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Saturday, April 29, 2023

DEA Declares War On 'Los Chapitos' and CJNG; Will Target Them In 46 Countries

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Anne Milgram says everyone needs to do more to target drug trafficking groups' networks

The activities of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and the Sinaloa Cartel have led to an escalation of violence in parts of the country. 

DEA Administrator Anne Milgram said her agency will combat the Sinaloa Cartel - dominated by Los Chapitos - and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel within the United States and in 45 countries where both groups operate.

At a hearing in which she asked for an increase in the DEA's budget, Milgram praised the achievements of Mexican authorities, but, pressed by a Republican congressman on the collaboration of the Mexican government, the official responded that "Mexicans are also dying" in the battle against the two cartels and fentanyl.

Milgram explained that the DEA's strategy against the two cartels is not only focused in Mexico but in more than 40 countries and within the United States.

She said she is now seeking the extradition of 17 people arrested, including Ovidio Guzman, and to locate 20 suspects who remain at large, four Chinese who provide the precursor chemicals and 16 Mexicans who produce and manufacture fentanyl.

She stated that just as the DEA's strategy to combat fentanyl production and trafficking is initially focused on China and Mexico, his agency "will follow the evidence of corruption wherever it leads us".

She cited as examples the charges against Juan Orlando Hernández in Guatemala and President Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela.

Is Mexico cooperating?" asked Budget Committee Chairman Hal Rogers.

I appreciate that question," Milgram responded, "and as we have shown (in relation to) Los Chapitos, the base and all the operations of (the Sinaloa cartel) are in Mexico; there are 16 individuals and Ovidio who are still there. Our top priority is to bring those 17 Mexicans to the United States to face justice.

So now we are asking Mexico to assist us in arresting the 16 individuals who remain at large and extraditing them to the United States," he added.

I take this opportunity to say that we are also seeking the extradition of Rafael Caro Quintero, who was arrested last year, and we recognize the women and men of law enforcement, many of whom died, in the arrests of Rafael Caro Quintero and Ovidio Guzman," he said.

Let's understand that these two cartels operate in 45 countries, so it is vital that we continue the work we do in Mexico and China, and now we can work in many other countries," he said.

As for Mexico, we all need to do more. We as DEA do more, we want to work with Mexico so that they work with us to get everyone (wanted) in custody," he said.



  1. For those who say Mencho isn't dead this article pretty much proves it. Not one word of him. Because he's no longer.

    1. Ok mija, do you feel better now? Go back to bed

    2. 8:19: 👍 Yep he died over a year ago and people still think he is alive.
      They are in Denial 😠.

    3. That's a negative chief . A friend of mine knows some of his other sons not involved in the game up in the bay area (oakland , redwood city ) he laughs at those rumors .

    4. 8:19 ok, let's say he is dead. What has changed?
      CJNG is stronger than ever

    5. 8:19 thats not good news, cause that means he died and the cartel is still running strong when we all thaught the cartel would split when he died

    6. For those who say Elvis isn't dead this article pretty much proves it. Not one word of him. Because he's no longer.

    7. 11:35 let's say he is dead, he ACTUALLY is dead, nothing changed because family members and high in command run the show.🤔

    8. For those who say Mayo isn't dead this article pretty mich proves it. Not one word of him. Because he's no longer

    9. @8:19 you sound dumb as hell he’s still alive quit playin!! The structure to that org is still there and running strong ese wey esta vivo

    10. @11:42😂😂🤣

  2. Is CDS really dominated by Chapitos?

    1. Yes CDS is dominated by the chapitos, Ivan is the king of Culiacan, Sonora and Durango now. The only powerful person in Mayos faction is Mayo the rest are minions

    2. El FZ FlacoZambada got a lot of power.
      You don’t know what you’re saying

    3. If CDS is dominated by Chapitos RIP CDS

    4. No it's part of the DEA and Zambada plan to take out the Chapitos so that Vicente and Mayito Gordo can go back to Mexico without worrying about getting killed by the Chapitos.

    5. We rarely hear about flaco Z that could be true

    6. 10:41 your hero is not a partner of the DEA. I am sorry to inform you but Mayo is old and yesterdays news

    7. You slow pokes don’t know how to read.DEA going after the chapitos side of CDS that sends fentanyl to the states.

    8. 1:37 you clearly have Lots of reading to do by the way it’s not just the DEA, I will give you a hint it starts with the C and has 3 letters.

    9. 5:30 yeah sure kid

  3. Ok DEA, now talk about what you're doing to restrict the flow of guns from the Uss to Mexico and disruption of cash flow

    1. Flow of guns to Mexico should start with Mexico securing its border, RIGHT!!? It won’t completely stop the flow but will greatly inhibit it! Mexico, use those billions the USA taxpayers pay you and secure your border! There, that’s a start!!

    2. Goes both ways US should secure the border as well.

    3. Isn’t that more so the ATF’s concern?

    4. 9:11 That is not DEA responsibility that is the ATF is for.

    5. 2:36 quick question, whose was in charge of the fast and the furious gun smuggling fiasco? I dont really remember to be honest

    6. And the answer is President Obama was in charge of fast and furious

    7. 11:14 Eric Holder I’m pretty sure

    8. 4:02 Dude stop. Fast and furious started under Bush and the ATF sure as shit did not tell either president what was going on. It was also a unique time when no one really knew what to do about the Zetas which is why they armed their rivals. Things didn’t go to plan obviously but there was still a coherent strategy behind it.

  4. She is delusional and dumb if she thinks only 4 chinese people are responsible for the fentanyl crisis. Seems like she isnt smart as she thinks she is because anyone can see she is just doing this to climb up the ladder by putting a face on the cartels. Good luck stopping CDS and CJNG lmao, even if she catches them , CDS and CJNG will continue with different leadership

    1. She’s most definitely smarter than you. She’s leading the DEA and you’re making comments on a website. Res ipsa loquitor

    2. @11:19 I’m sure she is 😂

  5. With profits of x10,another cartel will replace.Money is more addicting than drugs.And the "money people" are some of the most violent.
    Why can't the USA focus more on answering the central question,why do millions of Americans like putting things in their mouth,nose and veins,get some kind of headache and hallucinate
    Why can't they copy the pharmaceutical industry,which also has lots of addicts,but no violence.

    1. Things were fine before the mid to late 2010s but DEA, CDC and others had to crack down on pain pills bringing the death rates to a whole new level. Why I or anyone does drugs is none of anyone else’s business if they’re an adult. Nanny state is too haughty.

  6. They are attacking the fent producers and sellers. Did y’all read a word of the article ? That’s the reason Mencho and Mayos name wasn’t mentioned.

  7. AMLO will not allow it, to much money being kicked back


    1. What a depressing story. The world is full of evil

  9. Juan Orlando Hernandez was the former National Party congressman and later President of Honduras, not Guatemala, great read

  10. Where's the guy, that said DEA does nothing, to combat rampant illegal drugs?
    What you got to say now?

    1. Why is the Mexican government so upset with the DEA? Could it be that they did this in spite of the corrupt government not with any assistance

    2. They're upset because the DEA is disregarding a government of the sovereign country that is running the country and doing what ever they want in that country (it being Mexico and I state it cause if you're to slow to understand this, then you might also not understand what country I'm talking about even though the article clearly states it). And that is going against and breaking international law. Not only is the DEA and US wrong, they are damaging the Mexico/US relationship and cooperation, when they should be trying to make it stronger.

    3. 756 Mexico is damaging its relationship when the USA by not taking a stance against its drug dealers….
      The deaths caused by fentanyl have skyrocketed and the USA 🇺🇸 s going after the ones responsible for dealing that trash.

  11. You notice Mayo wasn't mentioned in this

  12. What happened to Jesús Vicente Zambada Niebla "El Vicentillo"? He is no longer in prison ? Im sure he has a lot of power in the cartel.

    1. OMG your clueless hes a informant he is living under a new identity in the US give up already

  13. Proof Mayo has a working relationship with tres letras

    1. For a second I thought you said tres leches lol

    2. 6:34 o for sure, mayo likes his cakes made out of tres leches, and those tres leches son de sus compadres mas cercanos

    3. Let me guess you tasted it yourself to approve of its consistency

    4. 12:13 no pero tu me dijiste de lo que estavan echos 🫶

  14. Witness protection program like jimmy Hill hope he doesn't mess up like Hill or Gravano.

    1. Who’s Jimmy hill? You mean Henry Hill lol

  15. US and the DEA might as well...shit Mexico never will.

  16. There going after the chapitos but not mayo zambada 🤔

    1. because Mayo = coca

      Not fetty

  17. E1 is los chapitos main distributor in the USA no mention of him yet Sol?


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