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Sunday, April 9, 2023

Judge Extinguishes Domain Of $2.2 Million To "Z-40"

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

Photo: File

A specialized district judge in Mexico City declared that the expropriation of more than 2.2 million dollars seized almost ten years ago from Mexican drug trafficker Miguel Angel Treviño Morales "Z-40" and three of his co-defendants, after they were arrested by members of the Mexican Navy, was admissible.

The judgment was issued following the filing of such action by agents of the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office attached to the Specialized Unit for the Extinction of Ownership, of the Unit for the Implementation of the Accusatory Criminal Procedure System of the Attorney General's Office (FGR) in 2021.

The judge estimated that the amount of 2 million 278,125 US dollars that Treviño Morales and his co-defendants Abdón Federico Rodríguez García, Oscar Navarro Sánchez and Amador Esquivel Orozco had with them on July 15, 2013, the date on which they were arrested by the Navy, is money derived from the commission of illicit activities.

The Attorney General's Office warned that the economic resources acquired, managed and guarded by the accused "represent the profits derived from the purchase and sale of narcotics, firearms, cartridges for firearms for the exclusive use of the Army, Navy and Air Force, kidnappings and extortion carried out by the accused in different parts of the Republic, mainly in Tamaulipas".

Both "Z-40" and his co-defendants were criminally prosecuted for crimes of operations with resources of illicit origin and carrying firearms for the exclusive use of the Army, among others. However, regardless of this, the Attorney General's Office requested the extinguishment of ownership of the secured money in order to declare the loss of the property rights of the defendants, without consideration or compensation.

The judge in the case issued a sentence in which the special way of extinguishment of ownership of the money was declared admissible since the constituent elements of the action brought by the Unit for the Implementation of the Accusatory Criminal Procedure System of the Attorney General's Office were proven, while the defendants did not comply with their evidentiary obligation.

In addition to the money secured in the preliminary inquiry PGR/SEIDO/UEITA/099/2013, the extinguishment of ownership decreed contemplates the ordinary and extraordinary yields and interests generated by said money until the National Institute to Return the Stolen to the People administers said resources and manages their final destination.

The trial for extinguishment of ownership is not criminal, it is carried out through a jurisdictional process of civil nature, of patrimonial nature and with prevalence to orality, through a special way regulated by the National Law of Extinction of Ownership.



  1. Lmao took over 10 years.. my God..

    1. That's pretty fast for Mexico.

  2. Err so run that by me again ?

    1. Court ruled the cash he had on him when he got popped was from illicit activities...drug dealing etc.

  3. Anyone know what happened to the 2 guys who got popped with him? Which one was the bodyguard and which one was the accountant?

    1. Abdón Rodríguez García was the accountant captured with Z40 and Ernesto Reyes Garcia was Z40’s personal escolta.

    2. Thank you for the info!!

    3. Abdón was NOT his accountant lmao it was Greñas. Mfs talk just to talk. And both are out already. Been out.

  4. I read on here that's its Z40 talking fromt and center in the execution video of the 3 CDG in the cornfield...the one with the awful screaming and the zetas are in camo. Anyone confirm? He threatens CDG and a blogger site as well.

    1. The one with the guy and the axe too?

      I believe the guy in the middle actually is 40 too…

    2. Lies. 40 NEVER did a video.

    3. @7:28pm I believe that's the one where the sicario bashes the guys' spine with a pickaxe.

  5. I am wondering what type of pull this dude still has within CDN/Zetas. After 10 years locked up probably very little. I know his crybaby fat ass brother dont got none.

    1. Since the cdn is basically the treviños he can pass orders to relatives that will pass on to whoever is running the cdn. Most likely a nephew or some shit.

    2. Als9 he has no pull with any zetas. Real zetas and their poeple didnt like this guy cus he was not an original zeta and he killed and betrayed real zetas to get to the top. All this has been told and retold where the hell have you been for the last 12 yrs?

    3. Thanks for that update.

    4. If Z40 broke out of prison today he would instantly become leader of CDN.

    5. 40 is the leader of CDN. Anything and everything they do is bc 40 gives the green light. The reason they changed their name was bc 40 told them too.

    6. I think he has lot of pull and will be on top if released.
      Also still in a mx jail, not even close to extradition.

    7. Considering every boss until now has been a direct relative of his, I’d imagine his word being the ultimatum for CDN..

  6. US needs to pressure Mexico for his scalp and his fat brother Super max is waiting for this barbarians.

  7. Shit, the U.S. civil asset forfeiture laws will take everything you own for small time slangin.

  8. Just switch Z-40 to rival cartel prison and see how tough he is

  9. Throw him in a well already

  10. This guy is an A-1 nut job. And Grissom doesn't deal with psychos.


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