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Monday, May 1, 2023

CJNG Distributed Toys For Children’s Day On The Borders of Jalisco And Zacatecas

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

They were distributed in Apulco, Nochistlán, Yahualica, Mexticacán and rancherías in both states.

A convoy of alleged members of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) distributed toys in municipalities located in the border area of Zacatecas and Jalisco. The same points where this criminal group has unleashed countless shootouts that have caused the displacement of hundreds of families.

Residents reported that the convoy handed out toys with cardboard alluding to the cartel headed by Nemesio Oseguera, El Mencho.

The toys were distributed in the municipalities of Apulco and Nochistlán, belonging to Zacatecas, and in Yahualica and Mexticacán in the highlands of Jalisco.

"They went to the rancherías and in Apulco they went all the way to the very center. They have no shame, instead of handing out toys and wanting to win over the children, they should stop screwing the people, return all the people they have taken," said a resident to Dominio Público Noticias.

One of those disappeared is Héctor Abner Donoso Cruz, who was abducted in August 2022 when he was installing surveillance cameras for the municipality. He was taken with three other men who were released days later.

Another young man taken by the CJNG last year is Jose Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, who was taken in Tenayuca. Neither has been located to date.

In Apulco, the convoy reached the center of the municipality, where the soldiers were told that they were going to distribute toys on behalf of the municipality, a situation that was denied by the municipality.

Among the group that distributed toys in Apulco, Mauro Yuriel Jauregui, who has been accused of having links to the CJNG and who recently began a campaign to position himself as a candidate for the presidency of the municipality for the elections to be held in 2024, was identified.

"It seems a mockery to us what they are doing, with what face they give toys to children whose parents have been taken from them, to the children of people who have run, how they want to pass for good people, when they have stolen our tranquility," said a worker of the municipality.

This is not the first time that criminal groups have handed out toys in the areas they dominate, an attempt to win the sympathy of the very children whose peace has been taken away from them.


  1. The finest example of hypocrisy.

    1. Yeah its almost as bad as CDS chapitos

  2. The traffickers in this area are historically independent operators going back at least 50 years. CDS in this area is centered around Teocaltiche.
    It's not surprising to see a Jauregui aligned with CJNG. Even though the older Jaureguis were independent operators, in the last few decades they have been aligned with CDS, the Zetas, the Gulf Cartel and now CJNG.
    This area has produced a lot of small time operators over the years who have seen drug smuggling as easy money. Now the chickens have come home to roost and their children and grandchildren are paying for the region's role in drug smuggling over the last half century. The death and destruction here is extraordinary and the residents are living in absolute terror.

  3. Even trade?
    Extort assault rob Rape kidnap torture murder dismember yesterday
    Today pass out cheap plastic junk toys
    Ok got it!

  4. Give them toys now, have them be addicted foot soldiers in 5 years

  5. What parent allows their child to accept any gift from a criminal?

    1. The truth is that it's hard to say no when you're poor like that. Plus it's not much different than when the US deals with the Saudi prince knowing fully well he orchestrated the murder and dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi. Those mutual benefits serve their purpose and all up untill they don’t. 😆

    2. Poor parents and neglected children

    3. 2:27 people in those towns of Zacatecas are not poor like other parts of Mexico, mostly everyone has a family member in the states or work the ganado/fields if they dont.

    4. Mr. Prendido 2:27
      You brought up a good case scenario.
      President Biden did mention to the Saudi Prince in public about what happened. Months later Saudi Arabia, started doing less oil production for USA.

    5. Yes he did that’s why Saudi Arabia is all mad as the United States now and threatening to join BRICS and overthrow the DOLLAR.

    6. Plata o plomo..

    7. 2:52:
      There are a lot of incredibly poor people in this area. A lot of women here still earn 50 pesos a day making blusas. Many people here don't even own a TV or refrigerator. Many people here still ride around on donkeys.
      Having a family member in the U.S. doesn't guarantee remitences. A lot of family members in the U.S. from here are into the game and are in prison or collecting food stamps or pushing up tulips with their nostrils. There's still a lot of poverty here.

  6. Excellent reporting Sol , keep up the good work .

  7. A lot of American dollars are being invested in the towns mentioned. Go to those towns and peoples houses are much nicer than average houses here in socal. Local residents say that the area is under good control. They don't mess with regular people. Stop and have breakfast in downtown yahualica and notice the new SUV's parked outside the restaurants in el Centro. There was a brand new corvette when I was there. Nochistlan had nicer houses and cars. You just need to be careful, take big dark sunglasses. Woman are hot and your wife will get mad for looking!

  8. That's nice of CJNG. Kids get a little happiness in their poor lives

  9. Damn, this was a good article!! Thank You, Sol!! Also, like the picture of Gaahl on your profile!! Was that Gorgoroth or God Seed?

    1. Haha nice!! Much love and respect brother! Keep doing your thing!!

  10. Presents bought with extortion money. Nice

    1. Not really they are cheap skates.
      Toys stolen from train/cargo robberies.

  11. my mom used to yell if I played dungeons and dragons too much 😿

  12. It’s sad and shameful to see bullet-proof pick-up trucks with heavily armed sicarios regularly and casually cruising throughout the aforementioned towns, including their downtown area and surrounding communities in broad daylight. There is not a single policeman in town, since they are all too busy stationed at each and all access roads keeping an eye out for rival groups 24/7. These groups are the sole law of the land. Often times army convoys and state police coexist within blocks of these sicario convoys in plain daylight. To be safe, act like you don’t see them, stay home after dark and don’t share what you truly think with anyone in town since you never know who you are really talking to.


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