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Friday, May 5, 2023

Chapitos Respond Directly to the DEA in Letter Sent to Milenio

"HEARST" and "Redlogarythm" for Borderland Beat

Chapitos sent a letter to a newspaper in which they responded to the recent US indictment by denying they are involved in producing and selling fentanyl. Their involvement in fentanyl production has made them the US’s number one target in Mexico. 

They also denied being the leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel, saying they have no authority over CDS groups in other states, and denied they were involved in certain executions, such as feeding a man to a tiger. 

The Letter 

On May 4, 2023, the Mexican newspaper Milenio announced that they received a letter that was allegedly sent by los Chapitos, or the sons of El Chapo.

They received the letter through a lawyer named José Refugio Rodríguez and it was addressed to one of Milenio's well-known journalists, Azucena Uresti. 

Milenio is generally considered to be a reputable newspaper. By publishing the letter, the newspaper is choosing to risk their journalistic credibility. 

It's very likely that Milenio vetted the letter and they have found evidence which suggests the letter is authentic and truly from los Chapitos. 

That being said, the newspaper has not disclosed any details about their vetting process for the letter. 

“Azucena Production at 10:

This letter aims to clarify several things. Firstly, it seeks to give context to what is happening in Sinaloa with what is referred to as 'the Sinaloa Cartel,” the truth of the April 14 press conference held by the anti-drug agency from the world's most powerful country, and the use of the Chapo Guzmán & Sons name, or brand. 

Regarding the Sinaloa Cartel, we are not and have never been the heads of it and we are not interested in becoming that. 

What really exists is a large number of groups, both small and big, that have their base of operations in the state, or groups formed by Sinaloans operating in other parts of the country, and even other parts of the world. 

These groups operate independently from the rest and don't answer to us. We don´t ask them to [answer to us] either.

Why is it necessary to establish this? Well, because, unfortunately, the name of Joaquín Guzmán Loera, known all around the world, has become internationally famous.This has only been to our detriment and contributed to international propaganda, using it either in our favor or against us, as they see fit.

The way these independent groups operate usually relies on the use of our Father's [or Padre, capital P] name, or in more recent cases on using our name, “los chapitos” [little c], as we have been labeled. 

For example, in order to work with total impunity, they trick their suppliers and clients into believing they are our business partners and intermediaries, in order to have a better negotiating position. 

Since they have problems with law enforcement, they choose to implicate us instead as a part of plea deals. Without any photos, audio recordings or video evidence, they [law enforcement] believe their stories - not facts. It is easy to do when the person you blame doesn't have the right to answer.

But, it is not just people from the underworld who benefit from our name. In the social media era in which we live, the number of people using Chapo Guzmán's name or ours, his Sons, keeps increasing. They do this out of a need to get views and go viral, or from a desire to become famous themselves. 

There are countless corridos or songs that musicians compose with fake information, and without permission, in order to become nationally or internationally famous. Companies use our name to establish themselves. They produce clothing, beverages, accessories and more by alluding to our name, or our father´s, to obtain an economic benefit.

Even an economic / financial magazine gained market share by publishing our father's name on a  list of millionaires, without any evidence.

Media outlets have regularly created articles with our names in the titles and even put them in headlines of the front page, solely for the purpose of selling more newspapers or to obtain clicks on their webpage. 

Youtube channels will invite alleged 'drug trafficking experts' that comment on us, and our ways of operating, who have no knowledge about what they are speaking about. Then, the People [capital P] see it, believe it and judge us.

The people and companies which use our names and lastname benefit endlessly from it. But, we are the ones hurt by it. 

With each corrido that is heard, with each product that is sold, with each sensationalist media or social media article that is published, with each YouTube interview with “experts”, our name becomes more and more damaged. A lie told one thousand times ends up becoming true. 

Our approach regarding these kinds of things has always been prudence. We haven't felt it necessary, nor have we believed it prudent, to speak out before. We believed that by remaining silent, and not bothering anybody, that the consequences of the cradle we were born in would diminish.

On Friday, the 14th of April, 2023, something unprecedented happened. The anti-drug agency from the world's most powerful country publicized charges against us for the importation and selling of fentanyl. Our name´s reputation has now reached an undreamt-of level of fame. 

We have never worked with fentanyl, however there are plenty of Sinaloans who do so and that is why there are [fentanyl] seizures. Those seizures belong to somebody and we encourage law enforcement to investigate them. If the government has agents working in the state, then they already know what's really going on in Sinaloa. It isn't hard to know who really owns these seizures. 

We have never established, knowingly, a relationship with fentanyl traffickers.

We want to make this clear: Ivan never said 'We will flood the streets of the US with fentanyl.'

The story about us murdering someone with our own hands, the story of the bat and the tigers is FALSE. A tiger might kill a person, but eat him? We don't have, and never had, tigers. That's easy and simple enough to investigate. 

We have searched for records about Federal Policemen being killed in Culiacán in 2017, and haven´t found them, and if those records existed we don´t know who is responsible. 

We have never gotten involved in a war, or any conflict, against a group known as Los Zetas, so they can't claim we murdered any of them. 

Also we have never had any interest in “dominating” Chihuahua, Coahuila, Michoacán or any other States that they mentioned. If somebody, any anybody, says we do [these things] to law enforcement, Mexican or American, that person is lying. 


The use of our name by other people in order to get rid of, prevent, or solve their problems is starting to become a problem for us. If you run into trouble, whoever you are, deal with it on your own, without falsely involving us. We also hope that authorities act with truth, in accordance with the law. We will always look out for our own well-being and that of our families.

We didn't choose to be where we are. No one can choose the cradle they are born into. We wanted to have a good life and be able to have an education - a privilege which was denied to us, at the time, due to the hunt for our father. 

No judge or judicial magistrate will treat us fairly [in court] out of a fear of being targeted and legally prosecuted. 

This letter is sent for one reason only. And we don’t expect the recipients [of this letter] to take our word on face value. In fact, we want our claims to be looked into further. 

We invite any interested media outlet or governmental agency, Mexican or international, to investigate the fentanyl issue in Mexico and Sinaloa thoroughly. 

Who produces it? Where do they get the precursors from? And, how do they transport it to the US? 

We are certain that any impartial investigation will reach this conclusion:

The sons of Joaquín Guzmán Loera, who the public knows as Los Chapitos, have never created, manufactured, or sold fentanyl, nor any of its derivatives.

We are victims of persecution and we are being made into a scapegoat.

We hope this letter gets to the right people. We are at your service.”

A Review of What They are Responding To

This letter is focused on denying specific claims made in the recent US indictment of them, unsealed and released on April 14, 2023. (Note: the longer New York indictment, the shorter Chicago indictment, can be read as PDFs at the bottom of the links)

The indictment provided highly specific details about a network of Chinese chemical companies, and intermediaries, who sold precursor chemicals to a Guatemalan broker who works for los Chapitos. 

The Guatemalan broker procured the chemicals by paying the Chinese companies through a network of money launderers who used cryptocurrency transactions. Specific bitcoin addresses were listed. 

The document dissects the role played by specific, named individuals, and how their role fits in within the larger Chapitos fentanyl production process, listing out dates, locations, and specific amounts bought. 

Four laboratory managers were named and details about them are given. Three financial operators, who focus on laundering money and transferring payment to Chinese chemical companies, were named and details about them are given. Five more operators, said to manage the “drug trafficking infrastructure”, were named and details about them are given. 

It's interesting to note that Chapitos responded to none of these specific details about individuals tied to them, and instead hand-waved them away by stating “there are plenty of Sinaloans who do so and that is why there are [fentanyl] seizures. Those seizures belong to somebody and we encourage law enforcement to investigate them.”

Borderland Beat's "Redlogarythm" is currently writing a story reviewing and summarizing the US indictment which details the Chapitos fentanyl production network.

“Something Unprecedented Happened”

One of the more bizarre claims made in the Chapitos letter is their seeming disbelief at the unprecedented nature of the criminal charges being levied against them.

They wrote “On Friday, the 14th of April, 2023, something unprecedented happened. The anti-drug agency from the world's most powerful country publicized charges against us for the importation and selling of fentanyl. Our name´s reputation has now reached an undreamt-of level of fame.” 

They fail to mention that this same anti-drug agency “from the world’s most powerful country” has publicized other drug charges against them since 2009. 

Jesús Alfredo was indicted first, back in 2008, but the indictment wasn’t unsealed and publicly acknowledged until August 2009. The US charged him for his alleged role as a coordinator for a cocaine & heroin smuggling pipeline. 

Iván Archivaldo Guzmán Salazar and Ovidio Guzmán López were sanctioned by the US in May 2012 “for their roles in their father’s drug trafficking organization and the Sinaloa Cartel.” Other US indictments against the Chapitos brothers followed, such as Jesus Alfredo being sanctioned in 2012.

Somehow those highly publicized charges from 2009 and 2012 were not “unprecedented” enough to deserve a response but these April 2023 charges somehow were. 

What actually makes the charges different is the recent US push to target fentanyl traffickers specifically, more than other kinds of drug traffickers. The renewed law enforcement pressure on them has finally started to impact their ability to indulge in their opulent lifestyles.

Other Communications Like the Letter

Other cartel groups have also made public statements which distance themselves with the production of fentanyl. The Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) made a video in January 2023 in which they denied being involved in fentanyl trafficking. 

This is also not the first time that Chapitos have tried to reach the public through a letter. In 2017, during a time of heightened conflict with Dámaso, Chapitos sent a letter to the reporter Ciro Gómez Leyva. 

In the letter, the Chapitos alleged that Damaso Lopez Núñez attempted to kill El Mayo at a meeting but Damaso's gunmen failed to kill him. The communication was signed by two of the Chapitos, Ivan Archivaldo and Jesus Alfredo. Dámaso later released his own letter in which he denied the attempted assassination occurred.

Sinaloa Cartel vs Los Zetas

Another claim made by los Chapitos is that they "have never gotten involved in a war, or any conflict, against a group known as Los Zetas, so they can't claim we murdered any of them." This is a response to the recent indictment's allegation that los Chapitos ordered that three captured los Zetas be tortured for information in 2017. 

Now, the war between the Sinaloa Cartel (CDS) and Los Zetas is well known and indisputably occurred. Los Chapitos are presumably trying to claim that they only became involved in CDS after the Zetas war had ended. 

However, according to the aforementioned US indictments, Jesus Alfredo, Ivan and Ovidio were all working within CDS by the year 2012.

And, CDS was very much still at war with the Zetas during 2012. For concrete evidence of this, look no further than the US Homeland Security reports being sent out in May 2012 which detail the ongoing conflict between CDS and Los Zetas.

It's important to remember that El Lazca wasn't even killed until the end of that year, in October 2012. When news of his demise broke, many speculated that his death would benefit CDS in their ongoing war with them and rumors swirled that a cartel group colluded with the government to have Lazca killed. 

So, for Chapitos to claim that they "have never gotten involved in a war, or any conflict, against a group known as Los Zetas" is bizarre, to say the least. 

A much more sensible claim for them to make would have been that they were not involved in the 2017 torture of Zetas members outlined in the indictment because by 2017, los Zetas no longer existed, having previously split and fragmented into smaller groups, such as Cartel de Noreste, Zetas Vieja Escuela and Sangre Nueva Zetas. 

Now, some still call members of these offshoot groups "Zetas", which may explain the indictment's allegation. 

Questions about the likelihood of three "Zetas" hitmen traveling to the Durango / Sinaloa border region are worth considering. 

However, rather than deny the specific 2017 claim, which has it's peculiarities, Chapitos instead claimed that they "have never gotten involved in a war, or any conflict, against a group known as Los Zetas" - something which is demonstrably false. 

Sources: Milenio, US Department of Justice, US Department of Justice, Office for Foreign Assets Control, Borderland Beat, El País, El Financiero, Zeta, El Siglo de Torreón

Further Reading

Ivan’s Top Guys


  1. Watch all the sympathy and antagonism against the U.S. for going after poor chapitos

    1. You are heartless. They couldn't help the cradle they were born into! They couldn't even get educated as multi-millionaires because the authorities were hunting their father! Poor babies...

  2. que le dije?!
    They got the wrong guys!

    1. insert 2 spidermen pointing at each other meme

  3. Well, I am glad they have cleared up this little misunderstanding. Perhaps they can explain it to a judge in the USA in due course, which I am sure will happen in the future. Perhaps then they could also address the other false and wild claims about cocaine trafficking etc. Perhaps they could present themselves at the nearest DEA office in California or elsewhere in the USA at their own convenience to clear this all up and let the DEA know who these evil people are who are doing these terrible things while blaming them. It all sounds like a terrible misunderstanding and these decent tax paying Mexican citizens should clairify this in person.

    1. @10:23 Now we're talking. Hah, this is the end of Los Chapitos, El Guano, La Chapiza, Los Antrax, El Nini, and the rest of the culeros in Culiacan.

    2. 8:37 the Antrax are no longer and cha🍕 is next and hopefully 🪲's after them


    I was just watching the Grillonauta2 videos on this issue and mexicos response to the DEA. Its interesting how the political dialog between the two countries is playing out. Mexico appears to be questioning a lot of the U.S's actions. I was also reading a reauters article on how Mexico claims the U.S uses agencies intended to promote free speech around the world to push pro U.S narratives and cause domestic instability. I think of Mexico and how the 2 major media outlets, TVAZTECA and Televisa have monopolized the information sector and how both are very anti-AMLO. I wouldn't doubt if both TVAZTECA, Televisa and their sub companies are being funded by the U.S. It's very probable, especially if we consider some of the information made available during the Garcia Luna trial that the Calderon administration was paying off media companies to paint Garcia Luna as a super cop when in fact he was corrupt.

  5. The chapendejos should make a corrido about this..
    La DEA los apunta con el dedo
    Pero no fue nosotras
    Nosotras semos de respeto y nomas le vendemos ah gente adulta
    Lo de el tigere tambien es puro pedo
    Fue el waye del Mayo
    Yo mi dedico ah vender tamales
    Nunca Amos matado ni una Mosca
    Ya no los again bully cabrones
    Semos muy valiente
    Nosotros vendemos puro jale organic
    Sin asucar y es glutten free
    Ya dejen nos en paz

    1. You have too much time on your hands. Dejate de mamadas, contribute something productive, not your tonterias.

    2. 10:27 🤣🤣🤣 chido tu corrido, les va mucho mejor que los que tienen que son pura mentira, que disque "jira y se para la tierra si Joaquin lo ordena" 😂😂😂

  6. I have no doubt other people use their names as a means to get cheaper supply, out of trouble etc people use other "hardman" names over here in Engalnd for similar reasons stands to reason the same would happen in Mexico.

    Now don't get me wrong I'm sure these guys are up to their necks in Cocaine trafficking etc

    1. 10:32 did you hit your head?

    2. 10:32 so easy to fool, hey i can sell you half of the moon for $3,000

    3. Not sure that's fair dude, and I don't mean the price your charging (that's pretty good, I'll give you 250. Think about it..). A lot of what they say is true, which is always the problem with letters like these. Surround 2 or 3 big lies with a sprinkling of truth and they can manipulate public opinion, which is what this letter is really about.

  7. The Chapitos are denying any involvement because they have to. There are no logical reasons for them to admit that they are involved, because they have nothing to gain by admitting guilt. They have everything to gain from their denials, and at this point they know that they are fucked.

    1. These cats don’t know anything about that they just say whatever comes to there mouth.

    2. 11:17 Los Chapitos already admitted guilt on social media posts, narco corridos, narco mantas, and all of the shenanigans they pull in Mexico.... like centralizing all fentanyl distribution to form a Guzman Chapitos monopoly on the manufacturing and distribution of one of the deadliest chemicals to afflict mankind and kill millions of people.

    3. In the USA you have freedom of speech but you also have the right to remain silent, thats something chapitos oviously have no idea, in mexico you can brag in a song about all the crimes you have commited without any consecuences but not in the USA, there have been quite a few rappers who have been given lenghty sentences for their crimes commited cause they braged in a rap song, they litteraly snitched on them selfs 🤦‍♂️ Chaputos did the same🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 but they are so open about it and were craving all that attention that now they are fucked and they know it, i think after this second time ovidio was captured and its about to be extradited they figured out their fucked and they are now throwing drowning mans kicks, 😂😂😂 Pendejetes de mierda!

    4. 8:44 you are on every Chapitos article hating on them boys 😂😆

    5. 11:47 thinking there's only one Chaputas hater.

    6. 11:47 i see i have a follower, thanks for your support 🫶🫡🤗🙅‍♂️

    7. 11:47 and you are the one who is defending them boys in every post😂 by the way they are not boys anymore, ya tienen pelos en el culo los gueyones, and nobody is hating on them we are making fun of them, a lot of tough talk so at the end they show their true colors, Culones 😂

    8. 11:47 plenty of chapitos haters around add me to the list. If only I had a father that would pay for my school but instead these fools decided to be narcos and not very good ones to boot

    9. 11:47 only Sinaloans like chaputos the rest of the mexicans make fun of them 😢😢 and not all Sinaloas like them, you acting like there is only one guy who dont like them 🐭

  8. Chapitos, if you haven't realized it yet - you are no longer in the cradle.

  9. Animo Sicarios!
    Los Chapitos son agricultores de frijol y maiz al igual que su padre El Patron 701 JGL.

    Saludos al Gavilan al 09 y al Panu.

    Attentamente Fuerzas Especiales Tier 1 de La Gente Nueva Sicario 006

    1. @11:37 Feliz Cinco de Mayo guey

  10. These lil m fers ain't that bright

  11. They need to learn how to write complete sentences, and where to use their punctuation .... Imbeciles

    1. Who cares about shit like that!! You should be caring to see if Chapitos are going to turn on the Salazares, Nini or any of his associates.

    2. @11:44 I don’t know man , calling some dude that at the end of the day runs a multimillion business "Imbeciles” while we’re out here working normal shifts really not it lol.

    3. 12:19 i dodnt know man, that was all chapos money and connections 🐸

    4. They are uneducated third world savages but in all fairness, the attorneys wrote this letter, not them.

    5. @1:38 they’re probably well behaved. Like those rich people from cdmx

    6. 4:32 nahh their dad didnt know how to read or write, this fools can probably only count to ten

    7. You obviously did not read it.

  12. They really said that singers do corrido without their permission? Like come on man , every corrido singer knows that they have to asked for permission before writing the corrido.

    1. That comment about Forbes (or ''a certain financial publication that had no proof'') made me laugh too. They're probably getting their 701 tattoos removed right now.

  13. Ya la sienten cercas por eso salieron con esto

  14. los culichis son mitad bueno, mitad evíl...
    accept this as the gospel truth from the muchacho gabacho who has been there, done that...

  15. You know what’s better than a letter? An interview, Milenio do your thing and send your best journalist and interview them. That would cool not going to lie.

    1. Sean Penn available to interview those krazy kids..
      Kate can translate..

    2. @1:17 jajaj that undercover cop

  16. El E1 in PHX feeling the heat now DOJ indicted his top lieutenants in Riverside county this week on fentanyl trafficking also is keeping a low profile after an attempted hit on him in Tempe

    1. Think this guy is making a comic book and his main character is E1

    2. Comic book huh smart mouth why don’t you keep typing in your moms basement clown @153

    3. Snitches get stitches

    4. Is this Jr..?

    5. 431 who tf is Jr?

    6. Rata de dos patas

    7. 4.48. Jr. Paredes who control Agua Prieta. Dad is in prison. With Chapitos.
      I never heard of an E1 and the writer refuses to state the Real name. Nogales is MZ controlled, pipeline to PHX. Does Anyone know of an E1?

    8. 5:09 Did paquita la del barrio wrote that song for the snitchloas?

    9. My mansion sit on 40 acres ,Who da neighbors Kobe Bryant from the lakers now that’s paper

    10. E1 is a small time dope pusher in a small shit hole town who thinks he’s bad ass because he drives nice cars

    11. 8:06 Kobe Bryant is Dead.
      Mencho is Dead.
      Don't live in denial.
      Prince died of Fentynal overdose.

    12. Broken record guy

    13. E1 is in Chicago right now

    14. Dukie got so many body doubles even HE don't know where he is half the time..

  17. Many are aware of how to use media to influence their agenda, all of them have been doing it for 20 plus years, especially the more savvy ones, like Mayo, that generation.

    Los Chapitos are just more vocal, and more of their own generation, compare the Mayo/Juluo Sheer interview to this letter

    I am pretty sure both Damaso and Los Chapitos published letters around 2017 to contest who betrayed who

    Of course the defense they offer is not accurate, but in this era, it's helpful, someone like Lopez Obrador has the same kind of strategy with the media, combative and deny deny, accuse. I can imagine Lopez Obrador saying something like that "well they say they are innocent so they are going to stay here, we will see, we will provide justice in Mexico"

    I am sure some of the allegations in the indictment are not 100%, and the context of the headlines (not the actual accusation) makes it seem like they fed 50 poor people to the tigers for fun, but I read the entire 4 indictments. Also, darkly hilarious, is their defense of the tigers allegation, well maybe they could kill someone, but not eat? A little too knowledgable on the subject right?

    1. I was just about to add in a section covering their previous letter, J! Glad you brought it up.

      I think it's interesting to see their
      previous history with this particular media strategy with them attempting to strike a tone that's more formal than what we see in mantas and cartulinas.

  18. “We have never gotten involved in a war, or any conflict, against a group known as Los Zetas“


  19. 🤦‍♂️ pinches vatos culones, en todos sus corridos hablan de como controlan todo Sonaloa y como mueven todas las drogas y ahorita que los gabachos dijieron que se les iban a ir con todo lla andan chillando diciendo que son otros gueyes de sinaloa, que no todo sinaloa es de ustedes? y controlan todo Culiacan? (Donde les han tumbado varios laboratorios) no que iban a pintar todo culiacan de rojo si jo soltavan al jotivio? Denles de baja a los culos que andan usando su nombre, a se me olvido que no pueden porque son ustedes mismos pendejos 🤣 por eso y muchas otras cosas mas le dicen chillaloas

    1. Juegan la parte estos gueyes.
      Solo la gente mas pendeja se traga lo que dicen en sus corridos estos cuates!

    2. Si se animaron a decir que manden a un agente a Sinaloa para que investiguen casos viejos de los laboratorios reventados ya se pasaron de lanza como que van a echar de cabeza a pueblo la pobre gente que trabaja sola sin andar con charolas de papi que culos son como dice la canción

  20. Here's a new corrido that all you mamones should enjoy

    1. Sounds like a banger hit. The singer kinda looks like the musician Mike Patton.

  21. Amazing !!!! Cartel leaders crying No it wasnt us!!! There it is cds nuthiggers!!!

  22. Mayo Zambada is behind this blaming everything on chapitos so his Sons can return from the witness protection program in the USA and take over everything once he gets rid of los chapitos.

    1. I doubt they need or want to comeback. Mayos kids got the Kennedy treatment. All of the sanctions put on their legitimate businesses got taken off the U.S blacklist. They're set for life.

    2. Some of you CDS kids are delusional. Cant you just admit Mayos son is in the witness protection program hes eating macaroni with ketchup kid mayos not rolling out the red carpet for his mini snitch son.

    3. 5:38 nobody is denying Mayos kids and brother are in Witness protection. I'm just stating the facts, no bias on my part, but you obviously have a chip on your shoulder.

      US Government Lifts Economic Sanctions Against El Mayo's Brother Jesús 'El Rey ...

      Their businesses were taken off the U.S sanctions list. That means that whatever money is generated from those businesses they can keep which is more than likely what's going on. Its all good though, you can keep thinking they're on a macaroni and ketchup diet.

    4. anybody who admires these sadists needs to take along fucking look at themselves. bunch of scumbags!

    5. why would mayo's sons want to return to that lifestyle, makes no sense. he's got them sweet deals off of the us government because mayo has connections in the mexican and united states governments. sometimes governments need guys like mayo to control trades and guys like mayo are smart enough too know, you keep out of the limelight, you dont hurt innocent people, keep killing to a minimal and the cia and dea will play ball with you. after all they set the rules!!!

    6. more likely the mexican government thats decided to take the chapitos out.

  23. The surname "Loera" is of Fench, German, and Italian origin. I know, off topic.

    1. I think is from Snitchland, im 99% sure its from Snitchland

    2. Snitchland the Italians or what ?

    3. Who’d he snitch on? Im curious, what source do you have? Any paperwork? Or are you just talking out the side of your neck?

    4. 1:31 no 100% Sinaloa

  24. Its a mayo move with his dea plugs to get them out the game

  25. They're just taking a page from Escobar's playbook because the one thing that scares narcos more than anything is American prison.

    1. Just seems wrong comparing some little twerps to Escobar

  26. As far as the tiger allegations..
    The english tradución sounds pretty smooth, hats off to you guys, people have absolutely no idea how difficult it can be to get it done right..
    Sometimes nuance or cultural distinctions gets lost in translation..
    The more I re-read the original Spanish, the more it seems he's saying of the sabretoothed man-eater:
    "Betcha can't eat just one!"

    1. Your comment about the translation means so much to me.

      People don't realize just how much time we sometimes spend revising and rephrasing the translation to make the English sound more natural without losing any of the details.

  27. The lie is in:
    "Even an economic / financial magazine gained market share by publishing our father's name on a list of millionaires, without any evidence."
    This is clearly false.Tge pictures of them and the father clearly say otherwise .They are millionaires
    If they are serious they would have sent an edict in Culiacan or other places they have control,that anybody making and distributing fentanyl will die or something similar .The letter is a joke .

    1. It really is like a kid,hand in cookie jar crumbs spilling out of his mouth completely denying it straight faced.

  28. They are so fried 😂😂😂😂

  29. the problem the chapitos have is - they have let numerous journalists, most recently, stuart ramsay of sky, to witness the production of fentanyl in cities like culiacan. if am not mistaken, its a know fact that that is a chapitos stronghold! now they are denying involvement in that trade. but there's so much evidence that they themselves have put out there which contradicts what their new letter to the dea says. stupidity! el mayo, will no longer protect them and they are done. karma, if you ask me!

  30. do people honestly think mayo is the power... the real power are the cia and the dea! they tell guys like mayo, what when where too do things... guys like mayo are assests because mayo, unlike chapo knows how the drug game is played. but best believe when mayos cia handlers or dea handlers tell him to do something, he has no choice. whos the real power?

    1. Bed time kid

    2. bed time kid? em not saying el mayo doesnt have power, but, hes obv some sort of cia/dea asset - otherwise his sons would have got jail time, ie... el chapo jail time. plus the fact - mayo has never spent an hour in a jail cell. a wonder why kid?

  31. Nosotros los chapos somos agricultores y avicultores y porque no hasta rancheros somos angelitos de dios

    Atte chapitas

  32. They never actually outright deny being drug traffickers. Lol.

  33. Si piensan que el gobierno de los estados unidos no los van a meter al bote porque escribieron un mensage estan bien pendejos. Por creerse bien vergas van a terminar como su padre. Quisieron guerras y jugar a ser narco ahora aguanten vara. Ser trafficante no es para cualquier pendejo. No es juego.

    1. 4:16 exactamente, estos puñetones pensaron que su papa todavia los protegeria desde la maxima seguridad, pensaron que era mexico, pero se acavan de dar cuenta que la Verga es cuadrada 😂😂😂

    2. 5:51 La verga es cuadrada y el culo la redondea, es tienpo que los chapitos culones redondeen la verga 😂😂😂😂

  34. It wasnt me on Shaggy voice

  35. They write letters like the DEA cares or isn’t gonna arrest them,idiots!

  36. #chapitos like the DEA said were "dumber than rocks. tbh, it definetly seems that way. you'd have thought they'd have learned after what happened to their dad and ovidio.


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