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Saturday, April 8, 2023

The Right Tool Used For This Job

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Two men have been brought to the end of their wretched existence. An older man and a younger one. They’re both alleged members of the Los Viagras criminal group in Mexico's Tierra Caliente region.

As captives ensnared within the clutches of unforgiving death dealers they will both pay with their lives for belonging to a rival cartel. 

A sharp kitchen tool and no more than seven pounds of pressure applied to their necks by a right handed man will be used to do away with both men. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario #1: That damn bone is hard to cut across. 

Sicario #2: It’s really not that fucking hard. 

Various sicarios are saying: Let’s go. Bring the next guy to be beheaded. 

Sicario #3: Ok. That’s good enough with that first guy. 

Sicario #4: Get the fuck down you son of a bitch. Lower your head you son of a bitch. 

Sicario #5: Go fuck your mom you Viagra asshole. This will be the fate of all the fucking Viagras. 

Sicario #1: Look, there’s that bone that I was talking to you guys about. 

Sicario #2: Place both those heads together. Place them together. Place them both here. 

Sicario #3: This is young to happen to all the piece of shit Viagras. That’s it cousin. Show no fear with these little faggots. So, now there you faggots are. You sons of bitches. 


  1. Von welchem Kartell werden sie umgebracht?

  2. Viagras are worse than cjng and snitchaloas combined so nothing much was lost here...

    1. Who knows if those were really Viagras or some random innocents

    2. Ja sehe ich auch so.....wie oft werden es Unschuldige sein die da hingerichtet werden

    3. 2:43 they may not be Viagras but did you see them protest much?

    4. Cjng and viagra are the same extorting murderous shit heads cds has a little more principles and way less violence in sinalao, durango, north Zacatecas, parts of sonora, and chihuahua. Compared to tierra calienta and Michoacan/jalisco area

    5. No, Viagras are worse. You would believe me if you lived here.

    6. 6:43 cuéntales eso a los que no conocen el negocio o son de México. Nomás falta que digas que solo CDS mueve toneladas de merca

    7. 6:43 thank you, a lot of Jalisco fans won’t understand reality

    8. 6:43 nah they all the same exact shit, or are you forgetting what CDS did in the first attempt to capture Raton? Same shit all around, but CDS snitch way more thats the only difference

    9. 7:32 Details?

  3. Blogger has already begun freaking out. And so the word play begins.

    1. What do you mean?

    2. You're new at BB. So here's the deal. Whenever videos disappear here that means Blogger is taking them down. And in turn we have to change a few words to deceive this platform into thinking everything is good. Otherwise the algorithms will remove our videos cause they're too brutal for it to handle.

    3. @Sol have you tried modifying the source video to change the hash fingerprint of the file to throw off the algorithm??

      Sometimes editing the file by cropping a few seconds off the begging or end, or, inserting a prepared clip of a BB logo or something and append it to the beginning middle or end of the video.

      PS Thanks for everything you do already dude!

    4. Yo 613 Don Sol and other contributors are volunteers. They don't have time to crop videos. Sol owns several clothing and beauty supply businesses and Hearst is a graphic artist for a top Advertising Agency. They don't have time to modify the source video bronie. You can always step up and volunteer.

    5. We want bolood!!

  4. Fck that! If I was in that business I would rather commit suicide than getting caught by the enemies.

    1. Especially in certain states/regions. Certain ones like Michoacán or Veracruz seem to be more prone to extensive torture and suffering.

    2. Yeah really. Why don’t they give they pills like most crazy armed groups do?

    3. Suicide is the smart call in this situation, yeah but sometimes they ambush you, get the drop on you real quick, even if you have a few seconds to react, you're in denial, it doesn't take courage to put a pistol to your head, but it takes balls to say goodbye to your mom and everything you've ever known and and pull the trigger 🦎

    4. @7.06. It has nothing to do with people ''getting the drop on you''. When they have your children in their custody, and know where your family lives for insurance, you think pulling that trigger shows ''courage''? Letting innocent people you love be made an example of because you won't take the punishment yourself? Even without that insurance, the hardest and wiliest end up reading from a script surrounded by men in military gear, and it has fuck all to do with courage. Suicide is incredibly rare for a good reason.

    5. General Custer's troops at the battle of little bighorn mostly committed suicide, the Texans at the Alamo as well..
      If you insist on stiching my handsome face on a soccer ball and kickin' it around, do it while I'm trying to run a con on St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, and not a minute earlier, porfa..

  5. Not trying to be funny, but dang! Those knives are sharp

    1. Looks like a butcher knife. Google it to know more information

  6. Is it even worth being in a cartel anymore ? I remember back in the day when they used to say you’ll become rich over night in you were in that business. Probably only the big guys are rich but these poor dudes killing each other for 3k pesos ?

    1. Every single person that I knew in the game never became rich.

    2. 12:34 I once knew a chick that sold vials of high-quality LSD from LA for $700 and high-quality MDMA from the Netherlands for $80 a gram and she became fairly wealthy and would go on lavish shopping sprees at the high-end malls in town (San Diego).

      Also know a guy that sells coke now in bulk but I think he was already rich before.

    3. Loose lips sink ships there canyon throat.

    4. 02:48 have you ever met anyone who got rich off selling fake prescription pills with deadly amounts of synthesized opioids??!

    5. 6:15 Of course not. And I’m not sure why people fuck with/deal those since that’s not even where the money is at. Only thing those drugs have is more reliability in terms of customer activity but honestly; the coke market and its customers are plenty reliable, so it just doesn’t even make sense to me why anyone would even fuck with dealing meth or fent. Meth makes a little more sense but fent? Like come on lol. You’re just asking for more time in the feds (jail time) but less money overall. It’s a dumb market.

      I am surprised though that that chick who basically only sold weed, psychedelics and MDMA in my area managed to make so much money. Her weed wasn’t even that good apparently but her acid was like fire fire. Most LSD vials go for like 300 to 500 but hers was like the best of the best. I knew some other dude at that time who sold acid vials for $650 from Canada, and they were almost just as good but not quite. He even sold ketamine, 5-MeO-DMT and guns. God I miss the mid 2010s..

    6. I disagree on fent. Fent is serious money...I've seen dudes in Detroit clear 4 to 5k a day on the shit. Opiate addiction is powerful...people will move mountains for a fix

    7. 1:26 @ retail 4-5k is good but when they get popped and get 120-240 it won't be shit. They'll need a high priced lawyer to negotiate a better sentence as they'll very likely have some weight since it's retail. Ever seen or heard of a dealer that stops pumping when they on his ass?

    8. 1:26 The power of addiction is irrelevant here if the profit margins aren’t there. Fent is dirt cheap. It is only good for the manufacturers who have an oversupply of cheap precursors already and heavily dilute their yields. No one’s gonna make more of fent than coke for the same amount of effort.

  7. That knife is sharper than sushi knife. It cuts like laser.

  8. No matter what I'm always Team ALMO💪✊

    1. Andrés Manuel El Hablador

    2. Hablador said no crime in Mexico, but USA lots of devil violence and killings.

  9. Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday..
    Let's see if these two pobrecitos damnificados catch the same break 🦎

  10. Ah man this video is like 3-4 years old I remember seeing this somewhere. Supposedly it happened in the state of Mexico but who knows what town. I always found the cobble stone road interesting

  11. The first guy seemed drugged/paralyzed?

  12. I believe it was the Viagras that made that infamous video of the cop being beheaded in front of his son, and then the poor, poor boy suffering an even worse fate.

    1. It was them, they also made the El Siri flaying video.

  13. Don Sol, can i ask why you don't publish my comment? what exactly was wrong with it?

    sincerely the Kraut

    1. Send it again and I'll see to it that it gets posted


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