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Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Mexican Authorities Find 8 Bodies Dumped in Resort City of Cancun

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The bodies were found in searches over the weekend in which police looked in wooded lots and even sinkhole ponds known as cenotes

Mexican authorities said Tuesday they are trying to identify eight bodies found dumped in the resort city of Cancun.

Speaking to families of missing people, Oscar Montes de Oca, the head prosecutor of the Caribbean coast state of Quintana Roo pledged to carry out more searches and identifications.

The bodies were found in searches over the weekend in which police looked in wooded lots and even sinkhole ponds known as cenotes.

More than 112,000 people are listed as missing in Mexico, and searches for clandestine grave sites have become common throughout the country. What is unusual is that they are now being carried out in Cancun, the crown jewel of Mexico’s tourism industry.

The clandestine body dumping grounds are often used by drug cartels to dispose of bodies of their victims. Several cartels are fighting for control of the Caribbean coast and its lucrative retail drug trade.

Montes de Oca said five of the bodies were found at a building site that had apparently been abandoned. The bodies had been dumped there between one week and two months ago; three have been identified as people reported missing previously.

At another site in a wooded area on the outskirts of Cancun, authorities found three sets of skeletal remains. They have not yet been identified.

The bodies were found in a poor neighborhood about 10 miles (15 kilometers) from Cancun's beach and hotel zone, but relatively closer to the resort's airport.

Similar searches were also carried out in Felipe Carrillo Puerto, a town south of Tulum.

Volunteer searchers, including the relatives of missing people, and specially trained dogs also participated with investigators in the searches.

Feuding drug gangs have caused violence in Cancun and the resort-studded Caribbean coast south of it.

Earlier this month, four men in Cancun were killed in a dispute related to drug gang rivalries. The dead men were found in the city’s hotel zone near the beach.

A U.S. tourist was shot in the leg in the nearby town of Puerto Morelos in March. The U.S. State Department issued a travel alert that month warning travelers to “exercise increased caution,” especially after dark, at resorts like Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Tulum.

In 2022, two Canadians were killed in Playa del Carmen, apparently because of debts between international drug and weapons trafficking gangs.

In 2021, in Tulum, two tourists — one a California travel blogger born in India and the other German — were killed when they apparently were caught in the crossfire of a gunfight between rival drug dealers.


  1. Replies
    1. Hey how you doing sir. Here lately our silent partners have been sending in their links. And so we're grateful for how helpful they've been to us all. And I still get a laugh whenever I see that grouper video. Lol. In case anyone's wondering.

    2. cancun is a tourist trap with lots of seaweed. it stinks. the food sucks. if you have not tried pa$ocha$. they suck. this is a dish from that area

  2. Cancun that's HEARST favorite destination for vacation, man I would go there. Perhaps it's safer at the hotel, and not step out .

  3. I want to see an article where bodies are actually found in Cenotes. The bodies mentioned were found in the jungle and an abandoned building, but hey, let's mention cenotes to scare the masses into believing there's bodies at these tourist attractions.

    1. 1:41
      This article stated bodies found in CENOTES. 😂🐔

    2. "...police LOOKED in wooded lots and even sinkhole ponds known as cenotes..."

      the the article states they "LOOKED" not found, but 🐔🧠 like yourself will easily mistake this as "found" and that's how the misinformation is spread.

    3. Yes that is exactly how misinformation starts and spreads.

  4. article states cenotes were being searched for bodies..
    No bodies have been found in the cenotes.

  5. There are so many abandoned construction sites all over mexico,always asking myself how many are buried there. Its sad to see, but nevertheless had again 3weeks of awesome vacation.
    As a whitey you can read on the faces of the locals that you should not be there. But still LOVING mexico-it will never let me down.
    Salut to Sol and the BB crew and especially mica, just made it close to the ranches of RR, but the locals made it clear not to mover further.sry my friend.
    La Rana

  6. The reality is that all these vacation locations also feed the drug habits of their vacationers! Lots of Euros and Dollars spent on this habit! And that’s where the clash happens with the locals!
    Legalize…. But no… how would the CIA,DEA and Mexican Gvmt get their cut????? You cant you greedy fucks!!!
    Figure it out and stop fucking with Mexicans, and all other countries who “deal” with “drugs”…. You know you won’t though…. Enjoy your blood money… Karma is a Bitch! Remember that when you get home to your family

    1. Today is Thursday, one more day and it's partly time at the flickerama.

  7. One might say it is turning like Acapulco.

  8. En el mar la vida es mas sabrosa


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