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Thursday, May 18, 2023

Lieutenant Cobra: Ivan Guzman and the Chapitos, Die You Gay Gang of Snitches and Traitors

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Lieutenant Cobra, from La Plaza, in his first report.

"The Salazar and the Chapos are the ones who kidnap and extort... they have been trying to take over the wheel for years, and they can't and won't be able to....

Video translation is as follows:

To the three governments and the Sonoran society. I invite you to pay attention and put aside social differences. We are a group that has been in Ciudad Obregón all our lives. And all the people who make up this company as well as our families. Unfortunately, the streets of Obregon have been stained with blood for many years. And lately, as I have never seen before. 

This is not a problem neither with the government nor with society. The only thing we do is to defend our ideals. You are correct in saying that what we do for a living is wrong. But we’re already here, and the only thing left for us to do is to defend ourselves. The few from the Los Salazar and La Chapiza have been trying for years to take us out. And to date, they haven’t been able to get us out. 

And I believe they are not going to succeed. A battle does not decide a war, gentlemen. Don't forget that. Not all conflicts are the same either. Here we are united by several groups. All with the same objective. Not to let these scumbags in. I invite the government and society to investigate everyone with people outside these cartels. 

The hammer here is that a businessman, a farmer, a whole society comes to the collection of money, kidnappings, collection of permission to build large properties, collection of money for the sale of seafood, eggs, chicken in the ranches in the highlands, female prostitution, the beer, junkyards and taquerias. 

It is a silent slavery. But since no one raises their voice out of fear. And the one who does, they kill him and take away all his property. This is real gentlemen. Investigate and don’t let yourselves be guided by hallucinatory comments. Now more than ever, everything is bigger with all that fentanyl and in cities controlled by this cartel. We have already started to see cases of fentanyl overdoses. Imagine what will happen if they start marketing this drug in Mexico with open doors. 

We, the people of Obregon and despite whoever it hurts, have never kidnapped, extorted, or charged fees to farmers to be able to use the water. Much less go around controlling the sale of seafood, pirated movies, and other activities. From which thousands of families sustain their food and that of their children. Like everything else, there are assholes that with a gun, with backup, they think they’re tough mother fuckers. They try, but I take care of that problem at the root. 

This isn’t a way to sustain our people or our conflict. Like they tend to do. I'll repeat it again don't take my word for it. Do your own research. Now, this thing about Los Chapitos and all those kindergarten lies they're saying in their letters. If several of their leaders have died here in Obregon.Then that should tell you that they're going to eventually be like their dad. 

Handing over all those who once supported us, both civilians and uniformed personnel. Don't let yourselves be carried away by the charm and see the reality for what it really is. All the delusional young people who because of a vice or a little money think they are supermen. Understand this, you're nothing more than cannon fodder. 

Because they have never been able and will never be able to beat us. For all the elements within the government that are in that cartel. Don't pick sides.This is not your war. You are here to take care of the people. Not to screw them. And by helping those scumbags you are hurting the people and your own family. 

Understand it well. La Chapiza - Salazar, their way of operating to finance themselves is by charging quotas, kidnapping, and extorting businessmen and farmers. If they do that in their own terrain. What do you think awaits you? And to clarify the last point. This is not a video made out of desperation as the dumb asses are fond of saying. 

This is a video to clarify matters with the townspeople. Everyone should investigate what all is actually happening. You guys need to stop placing narco messages and involving people who have nothing to do with your messages. So, what's the deal then you fucking cowards? Don't you have nothing better to do? You dumb asses know very well how things are here.  

Therefore, stop fucking around and come through for that confrontation. Instead of placing all those narco messages. Is it because every time you come around, everything goes to shit for you? So, instead, you opt to hang your little messages. It isn't just El Lobo, El Nando, and El Huracán you dicks. There have been several commanders here that the day they offer to help out, you won't even know what to do. 

You gang of cowards. Come and give it a try talking shit here so that we can have a good armed confrontation between us. Let's see if you really have lots of power and bravery. Go about your business the way things should be done. Don't abduct family members from our enterprise in order to turn them against us. 

We have specialists for these matters. You guys never mention in your narco messages or your narco ballads. How you're having to ask for a ransom in order to be rescued. You're pieces of shit who fill your mouths claiming you belong to La Chapiza or Los Salazares. What you really are is a piece of shit cartel. 

Along with your cowardly bosses. Ivan Guzman and the Chapitos, die you gay gang of snitches and traitors. It's still pending for them to come here and fight for real. Instead of going around killing innocents to heat up the plaza. Now more than ever because that's all they know how to do. Just so you know I am Lieutenant Cobra you faggots.


  1. I been saying this for years. Municipio de el Rosario Sinaloa. Extorting to the fullest. Gabito is trash. Ask los Vizcarra, Crespo, Duran, Rodriguez and many more prominent figures are extorted by menores. I always said Ovidiowould hide in Cacalotan. Gabito hides there too, zopilote, agua verde, chametlan, potrerillos eating at restaurant Tanas. Get to him. Get to Panu. Where my money.

    1. there's a Tana resturante in Murcia, on the Mediterranean coast of Spain..
      They serve the best calamari you ever tasted, palabra..

    2. 8:13
      Talk/write right pinche mamon!

      Semper Fi

    3. pinche jarhead chupón

    4. Siempre anda de malas ese pinché Marino. Pa mi que he was inappropriately touched when he was in the Corps. 🤣

    5. Just watched a doc and a marine said that the corp was "a bunch of the gayest straight men he had ever seen"

    6. These weaklings are mad they couldn’t join the USMC, Sol especially ended up joining the US Army 😆. It’s true who uses “palabra”?

    7. Did you forget that all the special operation groups are in the Army? All that bravery about the Marines charging into battle is true and all cause I've personally seen it firsthand. But a little known fact that most of the public isn't aware of is that while the jarheads were running into the war the Army paratroopers were skydiving in under the cover of darkness. It's not too hard to figure out who had the tactical advantage there.

    8. Sol you were the army cook . What u talking bout Wilis ?

    9. Calm down Mr. Sol Prendido the Army has all the money and resources mean while the USMC does more with less with used or broken equipment and still manages to handle business. The Army on the other hand 🙄 “tactical advantage” whatever you have to tell yourself to make you feel good I guess.

    10. 1:51
      don't forget the Navy!
      When the fancy-pants marines go into battle, they catch a ride from the swabbies, jaja..

    11. @ Lizard 🦎 man you served?

      The USMC is or was the mens department of the Navy before all the woke softies started making the U.S military weak. Navy like the Army gets all the funding but their discipline is low level compared to the Marines. Now all the branches are soft I heard they even use stress cards in Marine Corps bootcamp and use pronouns too, screw all that if it’s true.

    12. It’s all the same bullshit, the difference is the Army being bigger has more dirtbags, the Marines have dirtbags, less because there’s less of them, that being said, anyone who served any service, respect, most people on here talk and don’t have a clue, never served

    13. 6:10
      Lizard man, old as the hills, had a high draft number during the era when Vietnam was on fire, and thus avoided service..
      Like Muhammad Ali, I didn't have no beef with them viet cong..
      No matter how misguided some U.S. military interventions have been, that doesn't detract from the courage, sacrifice, and sense of duty from those who have served in combat, thank you..
      The krauts shot my uncle who I never knew invading Normandy, I'm sure he woulda shot them first if he could have..
      They ain't bullshitting when they say war is hell...

    14. Manchod que respondieron despues de 2:18.
      Es una lastima lo Que an hecho con la rancheria del Rosario. Desde Chilillos hasta Corral de Piedra. Quitando casas, cobrando plaza por fiestas, ganado, nots? taquerias y hasta los Que llegan con juegos de niños en fiestas.
      Mancha de rateros.
      Pero canten sus corridos putos.
      Pinches Lacras rateros objetes.
      Acuerdense, El Karma no perdona. Ahi los espero vergas

    15. 8:31 ¿que es Esa perra mamada "palabra"? 🦂🦂

  2. Lol someone is mad

  3. The myth of sinaloas being brave and men of respect has officially been trashed forever!!!
    Rataloas is the now more common belief!!!

    1. So true. Mexicali era hermoso y de gente decenta y trabajadora hasta que empesaron a llegar los chinolas en grandes numeros. Son gente sin moral ni principio.

    2. Chapos entered the Juarez Valley east of Juarez proper and fucked everything up. Americans used to go on leisure trips on weekend there and now because these fuckers set up road blocks to investigate anyone driving cars with American plates the place is empty of tourists. Only Juarez people go there and then only some. Not all.

    3. 2:31 now were believing the word of one low life talking about other lowlifes lol you cjng tweekers make me laugh


    5. Same with Caborca, they took the city and made into shit

  4. "you can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with just a kind word"
    ..Al Capone

    1. Look where Al Capone ended up lol.

    2. What’s with the 🦎 lizard emoji? Are you new to BB?

    3. 1:18
      I've been reading BB since before that fat sack of shit el teo surrendered without firing a shot, when was that, 2009?
      I broke my leg 6 weeks ago, and have time on my hands to offer smartass point of view..
      I use the cuija icon because somebody else is using the 🦂, and señor sol will yell if I try to use the clown emoji..

    4. I actually like the clown emoji. You're better off registering whatever you decide to use so that no one pretends to be you.

  5. is it true ovidio was extorting fisherman? if so! thats fucking terrible. what a little scumbag

    1. 05:33 Ovidio would never extort fisherman, that's Ivan Archivaldo's trabajar.

  6. are these narco "hardmen" not suppose to go out on their shield... like arturo beltran or chalito araujo?!

    1. Youean slaughtered like a fat pig (Arturo), or jumping out a window to try and run away? (Chalito) Bottom line is, these guys are all scum, no honor, no bravery. Arturo was pinned down and surrounded. He shot back until he was overwhelmed. None of these guys are worth admiring. They'll all meet their end.

    2. In all fairness Atruro could have given up and the call he made to La Barbie confirms he was fighting to the death call him whatever you like but you can't take that away from him.

      Chalito died outside trying to get in wasn't him that jumped from the window.

    3. Arturo lived up to his nickname . He also died as he lived.

    4. @11:22
      All the fluff about Arturo was all hype. Get off his nut sack foo! Sinaloas puro hablador, made up exaggerated bs like their trash music!

    5. 2:01All hype, partially or whatever else you think, ABL and his people blasted until they were killed.

    6. 427 ABL and his people WAS all hype there’s a recent article posted on here recently you should read up on it and get of your knees already.

    7. I’ve been following BB since HS and I remember in 09 the Beltran Leyva weren’t no hype ask around. That time they chased sicarios in Guerrero with a large powerful arsenal and they stated they were after Chapo Guzmán.

  7. Imagine being handed over a drug trafficking empire selling drugs internationally and you're so greedy that all those million dollars and power isn't enough…. So you start to extort local merchants all throughout your plazas , people who work hard to make their money, have to now pay low life drug traffickers for protection… yeah Chapitos are trash . Their dad must be embarrased no wonder he chose Damasos over them to run the cartel .

    1. Money is the evil root to everything when you have alot you have power and then power leads to ego then you want it all and this drug business you have to have it all because you can’t let another cartel take power or your demise cometh sooner then later

  8. Great post and thank you for the translation. Los Chapitos are getting it from all directions at the moment. Will Ivan come out fighting or is there time up.

  9. They were beating the shit out of people who would sell beer after 10. Only there beer could be sold or unos tablasos. Really badass mofo when you show up with 15 men and take away un senior working his store.

  10. It has been said for years and years that Ivan was this way and I heard about the beer extortions in Culiacan as far back as 2015

  11. Chapitos stop messing around with the civilians !

  12. Animo Sicarios!
    El Commandante Ethan Hawk and his team of Gente Nueva Impossible Missions Force are hunting el Commandante Cobra down ,the barett will not save you .
    By July 12 of 2023 you will be eliminated !

    1. Pinche 006 🤣

    2. Sic#006 for Presidente

    3. @11:35 i see you want sinaloa cartel to rule all of mexico 😆

  13. Ande vergaa ya no mas falta que el viejillo aquel de aguililla michoacan le pege la loquera y se alinie o financie a este grupo y se les Dejan venir a culiacan las 4

    1. @8:46 los de Culiacan te van a poner en 4 y te van a empujar la verga Barett por el chiquito como le hicieron a los del CJNG en el video tan famoso que anda por ahi en Telegram

    2. You sure you on the right site? see you posting nothing but your wet dreams

    3. 9:45
      Pasa el enlace.

    4. @9:46 your mother helps me with my wet dreams

    5. 9:45 bergasss esas son tus fantasias gallo no mames .. es chapiza usted o que como que le molesto el comentario hahaha

    6. 11:34 very mature comment, sheesh some sites can do with an age requirement

    7. Al Connor se le salen los pedos sin nada de esfuerzo el vato estornuda y se le sale el almuerzo y la cena .deja ya de dar el chiquitin Alias el pedorro ! 🤣😅😂

    8. 1:32 🤣🤣🤣 que bien saves lo que pasa cuando andas rolando el sin esquinas, goloso!

    9. 12:55 welcome to the teeny bopper room.

  14. This idiots even got good education and they choose to extort people instead smh

  15. Estos de la plaza estan tirando patadas ahogadas. Desde que les caio el R andan como gallinas sin cabeza. Y el pato que tambien les tumbaron. Que segun era jefe de guaymas y unos de los de Obregon haha el unico con huevos es el Chapo Isidro y ya hizo tregua con cds. Bajense la falda mijitas. En Sonora ase mucho perdieron.

    1. Faustino is with Ismael. Big difference. Eat burgers in Guasave at John Burgers. Do it once a day for a month and you will get a glimpse of him for sure.

    2. También están con los chapos

    3. 313 They had a meeting 2021 to not engage in acts of violence against each other. Does not mean they are together. Faustino is with Ismael and what is left of Caros faction. Caro was going there once a month prior to getting caught. Going to Guasave not Bamoa.

    4. 3:13 incorrect Chapos not included

    5. Fausto way not Faustino lol

    6. Chapos are included Ivan se lleva bien with el musico. Every where were Isidro has people so does los chapo’s with no problems.

  16. Estas pinche muertes de narcos es por pura culpa de gente pendeja que se quiere drogar o vender drogar.
    Mientras unos se drogan otros pendejos se matan.
    Mas pendejos no sales porke Dios no lo permite!

  17. I’m sure these guys are upstanding citizens

    1. They said they were wrong and do what they need to do for the business… your comment was stupid.

    2. idiot you don’t get the irony do you?

  18. So its that chapos do lowlife stuff and act like they didn’t do it ? Like damaso said.


    1. Huh, who, what, when? Can you at least fill us in.🤔

  20. The Chapitos are in Culiacan or less than 10 km away from it.🎯 👀🤳🏼

  21. Replies
    1. Me caes a toda madre de solo ver tu comentarios wey pero eso de irle alas Chivas como que no viejo, hoy gana America

    2. 3:11 chivas y una caguama 👍 tu si saves compa y que CSM el america!!!

    3. 1-0 en su casa ya ni la chingan

  22. At the end of the day all these capos are made by CIA or DEA and later get replaced and put the blame on the and lock them up.
    Noriega, chapo and vicentillo are perfect examples.
    Eventhough vicentillo snitched and got a good deal. But i believe he got a good deal for saying the government gave him the green light to distribute drugs 8n exchange for other capos information

  23. Bien ardidos los de la plaza

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. "Die You Gay Gang of Snitches and Traitors" isn't confrontational enough. Should have said "Die You Gay Gang of Big Fat Snitches and Traitors"


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