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Friday, May 19, 2023

"El Rayo", Member of "La Empresa" Arrested In Juárez

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Ramón H.R., alias "El Rayo", was a priority target for security forces.

As part of the operations carried out in the northern area of the municipality of Juarez, a priority target was arrested after the deployment of elements of the State Public Security Secretariat and the State Attorney General's Office.

The events took place in the Durango neighborhood, in Ciudad Juarez, where the uniformed officers were able to arrest a subject identified as Ramon H.R. alias "El Rayo", member of the group called "La Empresa", within that border city of the State.

The Secretariat of Security identified "El Rayo" as a priority target for security forces, which is why he was arrested by elements of the State Public Security Secretariat, in a joint operation between the Sentinel Platform, the State Investigation Agency, the State Attorney General's Office and Special Groups.

The same corporation announced that the target's apprehension was achieved after a coordinated tactical deployment through unmanned aircraft and intelligent monitoring posts of the Sentinel Platform, as well as a special surveillance team from the Detective Group and a tactical intervention team from the SWAT Task Force.

After corroborating with the SSPE database, it was confirmed that Ramon is identified as a generator of violence in the state, so he was arrested for his alleged involvement in a murder.

The security forces identified "El Rayo" as one of the priority targets for capture in the northern zone, after being one of the generators of violence of the group identified as "La Empresa".

For this reason, he was taken to the facilities of the State Attorney General's Office, where investigations will continue for his alleged participation in intentional homicides, criminal association, drug dealing, organized crime, among other charges.


  1. This guy is wearing a number 21 shirt which means the second and first letter of the alphabet - BA or Barrio Azteca!
    In Juarez they are simply known as Aztecas.
    Hopefully this capture doesn't mean more bloodshed for Juarez.

    1. What are you talking about I know BA has a presents in that park of mex but I doubt he was wearing that shirt coz of the BA

    2. 10:15 if your from Juarez you don't wear that number for no reason.

  2. Does La Empresa fall under the Linea umbrella?

    1. Are NCDJ and La Linea separate entities now?

    2. They pretty much the same

    3. NCDJ is the group that made the Aztecas split from the Barrio Azteca from El Paso. They wanted to control the gang under the Empresa name and for the gang to turn away from it's American leadership.
      The Barrio Azteca or Aztecas vieja escuela from Juarez loyal to the American gang were then betrayed and began to be killed off.
      This is how the Mexicles grew. They rapidly named themselves PRM or Pura Raza Mexicana as well as Mexicles and their numbers swelled by joining Empresa gang in Juarez then attacking Aztecas viejas escuela because these were loyal to the American gang.
      Even though Aztecas viejas escuela was the group that saved Juarez cartels ass against Sinaloa in Juarez.
      The Aztecas viejas escuela or BA in El Paso still exist in Juarez but in far fewer numbers and are independent of anyone.

    4. @11:40 noo ncdj goes way back to 2012

    5. 2:55 yeah and these fuckers are the ones that turned on BA since at least 3 maybe 4 years ago. Mexicles grew since then.
      Juarez cartel as it was known then does not exist anymore. La Linea today is just another name like Empresa. They also have less power and have not recovered the Juarez Valley from Sinaloa.

    6. @5:05 727 está contra la empresa y los mexicles. La línea tiene más poder la empresa subió rápido pero ya va para abajo

    7. 5:57 a la Empresa la controla La Linea. Tambien controlaba a los Mexicles hasta que estos subieron demas y les tumbaron a el jefe de estos el Neto. Ahorita van de bajada tambien.
      Ahora con la captura de este cuate de La Empresa alguien les pego a estos.
      Pero la Linea no trae nada sin el valle de Juarez y Ahumada Chihuahua.
      Por Ahumada salen 300 brechas que dan a todo el Valle de Juarez para cruzar droga hacia EE.UU.
      Mientras esta esto en manos de Sinaloa La Linea solo vende merca a los de Juarez y la mitad de Chihuahua capital y algo hacia los Estados Unidos.
      Nada que ver como antes!

    8. 11:21 El Valle no es de la linea, hasta donde se, lo manejan gentes de CDS, aunque con el desmadre pendejo de los chaputos no les va a durar mucho... y sin el valle la linea sigue estando bien parada, no digas tonteras tampoco.... Y en efecto, el municipio mas grande de Chihuahua (Ahumada) claro que le es de utilidad al cartel de Juarez, hay brechas y espacio para sus distintas operaciones, pero tampoco es su fuerte.... El fuerte del cartel de juarez son los cruces fronterizos y las rutas viejas que llevan decadas surtiendo.

      Es el cartel mas viejo y discreto de Mexico.

    9. 5:33 guste a quien le guste la Linea no es igual que antes.
      Mientras en Juarez se sigan matando entre si las pandillas que segun siguen a Juarez este cartel va a seguir debil.
      Y tienen unos cinco años diciendo que van a tomar el control de el Valle de Juarez y no an podido.
      Por que se traicionan entre si.

    10. 7:46 Estan mas fuertes que nunca, no mms... y el Valle para ellos no son mas que pueblos polvorientos, una ruta mas. Su fuerte son los cruces internacionales y las rutas viejas que han seguido sin interrupciones.... a California, Nuevo Mexico y Colorado.... entre otros puntos.

    11. 1:02 eso dicen de El Valle y pueblos chicos porke no se los pueden quitar a Sinaloa.

    12. No "recuperan" el Valle, por que es mas la inversion de armas, vehiculos, balas y chavos, que lo que genera.... ademas no hay poblacion de aquel lado.... ni vias interesantes, esas ya le corresponden a otros carteles. Fue el premio de consolacion a CDS para que no esten chingando.... No son rutas rentables del lado americano tampoco :(

  3. Good news ! Another piece of evil worthless human filth removed from the streets.

  4. Amlo seems to be going after all the different groups

    1. 131, Blasphemy! According to some of people here, AMLO is supposedly taking bribes from every cartel and no Government operations are taking place. The Guardia and the guachos have never got into a confrontation with cartel members. It's all about kumbaya my lord, abrazos and not one balazo. But as soon as you bring up RCQ, his nephew El R, Ovidio, El Cazador, La Vaca, El Marro, El 85, El Montana or Rosalinda Valencia, it was the result of a U.S. led operation by the competent president Joe Biden and you gotta be a " Paid influencer" who sold his soul for a 2 liter Pepsi and a torta de Jamon con queso and a raja de chile curtido.🙄🤣🤣🤣.

    2. 3:13 at least AMLO is treating all the cartels like the shit they are and not sucking on Sinaloa nutts.

  5. Arriva las Chivas rayadas del Guadalajara.


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