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Monday, May 22, 2023

Clandestine Gas Pipeline And Containers With Illicit Fuel Seized, In Degollado: Jalisco

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

The containers with the fuel were handed over to the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office.

Elizabeth Ibal | El Occidental 

A clandestine hydrocarbon intake was secured in the municipality of Degollado, in the Ciénega region of Jalisco, in addition, several hydrocarbon containers were seized that were allegedly extracted from that "milking."

Members of the National Guard, in coordination with Petróleos Mexicanos personnel, were carrying out prevention and surveillance patrols to combat hydrocarbon theft, when they found the clandestine takeover in the vicinity of the Salamanca-Guadalajara polyduct, in the aforementioned municipality.

That irregular connection was connected to a high-pressure hose. Due to this, the elements carried out an inspection on the ground, 700 meters from the clandestine takeover, they located plastic containers loaded with hydrocarbons.

A deployment was made on the perimeter, so that Pemex specialists could safely disable the clandestine takeover and secure the containers with the fuel to avoid risks to the population.

The containers with the fuel, presumably obtained illegally, were placed at the disposal of the Federal Public Ministry Agency, of the Jalisco delegation of the Attorney General of the Republic.

It will be that instance that integrates the investigation folder for the crime of illegal extraction of fuel to find those responsible.



  1. I don’t think there’s a damn thing you can call clandestine anymore going on in MX..

    Every county that’s part of NATO has access to satellites that can take high resolution imagery down to a SQUARE INCH…

    1. Jajaja… And the blind is the king among the one-eyed.

    2. 7:54 - All of that high tech technology and they still can’t find El Mayo or Ivan Archivaldo Guzmán.

    3. @946 — Yet Shelby San Diego seemed to know exactly where he’s at..

    4. 9:46 Except when civilians are in the middle. So no... not happening like that. Considering that would be useless, immediate replacement for those figures are there waiting for that moment.

    5. 7:54
      There is no current satellite that has the technological capability to take high resolution images down to a square inch.

    6. If he is blind how can he be one eyed

    7. 5.37 where have u been living the last 10 years under a rock lol

    8. @537 — the US has had satellites like this since the 80s, all part of Reagen’s “Star Wars Program”

      Anyhow, here’s a recent new satellite that can nail a resolution shot of 50 CENTIMETERS…

  2. 14 eyes plus Russia and China have the tech ability to read the names in gravestones in any part of the world

    1. You want a thropy from Russia.

    2. Russian mob gravestones are actually pretty badass… you should look them up; way cooler than the mini mansions the narcos have IMO

    3. 8:31
      Satellites cannot do that - yet.

    4. They can do that, since at least 30years. Its not working all the time due to clouds, weather, wrong orbit of the satellite….

    5. 5:38
      Pardon de Banbino he be watching too much Rambo movies.

    6. 🎶 20 eyes in my head
      20 eyes in my head
      20 eyes in my head
      They're all the same
      They're all the same!! 🎶

  3. How long has this been going on ? Like some kind of magical discovery ? Lets see , how about a flow meter or two inline ? Volume in volume out ? This is bullshit ! Especially with any valuable commodity. What is this stupid statement ? (clandestine hydrocarbon ) The article is titled GAS PIPELINE !! WTF a Russian or Chinese spy satellite over Mexico to watch people supposedly stealing gas ? Hablador says Mexico doesn't need help with. anything especially the issues he thinks don't exist. In a country where people wipe their asses disposing of the crap on the floor or a bucket . Spy satellites ? Please get up to speed.

    1. The reason these crimes are being targeted is because "hablador" made it a priority after your boy Kiki Puñetero privatized the mexican oil business to fill his pockets. Let me guess, you disagree with AMLO's decisions to modernize the oil refineries, you disagree with his purchase of the 6 Iberdola power plants and deer park oil refinery in Texas. What else 🤔, you probably disagree with the Nationalization of mexican Lithium deposits and the gringos were better off profiting than the people. Please put us up to speed and tell us how you would have done things differently Fifi.

    2. You must be new here otherwise you would know how the fuel theft works.
      You understanding how satellites work is really awesome.

  4. well Alicia it seems basic human services and infrastructure eludes you. The year is 2023, 5 years of Hablador. and would you explain to the people of Mexico on the shitty end of the stick why they have to live in squalor without clean running water, health and medical services, and a basic education while arrogant, self righteous, self indulgent individuals like you continue to tell them how good life is. Who are the (gringos) getting rich ? Mexico is on the precipice of being a failed state controlled by cartels and you think this guy is a real mover and shaker for the people. Hablador has been in politics for how long ? Looks like he's getting his share of the enchiladas.

    1. The people on the shitty end might stop taking bribes, selling their vote for a tortilla….its easy to blame others mi hijo

    2. 12:33 we all know Hablador is in it for the benefits of bribes, he can care a rats azz of the citizens.

    3. 104 some of us don't know how Obrador is in it for the bribes. Can you provide some BB articles that show Obrador is linked to bribes from the cartels. Thank you.

    4. @1233,

      Who are the gringos getting rich? Well if you look at the mining companies exploiting Mexico for its precious metals, 80% of them belong to the gringos from Canada, the rest are split between the gringos from the U.S, Australia, some Europeans and some Asian companies.

      As far as infrastructure projects go, well here you go:

      6 damn projects, 1 being a hydro electric damn.
      - 2 in Sinaloa (1 of them hydroelectric)
      -Nuevo Leon

      12 national road projects
      -Nuevo Leon
      -San Luis Potosi
      -Mexico City/ Estado de Mexico

      4 wind farms and 1 solar energy project, all of which will provide energy to the U.S and Mexico.

      And that's to just name a few.

      According to this article from last year ( ) the Mexican government claims they rehabilitated 180 hospitals that were unfinished or abandoned. Just recently AMLO sold the the presidential airplane for something like 90 million dollars and said the funds will be used to build 2 new hospitals in Guerrero and Oaxaca. ( ) How were those on the short end of the stick benefitting from a presidential airplane purchased under FeCal and Puñetero that cost hundreds of millions in dollars? AMLO may not be reaching the 120 million mexicans living in squander with no running water, basic health and education but atleast he's trying. What AMLO is doing may not be to your approval but I can gaurantee he's doing a lot more for Mexico than you or myself for that matter. If you dont agree, then take a proactive approach and go down there open up a school, a hospital, or a water distribution center where the impoverished communities can refill their 5 gallon jugs for a peso.

    5. 9:23 He sure is doing all those projects with his own money right?
      They build and build but fail to maintain current infrastructure all the while they're running around México campaigning like chickens with their heads chopped off.
      Must be getting paid by the word huh?

    6. 322 NO! He's doing it with bribe money you tonto. (BTW I'm being sarcastic) You make no sense. Calladito te ves mas bonito mijo. Chhhhhh!🤫🤐

    7. 5:02 Chairo you keep hustling for your dos tortas y sodas de botella on here spamming Lopez Hablador propaganda.
      I do my part employing paisanos with my own money unlike the vividores peleando el hueso.

    8. 751, LoL. I come through with links to the information I'm providing. You come through with insults. If you can disprove the links, then by all means do so. El pedo es que NO PUEDES Fifi.

    9. 751, Orale AMLO, I'm assuming you're employing paisanos to build schools, hospitals, roads, railroads, airports, dams, power plants, oil refineries and mining projects. Are you providing health, vision and dental insurance, retirement and decent salaries as well?

    10. 12:29 Yup I do all that with my own money. Plus I give them security and don't bore them to death with old tired rants and grievances 😂🤣.
      Did you say your nightly prayer to San AMLO after posting your two comments?

    11. 505 🤫🤐CHHH! Acuerdese mijo, calladito se ve mas bonito.

  5. Degollado is a fucked up name for any place.

  6. 2 months ago I was driving my car with a half tank of gasoline and it wouldn’t accelerate or pick up speed. I shut it off, restarted it and it would go a block or 2 and the same thing would happen. Took it to the dealer and the shop said it was bad gasoline. The problem is that these guys are stealing fuel and making gas stations buy it off of them. The gas stations have no choice for starters. But are also getting a discount. Although it is technically gasoline, sometimes they add water to fill up the tanks seen in this article. Also, they will sell u premium gasoline that isn’t really premium. The best thing to do is use a major gas station like Pemex or Shell. Here in Zacoalco, many Gad stations don’t even have gas. 1 closes half of the week to avoid any issues with L4L and the other cannot receive Gas at the moment because they were caught selling stolen gasoline. So we have to drive to Techaluta where there is a Pemex to get gas. Good article!


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