your comment, you talk like you have. From my understanding you haven't been to mexico in a long time, so when was the last time you shot one and in your experience, what could be done to improve the firearm... asking for a friend. 🤫🤭

    16. The fx05 had barrel problems when first released and were fixed and are now chrome lined. Look at how the M16 was perceived when it first saw combat and hadn't had the kinks worked out. As to the guy using the worn out "without Mexicans you would have blah blah blah". Sorry chief. Yes, some greedy rich people use illegal cheap labor but I'm pretty sure white people did all those things themselves before they were undercut on wages by the people you're championing. I used to frame houses in my early adulthood, work landscaping as a teen and was a plumber before starting my own business. When I was competing for labor with low payed illegals and having to accep lower pay I had to find new employment to feed myself. So tired of hearing that bs. I couldn't even feed myself let alone "take expensive vacations". You act like every white person is rich riding some imaginary gravy train. And to the guy claiming Israel has the best weapons, are you referring to the tavor or the galil? Bullpups have some advantages but most people would agree are trash and the galil (I know I'm spelling that incorrectly) is a reverse engineered ak with some improvements. Most idf are still walking around with m4s. Anyways to each there own.

  4. Particularly embarrassing as no way to source them other than bases. Also I doubt just 13 are missing

  5. 19 stolen, 13 missing, still no where close to the 2000+ firearms that were smuggled by the U.S during the failed fast and furious operation. And that's not to mention operation wide receiver and who knows what other covert operations the U.S government took part in. No wonder AMLO told the DEA to get the fuck off his lawn. 🤣🤣🤣💩🧠🤖

    1. Yesss!!!🤣🤣

    2. Theres pics where these cartel swag boys pose with these rifles 🤔 and videos where the military sells weapons to...

  6. I would honestly be laughing my ass off right now, if the US military hadn’t done something similar. The US military had more than 1,000 rifles and handguns go missing or get stolen from them. And if this wasn’t bad enough, they somehow lost grenades and artillery shells. How the hell does the strongest military in the world lose an artillery shell ?

    1. For real. 💯 but if you bring it up to the bootlickers they start talking about "whataboutism!

  7. hope sedena ain't in charge of any thermo nuclear weapons..

    1. They don't have that type of stuff in Mexico 😂.

  8. There’s corruption at the highest levels of govt in Mexico. They’re going to put the blame on the foo they had snatch em. While dude who sent him keeps chillin.

  9. Like 30% of mexican army weapons at least are sold to criminals. So no surprise.

    1. Any sources to show where you got 30% from ? That’s a very specific number.

    2. He's making it up, no way 30% is sold by corrupt soldiers, I would believe somewhere around 5%

    3. You numbers are off, studies show that the Mexican army sell 2314% of their weapons to los chapitos.

  10. Guns just don't make it from USA, they also come from the military of Mexico stolen or sold to the Cartels.


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