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Saturday, April 15, 2023

This is How the DEA 'Infiltrated' the Sinaloa Cartel and "Los Chapitos"

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

In the last year and a half, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has actively infiltrated the Sinaloa Cartel and the Los Chapitos network, gaining unparalleled access to the organization's highest levels, according to agency administrator Anne Milgram.

The U.S. official indicated that Los Chapitos are responsible for the massive trafficking of fentanyl into the country. And she detailed that the anti-drug agency has followed the Sinaloa Cartel's fentanyl trafficking route. It travels from China, where Los Chapitos allegedly partnered with chemical companies to acquire the precursors.

She also said that the secret laboratories where they transform the precursors into powder and pills are located in Mexico. They then smuggle the drugs into the United States by land, air, sea and tunnels.

Grillonautas 2


  1. But why haven’t you guys taken them down if you infiltrated there circle ?

    1. Because like I mentioned before. War takes time. You've got to invest in it in order to get that return there.

    2. U gotta be patient and hit em at the right time .... U rush things that is when things don't quite work out ..... So be patient they'll fall

    3. I don’t think Ivan would let himself get arrested again he looked pretty upset at altiplano

    4. USA DEA cannot openly operate as they want in other countries.

    5. 11:34 he better stay up in the sierras and pay for government protection and effective sicarios

    6. I always wonder why they aren’t constantly buying and refitting houses with escape hatches given their cash flow like I would have a team of guys just consntantly finding and creating hide outs smh

    7. that's easy @ 7:13 am.... census back in 2019 had the DEA with a little over 10,000 registered employees. it's in the North American's best interest to keep the drug flow...... economics 101

  2. Fentanyl has forced the hand of the Americans. I remember the first opiate crisis late 90 China White looking back and comparing I can't really blame US on this one RIP Cha

    1. You know what's the best way for a woman to keep herself from getting an unwanted pregnancy?
      Close her damn legs!
      What's the best way to avoid an OD?
      Close your damn mouth and nose and shit!

    2. 8:03 what if she's Raped?

    3. @10:12! 8:03 did say "the best way" not the guaranteed way, if you wanna play this little games at least have all your holes covered 😉

    4. @8:03 I like your reasoning and where your going with it. Using your logic we should shut down the damn border. That would really stop any pendejos from crossing any shit here.

    5. 11:51 by the same token this reasoning would stop many more pendejos from attacking countries and killing innocent people because they themselves can't keep their holes closed!

    6. 11:51 so anyone that doesn't agree with your stupid ass is a pendejo now?
      Fuckin retard!

    7. 11:51 RIP Cha!!

    8. 1:23 you have no idea how much that would hurt USA's economy

    9. 1:23 i think last year or two years ago the texas governer closed the texas border and in a matter of days they lost millions of dollars in bussiness, than he quickly opened it back up 🤣

    10. @1:29 I see reading comprehension isn't considered one of your strengths. Where did I call anybody who doesn't agree with me a pendejo, pimche babosa?

    11. 8:03 A.k.a. the antithesis of pragmatism

  3. The US government is really pissed off at them damn Los Chapitos. However, synthetic drugs are a poison and danger to our communities.

  4. Shit como si fuera tan dificil, en estos tiempos lo unico que tienes que hacer es vestirte com Peso pluma y actuar como imbesil y lla puedes infiltrarte con los chaputitos

  5. I’m calling it a bluff. But the Cartel doesn’t know that, and will now start to question everyone. This is going to lead to some people getting killed wrongfully accused of being snitches/spies.

  6. It can’t possibly be that hard to infiltrate the cartel, specially not in Sinaloa. Have you seen the lavish style they live?… learn how to play an instrument, start a band or join a group, slowly, you’ll end up inside the cartel chain. Whether it’s a party, or a private weekend fiesta. You’ll eventually start to play for some of the big boys in Culiacan. It does not seem that hard nowadays. If you try…

    1. When you try hard….. is when you die hard ….

    2. Sinaloa land of the puros nacos. Makes me cringe sometimes how them scrawny dudes be acting tuff

    3. 11:51 Puro peso pluma 126lbs

    4. Negative chief, you need to make these guys a lot of money whole your moving it. Get what I'm saying? Millions in pesos before you meet a good buddy, then you'll have to kill that buddy somehow and the next and the next then your a little closet to bowser, then comes Wdgar El E1 better hope he don't kill you..

    5. 12:13 not anymore, if you sing fake songs about them chapitos you can meet them and get high with them in a day, they are desperate for that attention their dad never gave them cause he was really bussy sleeping with underage girls

  7. The fentanyl problem is multifaceted. #1. Americans "need" misery medications such as opioids, meth, alcohol; #2. Mexican narco-cartels understand they can make $billions supplying #1; #3 $Billions corrupt governments (Mexico- USA- China,); #4 -Mexico "needs" $Billions for their economy and also for millions of people employed in narco businesses and related activites of all sorts.
    How are you going to deal with the all the moving gears that are involved in making fentanyl zombies and keeping morgues humming?
    My recommendation: Deal with the the ugly fact that Americans "need" their "misery" medications. Every druggie I have ever known told me they started out just getting "high"... What is getting "high" all about?
    Yeah, Americans just wanna get "high"...Think about lil johnny in middle school...His mom is an abusive, alcoholic whore who does not know whoes Johnny's daddy is..... and so it goes..

    1. Wrong.Lots of users have normal family life.They just want to fantasize or have a movie/ music life or escape or like mind trips or alternate view of things.Some just refuse to compete head on go for it career wise.Many kinds of people.

    2. 12:22
      Not many users have normal families, the majority off druggies have serious past trauma and attachment issues. The "little Johnny" that is a product of mommy's attraction to bad boys is, sadly, far too common.

  8. In the End Mayos going to take control of the whole cartel. Then he can operate with No one in his way. Guano looks smarter than the chapitos

  9. #1 anyone can use a little medicinal love. The issue is that the powers that be ensure that the drugs (opioids meth etc) available to the miserable are the drugs that will destroy them. Exactly what those powers want. A ‘culling of the useless eaters’. By recruiting Mexico to supply they kill 3 birds with 1 stone. They kill Americans , they kill Mexicans (only way to defeat Mexico is for Mexico to defeat themselves), and lastly they get paid. This idea that the market is now demanding fetty and tranq is bullshit.
    These drugs could easily be replaced by mushrooms, xtc, 2C, mescaline, lsd. You think these beaners wouldn’t switch to these substances if it made them rich? Of course they would! And if you think you couldn’t get people to switch from this nasty shit in the street you is trippin! The real letter 3 Mafias would never allow that cuz they understand the truth bout all of these illicit drugs…….

    That is that there are drugs that open your mind/heart and others that close it. If people started waking up cough cough talking bout you sol….. It would actually challenge the powers that be.

    1. 11:56 well spoken!

    2. Mushrooms don't have the ultra strong addictive component of opiates.

    3. Lmao. Mushrooms and psychedelics are not drugs that tweakers and junkies want. I remember this old school pill head that used to snort classy 80s oxys with cocaine calling MDMA and Acid "pussy drugs" and he hated the whole mental trip.

    4. Answer is simple, legalize the plant based shit . No fet or meth should be allowed to circulate. Everything else you should be able to buy over the counter . Take the profitability out of drugs and put them where they can be absolute to what they are sold as.

    5. Clearly you haven't used heroin, and good for you!
      There's no substitute, I've seen many smart, successful, educated people destroy their families over it! Only few rich and strong-minded that only snort it get to use it for decades, like functioning alcoholics .
      It only takes one or two little doses to hook you.

  10. She looks like one of them white ladys that be poppin pills

  11. They must have high level informants, and cooperators, obviously some of the US guys, who were caught using traditional interdiction methods

    but this details executions on ranches in Navalato, with Ivan pulling the trigger, who was there and the US flipped? This shows killings and torture in very private closed room places. Doesn't get more intimate than that.

    I am sure THEY know, but that's pretty incredible. This is by far one of the most extensive and detailed indictments I have ever read, and I have probably read about 1000. At least 500.

    1. Where can I read the indictment please?


    3. Thanks sol, that's quality reading material and a good example for all the Guzman Groupie Dead Heads who think they are invincible. The problem is CDS is working with Nazi White Prison Gangs and together slaughtering fellow Citizens on both sides of the border for mere greed, ego, and power.

      I bet they would assassinate Snoop Dogg if he made a negative song about Ivan Archibaldo or dissed his corrido 😂

  12. The problems with fentanyl is that it kills white Americans. They can give a shit about drugs, it’s killing affluent white kids, that’s what all the fuss is about.

    1. BS. It’s killing Americans. Kids. Your take is trash. It kills anybody that’s dumb enough to use it.

    2. The minds behind the making and distribution of fentanyl are demonic. They’re putting fentanyl in most everything because it’s so addictive. They want to get as many people hooked as they can so they can own them. It’s not so much about money now. It’s about death and hell. Demonic control.

    3. Not really Mijo, Fentynal is not taken only by one race, Fentanyl doesn't discriminate.

    4. 3:53 it started with people abusing fent patches then with the creation of drug marketplaces online, a demand came for the patches. Then Chinese chemical companies stepped in to fill that gap with raw fent. Eventually it caught on cause it was so cheap for a pound(back in 2011 was 3000$ per lb). It then exploded. Rest is history….

    5. 03:39 actually current statistics in 2023 indicate that minorities are the most affected by the current fentanyl epidemic. Minority groups and indigenous native Americans have had the highest death tolls. Check your facts first before coming here to spew your racist b*******

    6. 824pm.

      Top ain't lying. Facts

  13. Life imprisonment, which basically equals a death sentence, for the dad had the sons through action or inaction producing and/or contaminating other hard drugs that would result in the wanton deaths of many users, some of which were casuals/weekenders. This reason and also the possibility of who protects them in the federal government may also be a reason as to the why of these indictments.
    The DOJ has taken off the gloves, nobody is above the law and we'll start hearing a lot of blah, blah, blah from those who are threatened...

  14. Been seeing high cds members being captured, seems like government are changing teams. It looks likes they ( government) are seeing how fast cartel jalisco are growing and no more chapos. Just like they changed CDS for Beltran Leyva.

  15. What about chapo Isidro and Mayo ? It seems like they have better connections than chapos now.

  16. Se va a repetir lo que paso en allende con los zetones

  17. When its all said and done, what is your hypothesis on the amount of cash that will be forfeited to the US Govt from the Chapitos?

    1. Probably will stick them with the 14 bullion chapo hasn’t paid yet

  18. DEA has infiltrated chapós cell, ever since he was in puente grande, before the scape on the laundry carrito. That’s how long he’s been dropping Dimes…..Taliking bout he’s got the hook up with the DEA….

  19. Now they got too much heat .
    Things will be interesting from now on

  20. Funny how el del sombrero is once again using Los menores as a smoke & mirrors so his family can keep things running in the shadows

  21. By classifying the cartels as terrorist organisations, the DEA etc get access to the cyber warfare and satellites of the US military, which means phones everything, geolocation, live satellite feeds and images. After that, they should use seal and delta snatch teams to pick these guys up in Mexico. Anything that eliminates them. Their videos alone are like something out of the most extreme serial killer horror movies that would be banned in most countries for cinema circulation as being just too extreme.

  22. These fools are going down hard. The brother who is locked up is trying to cut a deal and turning snitch just like everyone in that game


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