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Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Extradition of Alleged Gulf Cartel Leader 'El Contador' to U.S. Halted

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

A federal judge granted a court-ordered suspension to Jose Alfredo Martinez El Contador. Identified as the alleged leader of the Gulf Cartel and nephew of Osiel Cardenas Guillen. He had assumed the leadership of the Gulf Cartel, thus preventing the alleged drug trafficker from being extradited to the United States at this time, according to reports from the Ministry of National Defense and drug control administration. 

This man, Cardenas Martinez, shares the leadership of the Gulf Cartel with three other individuals. In March 2022, the U.S. Justice Department requested the extradition of El Contador from Mexico, as he was required by the federal court of East Texas to be tried for nine crimes related to drug trafficking and money laundering. 

In view of this situation, an injunction was filed against his extradition from being transferred up North. For the time being, this suspension will stop the extradition of El Contador, leader of the Gulf Cartel, to the United States.


  1. This is not a blow to the U.S. This is Mexico protecting its citizens( I’d hate for my country to hand me over to foreigners), and dealing with their own, as they should. It’s not Mexicos fault drugs got through. That’s a border security issue that the U.S needs to fix.
    God Bless America
    Viva Mexico

    1. Just don't start crying when USCBP shut down the border...

    2. You can attempt to control drug trafficking but with so much corruption and so many people involved it’s unfortunate the drugs are going nowhere!

    3. yea that happened in Texas for like a day & it cost about a billion mostly from mexican trucks having to budget for that extra 24 or so. this dudes extradition was requested by feds in the same state that closed the border over a minor disagreement with biden & even he knew to fold quietly bc something like this will make you most hated quickly on both sides. laredo + paso are coveted crossings bc Texas has the cheapest import taxes & is closest to the east coast so this judge must really trust him bc a closure will affect his own

    4. 4:33 🤣🤣 you have no idea, USA's economy would crash in a few weeks, no lie, look at what happened to texas when the governor shut down his borders for a few days, u dont remember if it was last year or two years ago 😂😂😂😂

    5. 3:11 he'll be shipped over before this administration is over and your words will be meaningless.

    6. Everyone says corruption is the reason why drugs will never cease to exist. However, I think it’s simpler than that, it’s Geography. No one can cover that much space without the consequence of halting Legitimate Business.

    7. Cmon guys we all know america loves drugs… but what I will say is that fentanyl .. naa man thats some bs

    8. Yet everyone still smokes these blue pills daily. Knowing they could die and don't care. How can you battle people who are ok with risking there life for the high. That will never go away. The people who wanna not use fent there are forums deep down where people talk and share information amd get clean drugs. There are resource s to semd your drugs anonymously to test for fent. They sell fent test strips on Amazon for dirt cheap. Testing is 5 $ . I mean if you don't wanna die and use safely you can. People are just stupid plain amd simple. Everyone knows in the world BLUE M30 s are possible death unless they come from a doc so don't use them. If your that weak minded the world is prolly better off. Let the weak go.

    9. @108 — in Riverside alone (CA), they seized over 6 million of those pills… and over 400lbs of raw..

  2. not even the events of 9/11 could close the u.s./mexican border for more than a new york minute..
    when kiki camarena disappeared, rank and file customs and border cops showed their displeasure by slowing the thing down, opening the trunk of every vehicle crossing north..
    but the border is too big to fail, it's like a rollercoaster ride, you can't stop it, you gotta just hang on tight as you can..

  3. Call me crazy but this dude might just walk away again

    1. Yeah I think he's a lot more powerful then a lot of people think

    2. He has before… numerous times now

      Something tells me that he’s being backed up by politicians, in his coup for the top crown…

      … or perhaps it’s all Machiavellian; they know that the chaos within the CDG will continue, so long as heavy hitters are still putting up a fight… Don’t forget what they did to Toro 🦉

  4. Those borders get closed believe you me usa n mexico will start using the closed drug tunnels to export/import drug money for their economy

    1. Yeah exactly the drugs will just get re routed they are gonna get here no matter what I hate to say. This a losing from all angle scenario.

    2. Start using? They’ve been using them for decades now… and there is still shipments via boat and plane 🦉

  5. El contado apesar de la cagada que ordeno en reynosa matando inocentes y matando familiares por putas es mas verga que muchos de su cartel y otros carteles.

  6. I wonder who the 3 other individuals mentioned in the report are that are running CDG along with el Contador. Maybe referring to Kena and Primito, or Chispa, maybe even Mofles. But those are assumptions. Anyone have any idea?


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