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Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Crenshaw Resolution Condemns Mexican President for Threatening to Meddle in US Elections

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Lopez Obrador had threatened an 'information campaign' against Republicans

Former senior adviser under Trump and Bush, Christian Whiton, breaks down the policies of Mexico President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, including the fentanyl crisis and the cartels.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, is introducing a resolution that would condemn the Mexican president for threatening to meddle in U.S. elections in response to Republican moves to crack down on fentanyl smuggling across the border -- with the Texas lawmaker calling for a "united front" from Congress.

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador in March threatened to launch an "information campaign" after Republicans -- including Crenshaw -- had suggested that the U.S. may have to take military action against cartels in Mexico that are producing fentanyl and moving it across the border.

Fentanyl is primarily produced in Mexico using Chinese precursors and then shipped across the U.S. land border. The illicit opioid, which is 50-100 times more potent than morphine and can be fatal in small doses, is responsible for over 70,000 American deaths a year.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, is seen outside a meeting of the House Republican Conference in the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.

But with Republicans calling for more action against the cartels, including military interventions and Foreign Terrorist Organization declarations, Lopez Obrador pushed back and moved to punish Republicans at the ballot box instead.

"Starting today we are going to start an information campaign for Mexicans who live and work in the United States and for all Hispanics to inform them of what we are doing in Mexico and how this initiative by the Republicans, in addition to being irresponsible, is an offense against the people of Mexico, a lack of respect for our independence, our sovereignty," he said.

"And if they do not change their attitude and think that they are going to use Mexico for their propaganda, electoral, and political purposes, we are going to call for them not to vote for that party, because it is interventionist, inhumane, hypocritical, and corrupt," Lopez Obrador said, later adding that Mexico would be insisting that "not one vote" goes to Republicans from Mexicans and Hispanics.

Crenshaw’s resolution notes that foreign interference in another country’s election is "a violation of law and longstanding international customs, including the United Nation’s Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations "

It also highlights that it is not the force time the controversial Mexican premier has made such threats, as in July 2022 he targeted Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and said that Mexico is "going to ask our countrymen there that they don’t vote for that candidate or party."

The resolution calls on Lopez Obrador to retract his statements, commit to not interfering in U.S. elections and to "take action to ensure that no ministry or instrumentality acting on behalf of the Mexican Government takes any action to interfere with any election within the United States."

At home, it calls on the State Department to monitor any Mexican efforts to interfere in U.S. elections, and calls on President Biden to denounce the remarks and also use the tools of government to protect from any interference.

In a statement to Fox News Digital, called for an immediate vote on the resolution, and a united response from Congress to the remarks by supporting the resolution.

"Instead of fighting the Mexican drug cartels that are killing Mexicans and Americans, President AMLO is fighting people like me who actually want to stop these murderous thugs. AMLO and his cronies have attacked me personally, victim-blamed Americans killed by fentanyl, and vowed to interfere in American elections to stop legislation that would target his cartel donors," Crenshaw said.

Mexican President Andres Lopez Obrador stands at the National Palace during a ceremony in Mexico City, Sept. 20, 2022.

"Attempts to intimidate American voters or intervene in our democratic process will not be tolerated. Republican leadership should bring this important resolution to the House floor immediately for a vote. Every Member of Congress should support this resolution to show a united front against AMLO’s reckless rhetoric and his failure to stop cartels in his country from mass murdering Americans with fentanyl," he said.

The threat from Lopez Obrador is just one of a number of highly inflammatory remarks he has made on the subject of fentanyl. He has falsely claimed that fentanyl is not produced in Mexico, while attributing the crisis to a "lack of hugs" in the U.S. rather than cartels in his country.

He also wrote to Chinese President Xi Jinping requesting his help on the crisis, while simultaneously taking aim at American lawmakers.

"Unjustly, they are blaming us for problems that in large measure have to do with their loss of values, their welfare crisis," he wrote. "These positions are in themselves a lack of respect and a threat to our sovereignty, and moreover they are based on an absurd, manipulative, propagandistic and demagogic attitude."

Fox News


  1. this dude Dan Crenshaw is batshit crazy, also brave like a motherfucker, I think the Taliban blew his eye out in combat, he ain't just wearing the pirate eye patch to look cool..

    1. He's definitely trying hard to go to Mexico and destabilize it more than what they already have.
      Definitely full of 💩

    2. Crenshaw is a “Republican” pretends to fight democrats.
      But when you look at voting results,
      He be siding with the Democrats when it’s time to cast that vote on Bills

    3. Id challenge him to a one on one in a MMA or boxing match. Porque el es perro que ladra y no muerde.

    4. This report proves exactly what AMLO is talking about. This guy says that he's hurting Mexico and that it's going backwards economically, but Mexico hasn't seen this much job growth and investment, foreign and domestic, in it's history. The peso is at 17 something when compared to the dollar, and it was 20 something more or lessto the dollar when his term started. Also, the female in the report states that Mexico's electoral laws were good, that they have been having good elections, but that AMLO has been changing those laws when in the world Mexico's system was up there pretty much. That goes to show you the propaganda being put out by certain actors in the arena. This lady is either brainless and is seriously not a reporter and needs to get fired or is spreading propaganda. She has to know that atleast two of the last few presidential elections were corrupted. The most recent one being Calderons term. And by changing the system as this lady mentions, he's only changed things at INE, and after he did change a few things and some personnel there, look how much curruption came out. Billions of dollars of unaccounted funds are missing. That's why AMLO changed things there. They were supposed to be neutral but back the old guard. Even the PRI put Cordova (ex president of INE) on blast since he was replaced. Even latinus. AMLO did the right thing. And as for AMLO saying that he would call on people to not vote for the republicans....This mf'er Crenshaw wants the US military to go into Mexico without permission and hunt down cartels, but he's crying talking about mexican meddling in US elections. The fkn idiot wants to invade a sovereign country and kill mexicans, but talks about election meddling. One is words, words that were caused by his meddling in mexican issues and his total lack of respect to mexican sovereignty. It's a fkn shame all the people that have od'ed on fent, but at the end of the day them narcotics were voluntarily taken. Nobody forced them or talked them into it. If the would follow the law, they wouldn't be taking those substances and the od never would have occurred. But they chose not to follow the law and went out to seek these substances for consumption on their own free will. How is that mass murder?!!!! How this article stupidly mentions!!! The US has been stepping on Mexico for a long time, and now that there's a president with the balls to stand up to the bully, the hypocrite, the judas,(all references are to the government)people want to act and try to paint like Mexico's in the wrong, when history has showed us time and time again that the one in the wrong was the US government

  2. If theres ever a war would mexican and Mexican Americans be taken hostage like the Japanese community when USA went to war with them? Or only Mexican nationals be detained? Serious Question

    1. Seriously, it's a stupid question because a war with mexico will never happen.

    2. This is Native American land you tool

    3. If they detain the mexicans living in the states, who will do the shitty jobs? The meth heads or he himself

    4. ELMO is adorable thinking he can do anything to influence an American election. Silly boy, just stick to what you know, like corruption and false bravado.

    5. Do you have any idea how many Mexican-Americans live in America? Have you ever been to downtown Chicago on Mexican Independent day ? Mexican flags waving everywhere. I don’t think many of them would be too happy if America was to ignore Mexico’s sovereignty and invade them under the pretense that it was to eliminate the cartels. If AMLO was to run a campaign against Republicans, it could 100 percent have an influence on the elections. If AMLO is “adorable” and “silly” for thinking he can influence American elections, then why is Dan Crenshaw so scared by AMLO’s comments.

    6. Why would the the U.S detain any Mexican? If a war was to occur it would be Military vs Military.

    7. We are way too many mexicans and mexican americans in the US to be able to put us all away. The japs were a few compared to us we are too deep.

    8. @ 9:45: I don't believe he is scared, he just wants a fight with the man whom he believes is a sponsor of drug trafficking, which he kinda is...

    9. 8:18 your thinking in the stone age.
      It's the war on drugs. Not a war with Mexico 🤣🤪. Get a grip.

    10. 8:30
      He has been watching too many movies on the Holocaust and Japanese with USA war.

    11. 9:45 Totally agree with you. And Chicago is just one city of many. People want to say he's in cahoots (AMLO) with the cartels for ulterior motives, but look at this stat, under AMLO, during his term the confiscation of drugs has broken records in each. In fetenal, cocain, meth, and heroine. No only have records been broken in each, most of those records have been completely smashed. And he still has a year to go. Law enforcement has been gunning it out with the cartels on a daily. They've been arresting/killing important cartel figures. They been freezing assets. All that. Now what this crenshaw guy doesn't mention is that corruption is impeding, hampering and undermining AMLO. The PRIAN fights everything AMLO tries to accomplish. Look at how they fought the National Guard from being tutored, overseen and equipped to be on par or better to be able to take on the cartels in terms of weaponry. The opposition voted against that. Why. Or how about the supreme court unfreezing Garcia Luna's accounts for his wife. Or the supreme court giving an amparo an putting a pause to Cabeza De Vaca's warrants. Or them releasing el mocha orejas. Or the judicial system releasing cartel members on b.s. reasons and sometimes with no reason at all. After all the work the federal or state personnel put in and some even losing their life in the operation, just so the court could come along and release them. But crenshaw doesn't mention non of that. He doesn't mention how that not only undermines AMLO's government and makes it that much harder to address the issue of security for the mexican people, but it hurts morale to see the ones that sre suppose to be on your side and are supposed to be fighting the same fight are in bed with them instead. Crenshaw leaves all that out. But regardless of all that, AMLO and those with him keep fighting that fight. It's an up hill battle, but AMLO's whole political life has been an uphill battle, so he has some stamina. And that stamina is what produced his reaction to this silly man's (crenshaw's) proposal and comments. He's battled hypocrites before on multiple occasions. It's all part of fighting that uphill battle.

  3. best to round up anybody that don't got ojos azules, just to be on the safe side, jajaja..
    Actually, the smart move would be to set different factions against each other, chicanos versus mexican nationals, psyops to divide and conquer..
    Like some biker tank captain in county jail told me one time, if you pit the sureños contra norteños, they stay busy and leave the whites alone..

  4. I respect Crenshaw for his courage and service, however, he is proving that he can sling shit like any other politician. Both he and ELMO need to knock off the rhetoric and get serious about a serious problem that both countries share.

    1. @8:55 Look at all of the drug lab bust in Sinaloa, Jalisco, Colima and Quintana Roo. Dont forget about everyone who's been captured under AMLO. RCQ, Obvidio, Menchos wife, Menchos brother, El Marro, La Vaca, El 85, El Cazador. There has been countless security measures implemented like the switch in responsibilities for ports of entry handed to sedena. Sedena taking over the GN along with the increase of Guardia Nacional personnel. Let's not ignore the exclusion of The DEA which has also been proven to be corrupt but given less attention by the gringo media.

  5. Logical falacy, interference in foreign elections violates international law, but so would foreign military intervention in a sovereign nation. A chingar a su madre, AMLO is doing what he can after decades of corruption (Remember Garcia Luna was America's best friend)

    1. By doing what he can, you mean continue to steal from the country and profit from drug trafficking? Someone took their naive pill this morning.

  6. China ,Iran,Russia and North Korea meddle in American elections .

    1. The U.S. doesn’t do anything about it when those other countries meddle in U.S. elections because they’re scared of them and because they don’t want to antagonize them. But of course they have no problem picking on a smaller and weaker country like Mexico. Of course they have no problem threatening to put American soldiers in Mexico even though Mexico’s constitution doesn’t allow foreign troops on Mexican soil without the President’s permission. America is a bully just like Russia is.

    2. The United States is far more advanced than any other military in the history of humankind. No other country has had access to as much money for as long a period of time which has enabled it to have tech that far surpasses anyone else on the planet. There is a reason there is over $10 trillion unaccounted for in the defense budget. That is money that has gone into tech that the general public has no knowledge of so I highly doubt that officials in the know are afraid of any of the said countries.

  7. Get a load of this jack ass Crenshaw. Shows some poor character to behave this way to a young girl. Hopefully he is voted out in 2024.

  8. Why didn't the US do anything about it when Russia did it?
    I forgot, they are terrified of Putin

    1. They are scared of el viejon Putin, they know that’s a fight they can’t win

    2. 9:36 same as 12:53 you answered your own question ❓. 🤣🤣🤪

  9. AMLO is delusional. Does he really believe USA citizens of Mexican descent will heed his rhetoric to vote against all Republicans? Laughable. I'm sure the Cubanos in Florida are anxiously waiting his opinion on who to vote for. Hey let's not forget about the other caribeños and Central and South Americans. I'm sure they're also fanatics of him. No mames.
    They leave their homeland weary, hungry and tired of the dysfunctional governments but have been convinced by the shining example of AMLOs government that yes everything is super duper in México🤣 so they should listen to him.
    What a fraud Andrés Manuel López Hablador has been to México!!

    1. AMLO is Mexicos best president !!! All republicans need to start acting like adults , because using threats of invasion on one of their most important trading partners and long time ally is ignorant to say the least . Friends don't invade friends. What did they expect AMLO to say , yeah come on over and invade our country and step all over our right as an independent country . Ignorant .

    2. Hablador can't control his Country, CJNG is in many States. Hablador just not putting effort, that ideas are popping up, to stop the Fentynal problem.

    3. 12:12 You might think that, and you have a right to your opinion, but it doesn't make you right. I'm not saying he has all hispanics on call or anything, but anyone who thinks that he won't influence atleast thousands of votes is an idiot. Did you see everyone that was lined up to see AMLO when he went to New York? That was alot of people waiting for him to show up at the UN building. Those people will do as he says. They feel he won't lead them wrong and they have his back.

  10. US didn't do anything against Russia because Donny was president and he would always kiss his Rear end like the rest of the MAGA cheerleaders who didn't say anything when they invaded Ukraine.

    1. Why would they say anything about Russia invading Ukraine. Only people that aren't informed or talk out of their rectum would say anything. It's understandable why they invaded knowing the facts and paying attention to the complaints Putin had and made atleast 5 years prior to the invasion, maybe more.

  11. Kennedy and Carter brought the Cubans here and they turn around and vote for the GOP what a bunch of ungrateful.

    1. Bay of the Pigs . Kennedy left them to die and never provided air support as promised

  12. Ay ya yay.
    The framework is there and if you really take a look at what's going on, you would realize that AMLO is using the Bicentennial Agreement to keep the U.S off his back. Not just that, but he's using this to push Mexico forward. Mexico is more of an economic threat to the U.S than an actual public health threat.

    1. A Chayotero in the house.😵‍💫


      LOL, when you have no response, just call them a chayotero to look less stupid. Good job 8:06.

      Again, this is the agreement 🤝 both nations came to. Maybe Dan Crenshaw needs to read it to see where the U.S is falling short. AMLO seems to be holding up to his end of the bargain.

      Support Safe Communities: Reduce exploitation of vulnerable people by criminal groups through education and economic opportunity...

      -AMLO has been building trade schools , hospitals and universities and has a whole lot of national projects that have created direct and indirect jobs. So you can't say he's not trying when it comes to this point.

      Homicide and High-Impact Crime Reduction: Reduce the number of homicides in Mexico by targeting the actors and enablers of violence...

      -AMLO created the national guard. This agency absorbed the 30k personnel from the federal police and still increased it by 90k. The Guardia Nacional has 120k bodies and something like 400 new barracks to house those soldiers through the nation. Just yesterday the national guard was ambushed, 1 soldier and 5 criminals died. Who has been captured under AMLO, RCQ, Ovidio, Lupe Tapia, El Marro, La Vaca, El 85, Menchos wife, Menchos Brother, El Cazador and the list is looong! You can say AMLO does nothing, but these clashes between la Guardia and criminals happen more often than you think. Again, Mexico living up to their end of the bargain.

      Secure Modes of Travel and Commerce: Strengthen oversight and coordination at air, land, sea, and rail ports of entry and mail and package delivery facilities...

      -AMLO not only put SeDeNa in charge of all land, air and sea ports of entry but just recently Mexico's president moved the immigration headquarters from Mexico City to Nuevo Laredo and is building a new facility with comparable technology as the U.S. Don't take my word for it though, if you have your doubts, Google it. 😀

      Disrupt the Capacity of TCOs and their Illicit Supply Chains: Reduce TCO drug sales capacity and prosecute corruption cases and TCO-related crimes, with a focus on drug laboratories and precursor chemicals. Dismantle, seize the assets...

      -Sinaloa has been getting hit hard but let's not forget about the drug shipments that have been confiscated off the coast of Puerto Vallarta, Manzanillo, Chiapas and Oaxaca. Just the other day a shipment of tequila filled with liquid meth was seized in Jalisco.

      Increase Cooperation on Extraditions: Increase bilateral cooperation to facilitate the extradition of TCO members and related actors under each nation’s laws.

      There has been more high profile captures and extraditions under AMLO's administration than the last 4 mexican presidents combined! Look it up. RCQ, Ovidio, El Cazador, Menchos wife and brother to name a few.

      Again, you can't say AMLO is not living up to his end of the Bicentennial Agreement. You can accuse him of corruption and taking bribes, but I know if I ask any of you to provide some evidence, you wouldn't be able to. Chayotero this and Chayotero that, but the facts are facts. Dan Crenshaw has no leg to stand on or blind eye to turn. Anyway, U.S putting troops on Mexican soil won't happen. Dan's a pendejo and the majority of Mexicans don't vote republican anyway.

    3. 9:49 one of the many things almo has failed is reduce the year high homicides, that average 32,000-35,000
      on his watch, even with having established the Gardia National.
      I can see why Chayotero word is used alot.

    4. 1107, the homicide rate doubled every year starting with Calderon and that's not including the number of clandestine grave sites that are currently being discovered dating to that era. The homicide rate reached its peak under Peña Nieto, topping off at 35k. Under AMLO its hovered around 35K and slightly lowering each year. The homicide rate has not doubled as it was happening in the past, it's maintained itself where it is. Refer to the Bicentennial Agreement and there is obvious proof that AMLO is addressing every point mentioned. That alone is enough to keep the gringos from interfering in Mexicos domestic issues.

    5. 1107 what percentage of the 35k homicides are innocent victims and what percentage are involved in criminal activities. I bet you most of the homicides are cartel members. You make it seem like it's 35k innocent victims you 🤡.

    6. 1:39 I'm sure the corresponding investigative authorities know exactly 💯 who is law abiding civilian and who was criminal civilian attacking government forces through their exhaustive investigation of the case.
      The AMLO government just refuses to make those stats public since they're so awesomely favorable.🤡

    7. The real mexican threat to the U.S.

    8. 252 if you're so "sure" then provide us with the documents to prove your statement true. You must have access to that sensitive information and if that's the case then share it with BB. Otherwise you're just speculating 🤡.

    9. At 4.44
      Not picky MF 😜.
      The person said average 35k
      Homicides yearly, a common person would understand the amount is being said for the year, no stats on which died innocently, and which are cartels, but that still adds up to yearly homicides. Next your going to ask for age group.😭😭🤣.

    10. 915 No. I'm going to insist on "What percentage of those 35k are criminals and how many are innocent victims?" If the majority of those homicides were innocent victims then yes, the government should be pressured into doing more to prevent innocent people from being murdered. But both you and I know that the majority of them people being killed are criminals. It's either criminals vs. Criminals, or criminals vs. The government, and since that's the case, the government can only do what it can to to prevent more people from being killed. Now if Dan Crenshaw comes into Mexico with the army, marines, airforce and navy, do you honestly believe those actions will lower the death toll? Again do you honestly believe declaring a full on war against the cartels will lower the death toll? The death toll will rise genius. but that's beyond your level of comprehension. Continue believing change will be accomplished over night. Or in 1 presidential term.

  13. Republicans, moronic children.
    The dog bark back and they cannot handle it.The Dems will ignore it.

  14. Who is behind Elmo, in helping him do a fake information campaign against the US Republicans?

    Who is being a sore loser, it is true we have a severe fentanyl problem, coming from Mexico.
    Elmo is doing minimal on the drug cartel problem, yet him as his cabinet want to spread misinformation, give me a break, no one likes to be corrected nowadays even if they are in the wrong.

    1. Chinese Communist Government and M.S.S (Chinese Inteligence)

    2. 6:45 fentanyl also comes from China and Canada idiot.

    3. 9:51 once again the precursor chemicals come from China to make Fentynal. Fentanyl does not come ready made from China, Dork.

  15. Maybe the US wants to renew the bucarelli treat just the way they did it 100 years ago

  16. This is getting good.

  17. Quitenle el otro ojo y asunto arreglado.

  18. After hitting play on the video, it's obvious that the ones who are behind the misinformation campaign are the gringos. How does this chick claim the election process was always "pretty secure and good..."? Just Google Mexicos 1988 election fraud. Colosio was murdered for the following elections and a lot of people suspect Salinas de Gortari was involved. Google the controversies behind the 2006 elections. Peña Nietos win was not clean either on top of him being the dumbest president to serve office... The election reform PASSED because it puts salary and term caps on the INE board members on top of making it possible to prosecute a president for election fraud. The reform passed because it's fair and makes sense. How is that bad for the election process? Based off the wrong information FOX is providing, I would totally disregard this video. FOX is obviously pushing a naritive.

    1. What’s the female Fox reporters name is she of Mexican descent?

    2. Is that you the cayotero 😂😂😂😂🤣

    3. 10:37 don't even get me started on the 1988 elections..
      Cárdenas was way up in the vote counts, the computers "crashed", and oh yeah, I almost forgot, they put a bullet in his campaign manager's brain..

    4. 1200 LOL I take it you disagree. You believe the INE board members should be allowed to make more than AMLO, or hold the position for 35 years? You think a president or candidate should not be prosecuted if found guilty of election fraud? It was only a reform, which means some wrinkles were ironed out, not completely scrapped.

  19. Crenshaw is so delusional. I RESPECT ALMO s gangster tho, imma tell my country man to not vote for your party. Lmfao. That's so tight. There so many Mexicans in Texas. The US used to people just rolling over for there agenda. Maybe use our time,money amd resources to battle the gangs who sell the fent in the US. OR the rich white kids selling to there friends on campus. Or that outsider kid in high school selling to anyone killing people who don't know how to use. IDK JUST A THOUGHT. there plenty of things to do to clean up the US. Pretty sure we got some corruption in our gov that just seems to stop being talked about. Just an announcement that it happen amd it's taking care of. Lol that's our gov. If people did not use and sell fent pills in the US thr cartels would stop selling them and go back to the reg drugs.

  20. Doesn't Texas sell every cartel guns? Don't most the orgins of high power weapons come from Texas? Don't people from Texas purchase guns for cartels. Maybe I'm wrong. Lol

  21. Hablador been shaking his legs lately wonder why.?


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