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Saturday, April 8, 2023

San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas: We Are Not A Cartel, We're A Self-Defense Group

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A new self-defense group has risen in the state of Chiapas. 

The battalion of armed men appears on film during daylight hours in a heavily wooded area, denouncing the presence of cartels in the area. 

Additionally, the head of the Municipal Police is called out for his alleged ties to organized crime. 

Video translation is as follows:

This message goes out to everyone who wants to try coming into San Cristobal to destroy the peace and form a drug corridor here. We're hereby advising everyone that the towns of San Cristobal de las Casas, Chamula, and Sitalá are free, autonomous, and we don't want any cartel group here. 

We are not a cartel. As it is, we have enough to deal with here with the fucking Los Motonetos gang. We're currently watching everything. For this reason, we, as a defense force, will care for and look after the peace here. In addition, any scumbag that tries to commit chaos with Alejandro aka El Chicle. 

We already know that you're being supported by director Romeo from the Municipal Police. If you mess with one of us, then you're messing with us all. You've all been warned. And we won't back down. 

Chief of Municipal Police Romeo Rodríguez López

Menny Alerta de Riesgo  Notinucleo


  1. Yeah right! Somos Matazetas!

    1. San Cristobal de las Casa. Town of the witches and guides to the hills over this town, thanks to hongo de magicos. Hiked over these places and cartels need to get out. There is nothing for them.

    2. Parro long time no see🙈

    3. Parro !! 🫡 -Iván

  2. if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it's a fucking duck. no way those guys are a self defense group. they are cartel, 100%

    1. Have no problems with drug traffickers but stay with your business and leave the people alone. Thats how its done in most other countries -and its working for decades.

  3. Whatever resources and drug trafficking they are trying to protect for themselves provides the capital for the arms, and the reason for incursions by others they seek to exclude.

  4. All smuggled in on slow day of El Paso.

    1. 3:40 Those at the caravans are not from Mexico

    2. Lot of weapons coming from south and Central America as well

    3. Amlo is entering drugs through the southern border

  5. @3.02.They never said they were ''simple townspeople'', and they aren't pretending to be. I know it's impossible to take what they say at face value, but police and army and whoever else who are willing to moonlight often join together, being paid by the businesses that are being squeezed, so not all of these groups calling themselves defenders are necessarily drug traffickers. They are just as brutal though, and because they are working for the powerful they may as well be a cartel as far as the locals are concerned.

  6. I'll bet the average Mexican citizen sees no difference between the cartels and the autodefensas

    1. Cartels are ruthless salvages running amok.
      Autodefensas protect townspeople from Cartels, they are not afraid to fire.

    2. Los viagras is technically “auto defensa “ as well.

    3. 6:43 Watch this:

      You’re oversimplifying it just like the interviewer.

  7. Chiapas has always been known for its armed rebels.. see the Zapatista uprising*

    Money likely comes from rich landowners and entrepreneurs from the area

  8. @7.05. Damn, it's so hard to tell lately if people are being sarcastic, or being rhetorical, or have their tongue in their cheek.. It was a good question. The only question really..

  9. relax guys they just want to defend themselves and have nothing to do with drugs at all. (sarcasm)

    1. Who cares if they have something to do with drugs? It’s Chiapas so you know it’s probably mostly just coke.

  10. I think read something about Los Motonetos some time ago? And they are messing with the people and got protection from the local gob.

  11. Just like autodefenzas in michoacan turned out to be working with CU/viagras

    1. This is all more complicated than meets the eye

  12. How did EZLN get their arms?


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