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Thursday, April 13, 2023

Esmeraldas, Ecuador: 20 Man Hit Team Commits An Amphibious Assault

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A video from surveillance cameras recorded the moment when armed men provoke the massacre at the Esmeraldas Fishing Port at 09:00 this April 11, 2023.

The images show approximately 20 armed men arriving on board boats and firing a volley of bullets at the fishermen and merchants who were in the place.

Desperation in the Port of Esmeraldas

Out of desperation, some people jump into the water to try to survive. However, as soon as the armed men touch the port, they target several individuals and kill them.

During the minute and 10 seconds that the anonymous men were on land, the subjects attacked those who crossed their path and everyone inside the warehouses.

After the massacre, the men, who were carrying short and long-range weapons, fled the place in the same boats in which they arrived.

So far, the Public Prosecutor's Office has confirmed that it has removed seven bodies from the Puerto Pesquero Artesanal and two more from a nearby health center.

The Police reported that two of the nine bodies of the victims were extracted from the sea.

The authorities are investigating the causes of the massacre while the search for the gunmen continues by air, sea, and land.

El Comercio


  1. These gentlemen obviously know how to handle their business. Unlike those inbred rioters who only managed to get themselves arrested afterwards. 😄

    1. Who are you referring to sol?

    2. Those rioters were just bonehead airheads from the so called spoiled people from the so called white privileged families.

    3. These rioters were conned by child conman Trump there was election fraud.People died.

  2. ...did a quick head-count gettin' back on the boat to make sure no man left behind..
    Guessin' they practiced a few dry runs on a mock-up of the pier beforehand..
    I dunno nuthin' about guns, but if automatic weapons were being used, I'm guessing the intellectual author of this crime made it clear to set the trigger to single-shot. if allowed to go Rambo on full auto, these maniacos woulda shot the shit outa each other, bigly!

  3. They think they sound all badass but their accent doesn’t really help.

    1. @1:50 LOL.. I thought I was the only one thinking that but you're right

    2. Clásico de los ñaños ( Ecuadorian word for brother/ Ecuadorians are also call ñaños by other Hispanics )

  4. Probably the smartest thing to do was to swim and hide under the dock? Or is that a bad idea of mine?

    1. bullets lose their lethality in a suprisingly short distance underwater(think yards not hundreds of yards]mythbusters or something

  5. They didn’t steal anything so could this be a payback or something?

    1. 1:55 either payback or taking over the port by force

    2. They did steal something, boss was counting it at the end and his sicario took his gun from between his legs. Small sack of drugs or cash. Small.

    3. It was retaliation for paying another gang/criminal group protection money.

  6. I don’t know wether to be appalled or Impressed.

    1. Actually depressed 😔. Because it can be your neighborhood the next time.

    2. Totally depressed!

  7. Fuerzas especiales muerto de hambre.

  8. Definitely completed some training before they hit their target, but they were all shooting different directions and I don’t believe that they even hit the guys in the water. Jumping into water was smart, but not in the direction of where the assault came from.


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