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Tuesday, May 9, 2023

AMLO Shares Proof of Fentanyl Smuggling from China to Mexico

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said Friday that he has proof that fentanyl is being smuggled into his country from China, contrary to Beijing’s denials.

“We have the evidence. A cargo arrived from a port in China, a container, at the port of Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan (state), then all the laboratory analysis was done and very respectfully, we are going to send this information,” he said during his daily morning press conference.

AMLO said he will send a second letter to Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping asking for assistance in combating the illegal trade in fentanyl, which is blamed for 100,000 deaths a year in the United States.

After the first letter was sent, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning denied the existence of illegal fentanyl trafficking between China and Mexico.

“A few days ago,” AMLO told reporters, Mexican authorities found fentanyl and methamphetamines hidden in a shipment of more than 20 tons of epoxy resin.

The president then called the Navy Secretary, Adm. Jose Rafael Ojeda, to the podium to provide the details.

A container holding 600 tubs of resin was loaded aboard a ship in Qingdao, China, and the vessel made a stop in the South Korean port of Busan en route to Lazaro Cardenas, the admiral said.

Mexican Navy Secretary Rafael Ojeda said the container intercepted in Lázaro Cárdenas had packages weighing 34-35kg (75 pounds) with traces of fentanyl and methamphetamine hidden in fuel resin. The cargo had left the Chinese city of Qingdao and passed through Busan in South Korea before reaching Mexico.

“The product arrives contaminated with fentanyl and methamphetamine,” Ojeda said.

AMLO said that he will ask Xi “if it is possible that they impede that these chemicals leave from their ports, that they only allow exit of substances or fentanyl used for medical purposes, which is not the case that we detected.”

“We are going to send a letter to the president of China with this information, in a very respectful – a very much respectful – way, reiterating the request that they help us with the information because this would allow us to have more control,” AMLO said.

United States Ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar's Statement

The United States Ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, affirmed that the fentanyl challenge comes from organized crime and exists in the United States and Mexico.

The statement contrasts with the statements of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who has assured that Mexico does not produce fentanyl, but rather that it is imported from China. Ken Salazar maintained that it is a problem and a global reality that must be fought in regional alliances.


  1. Who the hell is throwing a Monkey wrench into the situation.........
    Precursor chemicals to make Fentynal in illegal labs in Mexico?
    Or as ALMO states ..they come ready made to Mexico?

    1. Same in the U.S... tons of liquid meth is being smuggled in and converted into crystal in U.S territory. So who's to blame in the situation?

    2. Plausible deniability

    3. 10:41 the smugglers duh

  2. Xi Jinping said in a speech to his people, “raise yourself out of poverty anyway you can”. So they do, no matter how nefarious. Export precursor chemicals? Done with Xi’s blessings. Poach Ghanaian gold? No problem. Control Zambian resources? Done. Tip of the effing iceberg.

    1. China Man it's all about money coming in to China, weather selling, legal or illegal contraband. Elmo needs to develop more information about, what comes in from China. He said he is sending a nice letter, then he expects hugs and kisses and they live happily ever after.

    2. 138 watch China point their finger squarely at Mexico for their woes while denying all culpability. Yep, Google hit-to-kill driving in China - will blow your mind what they’ll do to save/make money.

    3. maybe AMLO thinking long-term..
      That's a thousand million Chinese customers for corn, soybeans, tequila, avos, chiles verdes, cemento, tamarindo, etc..
      Be polite now, fleece 'em later..

  3. Revenge for the Opium wars !

    1. Yeah, no.. It’s not China’s government nor is it even just China who’s shipping the precursors.

    2. They never mention the Omani sea traders that introduced the stuff to China in the 7th century Tang Dynasty.

    3. Lol straight up huh?

      Except they would wanna target the UK if that was the case… 🦉

  4. How about an embargo until they sign an agreement to stop the flow of fent and precursors?

    Oh no, they wouldn’t wanna do that….

  5. That seems to be an awfully small small amount to smuggle in. Either it's all for show on behalf of AMLO or the lions share got unloaded first and they left breadcrumbs to beyond so they can controll the narrative.

    1. Or it’s just political porn and a way to cover up the tons of precursors…

    2. Today I get to eat popcorn, I love popcorn.

    3. @956 — Go eat a hot dog out of a fresh set of Hanes…

  6. The Chi-coms don't care about anything or anyone but themselves and the communist machine created to dominate their people and the world. The employ any tactic to gain advantage; be it theft of intellectual property, organ theft of prisoners, forced prison camps for minority or political prisoners, exploitation of endangered species or resources, hacking, or spreading fent to weaken a country from within. They are the greatest threat to western civilization.

    1. Many a years back then China, had spies in the US stealing government secrets. They would also copy products we use every day, but because of copyright laws, they would substitute ingredients, to bypass laws.Case in point you buy Pepto Bismo...China makes a copy, but with cheap azz ingredients.

    2. Still do have spies planted all over the world.

    3. The US weakness is diversity...Chinas govt is all Chinese born and raised it is much harder to get a spy into their govt and weapons programs etc. In the US a person who comes from China can make his way to the top echelons of the govt. Thats why the whole world has nukes now..the US was saturated with foreign spies and still is.


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