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Friday, April 14, 2023

Karol G Reveals Her Link With Pablo Escobar

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Karol G says the Medellin Cartel leader saved her family

Karol G lived a difficult childhood in Colombia, and to get ahead, she had close contact with Pablo Escobar, leader of the Medellin Cartel.

In her chat with "GQ" magazine, Karol G spoke about her relationship with Escobar.

According to the interpreter, Pablo saved her family during an economic crisis when her mother worked as a waitress in a restaurant where the narco trafficker used to eat.


She clarified that at that time, Pablo was not known as the "Patron of Evil," nor was his empire so big.

Escobar was known to be a man with money who liked to help those in need, as was the case with the "La Bichota" family.

Karol spoke of the negative influence the narco had on Colombia's image. "My country has a stereotype that the only thing we have there is drug trafficking and drugs. And no, that era is over, you still see people talking about Pablo Escobar, because people see him as a character and they see him because he appears in a series, but in my country it is something that caused a lot of damage", said the singer.


  1. That era is not over, only difference is them Colombians work for Mexicans now

    1. Thats like saying China works for Walmart!

    2. 11:06 technically China Chinese do work for Walmart. Just check the stickers more than 90% of Walmart product is from CHINA 😂

      The thing is. Mexicans are dee in south America working with local cartels.
      Mexican cartels are very powerful and I would bet more than Colombian cartels.
      At the end of the day though, the government is the one calling the shots, from the US to Mexico and Colombia

    3. Well technically, THAT era is over. It was a different period, but similar practices and operations are still occurring today. Colombians don’t have to live in real perpetual fear anymore like they did in the late 80s and early 90s.

    4. 09:09 obviously has shit for brains. Cartel Medellin is active and way more powerful and wealthy than CDS CDG Los Chapitos. Medellin never left US

    5. 7:48 hahaha 🤣

    6. 7:48 Great joke

    7. 7:48 and your ice cream do you want it

    8. all ot of difference Meth and fentanyl was not really around. more damages being done now

  2. "My country has a stereotype that the only thing we have there is drug trafficking and drugs. And no, that era is over"

    That era is alive and well.

    1. @9:10 the stereotype may still be around in certain/most circles (like yours), but there is a lot more to Colombia than 'drug trafficking and drugs'.

      If you ever popped your head out of the bubble and went there, you might also discover that.

    2. @9:14 yes there's "a 1lot more to Colombia"... like prostitution. That's huge business in Colombia

    3. Im sure ahe was aware of that buisness

    4. Prostitution is huge in Colombia. They even fly them to Japan and other places around the world.
      Beautiful girls 😍
      The thing is they are also dangerous, I knew a few who tried to be CAPTAIN SAVE A HOE and got in big trouble. Those women are trouble

    5. Yes Colombia is well known for prostitution

    6. #1 drugs #2 prostitution

    7. #4 sugeries
      #5 cacorros

    8. A kilo in S America costs 3-10 k tops. Same kilo In Australia 100k Europe 20-70k the exporter and importer in these places 500kilos in Australia 5Omillion gross over 150k cost from Peru in Columbia kilo of paste is 1500 a kilo. Source is UN Drugs and Crime Office

  3. Does she know that Google exists? She was born in 1991 (not too long before Pablo was in La Catedral) and before she was 3, Pablo was dead. So for all of her life, Pablo was either in "jail- his own prison" or on the run and the most wanted man in the world, much less Colombia.

    By 1984, he was known as a bad guy and by 89' (after the Avianca bombing) he was an international narco-terrorist. She never came in contact with him while he had a small empire- and if he helped her mom, it would have been before she was born as he wasn't really going to restaurants in Medellin and he sure as heck wouldn't routinely go to the same restaurant with all the heat he had from the Colombian military and Cali Cartel.

    In shirt, her timeline is messed up.

    1. Ya I was thinking it didn't add up.... she name dropping for clout 🙄

    2. Well I think that’s was already… kind of obvious mate.

      She said that; “at that time, Pablo was not known as the ‘Patron of Evil,’ nor was his empire so big.”

      So obviously before 1984. She never claimed to have met him or saw him help her family with her own eyes or anything.

    3. @1:38 PM

      Then how can she talk about "her relationship" to Pablo? She never had one or atleast one she could reasonably remember. Her mother having a relationship with him, doesn't mean she did. Seems like she is just mentioning him for some form of attention.

    4. I didn't see or read anywhere in the article that she claims that she was close with him or even knew him. It seems that her mom is the one that knew her and being how he helped them out and how afterwards got extremely world wide famous, it was a story retold at any gathering, event, party, etc. And it being her family she knows every detail of it. You people should pay more attention to what it is you read instof jumping on people to criticize. Criticize yourself for letting yourself post your comments and looking like an ass

    5. She's propagating the era she claims no longer exists and by that, also, contradicting herself.

    6. @4:38 PM

      "Karol G lived a difficult childhood in Colombia, and to get ahead, she had close contact with Pablo Escobar, leader of the Medellin Cartel."

      What does that sentence mean to you?

  4. Our society glorifies narcos , she is taking advantage of that to increase her popularity .

    1. Anyone would

    2. She is popular. Has a whole bunch of fans. There's no need for her to do that. On the contrary, there's people that hate Escobar/Narcos and everything they represent, so there's even a possibility of her alienating some people. Besides, how many people are that pathetic to become a fan of someone just because their family interacted with someone else?

    3. 1:41. No. Not everyone.

  5. She looking for that street credibility

  6. Nobody about this India

    1. Yes, she is beautiful isn't she. A brown queen.

    2. She looks way better than in that picture above

    3. 4:46 i wont say shit about her music cause is all about what you like listening to, but we all agree she is all plastic right?

  7. Colombianos son droga

  8. A lot of thieves from Colombia

    1. Do some research, Colombians are despise in South America for being thieves And now a lot go to robbed in Mexico City

    2. Colombians have been running jewelry store robbery gangs in the US since the 90s.

  9. Replies
    1. Con unas 5 caguamas lla se ve como mujer, y 3 mas lla se ve atractiva 🥰

    2. Osea que con 10 caguamas si me la hecho

  10. The 80s and 90s... Was a True erea where Drug dealing was an Art...and you had to be Very Smart and sophisticated at what you did. Now a day you have dudes selling pills.. that They don't know what's really in them. Or their selling shit that they know is gonna knock off buyers.. heat up the streets and the buis. All these New era idiots dud was Flood the Market with Poison. Let them Tighten up.

  11. Le faltó mencionar a la bichota que Colombia es conocida por coca y prepagos

  12. WoW. She said Pablo will help those in need. He will also kill anyone who will get on his way. Including many innocent people just to kill one target. And the drug produced in Colombia is not over.


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