Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, May 26, 2023

Chapo's Letter to Los Chapitos

 Buggs for Borderland Beat

This letter came to us from a reliable source that alleges to have been written by El Chapo to his sons, Los Chapitos. This allegedly happened while Chapo was incarcerated in the US. For obvious reasons we are unable to confirm this letter further for authenticity but is presented here for information and the readers can form their own conclusion. 

"Hello, 'mi reyes' (my kings), it is with great pleasure and affection that I write to you, hoping that you are all doing well. I can tell you that I am very worried about everything that has come out on television. My wish is that you can have peace in your lives and a life without problems. I miss you all very much 'mi reyes.' It's very hard here but I have faith that you can reach a good agreement. I need you to pay closer attention to the lawyer. 
He has a good relationship with the prosecutors and says that he can get a good deal. You must think about the future and well-being of the family, but just let everything be done through the lawyers, do not show your faces or the family. I do not want you to be like this or to continue like this. Try to fix everything. Remember that no one can be trusted, and everyone is going to try to fix their problems at our expense. 
Stop that business that you have been doing. Look for a way to negotiate with the people of Mexico City to gain some time. For now, keep a low profile as much as possible. You must go unnoticed like ghosts so that nobody talks about you. You must wait a few months for the waters to calm down and try to avoid scandals. Check the list that the lawyer has, those are the ones you want so that you can make good points with these friends, so that things get better for El Ratón. 
He can negotiate a good agreement before he accepts any extradition agreement, so that he no longer has to fight, and everything helps all four of you. Start organizing everything and be very careful and discreet so that no one suspects anything. I am very proud of you all 'mi reyes,' take care of yourselves and do not forget that I love you. We must move fast so that we do not waste any more time......"

Below is the Spanish version edited by Sol Prendido. The original had a lot of grammatical errors and was difficult to follow the meaning:

Que tal mis reyes. Con mucho gusto y mucho cariño les escribo esperando que se encuentren muy bien. Les cuento que estoy muy preocupado por todo lo que a salido en la televisión. Mi deseo es que puedan tener una vida tranquila y sin problemas. Los extraño mucho mis reyes. Aquí es duro pero tengo fe que ustedes pueden lograr llegar a un buen acuerdo. Necesito que miren al abogado. 

El tiene buena relación con los fiscales y dice que puede conseguir un buen trato. Hay que pensar en el futuro y bienestar de la familia pero que todo sea siempre atravez de los abogados. Que no den la cara la familia. Yo no quiero que estén así ni que sigan así. Traten de arreglar todo. Recuerden que nadie es de confianza y todos van a tratar de arreglar sus problemas a costa de nosotros. 

Ya paren ese negocio que tienen. Busquen negociar con las personas del df para ganar tiempo y por orita bejenle el perfil lo más que puedan. Hay que pasar desapercibidos como unos fantasmas. Que nadie hable de ustedes. Hay que esperar unos meses para que se calmen las aguas y buscar que no haya escándalos. Chequen la lista que tiene el lic. 

Esos son los que quieren para que vayan haciendo puntos con estos amigos y se pongan más a modo que ratón. Negocie un buen acuerdo antes para que acepte la extradición y ya no pelee. Y que todo les ayuda a los cuatro. Empiezen a organizar todo y sean muy cuidadosos discretos para que nadie sospeche. Estoy muy orgulloso de ustedes mis reyes. Cuidense mucho y no olviden que los amo. Hay que apresurarle a todo para que no nos gane el tiempo.

If true, this letter was probably passed to the sons through El Chapo's attorney, who has attorney/client privilege. El Chapo is incarcerated at the "Supermax" prison in Florence, Colorado and has restrictions related to visitors. In the letter, El Chapo reminds Los Chapitos to keep a low profile. He is probably telling them this because Los Chapitos are in the cross hairs of US authorities and the US is putting immense pressure on the Lopez Obrador government. Chapo is also telling them that Ovidio Guzman Lopez, "El Ratón," should attempt to negotiate a good deal before risking extradition to the US. It's unclear the current status of Los Chapitos, if they are indeed following the advice of their father, to stay low and wait a few months for the waters to calm down.

The Sinaloa Cartel was founded in the 1980s, initially operated as a coalition of Mexico’s most powerful drug traffickers. In the early 2000s, Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada Garcia along with Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman Loera led the Sinaloa Cartel’s ascent into one of the largest and most notorious drug trafficking organizations in Mexico. The Sinaloa Cartel controls drug trafficking activity in key regions throughout Mexico. Using these strategic points, the cartel traffics multi-ton quantities of illicit drugs, including fentanyl, heroin, and methamphetamine into the United States.

Following the arrest, extradition, and subsequent conviction of El Chapo in a U.S. federal court, four of his sons collectively sought to continue their father’s drug trafficking legacy and leadership role in the Sinaloa Cartel. Commonly referred to as “Los Chapitos” (The Little Chapos) or “Los Menores” (The Minors), the brothers, Ivan Archivaldo Guzman Salazar and Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar, alongside their half brothers, Ovidio Guzman Lopez and Joaquin Guzman Lopez are designated today in leading a powerful faction of the Sinaloa Cartel. 

The four have been identified by the US government as "prolific drug traffickers" within the Sinaloa cartel.

All four members of Los Chapitos, according to US authorities, "are high-ranking members of the Sinaloa cartel and each is linked to a federal indictment for their involvement in illicit drug trafficking."

Ovidio Guzman Lopez, "El Ratón," was captured in Mexico in January of 2023 in what was called the Culiacanazo 2.0. Ovidio Guzmán had already been captured on October 17, 2019, by federal authorities in the Culiacanazo 1.0, but was later released by order of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Joaquin Guzman Lopez and the Guzman Salazar brothers remain fugitives. 

Through its Narcotics Rewards Program, the U.S. Department of State offers a reward of up to $5 million for information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of Joaquin Guzman Lopez and Ovidio Guzman Lopez (although he is already incarcerated in Mexico), as well as a reward of up to $10 million for information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of Ivan Archivaldo Guzman Salazar and Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar.

El Chapo, the Sinaloa cartel's founder, is serving a life sentence in a maximum-security prison in Colorado after being convicted in 2019 on charges including drug trafficking, money laundering and weapons-related offenses. In January, El Chapo sent an "SOS" message to Mexico's President Lopez Obrador, alleging that he has been subjected to "psychological torment" in prison.

The Sinaloa cartel is responsible for a significant portion of illicit fentanyl trafficked into the United States and has operated since the 1980s. The organization increased its power and influence in the early 2000s and has since become one of the largest drug trafficking operations in Mexico. The cartel also traffics heroin and methamphetamine in multi-ton quantities.

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  1. Ahora si es mejor que le hagan caso a su papá por el bien de todos

    1. Sol you can tell he is worried about his kids he finally realized it was all for nothing now he can’t even protect his kids even with all the power he once had he can no longer help them besides offer sound advice and it sounds like that’s what he is doing he knows no matter what if Uncle Sam wants his kids they are gonna get them and they may have even told him in the super max hey we’re gonna allow you to write to your kids thru your lawyer

    2. Esta preopcupado por sus "Reyes" 🤣🤣🤣 a estos Gueyes sus mamas no los tuvieron, los cagaron, unas mierdas, si la carta es real solo ahi una forma de que les valla bien y todos savemos cual es esa forma, (snitch) el pedo es que si sus socios se dan cuenta lla nadie va a confiar en ellos y todo se les va a venir para abajo, se los va a cargar la verga de una forma u otra RIP Chupapitos!

    3. Interesting letter from a loving father to his sons. My question is regarding El Chapo's comment about following the exploits of Chapitos on his television. From what little I know about ADX some inmates are permitted a small black & white television that plays closed-circuit religious services & other limited programming, but this is a rare privilege. From EL Chapos communication thru his lawyer it seems he definitely would not have any access to any MSM that may mention the developments of his sons. Or?

    4. 8:02 or, his lawyer is keeping him updated 🤷🏼‍♂️

    5. Omg he has acess to a pen and paper. Lol Has no one ever been prison lol you think he just reading the Bible. LOL sure the Mexicans inside can figure anything out. Super max or not. You all act like American Federal prison is hard for someone with money. You really think he in a cell with nothing you all are pretty narrow minded. Chapo is getting every right we have when we go to jail. He can order commissary, sure he got an music player. We had mp3 players inside they sold on commissary for 200$. Pretty sure they are t v s in any dorm or unit. You really have no idea. Prison is just a place, you still have access to everything. You act like he in a box with no shoes, no food , no books nothing. Lol that's not how American prison is sorry to say. And if you have money inside it don't matter where you at you will live good.

    6. 10:03
      Ain't no "dorms" in Florence..
      Colorado isn't about playing golf with the warden and sharing your bruised feelings with "the group"..
      No "kites" to pass along, no hidden recesses in your one man cell to stash something..
      He can use the pat of margarine that comes with the grub for personal lubrication as he fantasizes 'bout them wide-eyed 13 yr old chamakitas he's said to have taken a shine to..
      The mofo is WAREHOUSED until the grim reaper makes his grievous call..
      Ojala the limp-dick prick lives to be a hundred..

    7. 1003 lol lol living good!
      That is the dumbest assessment of prison ever….

    8. I told everyone El Chapo Guzman is still sending orders like a EME mobsters to its faction dude still making billions and has the last word in everything that happens in Sinaloa even mayo has spoken to El Chapo through the phone these is well documented in jail phone recordings

    9. @8:02. Don’t believe everything we “hear” about the super max. Everyone is in this shit. U.S just knows how to cover it up better than Mexico.

    10. 12:02 than you woke up from your nap, this letter was aproved by the DEA so that the chapitos give up and start snitching and stop the fent trafficking

    11. 8:02,8:43: he probably can’t just come out and say the lawyer gives him all the updates as it might be a legal issue actually stating that in a letter from chapo. Tv is probably his only way to state that “in his letter”. Just in case the letter goes public, which it evidently has.

    12. It is curious to how he knew about everything; outside of the ONLY access to news in ADX... which is the television (which is often local news) or the Sunday paper (which you can only read in the library)..

    13. 3:07 his lawyer is passing the info

    14. These days you can buy a TV via commissary and get local channels in some basic cable channels is virtually every state prison and most federal joints as well

    15. Great thing Ppl are so greedy because if these cartels had a 2 year leader and pass the torch system they could literally take over the world. They could make enough money while avoiding ever even getting on Govt radar. Then again El Mayo might be creating the Mexican Kennedy Family and eventually have Grand child in the Presidential Palace

  2. Who leaked the contents of the letter, and more importantly, for what reason?
    Clearly Chapo has been communicating with his hijos through his attorneys, but evidently the brats haven't been listening too good, jaja..
    Chapo might have "dictated" the letter, but the lawyer "wrote" it, the illiterate shorty can barely scribble his own name..
    If the family had stuck to growing corn and beans out in the boondocks they all would be better off today..

    1. "El que no hace tranza, nunca avanza." "El que no arriesga, no gana"
      "Mejor vivir un año como Rey, que cien como buey"
      "El que paga, manda"
      "Camaron que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente"

      I get what your saying, but a lot of Mexicans live by these "dichos". For many of these capos, the difference between growing Mota, amapola or moving coke was that it paid 100x's more than growing beans, corn, garbanzo or selling artesanias at some tourist destination. They're products of their environment, Chapo's family and friends all grew up harvesting these plants and seen it as something normal. To them it was just another plant, that required the same amount of effort, but 100xs the reward. Especially in the politically forgotten sierra where everyone was doing it, including Chapos dad. Is it worth it? Depends on who you ask. If you ask one of those capos who've always gone unnoticed then they'd tell you yes. If you ask Chapo, Mochomo or La Tuta then I'm sure they'd tell you it was not worth it..

    2. You should stick to being slave master

    3. 9:50
      Those are lowbrow sayings that are only fit for those that never venture to actually do something with their lives.

    4. 9:50 my grandfather would say those “dichos” are for the huevones!

      11:15 is correct 👍

    5. "El que paga, manda"

      Why would I grow a pound of beans, corn or garbanzo when at the store it's less than a dollar a pound as apposed to growing weed, which takes the same amount of effort but pays 50 dollars a pound. Call it low brow thinking or whatever you want, but if you go up to the sierra, talking about, grow some beans and I'll give you 5 bucks for your sack or grow a pound of weed and I'll give you 50 bucks for your sack, which in turn will buy you 5 sacks of beans, who do you think them low brow thinkers are gonna go with? Mind you, you're living in the sierra, the odds are already stacked against you. After all, you can starve in the sierra, you wont starve in prison... again, it's just a different perspective, do I agree with it. No, but I can't blame them.

    6. 12:59 pinche vato mas guey!!!!

      What the hell you gonna eat when you have the munchies and no food because all you grew was mota.

    7. 631, Mas buey tu if you think that's all they grow with your one track mind. The mota/amapola is pocket money. People up there still go about there business.

    8. 8:38
      You’re not even in the game pinche mamon, you think just because you watch some shitty shows on Netflix and read YouTube the trash on Reddit that you know what’s up. When you fools get caught up for growing drugs you play the victim and then in jail you shove all types of drugs and knives claiming your straight up Gees while singing Madonna’s Like a Virgin. Fuck outta here!

    9. 1013 hablando de mmamones. relax netbanger. Stop trying to turn this into the foos gone wild comments. Lol.

    10. The comment about growing in trap king marijuana lead me to a question I have had lately we are seeing very few bust for cannabis on the Mexico border and what seems to get busted is usually kind of seen as a sacrifice to get other loads across from what I’ve heard. Why haven’t they figured out or have they figured out that if they use some sort of solvent e.g., reagent grade acetone, reagent grade either or even just 91% alcohol from Walmart. And use the solvent to extract the pure THC from the raw product. Once you’ve slowly dried all the solvents out through the use of a vacuum drying process and you have pure THC that’s colorless and odorless if you were really smart, you could embed the THC and the solvent in a card. In correspondence and it is virtually undetectable.

  3. Damn chapos sounds like a straight up bitch. Cds is done officially. What kind of cartel leader sounds like that. What a lame. Prison turned chapo into a bitch.

    1. It’s easy being a tough guy on the internet, don’t care for Chapo but it seems like a father trying to save his sons from ending up like him

    2. How can you murder people and sell drugs and be who he his, then say that bulshit. Sounds like a hippocrite, telling your kids you you trained to be like this to change. Lol stfu. He is basicly telling his kids to tell and turn them selfs in. That's a bitch ass move for a drug lord. No wonder cjng pressing them. Cds is weak as fuck. Father of the year EL CHAPO lol.

    3. Not sounding like a bitch. Rather the harsh reality of dying in an American prison. Instructing his sons to settle their finances for their future I will assume. Along with who and how much money this will require to stay out of American custody. That’s what this message refers too.

  4. Any hints in the letter for his grand escape???

    1. That's chapos clone in Colorado he already escaped.

    2. Which one,? Chapo had four CIA doubles

    3. 11:55 PM
      So that means eight lookalikes?

  5. Unfortunately, the advice given to his sons bear truth. A negotiation between Mexico’s government would delay an extradition request by the US. Along with a much lighter sentence than what the US government will hand out. Question remains how much money will it cost for such agreements with the Mexican government?
    Curious to see if any charges will be filed against Chapo’s lawyer for intentionally giving information to deceit American interests with names of corrupt Mexican officials that will help the sons to achieve such propositions I will assume.
    Expect a political battle with backlash from republicans who want to label cartels terrorists and in collusion with Mexican government officials.

  6. Hey little girl drugger and raper who once played God now you whine like a little bitch about being psychological tormented! Lol, you’re a bitch who tortured rapes kidnapped and murdered countless people. Suffer you punk! And your little smirking brat el raton isn’t smirking now. He also is crying about this and that like a little bitch. He also use to play God, and like a weak scumbag he is now crying about this and that like a bitch. Where is the smirk now little punk? Smirk like you did in your pic above! Come to USA and ROT in one of these USA taxpayers concrete tombs we constructed for punks like you!

    1. The ugly bastard was using viagra for the girls. Fu k el chapo

  7. Animo Sicarios!
    "You must go unnoticed like ghosts"
    10.4 Patron ,cambio y fuera!
    Ghost Recon activated !
    Gente Nueva Tier 1 Operators Special Forces unit is on High Alert !!
    All Commandantes and VIP security personnel are ready 24x7 !

    1. Que van hacer cuando vengan los Delta Force ,los Seal Team 6 y los Gafes del Alto Mando ?

  8. Animo Sicarios !
    "Hello, 'mi reyes"
    10.4 Patron .

    Operation K.I.N.G.s has been green light . All 6G tablets have been deactivated.
    As of this moment use NSA/Mossad Modified 7G tablets and disposable satelite phones for communications.
    Alfa -Omega- Delta- 006.

    1. Pinche 006 . Cuando ven a los de la Marina y el Blackhawk corren mas rapido que Messi.

    2. Good job 006 in utilizing your covert Mossad training for sneaking that letter out of ADX in your butthole for the young Kings. Puro Sinaloa plebes...

    3. The letter was inside 8×10 envelope so 006 has probably done this hundreds of times cause it fit loosely.

  9. If valid, to me, it sounds like the US will take no deals from any of the kids. No cooperation.

    Fentanyl made them a a target in an even more dangerous way than their apa

    1. I agree 100% I never supported military intervention in Mexico but now with Fentanyl I actually do support special military type operations in mexico maybe multiple countrys Canada Britain Australia could help keep regular military out of it

    2. 5:39 you forgot to mention USA.

  10. That’s actually good advice but it sounds like Ivan is too hot headed to follow it…maybe they turn themselves in though Mexico is for sure better the. America

  11. Not step brothers, but half brothers

  12. right or wrong a mexican fathers love for his son(s) is deeper than any ocean.

    1. A GOOD hardworking makes a honest living father, then yes not this POS child rappist Chapo got his own son Edgar killed in 2008.

    2. 11:59 sicopaths like chapo are incapable of loving, he is doing this for some kind of benefit in jail

  13. Kinda sounds like he trying to pimp the us gov. Trying to act like he can help n shit. He prolly trying to act as an asset thinking they will let him free to help. Seems like a desperate guy trying to Still be relevant.

  14. I believe this is real because of him urging repeatedly to hurry up and do the things he needs. Prison puts that urgency in you, and no one else cares. You're not moving but you feel like you will if someone outside just does SOMETHING for you.

  15. I think chapo really wanted licensiado to take over, so his kids had a chance to pull what mayos kids did..the chapitos wanted to be in charge ..well they are but it came with a price .. saludos desde the rgv Texas!!

    1. San Benito in the house 🏡🤘🏼

    2. 1:24
      John Gotti and Chin Gigante had a sit-down one time, and afterwards, they were socializing, and Gotti, proud of his son, shyly bragged to Chin that John Jr. had just been inducted into the mob, and was now a "made man"..
      Chin responded:
      "jeeze, I'm sorry to hear that"..
      A father is supposed to want a BETTER life for his sons..
      Shame on that piece of shit Chapo..
      I'm other news, I checked the commissary items available at the Florence supermax, there's a pdf that you can download, not fine dining, but an array of salty, sugary, meaty, spicy stuff that didn't sound too bad..
      Hawaiian Punch, Hershey bars, totopos, every sort of lotion and cream, hair products, and even, inexplicably, SPF sunburn guard for prisoners that will never see the light of day..
      On a sinister note, Chapo bunkmate Ted Kluzcinski, the Unabomber, wanted chapo's attorney to deliver a letter for him, but as you can imagine, the lawyer has been putting him off..

    3. Rio grande rgv in the house

    4. I submitted the wrong link, apologies, here is links to Florence adx commissary

    5. Driving Ms H.
      I am sorry no Avacado article's yet. But I am sure the cartels are changing piso, for the farmers to grow them.

    6. 12:11 shit chapitos are charging piso to the taco vendors in culiacan, what makes you think other cartels wont be charging the avocado producers?

  16. they better do what their papa says or he'll snitch on them

  17. Wholesale suppliers to clients RUN and HIDE because those arreglos hes talking about are about turning in people left and right!!!

    1. Facts💯💯🫢

    2. The arreglos are using all the dirt they have on politics like the people they have killed for them bribes and all the co op Mexican government cartel missions that have been going on

  18. This is why I love BB, always exclusive info. I am a native Spanish speaker so correct me if I'm wrong but on the last "paragraph" of his letter, I took the context a bit different...
    Chequen la lista que tiene el lic. Esos son los que quieren para que vayan haciendo puntos con estos amigos y se pongan más a modo que ratón. Negocie un buen acuerdo antes para que acepte la extradición y ya no pelee.

    Check the list the attorney has, these are the people they want (they as in USA) that way you guys can make points with these friends (again US agencies) "Negocie" I'm guessing he means "negocien" as in attempt to negotiate a good agreement before Mexico accepts USA's request to extradite and they will no longer fight it (as in Mexico & USA.)

    1. Así es, esa última parte la tradujeron mal. Incluso mencionan a El Ratón (Ovidio) cuando en realidad El Chapo habla de que el gobierno de USA se ponga a modo como ratón, o sea que sean más benevolentes gracias a los puntos que los hijos de El Chapo se puedan ganar con su cooperación.

  19. Chapo is number 1.

  20. The letter is legit. It was keyed by 006 out of ADX. Ivan El Chapito was so pissed that it smelled like 006's bowel movements.

  21. This foo gave his attorney a list of mfs the US wants. So either he or his attorney or both are talking to the feds. It says the attorney has a list of names of foos they want. So basically im assuming its to create an internal war between Chapitos and Mayo. I would like to assume the list of names is either of Mayo and close associates or underlings of Chapitos in other states like Salazares . Either way I wouldnt be surprised anymore all these dudes are a bunch of piece of shit scumbags. I wouldn’t trust any of these foos. They’re all gonna end up in jail or living a lonely ass life anyways.

    1. I live a lonely life too and I’m not in the game, atleast they did something with their lives.

    2. 8:56 ponte a trabajar compa

  22. I used to be as you say chapo nut hugger. When he cried to contras I die inside. No patron do that ever. 701 es punk beeotch ahora.

  23. Do you guys think the chapitos will get a good deal after all the fentanyl that they have moved and kill people I doubt it this is a set up

    1. They would have to give up a shitload of big dawgs that the U.S has been wanting for some time . Not just one but a bunch . I bet if they could get their Chinese fentanyl precursor suppliers on Mexican soil and have them arrested it would help a lot because the U.S isn’t going into China to get them . That an their uncle El Guano too…. Panu , Nini, and whoever else the U.S asks for besides Mayo because we all know Mayo has been playing ball with the DEA for years so he’s not even wanted for real . Smoke and mirrors. I definitely want to see how this plays out because I know they cannot handle a life sentence in the U.S without crying every couple of weeks because their toilet paper isn’t Charmin or their drinking water isn’t Voss 😒

  24. Quien es dueño de borderland beat ?

  25. I think Ivan and Alfredo(brothers) are half brothers of Raton and Joaquin(brothers) and not step brothers. If they were only step brothers, there would be no blood relation at all, just marital hen all bare the Guzman name.

    1. Yep "misma verga" diferente culo

  26. Dear Sons,I was an a-hole,you are a- holes.All good.

  27. Who else thinks Chapo is a corny ass vagina for calling his sons "mis reyes"? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ive only heard woman called their little boys (3-4 yr olds) mis reyes 😂😂😂😂😂😂 el chapo lla no es el chapo, es la chapa

    1. It's ok, your mom calls you "mi babie", and your already 19. 😂😂😂

    2. 12:07 o mira lla salio la defensora de los chapitos, tu tambien les dices Mis Reyes? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. 1051 no fanboy but you’re not funny dude

    4. 3:56 yes you are, or something hit a nerv, like maybe your dad calles you mi Rey and you are in your 30's 😂

    5. 10:51 your father calls you mi Gordito, and your like 28 and still fat.😂😂😭🤣

    6. 720 the cringe doesn’t stop with you does it

    7. 10:25 no it doesnt stop mi Rey 😂

    8. 7:20 sus Reyes los chapitos estan muy orgullosos de usted por defenderlos señora 🤣

    9. 10:22 Sus Reyes los chapitos estan muy orgullosos de usted por defenderlos señora 😂

  28. It’s very apparent how el chapo and mini lic slightly referenced el mayo and mayito flaco in these supposed letters from them. Chapo is pretty much letting them know to play the game that mayos play and mini lic barely mentions or incriminates their group for some reason as if he fears retaliation, chapitos people don’t even try and take them out knowing where they operate and lay at

  29. Its only a matter of time before someone takes over the Chapitos faction of CDS. I would also bet CDS unifys again under this new leadership

    1. This meeting first toom place this past December. Was not only traffickers, also life long friends or relatives that do not even do illegal business. Since they are starting to trust no one. Sicairos been hiding for a while. Before he would come down to Salado often. Have some Taco and visit family. Father saw how it is getting and told him to diminish trips to the public.

  30. Once Olvidio is extradited to the US, he will make the right call and squeal like a piggy just like they all do to get a reduced sentence

  31. Bs ... He trying to come across as a good dude so maybe down the road they'll let him go

  32. He should of thought with all the wonderful advice to use it for himself instead of thinking he was god and he realized he was just a midget

  33. This happened because Chapitos wanted to "strike" back at the US for the life sentence of Chapo.
    Dumb move. No amount of rhetoric and supposed help from their CS could achieve his return. They're getting played for the $$$ right now, soon it'll be their lives.

  34. The letter says "pay attention to the lawyers list". The only list the lawyer would have is the names of the jurors. The U.S. cannot allow El Chapo to give instructions through a letter. The lawyer may need to be called in and questioned.

  35. Now it makes sense that the beltranes are back on the us government list they are going after them again it will be interesting how el musico , el chapito isidro y sagitario react to this letter

  36. I just got out of prison last week Look up the sentencing chart for fentanyl and u will see why he's telling his kids this dumb asses 1 gram can land u 3 -5 yrs this about what theyre being accused of


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