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Friday, April 21, 2023

Navy And FGR Agents Carry Out A Search In Lázaro Cárdenas Neighborhood: Guadalajara, Jalisco

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

The agents of the Attorney General's Office took out at least three black jumbo bags.

Román Ortega | El Occidental

Elements of the Attorney General's Office and the Secretary of the Navy carried out a search in a mechanic shop in the Lázaro Cárdenas neighborhood, in Guadalajara.

The search was carried out in the establishment called Balazo Racing located on Reyes Heroles Avenue and Othón Blanco Street, by agents of the Subprocuraduría Especializada en Investigación de Delincuencia Organizada, in compliance.

The FGR agents took out at least three black jumbo bags which they placed in a white pick up truck and took them to their facilities.

So far, the federal agency has not officially informed the motive or the results of the search.

In another action, they also carried out another raid in the Tateposco neighborhood, in Tonalá.



  1. Is this area known for being rich and affluent, by chance? 🦉

    1. Nope, shady at daylight and at nogo for whites at night

  2. A lot of High performance Auto Shops in Guadalajara & they’re all shady individuals.

    1. With how huge and old the city is, I can’t imagine anything you won’t find…


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