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Sunday, April 16, 2023

El Marro's Injunction Against Torture, Cruel and Inhumane Treatment At Altiplano Prison Is Dismissed

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

José Antonio Yépez Ortiz, former leader of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, has been imprisoned since August 2020 in the maximum security prison in the State of Mexico.

A judge in the State of Mexico dismissed an injunction lawsuit filed by former Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel leader Jose Antonio Yépez Ortiz, alias "El Marro,

A judge in the State of Mexico dismissed an amparo lawsuit filed by former Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel leader Jose Antonio Yépez Ortiz, alias "El Marro," against alleged acts of "torture, cruel and inhumane treatment" inside the Altiplano prison, where he has been imprisoned since August 2020.

At the end of March, Yépez Ortiz resorted again to the protection of justice, through Berenica Antonio Jaramillo, who processed the appeal on his behalf before the First District Court in Amparo and Federal Trials in the State of Mexico.

In view of this, the head of said Court, Abigail Ocampo Álvarez, decided to dismiss the appeal: "From the decision of March 28 of this year, whereby the amparo lawsuit was dismissed; consequently, it is declared that said decision has become final. The case is filed, "was published this Thursday in the list of agreements of the Federal Judiciary Council (CJF).

This is not the first time that José Antonio Yépez Ortiz has complained of torture, cruel, and inhumane treatment at the Federal Center for Social Readaptation (CEFERESO) number 1 Altiplano, in the State of Mexico.

In July 2021, a federal judge granted him a "flat and ex officio suspension" so that the "incommunicado detention, isolation, segregation, cruel and inhumane treatment and torture" of which he claims he is a victim, would cease immediately.

Jose Antonio Yépez Ortiz, founder of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, one of the most violent in Guanajuato's recent history, was arrested in the state by federal forces in August 2020.


  1. Give that lloron hell

  2. A bit damn cheeky for Mr. Ortiz, former cartel leader, to sue for "cruel and inhumane treatment and torture" considering what he's done.

    Sensibly, the Court gave him something to assist his social readaption in Altiplano.

    1. The Human Rights Organization jumps into action, when it is a cartel, that covers it's payroll, but when it's lots of innocents getting killed The HRO of Mexico is nowhere to be found.

  3. They are withholding his rice crispy treats, and his shower isn't hot enough..

  4. He is like EL CHUPA they think they are God then they cry like bit-hes when they get locked up

  5. Pobrecita 😂. He should have taken that partnership with Mencho and retired with his $$$.

    1. El Benny and the Jets mencho been deceased. Perhaps you mean his spirit.🤔😂😂

    2. Benny, where do you live? Since you think he should have taken that partnership Mencho offered him I'm going to offer you a deal and move into your house but you have to sleep in the living room because I'm taking the room. Start packing your shyt.

  6. Cartel people have the nerve to complain that they are not being treated right they kill their enemies,but they kill more innocent peoples then they do their rivals like merchants who's just trying to make a living for themselves!

    1. Act like serial killers in the US don't do the same. Stop it.

  7. So your saying serial killers and mass shooters don't get tvs in there cell, tablets. You don't think corrections officers have to treat rapist and child abusers the same as other inmates ?? Its litterly the same thing.. 🤭🫢🤭🤣🤣🤣😂 and if you think these American psychos don't pull the same bs your trippin!🫵 You sound kinda racist 👈Tbh!


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