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Sunday, April 30, 2023

Encarnacion de Diaz, Jalisco: Cartel War Took The Life Of 15-Year-Old Who Donated Her Organs

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

The young woman and her boyfriend were caught in the middle of a confrontation between two rival gangs of organized crime.

Elizabeth Ibal | El Occidental

The war between drug cartels in the Altos Norte region of Jalisco claimed the life of 15-year-old María Fernanda. Her story became a trend on social networks after she died from a bullet that lodged in her body when she and her boyfriend were caught in the crossfire of a confrontation that took place in the community of El Bajío de San José, in the municipality of Encarnación de Díaz. After the tragedy, her mother decided to donate her organs.

On April 8, María Fernanda, 15, and her boyfriend Eduardo, 26, went out to dinner at the El Bajío de San José plaza, in the municipality of the Altos Norte region, in a red Ford Escape pickup truck.

At that moment, two rival organized crime groups met and a confrontation broke out where the young men were passing by, leaving them in the middle. One of the bullets lodged in Maria Fernanda's back.

Upon seeing her wounded, Eduardo left the area to take her to receive medical attention in the state of Aguascalientes.

On his way, he found a security point of the Aguascalientes State Police, at the height of highway 36 that goes to El Bajío de San José and highway 69 that leads to the community of Coyotes.

Her case has dismayed users of social networks, who have lamented the conflict in that region of Jalisco, but have also thanked her mother for her great heart in giving life to others with her daughter's organs.



  1. Ewww, I don't like organ "donations"

    1. Obviously, you don't need one

    2. 07:53 it's against my religious beliefs actually.

    3. What the hell is that supposed to mean

    4. Ah well, when death is peeking around the corner, even the most religious man suddenly wants to receive an organ to expand his life. I work in a hospital and have seen it many times. The human will to stay alive wins over religion. But it is easy to talk tough when you aren’t in that life threatening situation, isn’t it?

    5. 4:37 There have been many cases where someone doesn't get help to extend their lives due to religious beliefs. There was even one that got alot of news coverage a few years ago because it was the parents not having a procedure done to their child due to religious reasons. Some people don't even go to the hospital due to those reasons. If what you say is true, you've just been running across imposters, weak people , or people that weren't to religious or dedicated to begin with. Yes there's people who will do anything to live, but there's also those who will sacrifice their life for what they believe in. Without a doubt they exist. And there's others that want to go out on their own terms. Not everyone will desperately cling to life and do whatever it takes to try and make that happen, but those types of people do exist also

    6. 7:57 when Selena was shot by her ugly goon manager it was said that her parents refused to do a blood transfusion that could've saved her life due to their religious beliefs. That's Jehovah's Witnesses for you.

  2. Where’s the more información
    Who were the two rivals meeting each other?

    1. Easy. Las 4 letras and CDS.

  3. She was 15 and her boyfriend 26. That’s very young for a 26 year old man

    1. Hahaha i thought i was the only person that noticed that……she was wayyyyy to young for him

    2. All the ones goin on about age will be from the U.S.Isnt it strange that a guy wants a young female?Weird that isnt it,fuck offf you sheep

    3. In Mexico a female became a woman at fifteen. Hence a quinceñera, the celebration into womanhood for a young female

  4. She was 15 and her boyfriend 26!!!… what?

    1. It’s Mexico. Did you really not know this isn’t uncommon there? Not justifying it but I’m surprised that people here haven’t heard of that

    2. @9:49am My friend César hailed from a mountainous remote region of Mexico. He said that a debtor could settle a large debt by offering his young daughter. Often the creditors were old(er) men who accepted the offer (or demanded it). It probably happens often in places like India, too.

    3. Lucky him,shut up and stop hating

    4. Chapo was 40+ and emma was 15, whats the big deal?

  5. Unfortunely this will not raise attention to the Republic government of Andres Lopez Obrador. It did not even make it to his daily speeches. Crime of homicides will continue.

  6. La Chona is a wonderful place. These dudes have ruined it for sure. Even driving to Aguascalientes is a mess. Checkpoints and Halcones everywhere.

    1. Saludos La Chonita is a very beautiful place to go and just relax and enjoy thank you for your comment

  7. If her boyfriend was 26, at 15 her Mother had already donated her body.

  8. WTF 15 year old girl and a mf who is 25 !!!

    1. "WTF 15 year old girL"
      Propaganda works so well on the simple minded

    2. It's Mexico, not USA.
      In India 14 year olds are sold to the man that marries them. Some of the men are old.


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