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Friday, April 28, 2023

Cartel Arellano Félix Member "El Dani" Killed

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland 

A man identified as Guillermo Daniel Méndez Madrigal, 25, who allegedly belonged to a cell of the Arellano Félix Cartel, was shot and killed at a home located at Tamayo and Juan Ojeda Robles streets in the Buena Vista neighborhood in Tijuana on April 26.

According to information provided to ZETA and referred by witnesses, they indicated that the alleged perpetrators waited for "El Dani" to come out of a grocery store located in front of his home to execute him. The deceased had wounds in the thorax and lower extremities.

More than 10 ballistic evidence was found at the crime scene.

According to information provided to the authorities, the perpetrators, wearing dark clothing, fled in a Toyota Yaris vehicle but have not been located.

Intelligence sources indicated that Guillermo Daniel Méndez Madrigal "Dani", 25, operated for the Arellano Félix Cartel in the Santa Fe area. He had a record for carrying a pistol in 2021 and for vehicle theft in February 2022.

In other violent events, which occurred yesterday, April 27, 39 year-old Christian Aarón died in the General Hospital after being the victim of an armed attack in the Alfonso Ballesteros neighborhood on April 18. Also, at the same hospital, a man between 50 and 55 years of age died after being attacked the day before in the northern zone.

Later, a multiple attack in the Valle de San Pedro neighborhood left three people dead. The victims were found on a road near the Presa El Carrizo dam in the eastern part of the city.

Also, yesterday, a burnt human body was found in the Mariano Matamoros neighborhood.

An elderly man, identified as Ignacio Manuel, 81, was shot to death when he was in the bleachers area of the basketball courts in the Buena Vista park in the neighborhood of the same name.

Elderly man executed in a park in Tijuana

In the afternoon on 3rd and Veracruz streets in the Arboledas neighborhood, 22 year old José Iván was killed.

Another armed aggression was documented on Mexicanidad Street and the corner of 26 de Septiembre in the Insurgentes neighborhood. Jacinto Rafael, 38 years old, was killed, and Irvin de la Cruz was wounded and taken to a hospital. According to witnesses, unknown men shot at the house where the victims were.

No one is reported to have been detained for these events.

Tijuana has 150 homicides in April and 592 so far this year, 2023.

Zeta Tijuana


  1. But caf got Tia Juana under double lock!! They are really the ones pulling all the strings cuz their roots run soo deep and have all the political connects in TJ

    1. Theres no dominant group in Tijuana

    2. Y ese pinche mugroso no era del Cartel de Tijuana. Es un pinche chúntaro vende droga de lo mas bajo. Un chalán cualquiera.

    3. 6:40 whomever is charging piso to move loads controls the plaza. Zona Norte is another tell. Having said that, AFO taking some hits on their old school traffickers lately.

    4. 12:51 🤣🤣🤣 i do remember the guys who is always claiming CAF is in control of TJ and nothing moves in without them saying so😂😂😂 ese vato esta bien alucinado, se quedo en los tiempos de las cavernas

  2. Awfully young to work for AFO. Probably just police saying that.

  3. What did the elderly man sitting on a bench do? RIP

  4. He was such a handsome guy

  5. A 25 year old operative in any cartel is still pretty much a nobody unless they are related to a much larger kingpin.
    This killing means nothing.

  6. Caf is dead is just a click know they use to roll deep. Know it’s just some chumps ripa,kado,chato,abogado they are just informants and thief’s.


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