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Monday, April 3, 2023

Man Kidnapped in Laredo, Texas & Driven to Mexico Had Stolen $50,000 from Cartel Del Noreste

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Erik Tadeo Ramirez "bragged" about stealing $50,000 from the Cartel Del Noreste and was kidnapped in Laredo and taken into Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, states an arrest affidavit filed in federal court. 

FBI agents arrested Jonathan Cavriales on the charge of the kidnapping. Meanwhile, the whereabouts of Erik Tadeo Ramirez remains unknown, authorities said.

Timeline of Kidnapping

3400 block of Queretaro Loop, Laredo.

Location of the kidnapping and the US/Mexican border.

11:00PM CST March 23, 2023

Ramirez was at a party at a residence on the 3400 block of Queretaro Loop in Las Americas neighborhood in south Laredo, Texas. “Witnesses stated that Ramirez also bragged that Ramirez stole approximately $50,000 from the Cartel Del Noreste,” states the affidavit. 

Witnesses overheard Ramirez telling a female on the phone that he was in Laredo and was not in danger or afraid of her because he was in the United States, the affidavit states. Ramirez gave the female his location on Queretaro.

Example of a crew cab Dodge Ram truck.

12:45AM CST March 24

A blue four-door Dodge Ram truck arrived at the location on Queretaro. Two to three masked men armed with firearms exited the vehicle and assaulted Ramirez. Then, at gunpoint, they forced Ramirez into the truck, authorities said.

The border crossing that Ramirez was taken across in Mexico. Cavriales was arrested three days later attempting to cross back into the US in the same truck.

1:09AM CST

The Ram truck, with license plate PRT-1578, then crossed into Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico via the Juarez-Lincoln International Bridge. Authorities determined that the vehicle was registered to Jonathan Cavriales’ mother out of the 200 block of Palo de Rosa Loop by the Laredo Ranchettes area, the affidavit states.

A video recording showed a male with blood on his face opening the front passenger door of the truck while the vehicle was in motion. The male was attempting to exit the truck but was pulled back inside, states the affidavit.

They then bypassed the bridge attendant and drove straight into Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, according to court documents.

11:00AM CST

The victim’s sister and girlfriend called the police to report him missing. Cavriales’ mother stated that she received a call from Cavriales’ grandmother, who lives in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. The grandmother told the mother that Cavriales was sleeping at her home in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico and that the Ram truck was parked outside her home. The grandmother further told the mother that Cavriales did not look well and that something was wrong with him, court documents state.

1:30AM CST March 25

FBI special agents and task force officers conducted a knock and talk at the residence on Queretaro. Erik's girlfriend helped authorities verify via a mobile app that had last pinged him at the 3400 block of Queretaro during that evening and night of March 23. Two individuals stated they witnessed Ramirez being kidnapped by two to three armed individuals. A description was given of the blue Ram truck, authorities said. 

The only comment that the FBI has made on the kidnapping so far was, “the FBI relentlessly pursues every option when it comes to protecting the American people, and that doesn't change when they find themselves in danger across the border. The FBI follows all cases with the same vigor and commitment to the process," the agency statement said. This indicates that Erik would possibly be a US citizen.

2:15AM CST March 27 

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers detained Jonathan Cavriales when he crossed into Laredo via the Juarez-Lincoln International Bridge.

In a post-arrest interview, Cavriales stated he drove the Ram truck into Mexico in the early morning of March 24 with a kidnapped victim, who was identified as Ramirez. Cavriales added that three other people also took part in the kidnapping, according to court documents.

“Cavriales stated that he was aware that the victim had stolen approximately $50,000 from (the) Cartel Del Noreste,” states the affidavit. Cavriales went before US Magistrate Judge Diana Song Quiroga who denied him bond on the charge of kidnapping.

Ramirez was still listed as missing, according to police.

Cavriales is set to appear in court again on April 4 for a pretrial hearing and material witness detention hearings.


  1. These is a warning to all those young knuckle heads stay in school nothing is imposible to these mexican criminal organizacions you can be with Vladimir Putin inside the Kremlin if You owe to the cartel they would go and get You where ever You are

    1. I agree. Getting an education or learning a trade is the way to go. Cartels are scum.

    2. Yes and 9:55 lay off the meth

    3. Lay off the m30 blues

    4. Vladimir Putin you can't be serious

    5. 09:55 Vlad already has Cartel Los Rusos, The People Mob Russia, and his fingers in Venezuelan cocaine, as well as fentanyl manufacturing, and training 8 hours a night with Sicario006 to stop the Mossad from taking over the armed wing of CDS.

      Vladimir Putin doesn't care that his Sicario elite spetsnaz units sometimes test positive for controlled substances

    6. 11:52 In all seriousness though, isn’t most of the Russian army (or the Ukrainians?) jacked up on speed currently? It’s like they’re taking shit back to WWII.

    7. @10:54 Any use of alcohol or drugs on the frontline is strictly prohibited, can lead to firing squad in war times such as this!
      On the other hand, in couple of places the battles are 24/7, so it wouldn't be surprise if they're getting some busters, it's hellish there, Telegram got me spending too much time looking at a dead folks.

    8. 11:36 Well it’s already confirmed they’ve been drinking on the battlefield…

  2. Everyone thinks they safe in the USA but look what happened here

    1. This actually is common in border cities. Most are never reported or heard about again.

    2. True but I’m sure if you owe them money they coming for you no matter where you at

    3. It's actually more common than you think going deep into the US. In the early 90s I knew guy that ran afoul of a cartel while hiding in Las Vegas. He was found hung in a LV motel. Another guy was kidnapped from Wyoming and taken to Mexico in the 90s too.

    4. 7:59- sources?

    5. 8:14
      I'm the source. I personally knew the first guy. The second guy I met in person but was not a friend or associate, we had a mutual contact. This is common knowledge in the underworld and more than half these transgressions never get reported to authorities. If you want read about assassinations that took place in Orange County California, that were ordered from Colombian cartels, read the OC Weekly from early to mid 2000s, search them.

      I used to live in California in the 80s through mid 90s, hung around a bad crowd, and I know about a lot of crap that happened which was never reported to police. A singer from Mexico was low key kidnapped once from cartel associates in California while in the state. He boldly said he wasn't going to pay the ransom over the phone but when they heard the screams of their assistant, because the ear was being chopped off, they gave in. They never called the police. Why? Because they associated with a different cartel and was using the concerts to wash money.

    6. An example of an Orange County cartel murder. I drove by this scene on my way to work. I am not the poster above.

    7. More on the Avila murder with shoutouts to Will Ferrell and Rage Against The Machine.

    8. More from OC Weekly:

    9. Everyone think the USA safe until new season of Stranger Things comes out

    10. 10:48 And don’t even get us started on the tooth pic gang from SD. Los Palillos

    11. @10:54. My older brother got busted with a couple of joints back in the late 60’s and was pretty much looking to serve some time. My dad was a WWII combat vet in the Pacific and had considerable influence in the community. He managed to get my brother out of jail. My brother thought my dad would be really mad, because he was seemingly very strait laced. My dad told my brother not to worry about it as he and his fellow soldiers all smoked weed constantly while in the battle front to calm their nerves. My dad just said to never tell mom about this…..hehe

    12. The coke and weed in Newport were WAY better than what you got elsewhere back in the 80's. Glad I woke up and got on the right path later that decade.

  3. Sorry to say this expect the worst thing. Don’t expect him in one piece, he’ll be chop up to pieces sending message to other people not to steal from them.

  4. Good afternoon everyone. I am going to have to say that this guy deserves whatever he’s getting out of this. Because you have to be a TRUE IDIOT to steal. Especially to do it from cartels. Mannnnn after watching intestines being pulled out of someone. Just not the best career choice. But if you’re going to do it. Then at least go to another state. 🤷🏼

    Rubio NYC

  5. This guy bragged about stealing $50,000 from the cartel. I suspect they're going to find him in 50,000 pieces now.

  6. Bro i know this is bad, but also funny and stupid at the same time.

  7. Who would even do that ? And even more bragged about it?! That’s like playing with the devil

    1. More like stealing from the devil…

    2. It what is known as a Dum Ass

    3. @353 — El Dumas lmao

  8. The headlines will keep pushing us towards PUBLIC armed intervention. Wonder how many under covers are now in Mex & Centr Am?

    1. Kidnapping is a growing business within the US too. Take care of that first.

    2. Phoenix Arizona is the kidnapping for random capital of America for 10+ years now

  9. Replies
    1. 😄 He was pretty brave up until he was snatched up

    2. Sol — you mean brave enough until he started to brag about it… lol

  10. This happens all the time by the border. You have to be a fool not to rob the cartels but to think that they wont send some of their men to pick you up and take you to mexico. They will tell you you can come with us without getting fucked up or get your ass beat and then taken either way your going. If your robbing a cartel best thing to do is leave the border for a while until whom ever drugs you stole gets arreated or killed im mexico.

    1. Something tells me you know nothing about what happened in Allende..

  11. Lol… not just stupid enough to sell from CDN, but then to brag about it?

    Dude had it coming… 🦉

    1. Steal* and thank you, Team BB, for being ON-POINT with the comments…

      Now that I think about it, it is stupid to even sell for them too lol

    2. Is that you Bujo?

    3. @813 — Hello, Veterano ;) 🦉

    4. Hope all is well Bujo! This is MX, now Morogris.

    5. What’s wrong with selling for basically the only cartel in town? If you’re a trafficker in Laredo it’s probably unavoidable.

    6. @MX/Morogis!!!!

      I am happy to hear you and hope all is well my friend. I have yet to see someone with your level of diligence , and very much miss the days of you schooling the world :)

      Also hope to see and speak with you more, if you see this little guy at the end of msgs (🦉) you’ll know it’s me!

      *Unless someone is trolling lol

      Peace & Mas Tardes, Compa

  12. Pray for this young man to come home either way the families need closure.

    1. I regret to inform you, due to unforeseen events transpiring, through out the Republic of Mexico, and knowing how vicious the CDN is, they got the local meat market butcher, to moonlight for extra money and sliced up Mr. Ramirez, which he more likely no longer breathes, I guess he was trying to impress a local town girl and the town girl acting as a hawk, dialed on her speed dial and you know what comes next.
      This reminds me of a Morehouse University student, in Atlanta Georgia.
      He was bragging to his classmates, he got thousands from a car accident lawsuit. He was tied up in his home, the 4 guys tortured him, where's the money, they put him in the trunk of his car and died. No lawsuit money, he did not win the case, but bragging that he had it got him killed.

    2. I think the family can just make an educated guess at this point.

    3. They came across the boarder to get this guy. I can assure you they didn't bring him back to Mexico for a stern lecture and a slap on the wrist about the 50k he lifted and bragged about. They're going to get their pound of flesh in return and much more.

    4. 1:21 they delivered him to Mexico, where they more likely tortured him, cut him up, then made a video, which one of these days Sol will find in the underground videos.
      I am sure he is buried by now and is disappeared.

  13. Was he American citizen? I haven’t heard no major coverage for this one

    1. This is more common than you think and it usually doesn't get major coverage.

    2. He was Hispanic, from a poor border area, and with cartel ties. US media will ignore…

    3. US media should ignore. Its Mexicans. Fix your own problems first.

    4. 10:22 - in case you missed it, this was a problem that started in Laredo, Texas, and likely involved US citizens.

    5. 8:13 Ok but I thought that’s basically the whole point of the story… Even if not involved or directly connected; certainly adjacent to.

  14. So the filthy butter hands little demon hgot his horns pulled by bigger devils. Now he's crying hell. I love it when the rata putos get treated in kind. Escorias I hope it happens to every robber as the devils laugh at him

    1. Especially them catalytic converter thieves

  15. Dumbass

    This is a lesson not to steal $$$ or Menchos coke.

    1. The article literally says CDN and people like you are over here still talking about mencho and his coke?

    2. @10:36

      I understand feeling annoyed when it seems like people are bring up unrelated cartels rather than discuss the incident in the article, but in this case they may be referring to the fact that CDN (and CDG) do not really produce drugs.

      It's likely that CDN doesn't import coke from South America. Instead they have deals with other cartel groups, such as CJNG and CDS, to move their product across the border.

    3. 10:36
      And people are oblivious, that Mencho died over a year ago at a hospital and they still talk as if Holmes is alive😂.

  16. Humpty dumpty now

  17. They took him to grandma's? What? Can someone explain?

    1. No, the guy that was arrested went to his grandmother's in Mexico, it was his mom's truck they used.

  18. 🤫🛑🔪👹

  19. Damn they pulled up not even 2 hours after his shit talking lol. I’m sorry but this story is funny asf. R.I.P though.

    1. Very dumb and naive of him but nothing funny about it, you must think your a badass or something

  20. Their all like 18 year old dumb kids, all you people saying he is dumb for bragging, well yea who wasn’t inexperienced mentally & doing dumb things at that age. For them living in the border area its alot easier to make the bad mistake of getting into something serious that has bad consequences, iam not trying to defend them at all but just giving my opinion. Poor kid, his mistakes came with a serious punishment no one deserves

    1. No it’s the opposite. Him being from a border town should have led to him having more knowledge on how all this stuff works. No one over the age of a freshman in high school would’ve pulled the shit if they really knew how things worked, which they would if they were older than 14 or 15 and participated in any degree of street life in a border town..

  21. I am a reporter for inquiring minds want to know ... And I want to know if he still not scared, and why he would do something so foolish ... Please send answer via video ... Ty ..... Oh and can I borrow $10,000 I'm having car problems ... Ty

    1. All of his focus, experience and “knowledge” is probably just from street life in America rather than brushing up on how street life works just across the fence. Many people think the same street etiquette can be followed in both countries or even that gang life is ‘similar’ in both countries.

    2. Gang life isn’t rocket science. You bully people and harass people for money. It’s pretty much universal.

  22. How do you bypass the gate attendant and just drive on into Mexico without having to stop? Is the border not staffed at one AM?

    1. Yea not staffed im assuming because Nobody really goes in nuevo laredo from usa side at that time

    2. There’s only Mexican customs 24/7 but once on the Mexican side of course. US authorities are not usually inspecting people going to Mexico. It’s done very rarely.

    3. Going into Mexico is a completely different story than crossing into the US.

    4. They prob let em thru for $25,000 payable at a secret location ..... Then all they gotta say is how the hell was I supposed to know they were not gonna stop ..... Duh

  23. Damn dude I used to be really brave when I was young in my twenties more like stupid. But even how stupid I was back then I would never consider stealing from the cartel I was getting drugs from. Whenever they would come into the US with a load they would be in several Cadillacs like the president in a motorcade. Just the intimidation Factor alone I never considered or thought of stealing from them.

  24. Dumbass really thought he was “safe” from the cartel in a border town 🤦 No one here in SD or Chula Vista, not even a street goon would be that dumb. Would’ve loved to see his face at the moment of the kidnapping.

  25. I bet more than half the people at that party on the American side he bragged to even told him that he’s going to be a dead man for that. There’s no way they were just like “yeah man, right on!” Even probably tried to warn him to get the hell out. The more one thinks about this story and situation the harder it is to feel bad for him honestly. Shitty home life or absent parents/father is no remote excuse either for not knowing ‘the game’ or the realities of cartels in modern times. Dude wasn’t going to last anyways, even here in America. This was truly inevitable.

    1. And at least one partygoer snitched him out to the cartel..

  26. How old was Ramirez? Cause only an 18 yr old would brag and challenge a cartel and actually tell them where they at the time, mas pendejo no se puede estar!

  27. So this guy steals from the cartel, brags about it and drives a few miles across the American boarder thinking he would be safe? He then tells an unknown female on the phone his whereabouts. Stupidity in its purest form.

  28. Fingers crossed this blows up and gets 40 and 42 extradited.

  29. Pozole for sure, what a dumb kid!!!!!!

  30. Bordertown lifestyle is way different, and Mex/US is only a call and ride away from getting what we you want. It’s a given that if you steal they will get you, or tour family, there’s not turning back on that one. Back in the 80/90s, they wouldn’t touch you unless it was more than 100k (load or money) all they would do is shun you and you’d never work for anyone ever again. If you crossed the line, they’d calmly knock on your door around midnight, ask you to say bye to the fam and we’d never see that person again. You’d late hear how they were shot or dug up somewhere


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