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Monday, April 10, 2023

Mexican Officials to Hold Talks in U.S. On Fentanyl Smuggling

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador speaks during a news conference at the Secretariat of Security and Civilian Protection in Mexico City, Mexico March 9, 2023.

Members of Mexico's security cabinet will be in the United States this week to meet with U.S. officials about the trafficking of synthetic opioid fentanyl, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said Monday.

The meeting's agenda will include other topics, including arms trafficking, the president said, without providing details on which U.S. officials would participate.

Some U.S. lawmakers have been calling on the Biden administration to take a harder line and ratchet up pressure on Mexico to crack down on the fentanyl trafficking. A handful of Republican legislators have even called for the U.S. military to bomb Mexican cartels and their labs inside Mexico.

Overdoses involving synthetic opioids, including fentanyl, killed more than 70,000 people in the U.S. in 2021, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

U.S. officials say almost all fentanyl on U.S. streets is mass produced by powerful crime groups on Mexican soil, a claim Lopez Obrador denies.

China last week responded to a late-March letter from Lopez Obrador asking for help on shipments of fentanyl, saying there is no illegal trafficking of the opioid between China and Mexico.

The letter and China's response did not mention supplies of the precursor chemicals used to make fentanyl.

Lopez Obrador on Monday repeated that no fentanyl is synthesized inside Mexico, a claim the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) disputes.

"In Mexico fentanyl is not produced, the raw material for fentanyl is not produced. If China's government says they do not produce it either, then it is interesting. Who is producing it?," Lopez Obrador said during a regular news conference Monday.

(This story has been corrected to update the CDC data on fatalities to more than 70,000 in 2021 from all synthetic opioids, not more than100,000 in fiscal 2022 from fentanyl, in paragraph 4)



  1. Great article. Thank you Sol! I like the opinion of using heavy artillery against the cartels. The Govt's should be discussing as well?

  2. Are they going bombing Ismael zambada labs too? or is going to be every body else but him.

    1. Why would the government bomb their own labs?

  3. These countries are trying very hard to bring down the U.S... would you guys rather live in a country that is The super power. Or live in a country where you are told what to do and how to live by some Chinese officer

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. 9:53
      Drugs are rampant worldwide, not just USA, have a great day.

    3. 9:53 “There is no country on this planet where 50% of the teen’s do pills for fun”

      Poor choice of words… Literally half the population of young people in certain middle eastern countries use amphetamines now.

  4. Reports are coming in and maybe they La Fresa in Nayarit

  5. Fentanyl is bigger than crack when it comes to addiction and overdose deaths.

    1. Well no normal stimulant has ever had a ‘high’ association with death really. That’s more of a downer thing (opioids, barbiturates, benzos mixed with other downers, etc.). When you get up to lethal amounts on stimulants like cocaine or amphetamines it is VERY unpleasant almost always; whereas you can reach lethal doses on opioids and still feel fine or even more euphoric which is historically why so many people have died from them. But in terms of heroin and stuff it was traditionally behavioral factors of self-administration which determined these lethal outcomes, but with fentanyl it’s either that or more commonly (and tragically) because of quality control factors which cause the smallest differences in micrograms/milligrams for doses to be easily fatal. So it’s not even due to user’s actions oftentimes anymore but rather the actions of whoever manufactured and dosed the pill.

  6. Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid drug approved
    by the Food and Drug Administration for use as an
    analgesic (pain relief) and anesthetic. It is
    approximately 100 times more potent than
    morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin as
    an analgesic.
    Fentanyl was first developed in 1959 and
    introduced in the 1960s as an intravenous
    anesthetic. It is legally manufactured and
    distributed in the United States."

    Is Chinese Fentanyl a different product ?

    1. 8:50 bro. Fentanyl is active in the MICROGRAM range, meaning without perfect quality control and EXACT dosing protocols like those seen in pharmaceutical-grade products by legitimate professional manufacturers; the difference between life and death could be an amount of material that is comparable to just a few grains of sand or even less. Opioids aren’t meaningfully “toxic” in the sense that they’re directly wrecking havoc or having a caustic strenuous effect on the organ systems. They, for the most part just suppress the body’s ability to breath on its own in lethal amounts; which is ridiculously easy to reach with opioids that are active in the microgram range (like fentanyl) if you have a pile of it because again, this means only a few “grains” of the drug product can kill. This isn’t the case with heroin, codeine, morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone or other morphinans which are not active in doses that can be as small as grains of sand. And if they are, it’s gonna be like barley even a threshold dose.

      I don’t know how people still don’t get this. Fent is not inherently “bad for you” like traditional toxins, it’s just that ridiculously high levels of it turn out to only be a few or several milligrams. That’s literally the problem. But it’s not a problem if you’re a legitimate pharmaceutical corporation with high standards of quality control. But due to this component alone it should be pretty self-explanatory why black market cartel chemists are killing people with their inexact measures of the drug. This isn’t aconitine or something. Your organs don’t ‘hate’ it or treat it as some biological irritant. It’s just active in such small doses, meaning quality control is absolutely vital. Meaning eye balling doesn’t work.

    2. Its not Chinese its ccp! A billion people in China don't even know what fentanyl is. For the ccp its a weapon of poison used in asymmetric warfare whereby the users do not know the dose or the source. Thats not how it is sold under the FDA. For the ccp it is revenge for the 1839 Opium Wars only that was the Brits and we all had a common dislike for the British Empire then.

      The Opium Wars ( Yāpiàn zhànzhēng) The First Opium War was fought from 1839 to 1842 between China and the United Kingdom, and was triggered by the Chinese government's campaign to enforce its prohibition against opium trafficking by British merchants.

    3. They have been prescribing fentanyl in the United States for pain during surgery as well as patches for post operative pain. The game changer is it’s the only opiate in steady supply is why you here so much about it. And it has like thousands of analogs. So people are constantly tweaking the formula. And when people hear you’ve got something good enough people have overdosed on they want it. It’s the nature of the sickness they have. That’s why drugs suck. I feel for the generations coming next.

    4. 5:36 That’s not the “game changer” part of why it’s so dangerous. The reason is merely because the very minute doses it takes to kill; which means no quality-control = disaster. Simple as that. Fentanyl in a controlled and safe dosage is not really unhealthy for you at all. You’re not gonna come away with organ damage from a non-lethal amount like you would after stimulants or alcohol which can both be very toxic even when they don’t kill you.

    5. @8:50 you literally just said “100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin” which answers your question. Fetty isn’t some inherently hazardous chemical. It’s just a dosage-control issue.

    6. Its a game changer without proper health insurance for everybody. You got bad tooth, cant afford a doc and starting buying pills, then you mess up and die.

    7. The guy talking sense here gets it. Fentanyl isnt “toxic”. It kills via mu receptor agonism, which suppresses respiratory rate, in a big enough dosage you suffocate as you stop breathing. This isnt neurotoxicity or cardiotoxicity or hepatotoxicity, this is just respiratory depression.

      Quality control is the real issue. Wet granulation compounding is the only way to consistently distribute such a powerful drug into an inert carrier without the formation of hot spots. You cannot safely eyeball cut something that powerful, but you can safely cut it using wet granulation methods.

      However even with it being reliably diluted, addicts will be addicts, and the nature of opiate addiction is pushing the limit. As tolerance builds you will increase your dosage, but increase it a bit too much and its lights out.

    8. 2:12 we have a doctor in the house.
      You should go to High Schools through out USA, it was a little to late for Melanie Ramos a 15 year old, that experimented with half a pill laced with fentanyl, at a high school restroom stall, along with another friend.
      The family is suing the high school in CA, and wants a law made up in Sacramento, called "Melanie's Law".

      El Nemisis

  7. When does the US finally run out of patience with these corrupt crooks? When do the Mexican people run out of patience with living under siege by insane, psycho serial killers and corrupt government enablers?

    1. The Mexico won’t run out of patience as long as they are willing to believe the spin narrative the Mexican government and media feed them that it's all the Americans fault

    2. It's a quagmire it will continue for a long time.

  8. North Korea cough cough

  9. People should wake up and learn the facts about drug smuggling and border migration while their at it.

    1. We already learn a lot here on BB, but thank you anyways.

    2. 1:02 sure know it all!

  10. ELMO showing off his booger finger again.

  11. Evidence is showing that fentanyl doesn’t only comes from Mexico. It also comes straight from China to USA buyers.

    1. Chinese mafia groups/Triads maybe?


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