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Monday, April 17, 2023

Two Tons of Cocaine Found Floating off Sicily, Italy Coast

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

A huge consignment of cocaine has been found floating off the eastern coast of the island of Sicily, Italian police said.

According to a statement released Monday by Italy’s Financial Police, Guardia di Finanza, authorities seized nearly 2 tons of the drugs, spotted floating in the Mediterranean during a routine surveillance flight on Sunday.

The drugs were carefully sealed in 70 waterproof floating packages, which were connected and included a light signaling device, police said. They added that the haul has a street value of €400 million (nearly $440 million).

“The identification and subsequent seizure of this quantity of drugs, one of the largest ever carried out in the national territory, likely prevented the drug from being recovered by criminals for subsequent illegal sale in the national territory, which would have yielded very high earnings,” the statement read.

Guardia di Finanza said they believe the floating packages were left by a passing cargo ship to be retrieved and brought ashore by traffickers.

The financial police said they dispatched boats from the Sicilian municipality of Catania and provided air cover from multiple units to ensure the safety of the officers involved in the operation. They added that they are continuing to search the area for any more floating packets.

In February, more than 3 tons of cocaine floating in the ocean were seized by New Zealand authorities in one of the country’s biggest drug busts.

Source CNN


  1. La Cosa Nostra is no matxh for Cartel De Sinaloa : La Chapiza ,La Mayiza and La Guanoniza

  2. Where is the Ricardo Carillo execution video

  3. Oh that's the Sicilian Italian Mafia. They dump excess cocaine in the ocean instead of sending it to their cousins in New York Jersey and Chicago. There's no demand for cocaine because everyone is on fentanyl nowadays.

    1. @1050pm. O ya there's no demand for cocaine. Your ass is lost. Stay out of big boy conversations.

    2. Yeah 10:50, these waters are a bit too deep for you with a comment like that LOL. Typical suburbanite with no idea with what's going on. Stop analyzing news stories to come up with your senseless adaptations. Shits deeper than a submarine out here.

    3. @1050 ya ok coke from méxico/South America to Europe and back to some guidos in USA (sarcasm)! What a dummy!

    4. 10:50 they had to dump it for a reason, but not the one you made up.😂

    5. LOL the demand for cocaine is as high as it ever was

    6. I think dude was joking

    7. I think fent has higher demand

    8. I assume this is just extreme sarcasm lol

    9. 1:05 😂 you boomers should really get out more. Everyone in their mother does coke. who the hell do you know who’s going around looking for fentanyl? Probably not even a handful

    10. Who the fuck wld dump excess coke? What the fuck does that even means?

    11. With more readers, comes more bs. I miss BB of old. When 006 wasn’t around and Sol was still just a regular Estrella.

  4. Somebody trippin ... Somebody getting beat up .... Somebody prob going thru withdrawals cause the connect lost the dope ...

    1. Cocaine isn't like opiates.

    2. They’ll just call another dealer…

  5. Cocaine Shark movie on the horizon

  6. O sicaly swipe, the irrelevant part of the world. No one cares about the The Italian mafia, they are like the little league of organized crime.

    1. What do you mean by that exactly? The Italians and Balkans are making billions off coke and are a huge deal in Europe’s coke trade right now.


    Borderlandbeat on top of grillonautas2 💯

  8. I'm pumping yay... always

  9. Lots of euros lost there.

  10. Heads will definitely roll

  11. Give me some. I got a toothache

  12. I never find anything good in the ocean..


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