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Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Gunmen Kill 3, Injure 7 on Beaches in Acapulco, Guerrero

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

Authors note: This article has several videos and photos of the aftermath of shootings.

At least three were killed and several more injured after gunmen opened fire on targets in two separate events on the Caleta and Dominguillo beaches of Acapulco, Guerrero yesterday afternoon. At least two of the mortal victims were reported as local tourism workers.

El Debate reported that the first shooting occurred on the Dominguillo beach at 1:54 p.m., when a young man was gravely injured with a gunshot to the head. The injured man was found by tourists and was taken to a hospital by first responders.

Later, around 6:00 p.m., two tourism workers was shot and killed by gunmen on the Caleta beach, just by a National Guard post. At least four others were injured in this shooting, likely by stray bullets. Video of this attacks shows a man weeping and clutching one the victims bloody corpse, while other man, likely also a tourism worker according to El Sol de Acapulco, was taken to the hospital alive, but died of his injuries.

In both events, the shooting was one sided, with only the attackers firing shots.
Video of the event shows terrified beach goers fleeing gunshots.

There is no official death and injury toll yet. The number of casualties reported by local press varies.

This is the week before Easter Sunday, known as Semana Santa (Holy Week), in Mexico. Public schools are on breaks, and many Mexicans take days off from work in order to celebrate, with many vacationing in tourist sites such as Acapulco. 

Acapulco is a popular tourist destination on the Western coast of Mexico. Once comparable to Cancun in terms of visitation, violence in the early 2010s frightened off tourists and forced many businesses to shutter their doors. The coastal city has struggled to shed its violent reputation since. The state of Guerrero is the 8th most violent state of Mexico by homicide count this year, with 273.

It is unclear what the motives behind the attacks were, but two of the victims are reported by local press as being local tourism workers. This may suggest this attack was linked to criminal group pressure on businesses, such as extortion.

Local news site Sur Acapulco reported that four attackers were detained by police for the attacks. They were arrested on the Costera Miguel Alemán avenue, in front of the Port Authority offices, reported El Sol de Acapulco. The Guerrero State Attorney General's Office is investigating the shootings.

Sources: Sur Acapulco, El Debate, La Verdad de NoticiasEl Sol de AcapulcoInforme de seguridad marzo 2023

Photos and Videos: @CMF_GlobalRisk@Jonatan93294410@Jonatan93294410 2@contrapuntodd

You can follow me on Twitter @HuasoBB
I tweet about organized crime in Latin America and security in Mexico.


  1. But but but Mexican president said Mexico is safe. But but but Mexico is safer than USA. But but but Acapulco and Cancun has cartel organizations. But but hit my hairy butttt

    1. Went there on a family vacation in 1996 .So insane.It was beautiful.Peaceful.It’s a shame.

    2. 1996 come on close to two decades some people's life span

    3. Man said 1996

    4. What's wrong with 1996? Yall getting butthurt over anything retards

    5. 1996 that's a long time ago, you got to be 64 by now.

  2. They have these places full of goverment personal and local police National guard but none of them make 2 🥚🥚 i'll i need is a táctil vest plenty of ammunition and ar15 i'll taken them all and would engaged them with out second thoughts
    American Vet 🇺🇸

    1. These hits happen so quickly, prevention is almost impossible. But go anywhere in Mexico and you will see many cops on their phones, not watching around. Near my house all the cops would have their cars parked in the shade and listen to music on duty

    2. 12:32 El Huevo

      You mentioned they are on their phones talking? Or you mean surfing the Internet 🤪, playing video games?
      Well that's a big distraction, no wonder we hear so many stories of cops getting killed, due to ambushes.
      Perhaps they don't get paid enough to be observant.

  3. I know its totally out of context, but could you guys make an article about what happened to La Linea with details and the Cartel de Juarez ?

    1. La linea and the cartel de juarez is the same thing. The same people just use both names. They are still very active

    2. People who live in the city of Juarez insist that Linea, and their leader Chuyin, are just a subgroup and not powerful. They'll claim it's just Cartel de Juárez, led by unnamed Carillo Fuentes family members, who have power in Chihuahua.

      People who live in Chihuahua outside of Juarez say La Linea is really in control of the state and CDJ is so fractured by all the warring street gangs that they aren't a cohesive force.

      We probably shouldn't really trust that either side is being honest in their assessment. Regionalism leads to people overestimating the power of their local group.

      As an example, check out the comments from people who clearly live in Juarez on this post:

  4. going loco down in Acapulco indeed - how much longer will the gov allow the tourism industry to be destroyed by this ??

    1. People keep telling hearst the BB reporter not to go there for vacation me guess she likes to play Russian roulette

    2. We've all got to die someday, tiger.

    3. But but Ms Hearst don't you want to make it to 80 years maybe 90.

    4. Everyone knows Hearts always vacations in Cancun. 006 brokered a truce of El Senor Mencho y CDS to leave BB staff alone for their contributions to the world.

  5. That poor young man.May God be with him at this terrible time.
    This is absolutely heartbreaking.

  6. Acapulco is more like for drug-tourist now.

    1. It’s sad how historically prestigious vacation towns like Cancun and Acapulco are now the most dangerous places in Mexico..

  7. Esos cochos estan igual de pendejos que las Sinalocas

  8. 0:503 ahh yes, the wealthy needle junkies always fly first class Aeromexico when they go on holiday to get lit

  9. Hotels are full. Half the population of CDMX is there right now.

  10. Third picture down is sad poor kid

  11. El prian Heating up la plaza so amlo can look bad

  12. Confused about what the article means by “tourist workers”, as to figure out who the actual targets were. The young men that died were not waiters of La Cabana, as those guys wear white polo shirts.

    1. Local news says they were "offering touristic services". I couldn't find a perfect translation since there isn't a comparable word in English, from what I know

      Thanks for your comment!

  13. I think it's his padre, the little boy crying. Very, very sad.

  14. I was just at ta cabana restaurant last month with a friend. It’s not the first time this happened near there. It’s constant and I rarely see posts on here about Acapulco. Really sad. They destroyed this city. It’s in shambles. Been going here 30yrs

    1. I live in Acapulco. Yeah, there are incidents. Bodies washed up on beaches, left in garbage bags, targeted hits, at times in front of tourists, but generally not this “messy” where tourists are in the line of fire and/or killed/injured.

  15. please don't distract me with Acapulco crime stories, it's mango season down here! 🥭 🦎


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