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Sunday, May 7, 2023

DEA: Fentanyl And Meth Pouring Into North Texas At An Alarming Rate

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The DEA Dallas Division says fentanyl and meth are pouring into North Texas at an alarming rate so for the past year, they've been running a major operation to combat this.

They've found cartels are using the popular social media apps we all have to find potential victims to get drugs into our communities. 

"You know with some of the world's biggest airports, the interstate system and just the centralized location here in the United States, it really gives an advantage to cartels," DEA Dallas Division Special Agent in Charge Eduardo Chávez said. 

Chávez says the Sinaloa and Jalisco Cartels are major suppliers for certain drugs flooding into North Texas.

"They're responsible for the majority of fentanyl and methamphetamine that have been coming into the country and affecting neighborhoods here in DFW," he said. 

The DEA has intensified its focus on and taken action against these types of crimes, resulting in more than 200 arrests in the last year. Through Operation Last Mile, they were able to remove 3.5 million deadly doses of fentanyl and 1,300 pounds of meth from the streets. 

"We have a variety of U.S. citizens, a variety of foreign nationals..drug trafficking members who frankly many times don't even use drugs themselves," Chavez said. 

He says the cartels are using social media platforms to find local victims to sell fentanyl pills disguised as other drugs, like OxyCotin, Percocet or Xanax.  

"We need to do a better job as a community to get out there in the public and talk about it," Foundation 45 President and Executive Director Lauren O'Conner said. 

Foundation 45 uses educational events. to inform North Texans about the problem and teach them how to use Narcan, which can reverse an opioid overdose. 

"It starts with the communities," O'Connor said. "It starts with the parents. It starts with schools. It's a collective effort." 

If you're interested in attending one of these educational events, the Dallas County Sheriff's Office is launching a town hall series next Tuesday. It will take place at Paul Quinn College at 6:30 PM. 

CBS Texas


  1. "Todo bien, no se asusten si por ahí me ven
    Atrás de varias camionetas que ni las conté
    Empecherados, rostros tapados al mando de un muchacho
    Uniformados, bien equipados por los ranchos
    Y si se enfiestan las camionetas
    En caliente, prende las torretas
    Suenan radios, siempre bien alerta
    ¿Qué se mueve, qué reportan cerca?
    Y pa' chambear con don Iván
    Soy de la gente del Chapo Guzmán
    No me muevan que me puedo enojar
    Y me les presento, soy el Gavilán"

    1. Alucin inepto deja de fantaciar con tu noviecito ivan

  2. Shut up Texas. Stop selling automatic rifles to the cartels first.

    1. Muah muah muah sound like a baby.

    2. lol you live in a narco state

    3. 12:39 🤣🤣🤣 Texas is the same as mexicans politics they blame others for their fuck ups

    4. 11:44 oh brother can tell your a rookie rookie......straw hat buyer's buy the guns, that have clean background check, they deliver them to Mexico, and mark's up the price past double and make a profit. When they get caught, Federal time for trafficking arms to Mexico.

    5. If only there was some law or bill that would allow Mexican citizens to legally acquire items to protect themselves… 🤔 Too bad no such concepts exist.


    7. Def not a rookie. And no shit. Anyone with cable knows that. But at the end of the day it's an American citizen buying and selling to who knows. Thanks you crafty vetren you for enlightening me on episodes of trafficked from 5 years ago. Cause that's what you sound like. A nat geo show.

    8. 1:18
      Son 🙏 you have alot to learn.
      God bless you.

    9. 1:18 damn bro why you gotta be shitting on NatGeo like that..

  3. I guess border patrol not doing a good job or…. Las mulas smarter than border patrol lol

    1. They voted for trump, what were you expecting?

    2. I have family who are smugglers and family members who are also in border patrol. I promise you we’re fucked.

    3. 5:44 How do you know they don’t just vote for American Idol?

    4. 9:37 honest statement...either way you slice it, we are fucked

  4. Not just Texas
    California, Arizona too!!
    Where The warehouses for drugs are at. Thats where all the pushers go get their wholesale from other states

    1. But but but Mijo, Texas is super flooded with drugs, than any other State. It's so flooded, they are offering 2 for 1 sales.

    2. But but mija, you obviously never been to Arizona where pills are $2 and maybe even cheaper now.

    3. New Mexico shares an 180 mile frontera with Chihuahua, but ya don't hear much news about border shenanigans coming outa there..
      Is it just too far down in the boondocks, that is, away from major population centers and transit hubs?
      Land of Enchantment, best sunsets,

    4. Damn 2$ I thought I was getting a good deal on mine at 5$ . FML.

  5. CJNG getting things up and running in those plazas. Plus Juarez diversifying, and Los Metros in Reynosa work with CJNG.

    1. 1:04 You’s not a smart mf if you think has any power in the US.

  6. Texas is GOP.Typical.Talk big.With attitude,pretend to have high standards.But actually incompetent and hateful.9 out of 10 poorest states are Republican.Even Texas,the top rich cities and counties are Blue.Texas has a lot of AR-15 massacres .No surprise,they are flooded.

    1. "all hat, no cattle"

    2. Yes, Texas is a typical GOP redneck red state And yes, most of our representatives, 10 senators,… Ted Cruz comes to mind are idiots and incompetent. But Texas has the eighth largest economy in the world, and those rich cities, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio overall vote GOP… The urban area directly in downtown Austin voted blue. Also one county in between Dallas and Fort Worth voted blue urban. San Antonio voted blue one county and Houston had three surrounding counties vote blue three surrounding counties. Vote read all other counties in Texas, except a few along the border in the deep Valley and a few out by El Paso voted read, They voted for Trump and Republican senators and representatives pretty much straight across the board all GOP. I think Austin might have been blue but I’m not sure now that I’m thinking about it they were not they voted red to even in liberal Austin. So in summary of last Pres election in Texas, 254, counties 16 voted blue 238 voted red.

      Republicans have carried Texas in each of the last 10 presidential elections. The last Democrat to win Texas was Jimmy Carter. Donald Trump won Texas by 9 points in 2016, but that was down significantly from Romney’s 16-point victory in 2012.

    3. Wrong.Houston,San Antonio,Dallas,El paso ,Austin are Denocrat.Forth wort is 50-50.
      There are only 2 Senators not 10.All states have 2.

    4. Well seeing how 16 People were Killed In texas today for Absolutely no Reason I would Have To Agree with you. I Feel for the families of the Mall Shooting Victims In Allen and The families of the Victims hit and killed by a car that struck a group at a bus stop close to a shelter for the homeless and migrants in Brownsville. Very Sad 😔 Shit.

    5. Republicans or democrats same shit different toilet 💩
      You guys actually think by voting for the ELECTED your making changes 😂
      Don't you dumies know the SENATE runs the show with orders from the mega rich? Presidents are just for show

    6. Counties that represent 71% of the USA'S economy voted Democrat up from 66% in 2016,for presidential elections.The 20 richest counties in USA vote Democrat.They are doing the right things.In California assault rifles are banned.Its about science and competition,everybody is respected .Cultural wars by GOP,gun culture,are useless ,for kids.

    7. 3:31 Yeah but it’s only because the Republicans are getting worse, and far more rapidly than the Democrats are. But there is really no real “Democrats” and “Republicans”. It’s all a ruse. They’re all either just staunch Republicans or diet Republicans politically speaking but none of that even matters because at the end of the day; 99% are just corporate career politicians who only respect 💵 💰 And the few who aren’t still have to placate to the majority or otherwise they’re fucked. It’s called “manufacturing consent“.

      This nation was bought and paid for a long time ago. They’re just legal mafias. They even remind me of the non-violent sociopaths I’ve met in my life who would actually use their non-violent reputations as manipulation tactics and as a strategy for gaslighting normal people.

    8. @9:55 If course it does.Democrats have social programs,wants to give more to the workers and middle class,retain social security and Medicare.Dems had a more responsible response to Covid and believe in science.Believe in climate change.Believe in woman's ownership of her body and everything in it which is the no.1 individual right.Banning assault rifles.With Republican morons in the white house the Covid response was very incompetent,the USA,the richest most scientifically advanced nation in the world ended up with the most deaths,1.09. million,by country.A big failure.The Dems control the economy through counties and states for good reasons.

    9. 2:24 I mean, besides Ro Khanna, Bernie, Yang and like one or two others I don’t really recall very many who are actually real progressive liberals at this point. The corporate-establishment Democrats who act as centrists are not even real liberals/democrats, they’re “moderates” which is basically just code word terminology for people who are ‘conservative lite’. Virtually all “centrists” are just toned down conservatives, but are just far less nuts. Then you have people whom consider themselves “90s democrats” but claim conservative by modern American standards and they’re still more liberal than the un-nuanced moderate/centrist bunch whom seem to typically lack critical thinking skills, nuance and original thought. It’s like the ultimate bandwagon of political positions. They tend to be people who think only marginal improvements to the country are all that’s necessary which proves they’ve become numb to all this BS and must have really suppressed awareness.

      And then you have people like AOC who are “woke” liberals, not economic populist liberals. People have been known to label both the woke ones and the economic populist ones as both being “progressives”, but it should always be reiterated that there are certainly two separate categories of “progressive liberals” and overall, about four different delineations of “Democrats” in general.

      Also what’s this about covid and science? I’m just about as liberal as it gets but clearly the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis has become all but unequivocally proven at this point. And it was dumb to politicize such a topic anyways but many liberals seemed conspicuously resistant to the lab leak notion which doesn’t even make sense to me but I guess they’re so adverse to the idea of potential “conspiracy theories” that they just do the whole cognitive dissonance thing but with a pseudointellectual cherry on top.

      Some philosophical arguments can be made in regards to being against abortion which I won’t go into at all here but yea, it should be up to the individual. But people who are against abortions should simply just not get one and just worry about themselves. It’s just strange that stereotypical conservatives seem so obsessed and “compassionate” in regards to the unborn, but once you’re born they couldn’t give less of a fuck. Imagine if historical Jesus was around to see this… I mean just to imagine him choosing conservative politically speaking is laughable. Christian conservatives are certainly a “special” breed. Either way, I know it’s still mainly just a result of the overly bureaucratic system and manufactured political gridlock in DC, but at the end of the day; I haven’t really seen any palpable liberal progressive policies manifest or affect my life personally other than Obamacare funnily enough and I guess legal weed. Since Obama was an establishment dem too this was pleasantly surprising. Still haven’t seen no covid check yet though.

      Legalize drugs, concealed carry (in most places), Medicaid for all, and implement UBI (even if just $50 a week idc) then I’ll praise that stuff as truly liberally progressive and I will shut up about politics forever. And yes, there are ways to implement UBI in certain ways that can result in a pushing and pulling effect on inflation, paired with the fact that average citizens actually use money for things which help the economy instead of rich millionaires and billionaires who just love to whore what wealth and sit on big piles of money doing nothing with it. But ya that whole inflation thing everyone loves shitting their diapers about. I’m just gonna start calling this Ronald Reagan disease/syndrome. And the childish argument that it would remove incentive/motivation to join the workforce is such an alarmingly stupid concept/counterpoint that I can’t even addressed it with a straight face.

    10. @6:01 Yes pro life did not help creating the baby and won't help after the baby is born.Frauds.
      I do not know what woke means except there are more information and people can then frame their views better.
      Covid was most likely animal borne rather than manufacrured.No American knows whether it was a Covid lab leak or not,China won't cooperate with all the info on Wuhan.Its weird that after millions died there is no worldwide concerted effort to force China to cooperate.Very weird.It is wrong.
      I do not know about the centrist or moderate or progressive labels.I think liberals think more outside their heads while conservatives live inside it,some based on fear.Republicans
      are fearful about lots of things including books,CRT, transgender, woke,etc.,stupid.
      Universal healthcare first.UBI I'm not so sure except for the poor.

  7. Geeze, Dylan Mulvaney, the spokesMAN now for Narcan too?

    1. nope they are busy drinking Bud, driving muscle cars and watching baseball.

  8. Where's ted Cruz probably in Cancun

  9. What's "alarming" is the ineptitude of the border patrol to catch the big loads

    1. 👍 Yep to your right Border patrol, does nothing for 8 hours while at work, they eats donuts. Perhaps you should apply and do a better job than them, perhaps you will take back 😜, what you are stating. Easy to walk the talk.

    2. Maybe more inspections and better training than more guns, humvees and ammunition? Or those magical scanning devices for whole trucks.
      They are all just bitching but doing nothing besides donuts!

    3. That’s what she said

  10. What a shocker. They just realized this. Gov been under a rock.

  11. a conservative is a liberal who's been the victim of a crime, and a liberal is a conservative who's been a victim of the police..

  12. Reading this before doing a line


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