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Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Monclova, Coahuila: Local Firefighters Rescued Puppies To Kill Them

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Videos show the men, apparently inside the municipal facilities, beating and torturing the canines

Firefighters from the Civil Protection of Monclova, Coahuila were denounced for rescuing stray dogs and later killing them.

César Flores Sosa, Morena's candidate for congressman in that state, published the images in which the municipal officials can be seen mistreating the animals.

The videos show the men, apparently inside the municipal facilities, beating and torturing the dogs, even hitting them on the head with axes or pipes. They are then seen playing with the bodies.

In view of the diffusion of this situation, the mayor of Monclova, Mario Dávila Delgado, assured that the reported facts are not current, but occurred in another administration.

However, he announced that the case will be investigated and a complaint will be filed against those responsible. He specified that two of the firemen involved no longer work in the municipality, only one, who has already been suspended.

César Flores Sosa, a member of the Morenista party, also said that he had filed a criminal complaint against the firemen involved in the animal abuse.

The local press assured that the facts took place during the administration of Alfredo Paredes López, who is currently a candidate for local congressman for the "Va por México" alliance.

xevt  vivo en marte


  1. I won’t even watch the video. And I’ve watched them all. Sick bastards

    1. It's an ugly video. And it's easy to see how they're moonlighting with those particular skills.

    2. I watched and don’t understand why these men are being attacked? They were strays and we have too many in Mexico - like rats in NYC.

    3. 10:27 PM - Are you REALLY that much of a subhuman that you do't understand why they are being attacked?

    4. 3:16 they do the same in the USA but with lethal injections, in Mexico they cant aford those injections and the cheapest way to do it is hitt them in the head, that way they dont suffer as much

    5. 10:27 you SOS? More humane ways exist if strays are a problem.

    6. 6:21 like what? A bullet to the head? Lethal injections? Shit they dont even have medicines for the average mexican in the hospitals, this is the best way to do it, plus remember in mexico nothing goes to waste, best street tacos you can have are Tacos de Soaperro, every body is wins, there is less stray dogs and you can enjoy some good ass tacos

    7. Those lethal injections aren't as cozy as they make out. I had to have my dog put down that way and wanted to stay with him when they did it and I wish I hadn't.

    8. It is not the Fireman's job to kill dogs, even if they are strays. 10:27 you should understand the role of a fireman. Your town can't afford to have a dog pound?
      Totally inhumane.

    9. BB published a story years ago 'bout the chinese restaurant in Tijuas that were catching, slaughtering, and serving up strays piping hot from the oven..
      Gave new meaning to "finger lickin' good"

    10. You watched them all? You watched adolescents screaming while being tortured to death but you draw the line at stray dogs being hit on the head (they weren't being tortured, they were being killed in the only way these dumbasses knew how. Hitting their heads as hard as they could.) It's fucked, but it really isn't what the article says it is. It's bullshit. There are 2 strays that are injured being put out of their misery with mallets.

    11. On the bright side, at least these guys are too busy to steal watches and wedding rings from car accident victims like they usually do.

    12. Note to self. Mexico beats animals to death and makes dog meat tacos. Wow I am learning a lot about the people of Mexico today.

    13. This makes me so sad his tail was still wagging 🥺 those POS deserve to go to hell the same way

  2. Replies
    1. Agreed but they are just stray dogs, doesn't deserve this commotion at all. People are getting really soft these days.

    2. @6:18 BS Mexico doesn’t have the money to euthanize. What about all that fentanyl they seize. Problem solved quietly. But come on beating something to death will never be the right way no matter what the situation is.

  3. I really hope karma gets back at them quick as possible and during their job hours 🔥

    1. Ohh, there goes the karma comment! Give this man a noble peace prize!!

    2. Did karma get you too or what’s the problem? Hahah you sound hurt man.

  4. Que chinge a Toda su Reputa Bomba Madre la PUTAS Que los pario y tambien que les pase lo mismo pinches putos culeros

  5. These are the type of dudes I would not even feel bad if they burn alive doing their job.

  6. Hopefully a cartel will take care of them like they did to the dogs

  7. I HATE PIECES OF SHYT that hurt animals .. animals are defenseless. Send these idiots to a prison in California. They will be tortured for the Rest of their days.

    1. And please, let them upload a video of it. I don’t have a problem with cartel members getting tortured or killed. They’re in the game, so they know the risks. But animals and kids are a different thing.

  8. Nope. I refuse to watch any of the execution videos and I am definitely passing on this.

  9. Damn. POS like these are why México has a bad reputation with certain people. Child abusers, rapists, kidnappers and contras I can understand killing in this manner but defenseless animals? SOB need to be tableados without mercy.

  10. Hang these pieces of shit

  11. Fuck em, you do not torture animals.shoot them or bring them to a shelter but not beating them to death.

  12. Pinche gente vale vrg , chinguen a su puta vida cada vez que respiren bola de pendejos!

  13. Que los cuelguen vivos a esos pedazos de cagada!!

  14. :,(( pobre perritos,luego se los chingan los narcos y andan de llorones putos ojala se los carge su puta madre corrientes pongase con alguien se se pueda defender culos

  15. CDN will soon have them on their knees asking for forgiveness

  16. Call me a sick fuck but I can watch Beheadings, Tortures and all that Gore shit..I watched half the video n had to close the window. I cant do Animal killing videos. Poor lil dogs didnt deserve that shit! Karma is a bitch..Those guys will get theirs!

    1. Same here i could watch some dip shit get beheaded bc he actually probably deserved it but couldn't watch an innocent dog get beat to death over some shit it probably did to survive like steal food or bite a kid that was picking on it.

    2. But the innocent Halcone forced into it because his mother owed money, who then gets lifted during a war did deserve it? You are a sick fuck.

  17. I will not watch

  18. Down there , here and there…. These pieces of shit are everywhere.

  19. I’m actually happy to see these comments. People defending dogs ! Cool to see there’s still people out there defending animals

    1. Only talk but no actions, instead of complaining here they should go to mexico and shelter at least a hundred of those dogs, but no one will do shit just complain, you are all fake wanna be heroes

    2. Relax bro some of us would actually do something if we see someone like happening. We’re not all cowards.

    3. 9:31 go to mexico and save at least 10 stray dogs son, than you can actually brag and i will be the first one to congrat you, words are cheap

    4. 11:12 I actually live in TJ man, I go to SD to work but I live here in TJ. So I’m not a stranger to seeing a stay dogs out in the street. I do sometimes feed them I don’t know if that counts as Saving them.

    5. 11:12am Bro..I foster 2 Chihuahuas every Summer cause they can actually stay outside in the backyard..Thats the most I can foster..I wish I could do more..And I just adopted a Fatass lazy Orange Tabby Cat (think Garfield)..I mean..I try..believe me .if I could save more dogs n cats..I would..

    6. Many dogs from Mexico get adopted by people in Canada. I know at least 5 people that got their dogs from Mexico directly. It’s good to see. Dogs and animals in general don’t choose to be mean or an asshole or kill for fun. Their brains don’t function in that way. Aggressiveness usually stems from being afraid and protecting oneself or babies or when hunting for food. It’s always humans that make create aggressive dogs. Even “more aggressive breeds” were also once bred for our purposes

  20. Northeast méxico lacras! Trash! Something is wrong with that region in méxico! Fuck those Mexican texas border towns! Fucking disgusting! I hope I don’t have nightmares from watching that video right now! Public servants in méxico are a joke! They let any sik demented fuk become a bombero! Despicable! This is embarrassing man! México is a lost cause! I see no hope for méxico!

  21. It will be a good pr stunt for cdn I hope they get these scum

  22. I find it hilarious and disturbing that everyone is angry at puppies dying but it’s okay if a pinche mojado gets their heads cut…. Ohh but not for an dog, oh no, waaaa waaa 😭

    1. You seem to be racist, I don't know how this comment got in. You can use a better term.

    2. What a horrible comment 7:15. May someone thump you good today.

    3. He’s probably a mojado that recently got his papers trying to act like he’s better than us - this came for a Mexican lol

    4. 9:33
      It's funny once they get their Green Card, they act differently from their Origins and will humiliate the others.

    5. @8.01 and LASTRAW- I think 7.15s comment went right over your heads. He was mocking the racist attitudes that appear on here, not being racist himself. People watch an innocent Mexican kid getting tortured and decapitated and they assume he ''did something to deserve it'' and make jokes and discuss technique like it's entertainment. 2 stray dogs get whacked on the heads with heavy implements and your heart bleeds. Disturbing is exactly the right word..

    6. 5:42. Nope. Nothing over my head here. But thank you for trying to educate me.

    7. Of course there's nothing over your head. It went Woosh.

  23. Dogs aren't always sweet cuddly harmless pets. Do me a favor. Go to Google images. Type in dog bites. You will see gaping wounds that will turn your stomach. A lot of these are pit bull attacks on children. No nice puncture wounds. Some victims look like they've been hit with powerful fragmentation grenades.
    Dont underestimate dogs. They are genetically programmed hunter/killers.

  24. So what SHOULD they do with them? With no money for animal shelters, no money for lethal injections and strays causing problems and attacking children, what is the answer? Seriously, strays get so bad in some places that kids have to walk in groups with weapons. Theres an area on the edge of a field where a road leads from a neighborhood to the grocery store. Two strays killed a little girl and tore her brothers handoff basically. Luckily he yanked his hand out and sacrificed it. Otherwise he'd have died too. All you condemning them clearly live in comfy places. I'm against animal abuse and torture, truly. But sometimes (and I dont know the situation in this incident, couldnt watch the whole video) it just has to be done. Some strays are ultra violent and pack hunt. Go let one of your children get killed by a stray and deal with trying to get her bones and teeth back as a pack of stray pibbles and chiuhuahuas and other mutts attack you because you're in their territory taking their bones.

    1. Have you ever heard of a dog pound, person that picks up strays, takes them. Dog shelter needs to be established, taxes should cover that along with other items.

    2. Idiot’s like you are something no animal will attack only if attacked but the one’s that do attack is animals that are abused there are more humane to put them down but not like this I would love to grab a love one of you’re if it broke a window of mine see if you think it’s fair PENDEJO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Other countries 🤔 , like to eat them I won't mention which as not to offend anyone .
    They even steal them from yards and their pet dogs never to be seen.

    1. 8:07 Tell ya what, you DON'T wanna be a white dog in the phillipines, them wero puppies are said to taste best..
      It's no more racist than pointing out a mexican's preference for pozole, be it white, red or green, everybody got their own opinion..
      In Samoa, the skin around a cow's anus is a delicacy.
      In thailandia, I've seen folks catch a dragonfly shred their wings off, like taking the shell off a goddam cacahuate, and popping 'em in their mouths..
      Sounds disgusting to me, but if the flying saucer people peered down on earth to see folks scarfing down spaghetti, they might think they're eating worms and be equally horrified..
      The Lewis and Clark expedition, starving, bought puppies from the Rocky Mt indigenous tribes, who assumed they were gonna raise the dogs to hunt, and were NOT amused to see la chucha boiling up in the cooking pot..
      Jesus, they eat Bats in china, how bad could dogmeat be?
      Bottom line is:
      Get your cats and dogs speyed or neutered..

  26. at Jorge Hank Rhon's Caliente hippódromo in La Tia Juana, greyhounds that can't run fast enough to race meet su destino in a barbaric way..
    Hook up electrical cables to their mouths and assholes, then turn on the juice and zap 'em straight to doggie heaven..
    In mexican pacific coastal areas, I've heard it said stray curs are taken out to sea in a panga, thrown overboard alive, and get to dog-paddle tlll they get exhausted and drown..
    When a bunch of snarling, menacing street dogs pack up on a full moon, they mean business, best to lock up the women and children.

  27. This is the Reason I would execute human without thinking but I will never hurt a animal,child

  28. That is worse than the cartel torture vids. What kind of a sick p.o.s would fo that to a puppy. Someone should do the exact same to them

  29. S U P. straight up Puto.

  30. Stopped watching within moments. I live in Canada and adopted a street dog from Mexico, best dog I have ever had! And I'll di it again!

  31. With all do respect to most of the people posting their opinions, In mexico there is no such thing as "Dog Shelrters" maybe a few but they dont have the capacity to feed them, if a kid gets bitten by a stray dog most likely the kid will get some deciese, not trying to say it ok to kill any dog like they are doing but there is no other choise when the town has been runmed over by strays, this is a better death than by poisen which a lot of people do when dogs still food or enter their peoperty, you guys have no idea what a peoblem stray dogs are in mexico where they roam free and multiply like rabbits, this guys killing them is pretty much saving a kids life! So before you critizice the guys in the video at least know a little research and understand its population control, you guys have no fucking idea

    1. 1:24 well it sure ain't the job of firemen, that we can agree on.
      Perhaps it should be the job of garbage collector to pick up dead bodies instead of the ambulance.
      Perhaps the Police should target practice and shoot birds.

    2. 2:15 just know and understand that Mexico is not the USA, shit in the USA they do the same things but are not stupid enought to get recorded, in mexico they dont give a fuck if you record them or not, different rules in evey game

  32. As a native of Monclova this literally hurts my soul!!!! Coahuila was supposed to be leading Mexico in regards to animal abuse, why and how could they let this happen? My heart breaks and I refuse to watch the video.

    1. 3:08 no mames guey, no te creo, si eres nativo y tienes barrio deverias de saver que eso es bien normal es mas prefiero que agan eso a que los usen a esos perros como costales de entrenamiento para los perros de pelea, eso si esta mas cabron

    2. Soy nativa pero no tengo barrio.. pero si tengo memoria de los días que los perritos callejeros andaban por mi colonia. Siempre les dábamos de comer y más de una vez recogíamos a perritos de la calle. Discúlpame colega pero esto no es mejor que entrenarlos para perros de pelea. Las dos son abuso y las dos cosas deben llevar repercusiones.

    3. 11:59 pues perdon bebe pero te hace falta barrio chiquita 😉

  33. I hate to break the sad news to all you dog lovers, but Fido isn't that into you like you love him. He's a small-brained critter with an intense urge to belong to a pack. Keeping his belly full in his top priority. Keep it full and you're absolutely the bee's knees.
    He's loyal to whomever is keeping his belly full. You're simply the meat-bag alpha who's keeping that belly full. For time being.

    1. Exactly, you can have the nicest dog ever but if you die alone and have a dog at day 3 with out food the dog will start eating you, no lie, they will start with your face

    2. Are you talking about dogs por humans?

  34. In the next life, hopefully the dogs will have the pipes and axes.

  35. Animal abusers deserve the bullet

  36. Poor pups. I hope those assholes die for hurting them..

  37. Karma is gonna hit back someday!


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