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Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Video: Hitmen Abducting the Wife & Child of a Soldier in Zacatecas. Was it CJNG or CDS?

"HEARST" and "Redlogarythm" for Borderland Beat

A surveillance video captured the moment when cartel hitmen kidnapped the wife and infant daughter of an Army soldier in Zacatecas.

As of the writing of this story, the woman and child are still missing. Many are beginning to question whether the attack was the work of the Sinaloa Cartel or the CJNG.

The Kidnapping 

On April 4, 2023, the Mexican Army (SEDENA) released a letter which announced that two women and a baby had been kidnapped the day before (April 3) while they were driving on a road in the city of Fresnillo, in the state of Zacatecas. 

They stated that one of the kidnapped women was the wife of an Army soldier from the 97th battalion and the kidnapped baby was their daughter. The Army said they were sending additional soldiers to Fresnillo "to find the whereabouts of the kidnapped women and those responsible."

On that same day, the state Attorney General’s Office (FGE) issued a missing persons alert, shown below, which depicted the two women and baby who were kidnapped. 

The soldier's wife, Vianey Leonor Guzmán Herrera, is 26 years old and she only gave birth to their baby daughter, Zoé Kailany Hernández Guzmán, 6 months earlier. 

The kidnapping occurred while the wife was in the car with another 26 year old woman, a presumed friend of Vianey, named Alma Yuliana Muñoz Álvarez, who was abducted alongside them. 

A traffic camera captured the moment when hitmen stopped the women's black sedan at the intersection of Prolongación Sonora Avenue and Magisterio Street in Fresnillo, forcing the victims to get out of the vehicle at gunpoint. 

Below is an edited version of the only portion of the surveillance video which has been released to the public. The video was published by Milenio newspaper, which highlighted the action abduction with a red circle. 

Original Video Source: Milenio

The exact way in which the hitmen forced the women’s vehicle to stop has not been released.

Various news organizations, however, give hints to what exactly occurred in their coverage of the event.

El Imparcial writes that “armed men intercepted a vehicle on one of the roads in Fresnillo and forced two women and a baby to get out of their car and took them away in a van headed to an unknown destination.”

Proceso magazine writes that “the black car in which the victims were traveling was intercepted by men driving in a white SUV.”

Newspaper El Sol de Zacatecas writes that “an armed group intercepted the vehicle in which two adult women and a baby were driving, violently forcing them to get out of the car and to get into another vehicle which fled the area.”

Reforma writes that “armed men who were following them in a white SUV stopped them, got them out of the vehicle.”

A witness to the abduction reportedly called the emergency phone line and police officers were dispatched to the area where they confirmed the finding of the abandoned vehicle on the road. 

Traffic surveillance footage was reviewed, and an Alba Alert was issued. An Alba Alert is the Mexican equivalent of the US Amber Alert, except no details on the perpetrators vehicle are released.

Reforma newspaper exclusively writes that “local reports indicated that the kidnappers have already made contact with authorities, however, it is unknown if they asked for some type of ransom.

Cartel Groups, Motive, and a Lack of Answers 

Fresnillo is one of the towns in Zacatecas which has consistently been warred over by the Sinaloa Cartel (CDS) and the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG) and the local allies of both groups.

Fresnillo, along with Valparaiso and Jerez, have been the backdrop for some of the major fights between the CDS, who largely control the northern part of the state, and CJNG, who largely control the southern part of the state.

There is very little on the ground news reporting coming out of Zacatecas due to the extreme violence of the CDS and CJNG fighting. Cartel violence has forced towns of people to flee their homes to temporarily live in nearby cities as refugees. 

The lack of journalists in Zacatecas means there is a lack of reliable information on where CDS or CJNG currently control. Instead social media claims can sometimes be the only source for information.

In recent months, some social media users have claimed that CDS gained major ground. However, almost all information on the conflict comes from sources who clearly favor either CDS or CJNG, each side overestimating the success of their favored group.

The Army’s press release did not indicate if authorities currently believe it was a targeted or random kidnapping.

A targeted kidnapping, for example, would be if the hitmen followed the women’s vehicle because they knew the identity of Vianey’s husband and they had some personal motive against him.

Alternatively, the kidnapping could have been a crime of opportunity, in which kidnappers were simply roaming the area looking for targets and selected the women’s vehicle because they seemed the least able to physically resist an abduction.

It is relatively common in Mexico to see municipal and state police officers killed by cartel hitmen as retribution for carrying out an arrest or seizure which displeased their organization. As the years go on, higher and higher ranking police have become targets of attacks. 

For example, in August 2022, CDS hitmen killed the new deputy Chief of Police in Culiacan in a particularly brutal manner

In recent years, soldiers from the military are  also increasingly being targeted. In December 2022, the Army announced that the CJNG was behind the recent kidnapping of a colonel in Tapalpa, Jalisco.

Update 3:15 CST:

Borderland Beat has spoken with security analyst David Saucedo about who currently controls Fresnillo, Zacatecas. Saucedo told us that Fresnillo is currently under the control of the CDS – Mayo associated group Operativa Flechas/MZ. Saucedo says that recently CDS has pushed back CJNG forces south, past even Jerez. 

He clarifies that CJNG is still able to regularly conduct regular incursions into CDS territory, often doing hit-and-run style operations on drug sale locations and on CDS-associated government officials.

Saucedo said he was aware of the recent kidnapping of the soldier’s family, and although he was not privy to investigation details, he believes the CJNG has the logistical capabilities to pull off such a kidnapping. 

He says that in recent days, most of the military and law enforcement operations in Zacatecas have been concentrated on targeting the CJNG – not CDS, possibly alluding to a potential motive.

Sources: FGE's Official Missing Persons Alert, Proceso, El Imparcial, Latin US, El Sol de Zacatecas, Express Zacatecas, Aristegui Noticias, Vanguardia, Azucena Uresti, Reforma, Lopez Doriga, La Silla Rota, Santiagod181281, JOSEANGELMART18


  1. Cjng definitely did the kidnapping look at the location i presume its cjng territory

    1. 10:33 fresnillo isn't cjng territory has never been that's why they kidnapped these people to heat the plaza on cds

    2. 11:20 could be since now they have a huge operative in fresnillo with alot of government forces. They say when the government shows up cjng comes in right behind them,

    3. Do you guys think cds has put a hit on soldier or family of soldiers that pass by cds territory will get killed because ovidio got taken in

  2. Well they say cjng runs everything so at this point it must be them lol

  3. Babys entführen ist erbärmlich.....ich hoffe es nimmt ein gutes Ende

  4. Y muchos pendejos le siguen echando porras a los carteles.
    Todos hacen lo mismo. Si no fuera haci ya supieran los polis quienes fueron los reponsables. No pinche porristas que defienden a su cartel hablando nada mas por hablar.

    1. Exacto, hay demasiados pendejos aplaudiendo a estos putos, cuando todos son la misma mierda.

    2. Hay mierda en todos lados amigo. Carteles , gobierno , policías , militares ect…

    3. 3:32 y ya por eso que dices le VAS a echar porras a estos mierda de carteles entonces?

  5. That reminds me, that army colonel is still missing isn't he?

    1. He's still missing.

      I just googled to see if there was any recent news and I found a person who says he's the colonel's brother trying to reach out to Lopez Doriga and other newscasters, asking them to cover the case. He says the state Attorney General's Office has done nothing so far.

    2. Thanks for the info.

    3. Lopez-Doriga is one of the newscasters that falsely put out that the white Cooper belonged to Colonel Grimaldo starting the rumor that he was dead. His brother would do better to reach out to news organizations in the U.S.
      I don't believe the colonel is alive. I believe he was kidnapped due to interfering with CJNG operations on the border.

    4. This is an actual colonel is still missing. Like in the armed forces. Active duty ?

    5. 5:26:
      Correct. The colonel was active duty and kidnapped in December. He was working in Tamaulipas and kidnapped in Jalisco. It is believed that CJNG is responsible for his kidnapping.

    6. You know damn well the guy is dead… they would never risk having his body be found, as it would only increase the heat exponentially.. 🦉

  6. It would be the opposite cartel of whatever cartel is control of the area of the kidnapping

    1. 11:29 that area must no be in good control cause this guys took them in broad day light, who ever controls that area sucks at their job

    2. 12:22 its much more complex than that buddy, u obviously have no idea

    3. Not all the times as cds starting to raise violence towards officials every time they captured their people so as represalias they attack the officials personally or do kidnaps their families

    4. 1:57 it really isnt, if you have a good control of an area you would of seen those guys before they made it so deep in your territorie, its that simple boy, so again who ever is in "control" of Freznillo is not doing a good job, or it was them who kidnaped the women and baby

    5. @4:29 not really, you see Fresnillo is a big city therefor CJNG could have infiltrated dressed as civilians and then once inside gather up and made the move to kidnap , so yeah even if you have most of the control in a big city it still is possible for a rival cartel to infiltrate

    6. 5:37 Big city? Shit culiacan is at least 3 times bigger, and Culiacan is not consider a BIG CITY, so the cartel incharge should have a really good grip on it, but like i said before that area is not in good control, this happened in broad day light

    7. 5:37 Fresnillo is considered a big town maybe a small city, but no way is a big city, no te cagues afuera de la taza del baño

  7. this part of the article is gold "In recent months, some social media users have claimed that CDS gained major ground. However, almost all information on the conflict comes from sources who clearly favor either CDS or CJNG, each side overestimating the success of their favored group"

    1. Thanks. I didn't know how else to explain just how brain numbing it is to try to glean good information from Twitter when it comes to Zacatecas.

      Cartels news accounts get into crazy fights debating who controls each municipality in Zac. And everyone thinks everyone else is wrong.

    2. 11:33 💯
      Just look at these kids arguing overvtheir favorite cartel 🤦‍♂️

  8. The super athletic commander Roque would never allow this. However, every time he dons his tactical gear for a mission a meal has to be interrupted.

    1. El Rouque drives in a special tank, that is equipped to be able to handle lots of weight.

    2. Cartels shld have a weight limit. Roque dont need a bullet proof vest he needs a bullet proof curtain

  9. The 2 Are trash, so we're all right. Cartel de Sinaloa had to kidnap soldiers out their bases in Culiacan to get Ovidio Guzman free the first time. It's a dirty game and sometimes like in the recent video out of Tijuana where a G.N soldier tries to extort a business inside the lobby. Caught on tape & arrested.

  10. Thats really deep in Zacatecas, it must be CDS or if CJNG took that plaza than it was CJNG

  11. Can we all agree that this two cartels could of have done it cause they both are the same shit?

    1. 12:27 agreed anybody who thinks different 100% has no clue

    2. Actually it’s impossible for both cartels to kidnap the same people. Either or could have , but both no. Not these two anyway. They are at war. Why would they link up for an operation ?

    3. 5:30 ok i ment to say one or another because they are both the same shit

    4. "Can we all agree that this two cartels could of have done it cause they both are the same shit?"DEFINITELY AGREE .Shit cartels made up of shit people who need to be eradicated .Still have people here sucking cartel dicks trying to justify who did this.Fuck does it matter worry about the baby and women.Seriously hope they are found unharmed

    5. 11:15
      No I can't agree with that home boy, you out on Meth🤣.

    6. 3:51 ok buddy we now know you cheerlead for one of those two shitty cartels which one is it? Do you have the balls to say it?

    7. 3:51 so you dont have the balls to say who you cheering for? I knew it bra, you are a punk just like the cartel you cheer for

  12. I have a feeling Cartel jalisco did it. I can’t see cds calentando la plaza more than it already is

    1. 1:05 lets just go back to the Juarez vs CDS war and you will find out CDS dont care about heating up plazas, they were actually one of the first ones who started the plaza heating shit than blaming the the other cartels just so that Garcia Luna would have a excuse to help them

    2. I forgot about how heated it got. I live next to Juarez and damm they really went full with each other

    3. I’m from Juarez too and most of the killings where done amongst each other .. let’s be real, in Juarez 50% of the population is involved in some form of sketchy business, people move to Juarez para entrarle a la tranza so let’s not kid ourselves that CDS was out here slaughtering innocents.. to top it off most of the CDS sicarios were from Chihuahua to begin with… no one can sit there with a straight face and tell me that these scumbags really give a damn about their people or their state, only dumbasses believe that everyone supports their own hometown team .. truth is money talks.. it’s more than evident that this war has nothing to do with “state pride” when you have the founder of La Linea (el JL) fighting for Juarez and being a native of Culiacán and you have the founders of Gente Nueva ( Salgueiro and Salazares) fighting for Sinaloa and being natives of Chihuahua.. see my point

    4. 550
      "these scumbags really give a damn about their people" Educate all these girls who cheer for a cartel group and sqeek out their arses about blame

    5. 5:50 who are you talking to?

    6. I think 5:50 is SIR, using Anonymous.

  13. All the cds groupies quick to blame los Jaliscos for shit like this 😂 ahh but if you ask them you controls Zacatecas they say cds runs the whole state lmao

    1. Doesn’t jalisco also has groupies ? Lol imagine supporting something you don’t even know about

    2. Lowkey wack to a fan of a certain cartel. Like I get it , it’s cool to support a sport team but an organization? When you know all of cartels se pasan de lanza with innocent people, shiit wack

    3. @3:33 yes jalisco has plenty of groupies but cds groupies are the worst 😂

    4. Right you big dummy if they control it why would they heat fresnillo up then

    5. 4:59 that means they dont control it, face it bud its a loose loose situation for the CDS fan club 🤣🤣🤣

    6. 7:22 you except them to sit at every road and look out for every passenger vehicle that enters in fresnillo that has cjng people in it. Its easy to send people into bigger towns for those kinds of missions

    7. 8:54 Are you been sarcastic? thats exactly how you get a good hold of a town buddy, with alcones every entrance and exits 🤦‍♂️

    8. Let's be honest no point in arguing there's no cartel inMexico that has 100% control of a medium to Large city simply fact not even Culuacan

    9. 934
      "how you get a good hold of a town buddy"

    10. 9:34 not right now with how much government corporations are in fresnillo they control most of it & for the longest time now. of course their will always be cells trying to fight an important town:
      all you idiot cjng groupies are not even from Zacatecas or probably been to the state, but will sit here backing them up trying to find loopholes in anything.

    11. 11:51 Im in no way a CJNG groupie i can confidently say CDS and CJNG are the same piece of shit, but i find it amousing how CDS nutt lickers come up with so many excuses for those worthless human beings you call CDS 🤣
      Before you call me a CJNG cheerleaders remember i say CJNG and CDS are the same shit, so if said CDS are worthless that will include CJNG and every other cartel for that matter cause AGAIN they all are the same shiiiiiittt, stop excusing those criminals punk ass bitches

    12. 11:06 wow buddy dont get mad, i still want to be you buddy 🫶🥰

  14. Don't these idiots know that women a d children are off limits.?

  15. Well done Hearst. Glad you covered this story.

  16. Fucking assholes shld have their families exterminated if they touch a little kid in any way.

    1. Who is going to punish these malandros?
      Mexico was conquered by a foreigner with 200 soldados armados..
      As a gabacho living amongst guerreroenses, (who I consider the most generous people in the world) I wonder if folks got the fire in their belly, got it in their DNA to rise up and fight their oppressors, or are too beaten-down and terrorized to resist?

    2. 5:48 was it after Cortez killed more than half the population of Mexico with small pocks and their guns?
      Truth is, Europeans clicked up and took over the americas but of course they don't righ out say it. Just look for yourselves.
      Spain, Portugal. British and the other European countries

    3. yep, you got me there..
      They say the euro viruses killed so many aboriginals that the almost overnight extinguishing of a half million campfires resulted in a cessation of greenhouse gases that can be seen today in sediment samples from the day..
      Only god knows who the Aztecs' ancestors stole mexico from, but it's a dog-eat-dog world, and as long as global population keeps rising, folks gonna be chasing other folks off the choicest swaths of land till the end of time..

    4. The past is the past you cant change it but you can do better.

    5. "Cortez killed more than half the population of Mexico" And what about the flu he brought,and a cold,what about syphilis,or hair lips and hunched backs like yours? Ohh shit here we go with a history lesson by these sad twats whining again? Conquest its so disturbing from history in this en-lightened time were we have moved on and love one another

    6. Shurrruupp crying

    7. The americas were amazing and beautiful. Until the white men started cutting all the magnificent trees and putting fences all over

  17. yo diria que los de jalisco ya que lloran que los guachos les ayudan al cds

    1. 6:29 a pero aqui se l pasan diciendo que los Guachos les ayudan al CJNG, quien los entiende pues niñas chillonas? Los los lados no nomas uno!

  18. Doubt mz gente are getting down like that. Has NG name written all over it.

    1. 100% with you this was NG, if it was CDS they would of raped them on the spot

    2. I still haven’t seen that video and I don’t want to either 😂

  19. The cartels usually don't kidnap people in old beater cars for ransom. It appears that this was a targeted kidnapping because they want something from SEDENA. If they get what they want, the victims stand a good chance of making it out alive. If the cartels don't get what they want, well ....

    1. "... they want something from SEDENA. If they get what they want, the victims stand a good chance of making it out alive. If the cartels don't get what they want, well..."

      @7:07 🤔 let me get this straight, if AMLO negotiates with the cartel then the lives of the soldiers family are spared. Kind of like the situation SEDENA was placed in when Ovidios hitmen threatened to kill the soldiers families in the military housing units during the 2019 Culiacanazo. I don't know Detroit, in other comments you condemn AMLO for handling the Culiacanazo as he did, and more innocent victims were at risk..

  20. Why does it matter who did it? They're both pieces of shit criminals who feed off corruption and the innocent. All that matters is going after the useless sacks of shit who did the crime and give them the automatic death penalty. Kill them all and they will come in less numbers. My thoughts and prayers go to the family and the poor soldier God bless the heroes of the Mexican military.

  21. Whatever happened to CDG in Zacatecas? I remember they had it on lock (well most) and for a long time too..

    I forget who was the leader (Panchito?) but I do remember he was on the run longer than any other Golfo commandante…

    1. They sold out to CJNG, they had the state peaceful after Panchito fought off the Zetas and were fine with CDS who had some presence there as well but everything changed when they gave CJNG the keys

    2. 3:57 the state was peacful no fighting from rival groups just a few cdn cells that would enter in fresnillo at times. But cdg had alot of businesses paying extortion fees in fresnillo & other parts of Zacatecas, they would hold rich people for ransom also, so they werent all that good for the state either.

    3. @514 here.. thanks for the comments; are you sure they fucked it all up by selling out to Mencho? Or maybe they thought they were allying with them to keep away Z, and CJNG rolled right over them? 🦉

  22. So now babies are fair game in this so-called war?
    War for what?Not for drugs,corridors,plazas,war for wars sake,disgusting fucking rats kidnapping babies and women

    1. 11:02 always have been fair game and thats in every criminal org. In the world, some may claim they dont mess with babys and women but their actions speak louder, like i said EVERY criminal Org. in the world will kill babys and women, including EVERY cartel in mexico!

  23. 11:02:
    Babies have always been fair game for all of the cartels. BorderlandBeat articles list hundreds of babies and children that were kidnapped, raped or killed if you research far enough back.


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