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Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Poza Rica, Veracruz: The Confessions of Ricardo Villanueva

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The illicit affairs of a local criminal network in the city of Poza Rica, controlled by State employees, surfaces online. 

For this broadcast recently abducted reporter Ricardo Villanueva narrates before the camera the inner workings of corrupt individuals currently engaged in organized crime within the state of Veracruz. 

Mr. Villanueva was eventually freed 24 hours later by his captors. But not before they got him to confess on film the names of who all is involved in this ongoing criminal enterprise. 

At this time it is believed that for added safety his abductors forced him to keep his eyes closed during his interrogation to ensure that no one could be identified afterwards. 

Video translation is as follows:

I am Ricardo Villanueva, a reporter for the Presente newspaper. I'd like to confess that with the use of my father's company, my father, and me, we distribute drugs and firearms with the vehicles from our news agency. I'd also like to let everyone know that my brother was once detained for kidnapping and for supporting the Vieja Escuela. 

In addition, my partner Jorge García transports drugs with an individual known as El Ocho. The quantity varies anywhere between 80 to 100 kilos. It's picked up at the Express packaging services in the Benito Juarez neighborhood. This business is in front of a pizza shop known as Pizzas Littles. He lives in the Coatzintla municipality.

I also want to let everyone know that Felipe Santes, the coordinator for the State Police, is supporting the street gangs. They're charging protection fees, selling drugs, and extorting citizens in the town of Tihuatlán. Just as well, they are supporting Ruth Alamilla, health director of the city council, Suemy Alamilla, and Uriel Alamilla. 

These particular individuals contract hitmen from out of town to kill and execute. This is due to the fact that several weeks ago, an attack against their family took place. The anonymous assassins were hired out of anger and used for retribution. They were sent to kill. As was the case in the Plan de Ayala neighborhood where 2 individuals were killed and 2 others were left injured. Her ex lover, a fuel worker, was killed on the Poza Rica - Tihuatlán thoroughfare. 

All this was done with protection from Santes, the State Policeman from Poza Rica, with jurisdiction in the towns of Coatzintla and Tuhautlan. I'd also like to state that the violent crime that took place in the Colonia Ochoa, Santes, told me that it was Ruth Alamilla who ordered that hit. 

She also sent taxi cab #2509 to the Coniam (National Congress of Missionary Children and Adolescents). This cab driver is a brother for one of the bodyguards that we have as part of our security detail. Following a phone call we made to him, he freed him, and he went went about his way. He's given protection to many people here. For instance, the Reverianos and El Guerra, who's currently working in Tulancingo and that towns surroundings. 

He gives then all protection. Also, he travels all the way into the Comapa Sierra even though that's not his jurisdiction. He has to protect the individuals who are engaged in executions. For example, there are three individuals: El Chino, El Hugo, and La Pukana. These are the three persons who were involved in a murder that took place in a certain area of El Arenal (Ixhuacán de los Reyes, Veracruz). Out there in the Totonacapan Sierra.

Whenever executions go down in Poza Rica, he gives them protection, and he follows behind them so that they don't get detained by other police corporations or fellow workers. He waits for them to do their hit or whatever it is that they have to do, an abduction, and he trails behind them on their way out of town. He escorts them all the way into the Totonacapan Sierra.

State Policeman Felipe Santes

Councilwoman Ruth Alamilla

Mexico Codigo Rojo


  1. Once again 5.11 makes its special appearance here at BB

    1. Showed up in my news feed.

    2. You know you're broke in life if you driving a KIA 😅

    3. @6:58pm. Biased much, Sol? Maybe it was a rental. And isn't gliding through Mexico low-key the smart thing? If he drove an expensive SUV you'd say he was stupid.

    4. @310 — yeah.. a KIA might be more low-key, but it’s also a cheap piece of shit that offers NO protection

    5. Broke ? kia telluride are not cheap 🤣🤣🤣

  2. This is the area that grupo escopion warned of a cleansing and warned a few people that they were coming for them. This must be related to that video. Cdg is taking plazas in the south.

    1. CJNG has also been fighting for control down there for years. The fact is that Zetas have had a form hold down there for 20 years. It's hard to uproot them because they have deep control of the government and politics

    2. Super athletic commander Roque will HALO jump to the area in order to rid unwanted scum.

    3. 7:17 ok we get it, you are in love with Roke, lla asle un niño o que el te aga a ti uno

    4. 7:53 he is already pregnant with multiple feti thanks to modern medical advancements, he will soon be affectionately known as El Octopapi Roque.

    5. 1:41 a bueno lla le hisiste ahora que el te haga uno a ti pues

  3. They released him into certain hell.

  4. With the kissing, banging and cartel members calling others gay, I'm still waiting for a confession video where someone gets accused of being a homosexual. Something like:
    "Juan Doe, vice chief for the local police, we all know you cheat on your wife with men at the Blue Oyster Bar and White Swallow Sauna. Quit selling your fake viagra or face the wrath of Los Heterosexualos. We are the absolute mob of Los Heterosexualos!"

  5. Why did they let Him free ? These is a súper rare ocasión

    1. It's good publicity for whatever cartel did it.

    2. Clearly has the right connections…

  6. Ruth looks like a diesel,another man hater

  7. Good evening everyone, how you all doing?
    Sol my buddy you make sure to get some rest.
    I went shopping today I got you something, you will really like Sol your the machine.

    Rubio NYC

  8. Ruth has arms that are wildly out of proportion. She looks like a surgical glove that was blown up, her forearms look like a person who is biiiiig and has swolen/no ankles. Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone built quite like that. Maybe she has the sweet blood or her forearms are huge from holding and counting all that payoff money.

  9. In the light of the goings on one would think the local populace ought to go and act totally Ruth-less


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