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Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Otay Mesa, California: $21.1M Worth of Fentanyl Stashed in Green Beans Shipment

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers have seized more than three million blue fentanyl pills hidden in a shipment of green beans at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry facility.

The major drug bust happened Monday, April 17 at around 7:21 p.m. Border Patrol agents say a 48-year-old man driving a tractor-trailer approached the entry with a shipment marked as green beans.

CBP says once the driver and cargo load were pointed over for an intensive agriculture inspection, irregularities were found and CBP officers called in a CBP human/narcotic detector dog, who alerted officers to drugs.

Authorities recovered 308 packages of fentanyl pills stashed within the green beans. The pills, which weighed 776.03 pounds and amounted to 3,520,000 in total, have an estimated street value of $21,120,000. The tractor-trailer and narcotics were seized by CBP officers.

“CBP recognizes our officers’ exceptional performance and applaud their continued efforts to protect and serve our communities,” said Rosa Hernandez, Port Director for the Otay Mesa Cargo Facility.

“This seizure provides insight and displays how our officers work together in collaboration to keep this dangerous drug off the streets.”

The driver was detained for the alleged narcotic smuggling attempt and was turned over to the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)


  1. one gets caught another gets through

    1. La GN, Guardia Nacional

    2. One gets caught 25 get thru .... Whatchu mean fooo

  2. But my jefe Obrador said, no Fentynal comes from Mexico.
    Only Green Beans.😂😂🤣🤣

  3. Replies
    1. And good find for Customs and Border Patrol too. No telling how many lives were saved in catching 3+MM fent pills!

    2. They didn't get their cut

  4. What are the odds that sometimes these drivers don't know they have dope?

    1. 1:38; That is the case. They’ve always used unsuspecting mules from passenger cars to tractor trailers.
      I was in line after last Christmas on the Mexico side and my wife whose not as vigilant as I saw 3 guys looking at my truck and walking near and around the truck. I rolled down my window and locked eyes with one of them and they left and we didn’t see them again during the 3-4 hr wait to cross. I suspect I was targeted as an easy to identify truck for someone to follow - b/c everyone probably stops at a bathroom after crossing after the return Christmas line.

    2. They always know, and are never forced. All those drivers who play victim are full of shit. Them foos just get scared when they get caught, but while their making money they’re on cloud 9.

    3. 138. In this case the distributor is liable but will preval in court. Big rig drivers get loads through brokers predominately near port of entry. No one gets in trouble. They just take their work.

  5. No point anymore. Trafficking can’t be stopped using these methods.

    1. Then Smart pants, what do suggest 😂.

    2. Of course it can shit for brains. The major issue isn't the traffickers they can get those anytime they want. It's the corruption. Stop gov corruption you you stop the drugs. Buuuuuuut that won't happen. But to saybit can't be done is not true it can be done. People in high places just decide money over morals.

    3. 13:48 is correct..interdiction is not working. Time to consider this a national security threat and use the miltary. Won't work? Take a look at the Germans and Japanese who for the last 80 years have not even so much laid a foul tongue on USA. The task of subduing both Germany and Japan at the same time was infinitely more difficult than small number of paramilitaries on the other side of our border.

    4. If the USA gets rid of their addicts the cartels wont have a market, its that easy! Now the thing is, does the USA really wants to get rid of the addicts? 🤣 this is just a guess but at least 80% of the higher ups are addicts, so it would be like shooting your self in the foot, remember addicts always blame other people instead of owning to their fuck ups, and this is coming from a alcoholic who actually opened his mind just a little bit

    5. 6:53 the Soviets took out 3/4 of the german army.

    6. 6:53 he is incorrect 5:35 mentions the root problem... Curuption in government, will continue letting the Cartels make their money 💰.

    7. 6:53, you missed some important lessions in history, different times and different circumstances. Or did this concept worked ever since those days??? Jajaja

    8. 3:04 Take a wild guess… Stop trying to stop trafficking.

    9. 5:35 Still can’t be stopped even if governments aren’t involved. Get over yourself.

    10. $$$ is a powerful motivator and drug trafficking will never be stopped because of the amount of money involved and interdiction actually makes the problem worse. Narcotics become less expensive, more prevalent, and easier to acquire and new drugs emerge so narcotics syndicates can make more money anyone who has been around drug trafficking, and the drug war since its inception, as I have knows that, stopping narcotics trafficking via interdiction is a losing battle—period the end

  6. This is really CDS know that doors are closed for them awhile back this is happening more notice how Mexicali witch they control a volume like this don’t happened but Tijuana does like I’ve said a few times I lived here for 40 years had to move to San Diego I know I lot of player’s CAF not even close to being over just ask this why did cjng had to have permission to enter Baja and cds why they getting so many load’s but CAF not mentioned but DEA n CIA anknowloging visual leaders 2 of them for CAF

    1. Mexicali is a hotbed for El Ruso & mencho Rt now and they're fighting for the plaza so wait til
      One of them controls it fully and then time will

    2. CJNG didn't ask for permission Tonto
      Why you think a war broke out with CDS and CJNG. There was many deaths and many captured but now they all got their spots. CAF CDS and CJNG operate in Tijuana but now that CJNG is established, there's no all out war anymore
      I know CAF and CDS groupies will not agree but they never do when it comes to Tijuana hahaha

    3. It’s really bad how you’re intelligence works out you really think cjng and cds enter without an agreement or paying a toll but cjng is just few cell’s still trying to operate but there only in tecate and cds there also only found a sweet spot but it’s a matter of Time before it’s shut down they own Tijuana i live here i see more and more CAF you pretty ignorant to think CAF gone just put up you’re real name see what happens

    4. 7:38 🤣🤣🤣 estas igual que los Chillolas que piensan que su cartelucho puede contra las fuerzas armadas de USA

    5. No, 07:13 isn't Ruso friends with Mencho? Or am I confused 🤔

    6. 7:38 I agree its very hard to take control of an area that's dominated by local groups. Some of these fans are delusional and they look at cartels like sports teams. RIP Cha!

    7. 11:08 you're wrong

  7. Pls stop being anonymous when talking against CAF just feel free to talk smack against them and it will show you if there gone

    1. Shut your pie hole, ok they are around but not like 15 or 20 years ago.
      CDS and CJNG own more territory in Tijuana now
      Don't cry about it 😢

    2. 7:48 they are not gone but they are not even a 1/20 of what they use to be, just admitt it

  8. Been rewatching "The Wire" series based on the Baltimore drug trade, in season five which came out in January of 2008 they mentioned fentanyl so I guess they were aware of it in that region.
    From my understanding of the USA northwest, "China white" was available there since the late 80's along with Mexican black tar. It was said since those times that "China white" was X amount times more powerful than uncut heroin so my question is if it's also synthetic and is it in fact what is now called fentanyl?

    1. No, real China white is a high purity form of heroin… in the high 90% thus the whiteness (purity)

    2. Washington has always preferred mexican tar/brown aka gun powder til recently that fent took over.

    3. 9:07 what would happen if a fentanyl addict banged China white would he or she be satisfied or would they seek more dope? Legitimate curious

    4. 8:10 Your question barley even makes sense. Are you asking about the chemical properties of fentanyl, like molecularly? And how that compares to H? Or are you asking if China white has been fentanyl-laced heroin all along because that’s certainly not true.

      Also how can China White be “x times more powerful” than uncut heroin when China white is literally marketed as just that.. If it was more “powerful” it was probably just less cut.. More euphoric is the real question.

  9. China White wasn't fentanilo, it was just super-refined asian heroin from poppies..
    In the '70s, there was smack from Iran that you couldn't cook in water, you had to use lemon juice..
    There was Sinaloa dope in San Diego, also in the '70s that had a greenish tint to it..
    Difference between heroin and synthetic is the real deal gives you the "opium dreams" of lore..
    The pleasure of scag is like the loving embrace of a beautiful enchantress.
    But if you run out of it, she's a hideous hag that makes you ache deep in your bones..

    1. I’m on IV dilaudid in the hospital right now. Was even just reading it may even be produced in poppy latex in trace amounts.. Shits magical

    2. @1140 — dilaudid, especially by IV, is the most desired drug for any opiate addict…even the ones on fent…

  10. So what happened to the green beans?

  11. Great you try and be healthy and you of on fentanyl

  12. So what's going to happen with all those green beans?
    Babies need their Gerber.

  13. So what is going to happen to all the Green Beans?

  14. Hey what's going to happen to the green beans????

    1. You’re like the new Sir

    2. 11.41 Mijo eat your Green Beans and don't forget that periods are good at the end.😵‍💫


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