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Friday, April 28, 2023

Riverside County Sheriffs Lose 60 Pounds of Meth to Suspect During Undercover Operation

 "Socalj" for Borderland Beat

On April 19, 2023, around 4:00 PM, the Riverside County Sheriff’s narcotics investigators from the Special Investigation Bureau conducted an undercover operation in an attempt to identify narcotics traffickers. During the operation, undercover deputies met with a suspect who wanted to purchase 27 kilos of methamphetamine. 

After the transaction, the suspect drove away and deputies from the Gang Task Force attempted a vehicle stop. The suspect failed to yield, and a pursuit was initiated. Due to the high speeds and the suspect’s disregard for public safety, deputies lost sight of the vehicle.

“Why would you let someone get in their vehicle, I don’t know,” said Michael Lujan, a retired captain with the Riverside Sheriff’s Department who lost the election against incumbent Sheriff Chad Bianco last year. “It is pretty embarrassing. It’s unfortunate because now we have additional narcotics out on the street.”

Lujan said he heard the sale was made for $35,000. Lujan said that a “reverse-buy” operation usually has guardrails in place to stop suspects from making off with narcotics.

The department creates an “operational package” that details any concerns or difficulties that could occur during the sting, Lujan said. Surrounding area hazards are outlined, and any escape routes are noted. Ideally, sufficient background has been done on the suspect and there is a surveillance plan in place so that other deputies besides those undercover are monitoring the site of the sting.

“The question is, was this operation completed within the guidelines and parameters of the department to maximize a positive result in the investigation?” Lujan said. The department did not say what went wrong that led to the suspect escaping with the drugs.


  1. Two things: it's corruption or sloppy work.

  2. Fun Fact: I believe Riverside was where Breaking Bad was originally supposed to be set (or somewhere in that area of California) but they changed it to New Mexico for economic reasons.

    1. How is that fun?

    2. 1:33 shows are ‘fun’ 🤷

    3. a "fun fact" is a little nugget of knowledge..

  3. Unrelated, but mother and daughter were beaten by an angry mob on a Georgia beach.

    1. That's it I packing heat. Unrelated can you at least mention why they got beat up??

    2. Ok mods when I asked how old his daughter was I didn’t mean it like that.. I guess I’ll presume she was a full grown adult otherwise this wouldn’t have happened. Can’t really see a mob beating up a little girl these days in America.

    3. 5:13 seriously? I think you got your blinders on to reality...people are foul and not above dirt bag shit like that

    4. 8:02 I mean, something like that would probably make national news.

  4. Somebody might lose his job about this while undercover agents got „busted“

    1. Kilos ain't hard to get shoot 5 or 10 ain't .... Once a person wants 100 that's when It gets a little tougher

  5. Could be me, but 27 sounds like a strange amount.
    Those Sheriffs kept 3 pounds so they could go on a sick one.

    1. it was probably 12 kilos, which would weigh a bit less than 27 pounds.

    2. Meth is often sold in pounds, it is 60 pounds=27 kilos.

    3. I probably sound like an idiot but I always thought buyers and dealers usually use round numbers. Or per 5 or something.
      Guess I watched too much tv and movies.

      -2:34 PM

    4. 3:29 They do.. What are you trying to say exactly? Because in regards to pricing that’s definitely the case. But obviously no one‘s gonna only BUY amounts that are rounded by 5 or 10, that just makes no sense. I mean, what do you think a q-ball is? That’s 7 grams which is a standard amount of weight for people to purchase. And a half ounce of course is 14 grams, not 15 so making it a practice or norm to only sell 10 grams, 15 grams, 20 grams, etc. just simply doesn’t make sense and actually overcomplicates the math even more. And an ounce is basically 28 grams so no, prices may be rounded but rounding the weights you choose to deal in is silly. Maybe it’s because of the metric system and that’s why it’s normalized but the bigger you get in terms of weight, the more ridiculous the notion of rounding to the nearest 5 would be because each kilo or ounce costs so much.

    5. @329 — well they do when they push kilos, a kilo is 1000 grams..

    6. back in the day, they would sell dope by the "piece"..
      a piece was 25 grams, that way they could get an even 40 pieces out of a kilo..

    7. The informant that prob brokered the deal to save his AS-, the cops prob gave him three and told that person we can sign an agreement so it's classified Info.....amd the informant went hell yeah dope and no jail im game

    8. Well what if they wanted 56 would that mean they wanted 2 ounces or would it be weird cause they should ask for 60 .....

    9. U guys read to much into things .... Somebody fuc-ed up to begin with is why they were being Investigated In the first place .... DUH

  6. Yeah. The Sheriffs are either stupid or in on it.


  7. Skante Warrior always 10 steps ahead of the police on a Sick one..

  8. Almost sounds like entrapment to me… never heard of cops selling 30 keys of anything to bust someone….

    1. You must be new to this subject then.

  9. so he paid $35K for 60 lbs..
    that's about $600 a pound..
    Woulda been hilarious if he had gotten away with the dope AND the cashi..
    beyond embarrassing to the Barney Fife Riverside's finest .
    Every cop and his brother is looking for the escaped perp, who not only has to watch his back, but gotta get 60 elbows packaged and sold..
    If he's smoking the shit, he's paranoid and wondering if they slipped a tracker Spyder in the load..
    Moral of the story:
    Kids, stay in school..

    1. Criminals and cops aren’t that different from each other at the end of the day. Look at Boston

  10. Somebody ballin courtesy of police department .... They should charge the officers with selling dope .... What if somebody dies cause of any of that dope that the police fault

  11. Sounds like Tony Montana is back in business...

  12. @7:42 he gone like the wind!! The pisas are picking up game already. Puro pisa 16

  13. Now we have narcotics on the street. The region receives over 2-3 tons a week. Easy. Notice I said region. Not city. From Lake Elsinore to Ontario to Hesperia, Victorville. Those offices are always loaded. Never never ever going to stop or diminish.

  14. Hay gente muy astuta como estos traficantes que
    Buscan la manera de los policías burlar, la
    Carga la entregaron serrando de inmediato
    El trato comercial si los billetes verdes se
    Ganan por montones así hay que trabajar.


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