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Saturday, April 8, 2023

Erick Valencia, "El 85" Seeks Legal Protection Against Any Arrest Warrant

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

Valencia Salazar, ex-partner of Nemesio Oseguera "El Mencho", is imprisoned in the Altiplano prison in the State of Mexico; he could be extradited to the United States.

Erick Valencia Salazar, alias "El 85," fears that the Attorney General's Office (FGR) will serve him with a new arrest warrant, which would be added to the extradition warrant executed in September 2022, for which he is being held in the Altiplano prison in the state of Mexico.

For this reason, the former associate of the leader of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG), Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, alias "El Mencho", filed an injunction against any arrest warrant issued against him, as well as its execution, in which a judge in Jalisco granted him a provisional suspension.

The holder of the Ninth District Court of Amparo in Criminal Matters in the State of Jalisco, with residence in Puente Grande, granted Valencia Salazar the provisional suspension against the acts claimed and set a financial guarantee of 5 thousand pesos.

At the end of March, Erick Valencia Salazar, a former high-ranking commander of the Nueva Plaza Cartel, an enemy of the CJNG, sought legal protection.

From jail, "El 85" is fighting a legal battle to avoid extradition to the United States, where he is wanted by a court for drug trafficking.

Arrested last year in Tapalpa, Jalisco, by members of the Army, Valencia Salazar broke his alliance with Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, "El Mencho," and later joined the leadership of the Nueva Plaza Cartel, founded by Carlos Enrique Sanchez Martinez, alias "El Cholo," who was El Mencho's operator.

Who is Erick Valencia, "El 85"?

Valencia Salazar is a Mexican drug trafficker and one of the alleged leaders of the CJNG , a violent drug trafficking organization in which Nemesio Oceguera 'El Mencho' is also linked.

He is allegedly responsible for the illegal importation of cocaine from Mexico and elsewhere for distribution in the United States since approximately 2003.

He allegedly controls large areas of central Mexico, including major drug trafficking regions such as Jalisco, Baja California, Colima, and Michoacán; also involved in kidnappings, murders, public corruption, and other illegal activities.



  1. @Connor tengo una duda yo soy de los que pienso que El 85 y Mencho aun eran socios y eso de que El 85 tenia alianza con El cholo de nueva plaza era falso.

    Connor I have a question I believe that El 85 and Mencho where still business partners and that story that El 85 had an alliance with El Cholo of Nueva Plaza to fight Mencho is false.

    Can you give us your opinion

    1. Char I'll post what I've always asked those who claim 85 allied himself with CNP.
      Link one single article that shows a narcomanta directed at CNP and 85. Not a single one has ever been publicized.
      Also the CNP video with the skinnyjean wearing sicarios where Cholo directs himself to 85, if they're partners why would he need to send messages through public videos?
      Lastly I'll submit the badass corrido "El del palenque" by Los Alegres del Barranco where 85 is specifically mentioned as a person allied with R"N"OC

    2. I think the story came from the manta from Cholo inviting 85 to join him, after he was released… other than that, there is no mention of them together other than from bogus news outlets…

    3. Yes ivan from my folks in zacoalco de torres jalisco and ciudad guzman he was never CNP he was trying to end the war between them but it did not work .

    4. @Ivan thanks for the great articles.

      So, do CJNG still control Baja California and San Diego//LA ports??

    5. I believe TJ is a “free for all” while CJNG has control of southern Baja, and CDS has the north…

    6. 5:35 all of Baja is a Free for all, there's so many chapulines that maybe next month CJNG will control the Northern part and CDS the south, thats how they work over there

    7. I don't believe 1% that he is an enemy of Mencho. News loves to make shocking stories to sell to viewers. That or they own some of them. Even the Viagras or the Nueva Familia Michoacana under El Fresa own some.

      1:09 If a place like Cancun has 5 or more groups operating there, then Tijuana being bigger, and by its location, has nearly all of them. I would like to know more about the Chihuahua/New Mexico and Coahuila line. We never hear anything from there

    8. He was always with the jaliscas!

    9. 8:16 he was inviting him to join the CNP saying that mencho didn't give him his peace of the pie

    10. @8.16. It was a blatant attempt to sow discord and split CJNG, using tame journalists. That video where Cholo talks to all the CJNG leaders in turn (''Sapo, you were always so bad and brave...'') but talks as if he's trying to turn 85 (''You were a boss, but...''), gave them the perfect pretext to stir the pot.

  2. 85 is not in prison…Chayo is not muerto

    1. I believe it!

    2. “Chayo” aka El Mas Loco from La Familia Michoacána?

    3. Can you imagine if he just appeared in Dia de Los Muertos somewhere in Michoacan? People like to imagine he's not dead like some sort of folktale now. The man who played dead has fooled us all

    4. He played dead a couple of times.
      There's rumors of El lazcano from zeras faking his death as well.
      The thing us, when you get that big you week for the Government. Maybe his job was done and they can both retire peacefully with Government support

    5. No,Not Mas Loco. El-85. You do know there's more than one “El Chayo” in every state of Mexico.. And every Criminal group too for that matter,and they have all more than 1 name..

  3. Reading this is dumbfounded. 85 Es de los de Arriba del CJNG. He still has his routes. And is out. Mencho is dead.

    1. I agree. Those in Guadalajara in the Zapopan know he's got pressure in the city through CJNG. He runs colonias there too

  4. El 85 the original Mata Zeta

    1. @8.48. He was the link between the evolving faction of CJNG and local police and army who were linked to other allied groups, who were told by local (and presumably federal) government to get rid of Zetas at any cost. I doubt he killed a ''Zeta'' in his life without using a phone or 3 cut-outs.

  5. Little girlies gettin wet,,ooohhh el 85,sad shit

  6. My understanding is el 85 is Cjng from research I have done. Or some type of alliance with them

  7. He was never CNP dont people remember the manta saying he was doing shit in DF with CJNG

    1. Yeah, I don’t understand it.. He was an early partner of Mencho and is a Valencia…

  8. Only costs 5000 varos to swing an amparo?
    Shit, I tip the girl at Baskin Robbins mo' than that! 🦎

    1. That underage girl is probably giving u more than just smiles for 6000 pesos or $300 dollars

    2. You gotta have some power first…

  9. El 85 played mediator in peace talks between CNP and las 4 letras. He was a close friend to Cholo and Nemesio. He wanted to avoid a full out war and kept things at bay for a bit. Once it didn’t work, he had no choice but to side with Mencho. Saludos desde Zacoalco de Torres Jal.

    1. More like he helped betray Cholo and get him handed over to his butchers…

    2. 7:31 from all the fosas clandestinas that have been found in ZMG it would be hard to believe CNP didn't have a full blown war with CJNG.
      This mediation you mention was it government information, street rumors or press?

    3. Big thing going on there. Some residential areas don't even realize the bodies being dug in a neighboorhood home next to them

  10. At the time of his arrest he was a top boss for cjng
    He was never with cholo

  11. off-topic, but happy Easter to the staff and friends of BB, you moderators and content providers are off the hook!.
    also best Passover wishes and a shout-out for our Islamic pals at Ramadan. I dunno, seems like all these religions have historically been at each other's throats, if they never invented religion, the world might be a happier place.. 🐰 🦎

    1. Thanks for bringing positively on a platform wherewith negative information

  12. My business partners parents baptized this kid. They are astonished how much he changed instead of just chamba and not all that killing stuff.

  13. Everything Zen, I don't think so.

    1. I went to Los Angeles, to visit my asshole brother 🎶

  14. Life is beautiful. Stay away from violence if possible. Enjoy your family and tell them you love them here and there..
    Un michoacano


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