Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, April 6, 2023

China Denies Fentanyl Trafficking to Mexico

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Chinese President Xi Jingping.

"There is no such thing as illegal trafficking of fentanyl between China and Mexico," China's foreign ministry said, responding to a letter from the Mexican president asking Beijing to help limit illicit flows of the deadly drug.

"China has not been notified by Mexico about any seizure of fentanyl from China," ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said at a regular briefing.

"The U.S. needs to face up to its own problems and take more substantive measures to strengthen regulation within its borders and reduce demand," Mao said, referring to drug abuse as a problem "made in the U.S."

Mexico's president said on Tuesday he had written to Chinese President Xi Jinping, urging him to help control shipments of fentanyl as he fended off criticism in the U.S. that Mexico is not doing enough to stop the trafficking of the synthetic opioid. "We come to you, President Xi Jinping, not to ask for your support in the face of these rude threats, but to request that for humanitarian reasons, you help us control shipments of fentanyl that can be sent from China to our country," he said.

The letter and China's response did not mention supplies of the precursor chemicals used to make the drug. The DEA says both finished fentanyl and precursors are transported from China to Mexico, the United States, and Canada, often by international mail.

Fentanyl, widely used in hospitals during anesthesia and for pain relief, has become a major black-market narcotic in the United States. Mexican drug cartels have increasingly taken part in the illegal business.

Lopez Obrador says fentanyl laboratories have sprung up in Mexico, and he told Xi that law enforcement had last year destroyed nearly 1,400 clandestine labs mixing the drug with other substances, and seized seven tonnes of it.

A Reuters report found that many of the labs were inactive.

But Lopez Obrador says Mexico does not produce fentanyl and that cartels buy it direct from Asia. He said in the letter that only 30% of the drug consumed in the U.S. enters via Mexico.

Overdoses of opioids killed more than 100,000 people in the 2022 U.S. fiscal year, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador defended efforts to curb drug supply in the March 22 letter, while rounding on U.S. critics, some of whom want Washington to intervene militarily in Mexico.

U.S. officials contest the view that fentanyl is not produced in Mexico, arguing the opioid is mass-produced in the country using chemicals sourced largely from China.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has been at the forefront of U.S. pressure on Mexico, and on Monday he said he would put forward legislation on fentanyl that would include designating Mexican cartels as foreign terrorist organizations.

Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said countering the fentanyl threat was a top priority, and he pushed back against Graham's criticism, saying the vast majority of people arrested in the U.S. for trafficking fentanyl are Americans.

"There's no other country in the world that's doing as much against fentanyl trafficking to the United States as Mexico," Ebrard told the news conference.

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  1. Those guys in China are laughing all the way to the Bank. The screwed up part is the legit pharmaceutical companies in Mexico are intermediaries for Cartel ghost purchases.

  2. And Russia didn't invade Ukraine.

    1. @ Detroit YT channel called The Shawn Ryan Show, guest Andrew Bustamante, allegedly ex CIA operative speaks on this subject, and many other current ones.
      He basically said that if the China Gov. had been involved there would have been buffer countries and not a Chinese caught in MX.
      Worth watching in my opinion.

    2. Comrade Putin is defending himself from NATO expansion.

    3. 8:42 he'll need every single one of his WMDs since his army ain't worth shit. NATO did expand with Finland becoming a new member and Sweden highly likely to also join.
      Putin blundered...

  3. AMLO and Xi are complete hypocrites.

    1. Exactly corrupt Hypocrites!!

    2. Wt do you mean 🤔 who created it ?🤥 And started the problem?? Like every other issue??? Your government!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣

  4. They are technically correct tho. They sell/ship precursors to make the drugs. Along with India.

    1. Finished fent is also transported from China.

    2. They only sell the precursor chemicals to make Fentynal in Mexico makeshift labs. Finished product is completed in Mexico.

    3. The finished product is also shipped to Mexico.

    4. @617 & @914 — Bullshit.. show me ONE load that was busted and was finished fent.. let alone any load(s) of precursors*

      *I say this because even if we see labs being busted in MX, nothing has/is been to stop the flow of precursors… thus production remains unfettered 🦉

    5. 2:16
      It's not about busted shipments. You can buy directly from China through a network of secrete dark web sites or openly on the regular web but under code names. I knew a guy that was getting finished product from China through a middle eastern country. When he got sloppy he was having it shipped through the middle eastern country, then the Netherlands, and then directly to the US into the shipping department of an auto parts store as cover. He's in prison now.

    6. @603 — yeah you can buy small to do what substantial amounts online from China, but considering the cartels have all the infrastructure they need to make the shit.. along with the ability to buy precursors by the ton, why the hell would they need to spend more money and risk on getting product from China??

  5. Death to communist, china should burn in hell. They create so much trouble around the world.
    1) started Covid kills millions.
    2) stealing territories that doesn’t belong to them
    3) sending chemicals that poisons people

    1. 4:46
      Your correct, yet they deny Covid originated at a Wuhan lab.
      Then recently he denied to Elmo , that no precusors chemicals are sent to Mexico.
      He reminds me of Putin always denying the truth.
      The big ballon spying on American land, by the Chinese, they claimed it was a weather balloon, US found out it was a spy balloon.

    2. Are you talking about China or about the USA???

    3. 1) How did they start covid? It's been around for hundreds of years. SMH
      2) Almost every country in the world has taken territories for whatever reasons they find fit.
      3) Aswell almost every country in the world sells chemicals that poison people.
      I'd be more concerned about the government corruption and the narrative they force on people every day. That has caused so much trouble around the world.

    4. Even now when China ambitions are so blatant clear we still are living like it's all good. The ccp is not anyone's friend they serve only themselves. I ain't got anything against your everyday Chinese citizen just trying to make it but fuck xi. I'd rather be dead then red

  6. America needs to blame itself before it can point its dirty finger to someone else .
    America has a drug problem
    Surprise to the world lol

    1. Especially now with the “ progressive” justice system… drug possession, robbery, burglary, even felony violent crimes are not being prosecuted and are given a flap on the wrist.
      America needs to take a look at the mirror

    2. Mexico has one hell of a drug problem too…

    3. America’s had a “drug problem” for many decades. This is not the new variable. The DEA went too hard against normal traditional opioids.

    4. 2:17 I mean ya, but is still kind of pales and comparison to the United States and British Columbia right now. Besides, Mexico has more of a “meth problem” and stimulants don’t really tend to kill that many people statistically speaking.

    5. Stimulants just cause extreme psychosis. That’s exactly where the extreme ultra violence comes from. So yes it actually does kill , indiscriminately.

  7. Can tell from Xi Jinping eyes he traffics fentanyl to mexico

  8. Biden doesn't DARE say anything to China..
    All China has to say is "don't you owe us 3 TRILLION dollars hahaha

    1. Mijo Biden is not afraid to speak about China, if China is doing something wrong, Biden will voice it out.
      China may like to intimidate USA, China had spies in the 80,90s stealing secrets.

    2. You are correct; there has not been ONE president in the last 50-60 years that had the balls to call China a communist country…

    3. 2.17. It isn't that they lacked the balls, it's that they understood that China had become a voracious capitalist economy, the literal opposite of communism, so they had the brains to not say something really stupid. One party oppression is not ''Communism''.

    4. @736 — oh I agree that China is more of a plutocracy and military regime more than anything, but I’m just saying that the US would sell out any other country before even saying one “offensive comment” about the CCP..

    5. @2.17. So which president are you talking about that had such Big Balls? Because China hasn't been a communist country for decades. If you don't mean Nixon you must mean Trump, who has business ties to China that kept a lot of his businesses afloat at the expense of the blue collar workers he got to to vote for him, eventually at the cost of their own jobs. Which President do you mean?

    6. @5.51. Yeah, you're right. The statements always sound like they've gone through 12 layers of editing, until every possible hint of disrespect has been removed.

    7. @217 — Nixon hated the commie bastards..

  9. Dumb ass Andrés Manuel López Hablador tried to pin the blame on China saying they shipped readymade fentanyl to México. He must've forget about all the labs SEDENA raided in Sinaloa where CDS elaborated it and also methamphetamine. Puro blah, blah, blah con ese viejillo guango decerebrado...

    1. Yep… lol

      Try finding just one load that was busted from China; finished product or not.. 🦉

  10. Stop giving pipas and needles and give rehabilitation

  11. And the blame games continues on.Nothing ever gets solves.

  12. The real enemy here isn’t Mexico , the real enemy is China. They are the ones who created and facilitated fentanyl maybe to destabilize the US??? Who knows . There could be a bigger plan in action.

    1. 7:01 because there is a market in the USA (the biggest market in the world) the real enemy in the USA is the USA but you guys dont want to see it and rather blame other countries, if every drug addict in the USA stop consuming guess whats gonna happen? You got it! China and the Cartels will go broke in a month! But are guys ready to stop using drugs? 🤷🏽‍♂️

    2. Fentanyl was created by European and American scientists.

    3. 8;58 Cartels would never go broke in a month as you mentioned. Not only is drugs there business. They also profit on Kidnapping for ransom, extortion, cargo theft, organ traffiking.
      So bro nope they would never go broke.

    4. I do agree american and white European has the biggest drug appetite. But China is to blame for the chemicals around the world.

    5. Lmao China did not create fentanyl…

    6. @7.20. You mean the chemicals that keep entire US industries purring? Or do you mean the pain killers that prevent people all over the world dying in agony? The abuse of fentanyl and Heroin seems to make people forget that it serves a legitimate purpose that will always be abused. Blaming the US for having so many drug addicts is simplistic, but blaming China for selling chemicals is just ignorant.

    7. Pretty sure they didn’t “create it” and besides; it was the DEA who created the fentanyl crisis, no one else.

    8. 1:21 YEYYYY!!!!!! You are back SIR!!!!!!! Welcome back, how you been? How did rehab go?

    9. @8.05. You think I'm SIR? I'll take that as a compliment cos SIR was always sincere. And funny. Being mistaken for Little Nuts/Juan Rambo and I might have been offended.

    10. 5:42 why did you take your (1:21) comment down?

  13. Fa real America is truly to blame. This is comming from an American. If you truly look at the history. And be honest if us Americans stopped consuming drugs completely the cartels would not exist. Truth hurts but how can you blame people for making money off our drug addiction. That's litterly the American way. And the US gov is so shady, act like they don't kill people or minupulate us. Let's rich people get away with anything such as rape murder corruption. Anything the cartels do we do to. We just cover it up and lie about it till the lie becomes the truth. LOOK IN THE MIRROR.

    1. The world has a drug problem. It’s not America’s problem exclusively but the worlds problem. Drugs are consumed in Mexico and all of South America, Europe, Asia you name it every continent on the planet except for Antarctica there are people who consume all types of mind altering substances, and it’s very helpful for everyone to have dialogue where we sit around and blame each other, but playing the blame game is not going to help anybody in any country

    2. I looked myself in the mirror and am proud I don't use drugs, I am American and not all Americans use drugs as you state.

    3. 8:05 Ya and I’ve seen people like to tout the Middle East and their harsh drug penalties as some kind of success story but yet I read a new headline like every other day about amphetamine use being abundant in places like Syria and Saudi Arabia.

  14. How about we start selling these Chinamen come laced with Fentanyl... Everyone knows Chinos love coke n glass. Go to the casinos and see

  15. They are right… they aren’t trafficking any fentanyl to Mexico..

    They’re just shipping tons of the precursors for making it! 🦉

    1. There ya went and said the quiet part outloud.

    2. Chinese are not forcing anyone to buy the precursors or to manufacture fentanyl

    3. 11:56 ya but they’re not manufacturing better shit so fuck em.

    4. But majority of the shit you buy or own is made in china

    5. @1035 — I will say, back when China was supplying the shit (to mainly Canada and east coast US) it wasn’t cut with fucking animal tranquilizers… that leave holes in the users

  16. These guys will do anything for a quick buck since 1930 when sold H to the Mob.

  17. These guys are like the cartels selling chemicals to their customers they should also blow on their own stuff acti g like zombies 24-7 committing attrocies these guys are no longer businessmen they are terrorists.

  18. Why does that Chinese guy always have the exact same facial expressions.

    1. Because God made them like that.

    2. He’s a clone

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  19. "There's no other country in the world that's doing as much against fentanyl trafficking to the United States as Mexico," Ebrard told the news conference.............. No other country ships as much Fentanyl either.

    1. Ebrand is like the vice president of Mexico, he has to kiss azz, and agree to what Andres Manuel Lopez Hablador 😂 says.
      Otherwise he would have to kiss his Minister job goodbye. Hablador did not want to go to London UK for the funeral
      So he sends Elbrard and the wife.
      This proves Fentynal production is coming from Mexico, but silly Hablador says "no".

  20. 35 migrants kidnapped

  21. Chi-coms sound like leftist Dems- deny and project. Long live the free and independent nation of Taiwan 🇹🇼.

  22. People need to be schooled on supply and demand. Obviously a multi faceted approach is necessary that involves all stakeholders. But anyways, can you do an article how the Brics propaganda is all smoke lol

    1. But you forgot to say please.
      What happened to request manners.

    2. There are many more factors involved today than just “supply and demand” …

    3. 2:21 Exactly

    4. 2:21 Like what? enlight us buddy

    5. @221 — There are sociological issues alone that factor in the dozens, from a “drug war” (epidemic) that’s now over 60 years old…

      I don’t have the time or energy to write everything out right now, but if you know the drug game well then you should know the factors too

  23. Can you do a reporting on Mexican pharmacy drugs now getting cut with crappy synthetics like fentanyl and racemic meth? I thought the Farmapram market was still safe..

    1. Sealed bottles of farmapram are still safe I’m sure; it’s the oxy’s you gotta watch out for..

  24. What a lie, I’ve got contacts in China that are all to happy to send any chemical or analog anywhere in the world. Fentanyl is even 100% guaranteed to arrive in an undetectable consignment, usually inside glass vials. I’ve got about 5 different chemical companies in China that pester me monthly asking if I want to place an another order. Even advertising they got some new Isotonitazene that’s 200x stronger than fentanyl. They got it all at any amount you please. You contact them on the web and then they give you an alternative telegram address to contact them on. It’s cheap and they got all these young lady’s selling it online like it’s aspirin. I’ve never had a male salesman it’s always young lady’s that flirt with you while trying to ply you with any damn chemical you please. Anabolic steroids, even cocaine analogue and meth amphetamines, GBH it’s a full candy store. And xi will sit there saying it done exists that’s comedy!

    1. Clear net or darkweb??

    2. Imagine actually advertising/bragging about having iso…

    3. Like reverse ester-cocaine? I still wonder why cocaine analogs haven’t hit the streets. The ester version of coke lasts literally like 5 hours. Probably terribly unhealthy though.

    4. @1033 you bet your ass that you’d be betting your life with that shit… and any analogs these days.

  25. @9:04pm. How about Nembutal? Can you provide a name?

    1. James brown What you know bout that? (TI)

    2. @1:36am I know all about that. Big things poppin.

  26. Passive-aggressive bs again by Beijing. Mexico has the right to call out China for their enabling the cartels which leads to the violence. Typical CCP crap.

    1. Please, the entire West is in bed with CCP…

      Remember Zhen Li the money man?

  27. It's there secret weapon of mass destruction 100 %

    1. One of them; check out their AI which is ironically named SkyNet…

  28. More officers arrested for selling drugs in USA. Two more. LolDrug enforcement officers. Lol. AMLO was right. US citizens are doing the distribution with the help of the police.

    1. 5:53 100% with you, how else would the deugs hitt the market? Some people are just plain blind and rather put the blame on others for their addiction

  29. China only traffics in phentaknill not fentanyl

  30. China makes money and both Mexico and the US pay a terrible price. Xi Jinping actually said in a speech for his people to raise themselves out of poverty any way they can. And here you are.

    1. Don't hate the players hate the game

    2. Why would you ship finished fent when you don't have to. They ship the chems, people just eat up CNN amd fox News and just religiously belive anything. Most of you are sheep. Shout out the real one!

    3. We are in this mess because the failed war on drugs. Why would US consumers consume a drug that can potentially kill you? What is driving addicts to deadly drugs? We need to understand the cause to treat the disease. Addiction is the symptom of the disease. Until we don’t treat the disease, we will not defeat drugs.


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