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Sunday, April 16, 2023

Los Chapitos' Head Global Fentanyl Cartel, US Says

“Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The United States announced its most important global campaign against drug trafficking in history and it is against the Sinaloa Cartel for fentanyl trafficking.

Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán's sons are wanted by US authorities.

The United States announced its most important global campaign against drug trafficking in history and it is against the Sinaloa Cartel for fentanyl trafficking.

In total, five indictments were unsealed against 28 people, including four of Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán's sons, who are accused of heading the Los Chapitos cell.

"Families and communities across our country are being devastated by the fentanyl epidemic. Today's actions demonstrate the comprehensive approach the Department of Justice is taking to disrupt the trafficking of that drug and save lives," explained U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland.

According to the documents, the Sinaloa Cartel has led the trafficking of fentanyl to the United States and 45 countries since 2014, when the group created its first laboratory in Mexico under Chapo's son Ovidio, and has a presence in 45 countries.

"Today's indictments send a clear message to Los Chapitos, the Sinaloa Cartel and criminal drug networks around the world: the DEA will not stop to protect the national security of the United States and the health of Americans," the Drug Enforcement Administration said.

The documents detail how the cartel became more powerful through the purchase of weapons, the use of hitmen to protect themselves, and even how they tested and "cooked" fentanyl in their laboratories, which are located in various states such as Sinaloa and Oaxaca and in other countries such as Guatemala.

However, investigations indicate that the precursor chemicals are sent from China with the mediation of other people, including Guatemalans.

In addition to the accusations, presented in three different courts, in New York, Illinois and the District of Columbia, the Treasury Department announced the sanctioning of two Chinese companies and the indictment of four Chinese citizens and a woman resident of Guatemala, currently under arrest, for belonging to the network through which the cartel obtained material to create fentanyl.

"Crisis begins in China".

According to the judicial file, filed in the Southern District Court of New York, Ana Gabriela Rubio Zea, currently detained, was the cartel's intermediary with Chinese businessmen to obtain precursor chemicals. From Guatemala, she coordinated the purchase and shipment, boasting: "We are the biggest in Mexico, so we can buy a lot.

In China, Yonghao Wu, Yaqin Wu and Kun Jiang were the suppliers. They worked with Huatao Yao, owner of Wuhan Shuokang Biological Technology or SK Biotech, a pharmaceutical company that supplied the chemicals.

Payments were made with cryptocurrencies or bank transfers. The businessman assured the cartel, "since we dare to sell this, it means that our resources and channels are not a problem." In other words, the shipments, marked with false labels and for which port authorities were paid for free passage, would arrive at their destination.

The United States says that once they arrived at their destination, they were sent to laboratories, mostly in Sinaloa, to create the drug that left more than 70,000 people dead from overdoses in that nation in 2022.

The information was obtained by U.S. authorities who infiltrated the cartel. As a result, in addition to the defendants, SK Biotech and Suzhou Xiaoli Pharmatech Co., which in 2021 made a shipment of precursor chemicals to Sinaloa, were included in the list of the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control.

Celebrate efforts

The White House, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of State celebrated the global effort against the Sinaloa Cartel and its fentanyl trafficking network.

In a statement, President Joe Biden's Homeland Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, called the actions taken by the Justice Department, along with the FBI and the DEA, "historic and significant".

In a statement attributed to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, he said the actions "demonstrate the resolve of the United States to promote criminal accountability for illicit fentanyl activity".

While Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas assured that "the administration is taking action against the cartels and their transnational criminal networks".


The brothers Leobardo and Martín García Corrales claim to have been "long-time friends" of El Chapo, to the point of hiding him after his escape from prison in 2001. Today they are accused, along with Humberto Beltrán and Anastacio Soto, of trafficking fentanyl and weapons for Los Chapitos.

Investigations suggest that, as operators of a Jalisco Cartel cell, they negotiated the purchase and sale of fentanyl in Mexico. For example, in August 2022, Leobardo said he had a ton of the drug and offered to send it "to New York for $15,000 per kilo.

Meanwhile, his brother Martin met with Humberto Beltran to discuss how to sell several kilos of fentanyl in the United States. They then acquired weapons, which brought Anastacio into the game; some were exchanged for 33 kilos of the opioid in February 2023, in Los Angeles.



  1. The hardest ones to capture going to be the Chinese, the CCP isn’t giving them up so easily.

  2. This is all a waste of time and money. Even if all those people were captured there will still be fent. What happen with the last war on drugs. Lol o wait it's still going. It's funny how America just turns everything on Mexico amd China and refuses to fix the problem in our own country. Let's be realistic you think arresting chapitos is going to stop fent from being produced. Lol China does not care at all amd will not give up there people. Your gonna have to stop all people in the world to stop the drugs. It's really dumb to think any of this is gonna make a diff.

    1. 8:21 who cares? As long as they catch thosre little cunts we will be alfight

    2. These idiots getting involved with fent make me wonder if these boys plan beyond 5 or 10 years.

    3. 8:21 is on the ball

    4. 10:02 ok ur probably caucasian american .
      america has a adición problem that all goes back to pharmacy related exposure. Oxycodone, Fentanyl, morphine, to name a few. shit california and oregon handing out free heroine and clean needles.
      Catching chapo did nothing but give power to a more sinister capo”mencho”. So no we will not be alright . Also lets not forget some of you caucasians are ambicious enough to play the game.

    5. 9:21 mencho chapo no difference. Chapo had his time now its Menchos time

  3. First time seeing a picture of El Panu. I wonder if it's recent or super old

    1. Which one is it ? I’m curious

    2. Oscar Medina Gonzalez. Nini’s name is next to panu’s. That’s a different face for nini tho.

  4. The US government really has a hard-on for El Chapo and his family. I wonder what made them lose their favored nations status (other than El Chapo escaping Mexican prisons a couple of times). Seems like it's only a matter of time before they surrender with no shits fired or they go out like El M1.

    1. 8:32 you wonder? Shit chapo snitched on the top DEA agents talking about how he was working with them, now they are gonna make it clear, "if you are a narco and work for us, you cant snitch on us!"

    2. Vicentillo snitched and actually used it on court.
      He said he and CDS had the green light by the US government to distribute drugs in return for information of other capos

  5. I have a bit of sympathy for the ones who had to get in the game just to put food on the table but these guys had a chance to do something with their lives not involving crime, now the USA are coming down on them hard good luck with that

    1. In the Bible it's written that the father who kills will condemn his bloodline for 3 generations...

    2. @9:20 it’s a kind of lifestyle they live. It’s hard for me or you to be in that life but they probably see normal working people as a boring life style working paycheck to paycheck

    3. 4;38 yeah it must’ve been hard with who their dad is, the most famous narco since Pablo but there has been kids of narcos who chose other professions regardless they better be ready for what is upon to come

    4. You are born to a narco family. The blood runs strong and you can't change what you are. Some sort of destiny is paved for you already to continue a long battled victory that your father has done to achieve. You say you want to be different, suddenly different means never reaching the level of opportunity that you have right in front of you. You study, go to school, the doors start opening. The life of a normal career or business is not for you. You struggle in someone else's world just to gather gold dust. While the weight of serious gold awaits you to take it. No matter how much blood or filth it comes with. You take it. Most of us would

    5. @6:22 yeah I guess it’s pretty difficult to live a normal live when your pops has enemies everywhere. Pablo Escobar son had to change last name and country to live in tranquility.

  6. They will be turned in by they're own. Maybe Guano takes over

  7. “We only sell cocaine , and don’t kill innocents” CDS FANBOYS

    1. "Nothing wrong with sleeping with a 12 year olds" CDS Fanboys

  8. First thing... that team is to young not hardened criminals.

    1. That team has been in the game since they were 15.

    2. If you start at 10-12 years of age and being still alive by 20, you can consider yourself a hardend criminal.

  9. As long as Sicario 006 continues to be head of security for Los Menores these lion kings are going to be safe and well taken care for in Sinaloa.

  10. I don’t get why they sell Fentanyl.Are the profits that high, that it’s worth being this much on the radar??

    1. Prob they don’t have connections Chapo did so they rely on this shitty substance

    2. So Ivan can have top down control no Colombians to bargin with just greedy Chinese precusor sellers who really arent that advanced as people like to think

    3. Its called supply and demand. Obviously the demand is high.

    4. Yes the profits are they high . I’ve read that a kilo of fentanyl powder can make 1 million counterfeit oxycodone pills . A kilo of fentanyl powder can be bought for somewhere around 5k-9k (last time I checked which was almost 2 years ago). And that’s the price to an average everyday person who has the money to purchase it and have it sent from China . So if you sell each pill for a measly
      $1 a piece to the next distributor you still made $990,000-$995,000 on a 5k-10k investment. These guys are getting unheard of quantities of precursor chemicals to make the fentanyl powder themselves so they probably paying no more than a few hundred dollars per kilo ,then turn around and have the possibility to make a million dollars off a couple hundred dollars . It’s one of the closet ways to “printing money out thin air” that I think you can get . Something that lucrative has almost an impossibility of ever being stopped because greed is something that most humans have addiction to just like the addict who wants the drug

    5. 3.00 am what you doing up so early.
      You got it wrong Fentanyl is not sent from China, the precursor chemicals are sent to Mexico, where the illegal drug labs complete the finished product.

    6. 3:00 AM , thanks for the response. I guess with that insane amount of profit it’s worth it to them to be on the radar

    7. 8:27

      Not totally correct. Both precursors AND fentanyl itself have been sent from China to Mexico.

      A couple years ago there was a news story showing a seizure of fentanyl citrate in a shipping container destined to leave China (or in mexico originating from China, i forget). That shipment alone was over 300kg of fentanyl if im not mistaken. You can search for the news coverage if so inclined.

  11. Sheesh now I can imagine how big a cartel really is, like imagine having connections in China! There’s older Italian mafias that don’t even have connections outside their territory. I guess this is really how powerful and big a cartel can get.

  12. Where's the knockle heads always staying, ohh Fentynal is a US problem. Take a look at the article, it's a World 🌎 Wide problem.

  13. Cholo Ivan connected the dots for the

  14. Any people from Sonora?

  15. Bola de mierdas igual que su papa. Por ojetes se los va a llevar la verga.

  16. The Chi-coms, in their quest for global domination, turn a blind eye to the poison they allow to spread throughout the world. To weaken a perceived enemy from within is well within their play book. We've been sold out from the inside by political elites whose masters own the international socialist corporations.

  17. El Gaby is very hot wow

  18. So does Chapito Ivan hold up to the title of King of Cocaine? Toronto, Canada is his strong territory outside of Mexico. I'm sure he's putting pressure on Europe and Australia too.

    It's interesting to see this new generation of Mirrey style guys participate in a brutal world. They look more like upscale spoiled rich kids in Guadalajara. That's probably the type of friends they grew up having. They got the fashion sense and the preppy/fresa mannerism no doubt. The narco characteristic remains. At least for Ivan when he shot Canadian foreigner Kristan Deyell in Guadalajara at a club when he was a teenager. Apparently over a fight with her Mexican friend

  19. Los chapitos have snithces in their inner circle. Bunch of stupid ass bastards just like their daddy

  20. The king of cocaine is now the king of fentaniyl


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