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Monday, April 24, 2023

Mexico President Tests Positive For Coronavirus For 3rd Time

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Mexico’s president suspended a tour of the Yucatan peninsula Sunday after acknowledging he tested positive for the coronavirus, having previously suffered two bouts of COVID-19.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador wrote in his social media accounts that “it isn’t serious.”

The comment followed reports in the local press that López Obrador felt faint Sunday morning and had to cancel his tour, something his presidential spokesman denied.

López Obrador, 69, who has acknowledged a history of heart problems, wrote that he would isolate for “a few days” in Mexico City.

“My heart is 100 percent and as I have had to suspend the tour, I will be in Mexico City and celebrating, although from afar, the 16th birthday of (his son) Jesús Ernesto,” he wrote.

López Obrador was ill with COVID-19 in early 2021 and recovered after receiving what he described at the time as an experimental treatment. In January 2022, he announced he had come down with COVID-19 a second time, amid a spike in coronavirus infections in Mexico.

López Obrador declined to enact mandatory mask mandates and he refused to wear a mask even at the peak of the pandemic unless it was absolutely necessary, as on airline flights. He famously refused to use Mexico’s presidential jet, which he recently announced had been sold to Tajikistan.

Presidential spokesman Jesús Ramírez did not immediately respond to a question about whether the president would return to Mexico City aboard a commercial airline flight.

The president said that while he remains in isolation, Interior Secretary Adán Augusto López will fill in at the daily presidential morning news briefings.

That could provide a boost for the interior secretary’s flagging campaign to win the presidential nomination of López Obrador’s Morena party for the 2024 elections. López, who is not related to the president, currently trails Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum in most polls on the primary race.


  1. AMLO is in contact with a lot of people it seems.

    1. 08:04 he hugged too many cartel gang bangers.... 😅

  2. He still does not believe in washing hands, after many handshakes everyday.

    1. You do know you can get sick by other ways,
      Breathing the same air as someone who’s sick,
      Or touching a door handle that wa touched by an infected person.

    2. 8:07 if only it was that easy we could saved a lot of lifes

    3. 845 the deaths were inflated,
      Many people died of other causes, but since they tested positive for Covid they marked them down as a Covid death. So hospitals could get paid , becusss they were getting more funds for Covid deaths.
      For sanitizing and other work

    4. 8.33 you are mighty correct, that's why the person stated always wash your hands, touching stuff, handshakes, yes in the air, yet ALMO don't put on masks.

    5. 8:33 BUT, washing hands minimizes your chances of getting infected.

    6. 10:52 i know, but again if only it was that easy

    7. 10:52 I've seen grown men come out the shitter - yes, after taking a fat dump - in public bathrooms without washing their hands and casually shake people's hands.

    8. That Covid shut played out up here. How people still catching that shit?

    9. 1852 - I've noticed food service employees leaving bathroom stall after stinking the place up with a fat smelly dump and not washing hands then returning to kitchen. Business as usual.

  3. He is sick poor Guy Sick with Lies about the wellness of his country and how much he cares about all Mexico's wellfare and they are so Safe


    AMLO sold the presidential aircraft to Tajikistan for 92 million dollars. He announced that the proceeds will be used to build 2 state of the art hospitals in Guerrero and Oaxaca. Imagine that, 2 hospitals that will benefit thousands for the cost of 1 stupid plane that only benefited Peña nieto and the leeches that surrounded him.

    For the most part, AMLO travels in military aircrafts for several reasons. One, It's cheaper, but most importantly, its much harder to sabotage as many suspect was the case with Juan Camillo Mouriño back in 08.

    1. There was a time, Elmo had said that all presidentual planes would be sold, and that he would take trips on regular public airplanes. Yet hear you say, he would fly on military aircraft.

    2. 918 check AMLO's YouTube channel and look for yourself since you want to question the facts. 💩🧠🤖

    3. 918 ok, so AMLO sold the presidential plane to build 2 new hospitals while figuring out a safer and more cost effective way of traveling. How can you hate on that?

    4. Let's see if the facts hold, while he is in office. Money to be used to build 2 hospitals....write down on your memo pad, watch 2 years later nothing built, money from airplane sale disappeared.


      @1144 comprende o no comprende?

  5. This is why balazos no abrazos is the way to go.

  6. Damn, my boy is sick again despite double shots and triple boosted. Vaccine my ass, this is ridiculous.


    1. When vaccine will be chose....
      The Spudnick from Russia?
      Or the Johnson and Johnson from USA?

  7. Ask Joe Rogan how to keep healthy and avoid Covid: Vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, quercetin, aspirin, exercise, Also, ivermectin is a good thing.

    1. el COVID se cura con tonayan y perico con mucho corte .

  8. Lo mas que le dicen que SI leaves las manos, lo mas que no lo hace. Que cabeson.

  9. Get well soon big guy. Live your life, amd get that money.


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