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Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Such And Such News From Our Neighbors

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The United Nations warns in a new report that insecurity in the capital “has reached levels comparable to countries in armed conflict.”

People look at bodies in the street after gang-related violence Monday in Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti.

Haitian police said on Monday that at least 10 suspected gang members had been lynched and their bodies burned by residents of Port-au-Prince.

Haitian police spokesperson Gary Desrosiers said the group of armed bandits had been traveling in a vehicle in the capital and that police had intended to arrest them.

Separately, he said notorious crime boss Carlo Petithomme was dead, without giving any details. Petithomme went by the alias Ti Makak and led a gang of the same name.

The lynchings followed days of confrontations between gang members and security agents.

Photos by Reuters and video circulating on social media show several bodies piled in the road, with smoking tires and other objects on top of them. People surround them, shouting angrily. One person can be seen beating the lifeless bodies with a blunt object.

Gangs in Haiti have grown in strength since the 2021 assassination of President Jovenel Moise, with residents caught in the middle as large portions of the capital and much of the countryside have become lawless.

Bystanders look at the bodies of alleged gang members who were set on fire by a mob after they were stopped by police in the Canape Vert area of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on Monday.

The security situation has deteriorated further in recent months, with routine gun fights taking place between police officers and the gangs. Bloody turf battles have left hundreds dead and thousands displaced.

Desrosiers said the anger of the population was understandable “but the collaboration we are seeking must be done without violence.”

Criminal groups control about 80% of the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area, where some 200 gangs operate with impunity, according to some estimates

The lynching comes as United Nations chief Antonio Gutterres urged the immediate deployment of an international armed force in Haiti to stem escalating gang violence, warning in a new report released Monday that insecurity in the capital “has reached levels comparable to countries in armed conflict"


  1. Gutterres Is talking bullshit, why send foreign soldiers, i dont think that he will back them up if collateral damage happens.Easy talk by a fucking politician. Its guys like him that are to blame!

    1. Which International soldiers are going?
      He is beating around the bush.
      USA military is already busy, in Sudan as there is war with 2 Generals. US military is busy evacuating US citizens, before all hell breaks lose.

  2. I… I think he gets it guys.

  3. I went to an almost all-black elementary school in Watts & lived in their hood in East LA for years, been in county jail with them, worked at a black radio station (KSOL) for years and ended up here in San Leandro- an ALL white town til the late '70's. And that's when Oakland trickled in & crime trickled up. I know it's wrong to feel prejudiced, but i cannot stand being around half of the blacks i encounter. I've met wonderful, generous blacks, and almost all of my personal $100-250 cash handouts have been to black ppl in need on the street. But it's the loud, obnoxious, walk-in loud, cussing ghetto mf's that i cannot stand. Ever notice that regular, everyday blacks who speak like Denzel, Oprah, Condaleeza or Fishburn dont have racial problems in life, and get along w everyone at work? It's the "look at me, & my clothes, i'm AFRICAAN!, ppl who have chips on their shoulders at work, the gym, movies etc. Tiktok is starting to make me hate with a broad brush when i see their rampaging bullshit. I fits the common narrative i see weekly in walmart. I gotta pray more!

    1. Leandro CA is expensive to live in.
      I never heard them occupying, East Los Angeles i, which is known in the early years to have a Jewish/Italian community then came Hispanics .

    2. East Century Blvd was mainly blacks, with assorted hispanics when i lived there in the 50's-63, just before the watts riots

    3. I am praying that the comment you just made was a satirical piss-take, especially after your painfully long pre-emptive ''I know blacks'' defence. ''Ever notice that regular everyday blacks who speak like multi millionares like Oprah and Denzel, and don't make me feel terrified cos they talk like the safe negroes I see on TV don't have racial problems in life?''. Wow. Forget Denzel cos he's batshit, and Condoleeza had to eat so much shit that she'll never talk, but the other 2 have faced racist prejudice their entire career. All you really said is this- I don't want to be racist, but I don't like blacks cos of Tiktok. Again, I pray it was a joke...

  4. Mob lynching Haitian style

  5. Damn, they really didn't like them guys

  6. NO VIDEO MY PEOPLE'S 🤔🤔🤔🤔....

    1. It wasn’t that great anyways. Kinda hard to watch.

  7. Send the troops,disarm the the gangs as much as possible.The local military or police can't do it.Otherwise they will always be a mess and bad economically.

    1. Good advice for Mexico but use US troops

    2. I agree on both comments

    3. Last thing Mexico needs is onother invasion from the gringos.
      Come to think about it, that's their plan.
      Ones the troops enter Mexico what you think will happen next?
      It's stupidity to let onother country in.

  8. Link for video…

  9. Imagine the smell of that crackling human flesh and fat. And there's some nonchalantly walking through the clouds of smoke.

    1. That Country is known to have vicious people, killing other people like if it's a sport, beheadings, knife attacks is the norm.

    2. We had to burn a dead cow in the field once covered in maggots and all and it started to smell good after a while.still disturbs me a bit cause it was uuuugly

    3. Add tire smell and YUK!

  10. Which are the International forces that will go there to help Gonzalez, hope Obrador can send the 350 Elite soldiers, that he has in the barracks.

  11. 2 videos have been posted in case 1 disappears. Other than that keep all those great comments coming in. 😄

    1. read albert pike's (33)three world wars explains a lot.

    2. Video not working :/

  12. Shootout in Michoacán between military and CJNG 7 killed including a soldiers and 6 sicarios.

  13. Someone should suggest me a good documentary to inform me on haiti

    1. Look up Haitian zombie rituals. They actually invented the word itself. It’s really just a reference tho to the depersonalization induced by datura stramonium in an occult practice.

  14. I see nothing wrong, just people tired of those lowlifes.

  15. los haitianos that made it up to the California border and got turned away by U.S. Customs & Immigration seem to have found a home in Tijuana..
    They don't drink, for the most part, a quality which prospective employers appreciate..
    They pick up Spanish quick, maybe already knowing french gives you a head start..
    In the weekend tianguis swap meet en la zona norte, they are overseeing more and more kioscos and sobre ruedas, and it's harder to get them to come down in prices, unlike their Mexican competitors..
    The men always walk in groups, never alone, so they don't get ratpacked..
    When you come from a land so poor that mothers feed their kids mud pancakes just so they don't go to bed with an empty feeling in their stomachs, the shithole that is the zona norte must seem like disneylandia..

  16. I believe it was Haitians who started the idea of trapping a person in a stack of tires, then burning them alive inside… truly brutal 🦉

    1. You sure its did not originate in South Africa?

    2. Really? I always assumed it was somewhere in Africa


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