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Sunday, April 16, 2023

China, Nuevo León: Family Recognizes Body of Missing Young Woman Bionce Amaya Cortez

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Nuevo Leon Prosecutor's Office detailed that a half-brother recognized the body of young Bionce Amaya Cortez.

The Attorney General's Office of the State of Nuevo Leon confirmed that the body found on Friday in the community of El Verde, in General Bravo, corresponds to that of the young Bionce Amaya Cortez, 20 years old and who had disappeared in the municipality of China since last April 6.

In a statement released on social networks, the authorities of Nuevo Leon said that the body was recognized both in clothing and physical characteristics by a half-brother of the young woman.

After the corresponding forensic studies, the cause of death was determined to be a deep contusion of the skull, cervical vertebrae and thorax.

Bionce Amaya Cortez, a young resident of Texas, United States, had traveled to China, Nuevo Leon, to spend her Easter vacation there.

In an interview with EFE, the girl's mother, Flor Esthela Cortez Garibay, stated that her family is originally from China, Nuevo Leon, her daughter traveled there to spend a few days of rest and visit relatives there.

"The last message she sent me was at one o'clock in the morning, at dawn on Monday, and she did not write me anything else, she only sent me a heart, I answered her at two o'clock in the morning and that message no longer entered her phone", said the woman.

She commented that the young woman is a resident of Missión, Texas, but was born in General Bravo, Nuevo León.

In China, Nuevo Leon, on February 25, a group of three women disappeared, also residents of Texas, identified as Maritza Trinidad, Mariana Pérez Ríos, and Dora Alicia Cervantes Saenz. To date there has been no news of them.

According to a study recently revealed by the Mexican Institute for Human Rights and Democracy and funded by the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, between 2015 and 2021, the number of missing women, girls and adolescents in Mexico grew to almost triple, going from 1,043 cases annually to 2,729 cases in these 6 years.

López Dóriga  Jesús Rubén Peña  Judith Medrano  Jesús Rubén Peña


  1. She klooks like she’s that type that hangs out with narco boyfriend or even one of the scarias. If that’s true, another one bites the dust.

    1. Agree, you play with fire ….

    2. That's stupid to assume something like that lots of people here in the valley have family in Mexico and visit all the time

  2. QEPD la señorita

  3. Sad. Some sick fux got their jollies before the axe.

  4. She probably sent the "heart" message not long before she was killed, she probably knew that she was going to be killed.

  5. That’s a Spanish woman.Want to hear her theme song?Listen to Tom Waits “Dead and lovely”.

    1. Spanish women are from Spain 🇪🇸

    2. Culturally, she would still be Spanish as "Spanish" is a language and language is part of culture.

    3. @12:49. You are wrong. It's not Spanish the language or culture. It is called Mestizo which is what most Mexicans are.

    4. Yes Mexicans have alot of indigenous heritage and also a fair amount of African slaves in there no one likes to talk about.

  6. That kind of violence? Maybe more femicide than narco related, not that the two don't interact

  7. She was very pretty. So sad.

    1. Lol yeah like many Mexican women right....before printing after surgery. She's scum.

  8. A cheaper version of Claudia Ochoa Felix and ended up being murdered like that perra too. ...she screwed the wrong guys and paid for it. End of.

  9. Sad to read that she sent a “heart” message at 1am and that was the last thing her mom knew of her. I wonder what happened, but my guess is she was in a bad situation and knew she was going to die. That heart was a last goodbye…

  10. She is plastic with fake hair and filters tell me she's pretty ffs


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